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Created May 9, 2014 04:54
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android / platform/docs/ / 773fea4733e53b8d7adcee496f8cdbc223eff71f / . / src / source / changes / KK-MR2_changelist.txt
blob: 5cc1a6128c0a2b778d6f1af9c6910e1f6ff405d0 [file] [log] [blame]
project art/
c0f96d0 Fix stack overflow for mutual recursion.
0c6afa4 Fix NewLocalRef, NewGlobalRef to handle cleared weak globals.
7170092 Search for miranda methods in virtual methods instead of interface.
3addc29 Fix stack trace for proxy methods and added test case.
8151b8f Fix FindFieldID to use class's classloader to find field type.
project bionic/
04583ce Upgrade to tzdata2014a.
806f3bd Upgrade to tzdata2013i.
5fddfb8 Fix dns searchdomain use in gethostbyname.
project bootable/recovery/
168724c fix unnecessarily slow writing of EMMC partitions
6eed224 Don't abort on read_file if the file is missing.
c87bab1 add the functions for multi-stage packages to updater
project build/
82cb46e "KTU78B"
7540a0b "KTU78"
1434f51 "KTU77"
cffdd0e "KTU76"
2bd5b17 "KTU72B"
093697b "KTU72"
2c0295d "KTU71"
7503e73 4.4.3 is MR2, version boogaloo!
9f0c5b7 "KTU70"
f566614 "KTU69"
bf59aaa "KTU65"
354ac03 "KTU64"
fe5ad53 "KTU63"
5395acf Fix version file
1b5dae0 "KTU58"
14a7099 Bump version to KTU58
facd992 Makefile used spaces instead of a tab
4038aa8 Enabled incrementals to patch + rename moved files
7493c39 Add utility function find-files-in-subdirs
ab92f3d Add Dialer to SDK system image. DO NOT MERGE.
63ac275 .1 becomes .2
9b23f2c add option to generate two-step recovery files
816d73f store in the target_files zip
90c60d3 Revert "Enable incremental builder to find files that moved, and try to process them via patch + rename, instead of delete + add."
project cts/
82f92fa Adapt to netlink changes introduced in kernel v3.8
4267ab6 Assert that xattr support is in the kernel.
f04caae Enable pass button when all location tests pass
44480b3 CA certificates update
365457a Fix for android.os.cts.AbiTest#testNo64 failure
c08756a Streaming https test
92e0fbd DO NOT MERGE: Update WebViewTest#testLoadDataWithBaseURL to test the original url
780c0b1 media: add AdaptivePlaybackTest suite
02c2d64 Fix a syntax error in the manifest
8f1ac50 DO NOT MERGE - Add tests for nativeDecodeFileDescriptor.
44cfcac Use itag 137 rather than 37 for testing AvcHigh40
25d54d4 Fix opengl native test list generation.
0cf0c96 NFC: HCE: Allow testing with type B.
a54e342 NFC: HCE: Deal with pre-installed payment apps.
caac6b6 Verify content url parameters are not stripped
d63a6b6 Make sure HCE feature is enabled on NFC devices.
d72e668 Raising Minimum Download Size to 100MB
5dcff3e Skip tests in android.admin package if device does not support FEATURE_DEVICE_ADMIN
12ee893 BannedFilesTest: Add testNoRootCmdSocket
7076c16 consumerir: add test for timed length of transmit
a14a7d1 Update holo resources for api 19
ff0a994 Native tests use a text file based test list.
f5c6983 Update holo resources for api 17
7839b7a Update holo resources for api 18
99af71d Fix Layout For Small Devices
e350b3b DO NOT MERGE Add opengl extensions to cts device info report output.
a0de8fd DO NOT MERGE Backport the capture of opengl extensions, vendor and renderer.
6917cba Holo test only includes assets for the current version.
e82c7e9 Updating resources for hostside holo tests
506bed7 Adds holo resources for api 18
65e263e DO NOT MERGE Increment jb-mr1.1 version number for impending CTS release.
07b6d16 DO NOT MERGE Backport the capture of opengl extensions, vendor and renderer.
87e16ea Rewritting Holo tests as hostside tests for speed and stability
0e2d6d9 CtsVerifier test for lock screen vulnerability fix
ec89466 DO NOT MERGE fix cherrypick of Add test to check for duplicate random output
8a92e11 Refactor test framework for better verification
178f881 De-flake WebViewTest.testCapturePicture
aee83a2 Revert "DO NOT MERGE Add test to check for duplicate random output"
4c77c14 DO NOT MERGE Add test to check for duplicate random output
7ce5d1d AndroidKeyStore: enforce keys have no encoding
4eb76f6 Use real screen width/height to calculate aspect ratio
be10bce Write a CTS test for the TelephonyProvider
c5c1f06 Revert "Use real screen width/height to calculate aspect ratio"
2ff6a3b Cherrypick to jb-dev
b21190d Use real screen width/height to calculate aspect ratio
f09eb74 DO NOT MERGE Fixing accessibility CTS tests.
9fe8a6c Fix CtsUiAutomatorTest for landscape devices by running test in "landscape" layout.
93006d1 cherry pick from aosp.
9ab46af DO NOT MERGE Cherry picked from
21e856e Verify removal of DebugIntentSender
a0b1c0f Cherry-pick: Use getAssetUrl() to access files present in assets folder from master.
f931132 Revert "DO NOT MERGE Use absolute URLs in testRequestFocusNodeHref CTS test."
f753221 Revert "Use absolute URLs in testRequestFocusNodeHref CTS test."
2740851 DO NOT MERGE Use absolute URLs in testRequestFocusNodeHref CTS test.
7db509e Use absolute URLs in testRequestFocusNodeHref CTS test.
646575a Require actual certificates for testNoAddedCertificates.
ba89816 Adds CtsVerifier sample tests.
6f329e0 CTS Verifier to allow FOV testing on devices with only front-facing cameras
d35f8eb Adding CTS test samples device- and host-side tests.
0f7eb7e fix the build.
296fa26 Adding 400 density to Holo Tests.
3c26873 FileSystemPermissionTest: Add /data/logs
9dd3e2c Basic test of MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities
4f69181 BannedFilesTest: Add "init_runit"
0043c77 DO NOT MERGE - Bump CTS/CTS-verifier version to 4.4_r1.95
0b45fcc Adding devices needed by Samsung LSI Chipset
16e1cc5 Adding device to support Felica network features
07151c3 Adding devices needed by NVIDIA Tegra Chipset
55b4f43 FileSystemPermissionTest: Whitelist kgsl 2d char devices
edef8b2 FileSystemPermissionTest: Whitelist adsprpc-smd device
93a400c Add 44050 to NO_DELIVERY_REPORTS
5a04d9c FileSystemPermissionTest: Whitelist kgsl 2d char devices
7346236 adding BLE tests
2926420 Modify testHLS URL to refer v2 server stream
c68e4a4 Bump expected Android OS version to include 4.4.2
9e56d27 Finish location mode CTS tests
cd4fa02 First two of four Location Mode CTS verifier tests
5723256 Update test for 400dpi and xxxhdpi
ad29e30 Test starting and releasing two MediaCodecs.
ccf0043 Removing title bar to prevent false CTS failure on DisplayRefreshRateTest
19ea169 Test that devices with touch also have fake touch
000002a add a test for LOAD_EFFECT_LIBRARY Binder call
96b90f6 Test decoding a short video stream.
6d6ce38 Add test that creates and releases an EGL context.
a635563 Don't allow "enable_root" in adb.
e0e0242 Add Android 4.4.1 version to the EXPECTED_RELEASES list
152f909 Bump CTS/CTS-verifier version to 4.4_r1.9 and report version to 4.4
2567751 DO NOT MERGE: Revert "Camera: fix wait for preview done timeout issue."
a62e18f Disabling KeyGuard for device info app.
project dalvik/
36e356c Changed dvmDexCacheStatus to check for odex file first.
4afbba6 Fix BufferOverflowException when merging dexes
acb058b Fix synchronization when preparing ids.
43ee5e9 Deactivate multi-thread in multi-dex mode
project developers/build/
eb3b4f3 Support for repository definitions.
c9605c1 Updated prebuilts for feb samples push. Includes new samples and gradle version updates.
6b6059a Allow opt out of auto adding Support Lib dependencies
dc986f3 Updating template to have defaultConfig & jar dependency parameter. These changes are necessary for RenderScript samples
28000e8 Updated sample creation gradle plugin version to 0.8.+
9aa3700 cherry-picked fd064c4a176ade160a49965254ce8e69ff826da5 and fixed a conflict
ed3e730 Update build tools to 0.8 and Gradle wrapper to 1.10.
3d45805 Initial commit of CardStream Template
b7c9a54 Tabletizing SimpleView template
25e464b FragmentView: Sample Template for displaying a custom Fragment
3b4da72 Added prebuilt samples for SDK manager
project developers/samples/android/
ed45eb8 Updated AdvancedImmersiveMode sample to include some presets.
535fde4 Fix possible infinity loop in ag/417350
e8362a5 Add randomList() method to Cheeses dummy data class
07f4ce3 Added samples for feb samples push, updating gradle plugin and gradle versions.
538cb52 RenderScriptIntrinsicSample, Fixed resource duplication conflict between template and main.
f8d6c1a Fix app_name reference
1ca4f62 Initial checkin of RenderScriptIntrinsic sample
19b8151 BasicRenderScript sample, initial check in Now sample template compatible, in KLP-DEV branch.
56216a8 Add a sample showing the use of the step sensors (STEP_DETECTOR and STEP_COUNTER) and sensor event batching.
858d4fb Fixes for SlidingTabsColorsSample
2fa6e8d Fix nits in SlidingTabsBasic sample
3574a00 Improvements for CardEmulation/CardReader sample
3fd17bb NFC host card emulation samples (reader + writer)
3447eb4 SlidingTabsColors Sample
67c3f1a SlidingTabsBasic Sample
bd3bbe1 SlidingTabLayout common component
d5af7af Add BeamLargeFiles sample
a57f444 Add AssetProvider to common dirctory
3ce4dfd Updated samples/android build.gradle, to include changed samples, updated build.gradle files.
ab014f3 ListViewModalSelect Sample: Move to new build system
73c5e13 Rename 'Basic' ActionBarCompat Sample
project development/
fc1c698 Updated sdk.atree to include new samples for feb sample launch
fc92103 incremented Pkg.Revision
bc0b4a8 Bundle Noto fonts with the SDK
0a56aec Update build tools to 19.0.2
7f15ddd Properly package the RS support bc file.
c522b31 docs: Code sample for game controller training class.
1815903 Add API demo for game style system UI interaction.
3519ce6 Adjust SDK revisions for KLP MR1 for platform and samples
c04b7aa SDK Repository: switch to sdk addon revision 6.
b734f1b Updating sdk.atree to reflect new set of samples
dff8282 Update api-versions.xml for latest API changes
e3d7035 Prepare SDK for KLP MR1. Do not merge.
project device/asus/deb/
a23855f Update for KOT49H
project device/asus/flo/
3504317 N7: configuration to enable IPv6 RA filtering - DO NOT MERGE
c09fad9 wlan: Disable channel 12,13,14 in default regulatory for new FCC rule - DO NOT MERGE
42ae348 Update for KOT49H
project device/asus/flo-kernel/
6d74123 flo: update prebuilt kernel - DO NOT MERGE
59be74f flo: update prebuilt kernel - DO NOT MERGE
0b4d997 flo: update prebuilt kernel - DO NOT MERGE
ac4734a flo: update prebuilt kernel
project device/asus/grouper/
3fac2c9 grouper: update prebuilt kernel - DO NOT MERGE
6c51bbc grouper: update prebuilt kernel - DO NOT MERGE
8782853 Update for KOT49H
285a599 grouper: update prebuilt kernel
project device/asus/tilapia/
d1f0443 Update for KOT49H
project device/google/molly/
60f0dd6 molly: keystore: add keystore hal
1dcb7b7 molly: correcting too wide permissions for certain devnodes
eadd23b molly: set permissions for nvhost-msenc
c554447 [molly][drm] Implement rules for Discretix module
787e5e7 Fix the file permission for mbtchar0
fe0c51a Update to support separate prod and test key bootloaders
e610c57 Set BT minor code to SET_TOP_BOX instead of HIFI.
5d64459 molly: Do not init p2p for wlan0 interface
c0626ba Disable throughput hinting for gpu frequency scaler.
project device/google/molly-kernel/
81386aa Update kernel
11ab4e9 Update kernel
9d7bca3 Update kernel
bea8097 Update kernel
55591db Update kernel
342aa11 Update kernel
481e0a6 Update kernel:
b904ad3 Update kernel
4d2f31f Update kernel
dc305ba Update kernel
d508d83 Update kernel
5668370 Update kernel
project device/htc/flounder/
f6f0fe7 flounder: fix KGDB port
d9a03bc flounder: take out conservative cpufreq governor a.o. extraneous stuff
091c1c1 flounder: add Power HAL
project device/htc/flounder-kernel/
6090a06 flounder: update kernel prebuilt
project device/lge/hammerhead/
24a08ea hammerhead: enable slimport detection after boot completion [DO NOT MERGE]
715f475 reduce mic gain for video chat use case
0bf5c52 Change headset mic gain for voice call
2d89d53 Revert "hammerhead: Add support for modem logging" [DO NOT MERGE]
a76e7ed Revert "Revert "hammerhead: Disable subsystem ramdump collection"" [DO NOT MERGE]
f7da0d0 gps: modify NMEA_PROVIDER to Modem processor
98154d5 Revert "hammerhead: Disable subsystem ramdump collection"
62c468c Revert "Revert "Revert "Revert "hammerhead: Add support for modem logging""""
4924132 Update for KOT49H
project device/lge/hammerhead-kernel/
a1dc58b hammerhead: update vmlinux.bz2 file [DO NOT MERGE]
eb220c3 hammerhead: update prebuilt kernel [DO NOT MERGE]
ebc8a75 hammerhead: update prebuilt kernel [DO NOT MERGE]
5044491 hammerhead: updated vmlinux [DO NOT MERGE]
764ed8e removed vmlinux file.
0d9cb6a hammerhead: update prebuilt kernel [DO NOT MERGE]
af1ba9b hammerhead: update prebuilt kernel [DO NOT MERGE]
8659b54 hammerhead: update prebuilt kernel [DO NOT MERGE]
c78fc75 hmmerhead: update prebuilt kernel [DO NOT MERGE]
bbb69a3 hammerhead: update prebuilt kernel
0388648 hammerhead: update prebuilt kernel
af2c2e2 hammerhead: update prebuilt kernel
project device/lge/mako/
ecbd7ec mako: wifi: Update NV file to disable passive scan on channel 12 and 13
d3602ef N4: configuration to enable IPv6 RA filtering [DO NOT MERGE]
09efce0 camera: Fixes for race conditions in abnormal snapshot stop.
36d8bef Update for KOT49H
project device/lge/mako-kernel/
e019ca9 mako: update prebuilt kernel [DO NOT MERGE]
cf1be48 mako: update prebuilt kernel [DO NOT MERGE]
d589d95 mako: update prebuilt kernel
project device/lge/mako_svelte-kernel/
753b971 mako_svelte: prebuilt kernel
6c4a19f mako_svelte: prebuilt kernel DO NOT MERGE
d82a3b7 mako_svelte: prebuilt kernel
project device/samsung/manta/
b3fdbe2 prebuilt kernel (selinux, tcp rwnd, ping, usb disconnect) [DO NOT MERGE]
192f490 manta: Set default locale to US
f5ed205 Update for KOT49H
2fca97d prebuilt kernel (TCPMSS support to fix vpn mtu) DO NOT MERGE
project device/samsung/toro/
97e6a76 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
project external/actionbarsherlock/
020830c Remove the website since it's not needed
project external/android-clat/
2b4cc73 DO NOT MERGE: Support translating fragmented packets.
13a58c4 DO NOT MERGE: Modify the pseudo-header checksum functions.
f0029d7 DO NOT MERGE: Move translation entry point into translate.c.
c1be479 DO NOT MERGE: Fix up checksums instead of recalculating them.
57bcefd DO NOT MERGE: Add generic IP packet code and use it for GRE.
c2549b4 DO NOT MERGE: Fix compiler warnings and enable -Wall -Werror
72f3126 DO NOT MERGE: Remove unused variables
82ab730 DO NOT MERGE: Remove two almost-unused include files.
2636ea7 Revert "DO NOT MERGE: Support translating fragmented packets."
09c026b Revert "DO NOT MERGE: Modify the pseudo-header checksum functions."
19b68f9 Revert "DO NOT MERGE: Move translation entry point into translate.c."
adf8724 Revert "DO NOT MERGE: Fix up checksums instead of recalculating them."
5658b25 Revert "DO NOT MERGE: Add generic IP packet code and use it for GRE."
5b29cef Revert "DO NOT MERGE: Fix compiler warnings and enable -Wall -Werror"
88ee177 Revert "DO NOT MERGE: Remove unused variables"
f085c7a Revert "DO NOT MERGE: Remove two almost-unused include files."
866b4af DO NOT MERGE: Support translating fragmented packets.
fea4efa DO NOT MERGE: Modify the pseudo-header checksum functions.
6c9862b DO NOT MERGE: Move translation entry point into translate.c.
489e108 DO NOT MERGE: Fix up checksums instead of recalculating them.
f10644c DO NOT MERGE: Add generic IP packet code and use it for GRE.
d0024fb DO NOT MERGE: Fix compiler warnings and enable -Wall -Werror
cb72f36 DO NOT MERGE: Remove unused variables
86cb1ac DO NOT MERGE: Remove two almost-unused include files.
ade8308 Add ip6 dummy address to keep data usage stats consistent.
project external/bluetooth/bluedroid/
ad73b9c DO NOT MERGE use bluetooth HID remote device name as input device name.
91f0122 DO NOT MERGE trouble syncing with fitbit and can't turn off bluetooth.
6e8d789 DO NOT MERGE BLE stack doesn't handle multiple l2cap_conn_update requests
61973be DO NOT MERGE sometime the BLE connection parameter isnot updated for the first time
b991273 DO NOT MERGE BLE HID device connection failure due to security error.
ae6028a DO NOT MERGE Remove the device from le backgrond connection whitelist when it's unpaired
1918cdd DO NOT MERGE BLE Secuity manager state machine generate wrong pairing success event.
5a79e08 DO NOT MERGE fix a potential native crash during bluetooth sutdown
35f6b7f DO NOT MERGE the HID device state is out of sync after upair.
fb10ec3 DO NOT MERGE Can only support two HID report instance for BLE HID.
fb1552a DO NOT MERGE read report array out of boundary for BLE HID device.
bb38497 DO NOT MERGE need to increase maximum number HID report for HOGP
aefcb18 DO NOT MERGE Bluetooth: Cleanup bt_config.xml during BLE Scan
b74fe9e DO NOT MERGE LE: Add service UUIDs and data to advertising data
project external/chromium_org/
fe24f36 Add CleanSpec after system skia switch
8a6e767 Revert "Revert "Use system skia for WebView.""
4d13591 Revert "Use system skia for WebView."
979ef06 Cherry-pick: gpu: Add extension check when initializing MailboxSync
63baaa1 Use system skia for WebView.
6324be4 Merge diff: gpu: Mailbox emulation with EGLImage
34d5ff3 Cherry-pick: aw: Disable hardware features for software layer
d109387 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.166
577f0d8 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.166
7a75445 Cherry pick: Revert "hide the input method window when the user is done typing"
7e573dc Always invalidate the webview when requested to do so.
394e20c Revert "Use system skia for WebView."
f0d1159 Use system skia for WebView.
dea9c96 Set required skia flag to build against system skia.
6d5f7a3 Fork: Early out WebMediaPlayerAndroid::copyVideoTextureToPlatformTexture
871ad54 Cherry-pick: Mailbox emulation with EGLImage
11598a0 Cherry-pick: GLInProcessContext: Implement global sync points
c4a24b1 Cherry-pick: Keep Compositor Offscreen context in sync compositor
a1a4478 Cherry-pick: cc: Update Main RendererCapabilities on DeferredInitialize
29b9551 Cherry-pick: Support multiple service instances with GLInProcessContext
da769a3 Cherry-pick: gpu: Use a single container for GLInProcessContext share group
10fa398 Cherry-pick: Stop using HMAC for gpu mailboxes
5bbd2b0 Cherry-pick: cc: Free Mailbox on TextureLayerImpl::ReleaseResources
37167aa Cherry-pick: [Android WebView] Turn on accelerated canvas based on View.isHardwareAccelerated
2e7d13f Cherry-pick: [Android WebView] Do not block GetOffscreenContextProviderForMainThread
87f58e1 Cherry-pick: cc: Add RendererCapabilitiesImpl
8218cdc Cherry-pick: Move SynchronousCompositorFactoryImpl into separate h/cc files
04fded3 Set the original url correctly if the frame is loaded via loadData Base URL
613f9f2 Cherry-pick: aw: Always call computeScrollOffset for fling state
ccaa519 Cherry-pick: cc: Do not skip TileManager::ManageTiles due to invalid viewport
c468a50 Allow all mixed content
258a408 Minimise logging in release branch.
ca49023 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.146
f5859ba Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.146
7477a40 Cherry pick: [Android] Fix bug in address parser.
fb3a634 Fork: fix fatal warning on x86.
93a3fb3 Cherry pick: Show IME when DPAD_CENTER is pressed
6680793 Cherry pick: Don't process pending prefetch events if we fail to create video decoder job
def509d Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.132
e640228 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.132
eff0ac5 Fork: Fix deadlock in AudioManagerAndroid.init
c4df102 Fork: Allow embedders to override text from scaling by system font scale
3fecddb Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.126
4e4e753d Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.126
5cb43bf Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.115
33bff6d Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.115
6d844e7 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.91
81d04fa Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.91
f44b70a FORK: Fix the crash issue caused by vibrate permission
d2403b5 Revert "Add PowerSaveBlocker in ContentVideoView"
b401273 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.70
923bd85 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.70
fae0fbd Add PowerSaveBlocker in ContentVideoView
6b28dcd Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.68
03339f7 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.68
644f6e1 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.58
7da551c Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.58
1fda896 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.46
81843c7 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.46
d273ce5 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.29
d8f2b4b Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.29
b4efa9a Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.22
31fc3ed Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.22
10004ab Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.16
f60fc99 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.16
afed7ce Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 241107
f1ee9c1 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 241107
bd323bb Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 241094
d57369d Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 241094
07586ff Revert "Support Samsung's SmartClip feature."
83ee776 Support Samsung's SmartClip feature.
e862bac Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 240154
a3f6a49 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 240154
0033be6 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 237746
f2477e0 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 237746
6402794 Update android generator to handle java7.
15fa748 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 232870
0f1bc08 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 232870
3552b24 Initial empty repository
0bdaf95 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 232015
1e9bf3e Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 232015
f10b58d Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 230120
8bcbed8 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 230120
3311b27 Cherry pick [Android] MediaPlayerBridge should pass Bridge to getAllowedOperations
41a8683 Cherry pick android: fix base::Time::FromLocalExploded() crash.
116fa16 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 228962
4e180b6 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 228962
1179b92 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 225410
68043e1 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 225410
cede445 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 224184
d0247b1 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 224184
f7571f5 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 222756
58537e2 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 222756
0a1b11d Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision r220549
424c4d7 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision r220549
c70ef29 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision r219274
3551c9c Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision r219274
4e9d9ad Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision r217147
c2db58b Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision r217147
fc9d520 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision r216972
ba5b9a6 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision r216972
422c734 Revert "Downstream Workaround for Qualcomm Bug 10205015"
project external/chromium_org/testing/gtest/
8cbebc8 Initial empty repository
74de57c Fixes unused function warning on Mac, and fixes compatibility with newer GCC.
2733a36 Fixes a nasty issue in gtest's template instantiation.
99788d7 Implements RUN_ALL_TESTS() as a function.
c2f7c75 Removes an unused variable; also refactors to support an up-coming googlemock change.
de78d45 Removes dangling references in make/cmake files.
b4dbe28 Adds -pthread and changes -I to -isystem in gtest's build instructions.
a032cff Fixes gUnit streaming output format.
3b8388d Removes testing::internal::String::Format(), which causes problems as it truncates the result at 4096 chars. Also update an obsolete link in comment.
0645857 Fixes an out-dated URL.
c9fe757 Adds the LICENSE file to the distribution.
project external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/
f4e0b57 Revert "Revert "Update makefiles to use system skia.""
d7d5835 Revert "Update makefiles to use system skia."
b8b8538 Update makefiles to use system skia.
71aa017 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.166
cfe3749 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.166
c3180c2 Revert "Update makefiles to use system skia."
17cec86 Update makefiles to use system skia.
7be71c3 Cherry-pick: Clear m_lastImageId for software compositor
fa88a35 Cherry pick: Try last resort on no-match in platformFallbackForCharacter on Android
5fc7169 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.146
6663ed2 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.146
88cbe09 Cherry pick: Fix generic font family issue on Android
40b0c87 Cherry-pick: Fix JPEGDecode downsampled output size
3c6e17c Don't ignore size updates that have a width and height == 0.
91553c3 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.126
8a875b0 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.126
34d80a2 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.115
b10519f Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.115
97dc6f7 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.91
f21500f Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.91
f12daa6 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.70
e3f67c8 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.70
c052b78 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.68
9bd3e08 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.68
44b1254 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.58
5aec9d2 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.58
3d1ea4a Revert "FORK: Disable WebAnimationsCSS"
bb84151 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.46
77e14d1 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.46
ebf26aa Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.29
62e7a61 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.29
6ac1f9d Fix Mac builds
d27dc09 FORK: Disable WebAnimationsCSS
ff73afe Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.22
b94d33c Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.22
006deae Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.16
9243a84 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 33.0.1750.16
98c4680 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 241107
3e46564 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 241107
cd05d56 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 241094
e08f705 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 241094
50875c5 Revert "Support Samsung's SmartClip feature"
6b2a644 Support Samsung's SmartClip feature
5724c7d Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 240154
a854de0 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 240154
2645adf Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 237746
51b2906 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 237746
b7934c1 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 232870
19cde67 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 232870
c57d2c4 Revert "Experiment: use TCMalloc for Blink WTF FastMalloc."
edb79a4 Initial empty repository
29baecb Experiment: use TCMalloc for Blink WTF FastMalloc.
48e4a3e Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 232015
f79f16f Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 232015
7f0cef9 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 230120
bfe3590 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 230120
0027572 Fix frequent resetting to initialScale in non-useWideViewport mode.
9402e5a Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 228962
1e20218 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 228962
2c9d3f3 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 225410
06f816c Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 225410
3681153 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 224184
9bbd2f5 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 224184
7351f7f Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision 222756
8abfc58 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision 222756
d0a9dd2 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision r220549
c0e19a6 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision r220549
d79b702 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision r219274
e1f1df5 Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision r219274
3048154 Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision r217147
00d3faa Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision r217147
c40806b Record Chromium merge at DEPS revision r216972
3c9e4ae Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision r216972
6fe276c Revert "Cherry pick"
project external/chromium_org/third_party/freetype/
bced1aa Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 33.0.1750.46
612b8c2 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 241107
a2b9955 Update freetype to latest version of ASOP.
2db2f93 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 238989
daad0dc Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 238573
feff10e Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 238197
cac4ad2 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 238097
2571a14 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 235157
4d649e1 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 235046
d48d5de Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 234542
8c7a799 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233893
6640bc6 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233887
9cfd065 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233627
4edb5d8 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233612
a4649b7 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 232403
29c4c32 Initial empty repository
0d9f124 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 231849
c94635b Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 227040
2116f8e Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 224573
e6ff11f Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 223573
7ec9ace Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 223269
1bf9e78 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 223266
ca8f920 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 222376
91337ae Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221681
9944c45 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221673
3886905 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221391
44ec58c Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221383
e3b631d Update freetype to the latest version of Android external/freetype
9ae6f92 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r220875
project external/chromium_org/third_party/icu/
76b6a4c Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 33.0.1750.115
d1beb2d Exclude unwanted directories
289bcd5 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 241107
8e2b4e6 Update icudt46l.dat and related files.
6a482e3 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 238989
3644e97 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 238573
60a3a92 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 238197
0ab1c30 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 238097
1d066f5 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 235157
952dce6 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 235046
1e39f15 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 234542
8a72b3f Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233893
de03fe9 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233887
1e95b7f Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233627
bb48b11 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233612
5b4c383 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 232173
88aed2e Initial empty repository
9d00223 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 231849
763fff3 Use the system stdint.h on Windows.
036bf52 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 227040
b1febef To use C++ API for BreakIterator in Blink, port getRuleStatus from ICU 52
dd3581a Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 224573
1514a0c Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 223573
4f6674f Fix icu compilation on VS2013
c50f80a Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 223269
e159b75 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 223266
8be417d Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 222376
75b7885 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221681
68eddc0 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221673
ae2c313 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221391
4b349df Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221383
project external/chromium_org/third_party/leveldatabase/src/
4935bf0 Release LevelDB 1.15
36dcf2b Initial empty repository
2d749ea Release LevelDB 1.14
08595b9 LevelDB 1.13
project external/chromium_org/third_party/libjingle/source/talk/
7dc0945 Fix broken AEC dump (cont'd)
b2fe8ce Fix broken AEC dump in Chrome M33.
272af20 Create 3.48 branch from stable@5301
fbb1efa Update stable to r5287.
d3ecbb3 Update stable to r5277.
411b0dc Update stable to r5267.
857e0b4 Update stable to r5251.
5839498 Update stable to r5233.
03b7383 Update stable to r5230.
85a56f7 Update stable to r5217.
0687a81 Update stable to r5195.
edac505 Update stable to r5121.
a10b9ec Update stable to r5087.
cfa218d Update stable to r5078.
eae2aca Initial empty repository
9ede653 Update stable to r5065.
3798b41 Update stable to r5056.
582fe81 Update stable to r5053.
825bc63 Update stable to r5019.
834abe8 Update stable to r4979.
bc7581a Update stable to r4954.
af617aa Update stable to r4947.
59a1e55 Update stable to r4945.
ae6132d Update stable to r4888.
e082ca9 Update stable to r4882.
e73fa36 Update stable to r4872.
37ef4e7 Update stable to r4867
8502b95 Update stable to 4863
c3e8cdf Update stable to r4830
3a6035d Update talk stable to r4818.
204b178 Update stable to r4788.
c7b3716 Cherry-pick r4756 to stable.
3009c16 Update stable to r4744.
0576e38 Update stable to r4698.
1740d62 Update stable to r4696.
5751231 Update stable to r4689
d3ebe02 Update stable to r4649.
85698c9 Update stable to r4631.
b616235 Update stable to r4621.
a1fbf61 Update stable to r4611.
b17e4d0 Update stable to r4610.
b57335c Update stable to r4594.
a3cab46 Update stable to r4577.
33ff083 Update stable to r4557.
project external/chromium_org/third_party/libphonenumber/src/phonenumbers/
017baec Initial empty repository
8d8b5b3 CPP: Remove uses of std::{cerr,endl} in production code.
18404d8 JAVA/JS/CPP v5.8.8: metadata updates, small test & comment fixes.
b779a05 JS/C++: Added mobile token support to phone number util
f7b0d3f JAVA/JS/CPP v5.8.1: metadata updates
b3bfbbc JAVA/JS/CPP: libphonenumber v5.8. ShortNumberInfo API, metadata updates, small bug fixes. See the release notes for more information.
cc219e0 JAVA/JS/CPP: libphonenumber v5.7.2, metadata.
87ef837 libphonenumber v5.7.1: Changing metadata generation to exclude irrelevant data. No change in functionality.
67b8ca8 Fixing issue where default_logger.h conflates LOG and VLOG. Issue reported and original idea for a fix provided by ben.darnell.
7e77f5f CPP: libphonenumber v5.7 changes - small improvement to phone number extraction, updates to metadata after build tool changes.
9c0c55c JAVA/JS/CPP: libphonenumber v5.6.2 metadata updates.
d5c220e CPP: Fixing crash when AsYouTypeFormatter tries to handle countries with long numbers. Patch contributed by Vonage Holdings Corp.
project external/chromium_org/third_party/libphonenumber/src/resources/
2391bca Initial empty repository
de09554 JAVA/JS/CPP v5.8.8: metadata updates, small test & comment fixes.
f0d2eb9 JAVA: Added method to PhoneNumberUtil API and updated the CarrierMapper API
dc5689c JAVA: Added the phone number to timezones mapper, including tests, binary generation code and data
c6e73d6 JAVA: Added carrier mapper including unittests, rules for building the binary data files and carrier mapping files.
d2c6d23 JAVA/CPP: Generating data as to whether a country allows mobile portability or not in the metadata.
6462e4c JAVA: Update to geocoder
d83eadf JAVA/JS/CPP v5.8.1: metadata updates
4ec9839 JAVA/JS/CPP: libphonenumber v5.8. ShortNumberInfo API, metadata updates, small bug fixes. See the release notes for more information.
d2b23f4 JAVA/JS/CPP: libphonenumber v5.7.2, metadata.
c40c292 libphonenumber v5.7.1: Changing metadata generation to exclude irrelevant data. No change in functionality.
717f19b JAVA: Add support for loading short number metadata
caeb649 DATA: Minor fix to change MetaData to Metadata for consistency
d0df223 JAVA/JS/CPP: libphonenumber v5.6.2 metadata updates.
7da8c8d JAVA/DATA/TOOLS: Adding some short number metadata separately, and adjusting the build tools to handle this.
a693e57 DATA: Change "PhoneNumberMetaData" to "PhoneNumberMetadata" throughout for consistency
c3a06e7 CPP: Fixing crash when AsYouTypeFormatter tries to handle countries with long numbers. Patch contributed by Vonage Holdings Corp.
project external/chromium_org/third_party/mesa/src/
55b120b Initial empty repository
e740c82 mesa compile fixes for VS2013
009d829 Fix a bug with Multiple Render Targets. See for more info.
project external/chromium_org/third_party/openssl/
fe46ce2 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 241107
bb4cbc9 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 238989
683a158 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 238573
ca755f7 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 238197
5a301d9 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 238097
f50952b OpenSSL: prefer ChaCha20 ciphersuites.
8ec9980 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 235999
74e3032 Also remove chacha_vec.c from x86.
155c41f Update patch files and gyp from r235188.
ef5c952 Don't use poly1305_vec.c on 32-bit x86.
2376da7 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 235157
efbeabe Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 235046
d92c9ac Patch updates for r234628.
6688767 NEON fixes.
1676349 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 234542
2b8f006 Update patch files to reflect previous changes.
8d86528 Change asm files to have a .S extension.
9817b94 Add missing include to Poly1305 code.
f797bdc Compile the NEON asm with -fpic.
2d4ef1b Forcing the EABI hard-float attribute off.
5662079 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233893
16bc225 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233887
9553641 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233627
0a92d04 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233612
219af2c third_party/openssl: add ChaCha20+Poly1305 support.
cf2eb32 Fix the patch file from r233053.
2365a8a Add patch file missing from r233017.
08086bd sh implementation to avoid unwanted resizes during iteration.
55b6b14 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 232403
ec73e16 Initial empty repository
0de3043 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 231849
fc8760c third_party/openssl: fix ChannelID patch.
d831892 third_party/openssl: number patches.
44196e9 third_party/openssl: fix when using git.
af7d7fa third_party/openssl: add OWNERS file.
4a89e64 Fix comment and variable name in macro definition.
8a61201 Fix code style.
daa13d1 Update Channel ID API to use a callback.
2e79cad Updating Channel ID to allow computing the key when the server supports it.
3b8fc78 Use C source for openssl RC4 calculation instead of ASM
1a7785c Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 227040
cf25ed7 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 224573
fbbcdbf Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 223573
a5c61ac Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 223269
cabb6c5 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 223266
59228bb Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 222376
0f742e9 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221681
b59c75f Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221673
66ffdd8 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221391
e7f348a Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221383
742f38e Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r220875
project external/chromium_org/third_party/opus/src/
dd52457 Updating Opus 1.1 Beta
71c8b1f Initial empty repository
e3ea049 Updating Opus to a pre-release of 1.1
project external/chromium_org/third_party/ots/
12f7d4f Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 241107
7c8f567 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 238989
15ebc0b Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 238573
a8a293e Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 238197
a971d3b Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 238097
e78f187 [OTS] build failure on android_aosp
e3e106e Allowing post area names to be >32767.
46f7708 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 235157
02820a4 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 235046
0f2261b Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 234542
b418bfe Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233893
09d6f00 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233887
c73f73c Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233627
a7ade81 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233612
59f812a [OTS] build failure on QNX
b908fb1 Initial empty repository
867ec1b Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 231849
d0f08cc [OTS] Fix "continue-stream" handling in the woff2 decoder
45186f1 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 227040
6e9099c [OTS] Remove unused constants
987c885 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 224573
18f4e2a Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 223573
ac344c1 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 223269
b6b82d0 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 223266
d7b34e9 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 222376
5b584d3 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221681
f4c2005 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221673
96ac3e3 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221391
25c2b8a Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221383
069599d Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r220875
project external/chromium_org/third_party/skia/gyp/
ede6a67 Update skia public header list.
9cf81d9 branch Skia at r12678 for Chrome M33 (branch 1750)
2e061e5 remove SkScalarCompare type and header
1d9db88 render_pictures: add --writeJsonSummaryPath
9bf4639 Allow 0-width SkBitmap in setConfig.
03ba643 Implement an SkPicture image filter source. This is required for the external-SVG reference feature of feImage. It simply plays back an SkPicture to a given destination rect.
c554116 Revert "Implement an SkPicture image filter source. This is required for the external-SVG reference feature of feImage. It simply plays back an SkPicture to a given destination rect."
21cd139 Implement an SkPicture image filter source. This is required for the external-SVG reference feature of feImage. It simply plays back an SkPicture to a given destination rect.
4d5fb26 Implement SkAshmemDiscardableMemory
f874710 Revert "[PDF] Fix font embedding restrictions."
fb77fb2 [PDF] Fix font embedding restrictions.
2bbc87e New Composite CSS border object
a8823bc Add support for reading a directory of images with --expectations (-r).
6521d11 Add support for MIPS to android build
b951384 make info real in SkPixelRef, and add bitmap::asImageInfo
c4009dd fix file names in gpu.gypi
ef5a1fb Implement srcRect and dstRect functionality in SkBitmapSource. This is required for the "preserveAspectRatio" options of SVG's feImage. Covered by new GM "bitmapsource".
25e21ec Make texture domain a helper so that it can be incorporated into other effects.
c09a9f2 Add GM to test bitmap shaders with basic geometry and bitmap masks.
15de215 Fix #define for distance field fonts
b3b2e35 Reverting 12528 & 12533 (Implement srcRect and dstRect functionality in SkBitmapSource) due to image differences on N4
010ee47 Implement srcRect and dstRect functionality in SkBitmapSource. This is required for the "preserveAspectRatio" options of SVG's feImage. Covered by new GM "bitmapsource".
41687c3 Revert "Implement srcRect and dstRect functionality in SkBitmapSource. This is required for the "preserveAspectRatio" options of SVG's feImage. Covered by new GM "bitmapsource"." until I can sort out the xfermodeimagefilter and tileimagefilter failures.
4f59919 Implement srcRect and dstRect functionality in SkBitmapSource. This is required for the "preserveAspectRatio" options of SVG's feImage. Covered by new GM "bitmapsource".
a10662e Big Cleanup: SkBitmapFactory, SkLazyPixelRef, SkImageCache
bb499be Add Windows compilation support to V8 example
f1034de SkCachingPixelRef to use SkImageGenerator
e36d400 V8 and Skia
a8f7f15 Fix compilation with SK_ENABLE_INST_COUNT=1
671aa50 Implement a NEON version of the RGBA gaussian blur. This shows a 9-15% speedup on Nexus-10.
7640ba5 Remove cityhash.gyp
ed5e35f Refactor FourByteInterps. Add 64-bit Fast version. Add tests.
df70c27 Add JSON output option to bench.
56572ce Add four_byte_interp benches.
6ce2bb1 Remove the comments settings for vim tab width and expansion variables.
274129c Remove GR_IMPLEMENTATION define.
5026158 Separate and update PDF_DIFF_TRACE_IN_PNG
a048e7a Restructuring of PdfViewer code.
fba0246 Libraries without '-l' treated as relative paths.
b3b7902 Reverting r12427
08da942 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
ddb6262 Speed up GrResourceCache lookup by inlining GrBinHashKey comparisons
4ace196 ARM Skia NEON patches - 16/17 - Blitmask
4d11fe2 move to newer angle
bd8902a Non-rect polygons are not covered in GM cases, such as triangle, trapezoid, diamond, polygons with lots of edges, concave polygons, etc, especially for stroke-style and stroke-and-fill style painters. So add a GM case to avoid potential rendering errors.
ddada71 Fold bench source file list into bench.gyp.
448f695 DM: add --tileGrid
e5b657b Enhance SkDropShadowImageFilter to support separate X & Y sigmas, and crop rect. This required a new flavour of the constructor.
c607be6 DM: some refactoring - rename ComparisonTask to ChecksumTask - have ChecksumTask handle all the checksum-checking - turn on all extra modes by default - simplify progress output to a countdown
3b9c7bc Revert "Revert "remove kA1_Config, as it is no longer supported""
e5d25ec Revert "remove kA1_Config, as it is no longer supported"
6961b3f remove SkFloatToScalar macro
504bbc1 remove kA1_Config, as it is no longer supported
272b980 optimize pathops coverage
2bf80fc Add SkImageGenerator Interface
68f2b32 Implement a benchmark for GrResourceCache
9be250f Move PdfTokenLooper into its own file.
0dd6114 Move SkPdfContext into its own files.
6887244 Changes to SkTDStackNester.
0f4af0f Move SkTDStackNester into its own private file.
fbf8e32 More common_conditions simplifications.
ef84eef Add extra warnings to match what Android uses.
242f897 Revert "Add extra warnings to match what Android uses."
d0297f5 Add extra warnings to match what Android uses.
870721a Pdfviewer refactoring.
af6bbaa Include pdfviewer in everything.
0679b3d move SkImageInfo into its own header
d0df8c6 fix multithread related crashes in skpdiff
db8e151 pdfviewer: compile pdfviewer in gm, only if the flag is set (currently we compile pdfviewer, even if it is not used)
a724d3c Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
76da172 Hook in rough distance field support for fonts
04a12eb Android FontHost cannot use FontMgr yet.
06066be Implement a NEON version of morphology. This is good for ~2.2X speedup on Tegra3.
4fdff55 Initial draft code to run pdfviewer withg gms draft cl to run pdfviewer with gms modified: gm/gmmain.cpp modified: gyp/gm.gyp modified: src/utils/SkPDFRasterizer.cpp modified: src/utils/SkPDFRasterizer.h
8e0b989 add GM case nonclosedpaths. The 2 bugs below showed some non-closed paths which are easy to get wrong rendering results. So add a GM case for this kind paths to avoid potential bugs to be introduced.
cf36d55 SSE2 implementation of RGBA box blurs. This yields ~2X perf improvement on Xeon ES-2690.
ecafc81 Fix stale assert in GrDrawTarget::print
8855810 Add GM to verify removal of 32767 limit in SkBlurMaskFilter::filterRectsToNine is okay
ca0e5cb Revert "Revert "speed up A8 by creating a new entry-point in SkDraw that blits the path's coverage directly into an A8 target, regardless of the previous pixel values.""
9102689 New SkRTConf macro SK_CONF_TRY_SET: no complaint on missing configuration
2130b47 Break up SkLazyPixelRef functionally into class hierarchy.
a2fbcfe Add gms and benchmarks for drawing blurry round rects.
5bd6fc2 Revert "speed up A8 by creating a new entry-point in SkDraw that blits the path's coverage directly into an A8 target, regardless of the previous pixel values."
3f82839 speed up A8 by creating a new entry-point in SkDraw that blits the path's coverage directly into an A8 target, regardless of the previous pixel values.
c5d6e03 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
3d5ffdf pathops work in progress
f453570 Adding size parameter to read array functions
226525d Initial empty repository
efb2e4f Speculative Android build fix.
2744798 Implement SSE2-based implementations of the morphology filters (dilate & erode). This gives a 3-5X speedup over the naive implementation, and also mitigates a timing-based security attack in Chrome (
c95b09a Allow specifying the max texture count on the bots
6e406ee Allow SkLazyPixelRef to use SkScaledImageCache
09c5493 A fix for annoying clang error "unused-const-variabl" in third_party code.
6438b85 DM: add --pipe
86770a6 Factor out skia_keep_frame_pointer. Handy with perf to get call stacks.
e5c2b69 We want to give SkPixelRef a way to signal over to GrResourceCache that it's become pointless to keep around textures based on that SkPixelRef when its pixels change, so that it can be a good citizen and free those textures.
cfb64a3 [PDF] Add unpremultiply support and a GM (try5)
675cf7d Revert "[PDF] Add unpremultiply support and a GM (try4)"
6c3d0d1 [PDF] Add unpremultiply support and a GM (try4)
1c756eb Initial error handling code
8268d40 Implement SkColorFilter as a GrGLEffect
9d96187 add tests for SkDocument
46cb868 GrTHashCache -> GrTHashTable
c9479be DM: add --serialize
72481e8 Revert "[PDF] Add unpremultiply support and a GM (try3)."
c0f0a19 DM: add --writePath
f8a9406 [PDF] Add unpremultiply support and a GM (try3).
d0cff1a Revert "[PDF] Add unpremultiply support and a GM."
61e7230 [PDF] Add unpremultiply support and a GM.
636b071 ARM Skia NEON patches - 30 - Xfermode: NEON modeprocs
402b08a Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
7d36ab1 Reverting r11813 (ARM Skia NEON patches - 30 - Xfermode: NEON modeprocs - due to Chromium compilation faliures.
c954d9b Fix DM build failures: - forgot tool_main; - skip building where skia_gpu is false; - lots of scalar -> int warnings; - stray return on a void method; - stifle warning about a uint32_t cast to bool
c42deee Split out GrBitmapTextContext from GrTextContext.
3ad39b4 Remove unused header SkImageTypes.h
e3adf56 ARM Skia NEON patches - 30 - Xfermode: NEON modeprocs
c861cec detach blur result texture when it is the same texture used to render path mask
c9a1449 remove dm from everything
9a92d19 dm is like gm, but faster and with fewer features.
677423c Reverting r11777 (ARM Skia NEON patches - 30 - Xfermode: NEON modeprocs) due to Chromium compilation failure
72a55e2 Remove obsolete CityHash conditional.
1b27c6b ARM Skia NEON patches - 30 - Xfermode: NEON modeprocs
c27b89b remove SkDataSet, and just store a key/value in SkAnnotation
287b366 Add SkPDFDeviceFlatenner which extends SkPDFDevice to add support to flatten the path and the text when we have perspective. prepare to deprecate SkPDFDevice constructor, and route gm and render_pdfs to use SkDocument::Create pdf interface instead. - controlled by a flag add comments where we are supposed to flatten other features (paint, shaders, ... )
9cffd28 Remove SkLumaXfermode.
18bb967 Clean up SkTypes.h.
fdda6fd GIF decode: optional error messages and fault tolerance.
47fbc1d Add -fPIC fro tsan (isn't alrady set in non-library).
ec606ba Enable -fPIE, and -pie in tsan build. We're already -fPIC.
2e2b59b Add new GM to stress test the GPU font cache for cases similar to Chromium issue 303803.
52bff03 Revert "Add new GM to stress test the GPU font cache"
a787e2e Sketch of SK_ONCE
9fde6e7 Add new GM to stress test the GPU font cache for cases similar to Chromium issue 303803.
a2f3630 ARM Skia NEON patches - 28 - Xfermode: SIMD modeprocs
7ac2fec Revert "ARM Skia NEON patches - 28 - Xfermode: SIMD modeprocs"
b7d5cf0 ARM Skia NEON patches - 28 - Xfermode: SIMD modeprocs
311c4fa skia/trunk changes for generic sanitizer gyp flag.
a06ee48 Luminance-to-alpha color filter (SkLumaColorFilter).
22478a0 Move VertexBuilder to a GrGLFullShaderBuilder subclass
c05b01e Make image decoding more fault resistant, less verbose.
f728802 Repurpose GrGLCoordTransform as GrGLProgramEffects
ca7efc8 Update PDF backend to support fallback fonts on Android.
361b4c4 Add new skyline Rectanizer
08ad09c Fix gpu.gypi missing file issue
38d26af path ops work in progress
1bd364c Make GPU coord transforms automatic
ee05e4e Add a GrCustomCoordsTextureEffect class
b2f8eaf quiet down more third-party warnings in poppler and jsoncpp
2c9e3f6 Add a buffered SkStream class.
220b71f move GrMalloc, GrFree, Gr_bzero to their sk equivalents
9e364d6 add counting to Globals, and refactor some for clarity
e160c46 Moving 4 SkImageFilter derived classes from blink to skia
dbcfb1c We don't flatten or unflatten SkPaintOptionsAndroid. Reproduce and fix.
8a37716 Move bound and isFinite into pathref
5c2387e Add skia_tsan_build to match skia_asan_build and fix one example race.
2380132 Bench baseline for mostly 0 image.
9bbe864 Replace GR_*_BUILD by their SK_BUILD_FOR_* equivalents.
f186dad promote SkImage::AlphaType to SkAlphaType
f28df04 Add sk_calloc. Remove SkMemory_stdlib, which seems unused.
dca382a I'm investigating how to make the IPC transfer a bit more secure on the skia side by adding some safety checks. This cl is about brainstorming and proposing possible solutions for type checking at different stages.
93e5c9d Add string art GM and sample.
e281d18 Update Android's FontHost to return NULL if familyName does not match
6392aed Revert r11342 (Add infrastructure for testing the debugger code) due to build breakages
fd26f19 Add infrastructure for testing the debugger code.
8e068c4 Replace uses of GrNoncopyable by SkNoncopyable.
1aa56a9 update devicelooper to skip internal tiles that are empty, and unittests
823666b Add Clock Sample.
0cf6984 Add a test for color bitmap fonts.
e936fb0 path ops work in progress
a2e9994 Revert 11247, 11250, 11251, 11257, and 11279 to unblock DEPS roll (
1b92b0c Revert the revert of 11247, 11250, 11251 and 11279 (Chrome already relies on changes in r11247)
e1c06de Revert 11247, 11250, 11251 and 11279 to unblock DEPS roll (
9667b67 pdfviewer: do not submit, uploaded for backup, and will be done actually after I refactor the params for functions, to put the char* params in a structure: report errors and warnings in pdf, infrastructure
4b2884f add a way to get code coverage
14ab5ab Initial error handling code
28877de Major bench refactoring. - Use FLAGS_. - Remove outer repeat loop. - Tune inner loop automatically.
6d718b7 Two and three color GPU gradients without textures.
872a1ae Remove GrRefCnt.h in favor of SkRefCnt.h
ae87c38 Move oval and rect renderer includes to private interface
2167117 alpha threshold bitmap shader
f344155 Revert "alpha threshold bitmap shader"
48cb783 alpha threshold bitmap shader
1b87a56 add support for high quality image filtering on the GPU
afdf49d Add SkCanvasStack and update the Canvas utilities to use it.
dd969ac Remove uses of GR_RELEASE.
9a72fb3 Move SkBitmapDevice functions to their own file
74fd67a Replace SkTScopedPtr with SkAutoTDelete in Skia.
2e98a86 Create a semi-stable API for capturing the state of an SkCanvas and reconstructing that state across different versions of Skia.
08053b3 Revert "Create a semi-stable API for capturing the state of an SkCanvas and reconstructing that state across different versions of Skia."
9157883 Create a semi-stable API for capturing the state of an SkCanvas and reconstructing that state across different versions of Skia.
9d1d618 Don't require getLength on Mac.
6c60d06 fix state machine so we know simple only loops once, but we can call maprect in debug mode
f62a380 ARM Skia NEON patches - 15 - Preparation work for Blitmask optims
d5d890e Replace uses of GR_DEBUG by SK_DEBUG.
6c05765 Revert of r10943.
a79ee0e add SkDeviceLooper to handle larger-than-fixedpoint
eecf851 Update pdf.gypi to actually work with Chromium
effd8c6 Reverting r10901 (Add unpremultiply support and GM)
1dc9fa5 Don't compile the debugger on ChromeOS
2f9ab29 Add unpremultiply support and GM
62d3e0d Refactor SkPDFImage
8ac85ad Add luminance mask transfer modes.
d47765b Pull out Effect Shaders in GPU Path Renderer
f647351 Revert "Pull out Effect Shaders in GPU Path Renderer"
0770b79 Pull out Effect Shaders in GPU Path Renderer
d74e19d Restyle SkPDFImageShader and support tiling bitmaps outside clip bounds
ced3454 Fix android doubly defined empty string due to static lib and shared lib thing.
a5a0ca0 Create new target to hold gpu test code, enable direct testing of GrEffects in GM.
24bebc6 Add skia_clang_build gyp define, add -Wstring-conversion flag
307d3b5 Bleed cleanup (remove nocolorbleed GM & enable bleed in game bench)
e01885b allow both GDI and DW fontmgrs at the same time
f445970 Avoid getLength in ico decoder.
50800f7 Chromium staging for SkDevice refactoring
f85eeb9 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
2fa4aed pdfviewer: check in pdfapi classes
675aaf9 Add libpoppler for PDF rendering, take 2
95e139e Revert "The CL adds libpoppler to DEPS and adds a libpoppler-cpp gyp target for Linux, Windows, and Mac. This does not currently change the GM tool to use poppler - that will be a refactor job in a separate CL."
07eb09e The CL adds libpoppler to DEPS and adds a libpoppler-cpp gyp target for Linux, Windows, and Mac. This does not currently change the GM tool to use poppler - that will be a refactor job in a separate CL.
8762305 Revert r10788 (allow both GDI and DW fontmgrs at the same time) due to Chromium XP bot failures
d15897a Replace uses of GR_API by SK_API.
cb654dd Fix for nested rect drawing bug
ddcf184 skia: Added SkDiscardableMemory interface.
e0438d5 Add libraries to fix Ubuntu13 Clang build
330a402 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
958af19 allow both GDI and DW fontmgrs at the same time
c915e70 pdfviewer: fix typo in sample app
d78ac48 pdfviewer: (cleanup) put the gyp for library code in a separate file
f0ddb3d This bench attempts to recreate Chromium's Canvas_putImageData performance test to track down
ab9f508 Revert r10718 to unblock roll
3206479 Nobody defines SK_SUPPORT_HINTING_SCALE_FACTOR any more, so remove it.
649e205 Revert "Unpremultiply SkBitmaps for PDF output"
8f77e89 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
b354ace pdfviewer: workaround gyp issue with multiple files, not being translated into an array in linux (works in mac, as per spec)
4d054c4 Unpremultiply SkBitmaps for PDF output
2f50ec5 Add blend optimization helpers and use to convert rect draws to clears.
c05cc14 pdfviewer: make pdfviewer compile on mac
cd42cba allow both GDI and DW fontmgrs at the same time
0fdea6f pdfviewer: 1) debug code for drawText (show magenta background for text, to show text even when we fail to load/show it), 2) some cleanup: refactor and rename classes and files
3679769 Fix crash when querying a runtime config that is defined in environment
f12b3bb Prevent picture recording from over optimizing the culling of clips.
project external/chromium_org/third_party/skia/include/
c6fa0eb branch Skia at r12678 for Chrome M33 (branch 1750)
d9130c4 remove SkScalarCompare type and header
c9b4e6c bump picture format to 17 to go with PixelRef Info CL
9a59557 Update all callsites to use info for pixelrefs
8021d59 Improved SkPathRef interface security
78fb9aa Reverting r12665 & r12666 (Remove duplicate impl for SkImageInfo flattening) due to Chromium/Blink compilation errors
9820d15 Remvoe duplicate impl for SkImageInfo flattening Add onNewLockPixels
096daa2 Revert "Revert of"
f57f560 Implement an SkPicture image filter source. This is required for the external-SVG reference feature of feImage. It simply plays back an SkPicture to a given destination rect.
f250de9 Move segment mask from SkPath to SkPathRef
ff9f6fa Revert "Implement an SkPicture image filter source. This is required for the external-SVG reference feature of feImage. It simply plays back an SkPicture to a given destination rect."
7b67576 Implement an SkPicture image filter source. This is required for the external-SVG reference feature of feImage. It simply plays back an SkPicture to a given destination rect.
966e265 Revert of Reason for revert: Failing assert on Android
24dcb71 ensure that we call onUnlock only when we onLock succeeded
c41c423 Initialize SkPixelRef::fInfo.
89b5e71 Reverting r12635 (Make leak counters thread-safe - due to compile errors on Mac 10.6 & in Chrome
271327c Make leak counters thread-safe and turn them on by default for Debug
fa4b04e Revert "remvoe duplicate impl for SkImageInfo flattening"
78002ae Revert "Revert of"
425038c Revert of Reason for revert: breaks chrome-mac-tests
1280ef4 remvoe duplicate impl for SkImageInfo flattening
000a25a Revert "PixelRef now returns (nearly) everything that is currently in SkBitmap. The goal is to refactor bitmap later to remove redundancy, and more interestingly, remove the chance for a disconnect between the actual (pixelref) rowbytes and config, and the one claimed by the bitmap."""""
d89182f PixelRef now returns (nearly) everything that is currently in SkBitmap. The goal is to refactor bitmap later to remove redundancy, and more interestingly, remove the chance for a disconnect between the actual (pixelref) rowbytes and config, and the one claimed by the bitmap.""""
f47fdc0 Sk_API for SkImageGenerator and SkInstallDiscardablePixelRef
7a120b2 Support MSAA4 and (non-ES) OpenGL in Android SampleApp
004c4bf Revert "[PDF] Fix font embedding restrictions."
02307af [PDF] Fix font embedding restrictions.
b337850 Make GrBicubicEffect take tile modes rather than GrTextureParams.
0b2c547 make info real in SkPixelRef, and add bitmap::asImageInfo
b4ca22e Do not use GrBicubic effect when downscaling. Also, don't use glTexStorage as it interferes with deleyed mipmap generation.
90a63cd Implement srcRect and dstRect functionality in SkBitmapSource. This is required for the "preserveAspectRatio" options of SVG's feImage. Covered by new GM "bitmapsource".
d9dcce3 SkDecodingImageGenerator now uses SkStreamRewindable
218bec9 add SkImageInfo to SkGrPixelRef constructor, to prep for larger CL
5e3e873 remove explicit when we have 2 args
165126b add SK_SUPPORT_LEGACY_PIXELREF_CONSTRUCTOR, initially always on
3c2c54f Revert "Revert "Revert "PixelRef now returns (nearly) everything that is currently in SkBitmap. The goal is to refactor bitmap later to remove redundancy, and more interestingly, remove the chance for a disconnect between the actual (pixelref) rowbytes and config, and the one claimed by the bitmap."""
630dc73 Revert "Revert "PixelRef now returns (nearly) everything that is currently in SkBitmap. The goal is to refactor bitmap later to remove redundancy, and more interestingly, remove the chance for a disconnect between the actual (pixelref) rowbytes and config, and the one claimed by the bitmap.""
f893579 Fixed a few places where uninitialized memory could have been read
6d947d0 Revert "PixelRef now returns (nearly) everything that is currently in SkBitmap. The goal is to refactor bitmap later to remove redundancy, and more interestingly, remove the chance for a disconnect between the actual (pixelref) rowbytes and config, and the one claimed by the bitmap."
2bd8cda PixelRef now returns (nearly) everything that is currently in SkBitmap. The goal is to refactor bitmap later to remove redundancy, and more interestingly, remove the chance for a disconnect between the actual (pixelref) rowbytes and config, and the one claimed by the bitmap.
584280a Reverting 12528 & 12533 (Implement srcRect and dstRect functionality in SkBitmapSource) due to image differences on N4
343da55 Implement srcRect and dstRect functionality in SkBitmapSource. This is required for the "preserveAspectRatio" options of SVG's feImage. Covered by new GM "bitmapsource".
18a40cf Revert "Implement srcRect and dstRect functionality in SkBitmapSource. This is required for the "preserveAspectRatio" options of SVG's feImage. Covered by new GM "bitmapsource"." until I can sort out the xfermodeimagefilter and tileimagefilter failures.
7c60538 Implement srcRect and dstRect functionality in SkBitmapSource. This is required for the "preserveAspectRatio" options of SVG's feImage. Covered by new GM "bitmapsource".
69fc44a Big Cleanup: SkBitmapFactory, SkLazyPixelRef, SkImageCache
a950b2c Update documentation around drawBitmap and shaders
252fbd1 Fix compilation with SK_ENABLE_INST_COUNT=1
86b72c1 Changed maxInputCount for exact inputCount
8951407 Remove deprecated setPrefConfigTable.
46a7bbd Remove problematic GrContext thread local instance counting
e0c8d9f Fixed bad bitmap size crashes
6ad3b32 Put all of SkPostConfig.h inside top level ifdef.
07857cb Make SkTInternalLList::validate validate all nodes
7e32ff7 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
a7851be SkSplay and SkUnsplay work on any uint32_t, not just SkPMColor.
6ba48a4 Code cleanup following recapture of skps
056057b Add GPU support for color bitmap fonts
6d31ccf Fix 32/64 bit warnings on g++-4.2.
8fd3bba Refactor FourByteInterps. Add 64-bit Fast version. Add tests.
d40f9f2 Add JSON output option to bench.
cf2ad2a Move fIsOval from SkPath to SkPathRef
9459c39 Use lowercase windows.h in includes to fix Windows cross compilation using mingw.
05a18b1 Revert of r12450 (Move fIsOval from SkPath to SkPathRef)
1452a5c Move fIsOval from SkPath to SkPathRef
7d2b05d SkDiscardablePixelRef objects are now marked immutable.
092b14f HQ filtering for tiled/bleed drawBitmap sample at pix center in bicubic
0263d7b restore [6] for setPrefConfigTable, accidentally changed with A1 CL
19fa4cc Fix spelling errors in SkWeakRefCnt.
fa4b1cb Reverting r12427
66f4795 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
63c06e3 Remove completed TODO in SkFontMgr.h.
685aca0 DM: write failed comparison mode .pngs one more level deep in the tree.
c624a15 Enhance SkDropShadowImageFilter to support separate X & Y sigmas, and crop rect. This required a new flavour of the constructor.
d9a6339 Revert "Revert "remove kA1_Config, as it is no longer supported""
34074ce Adding more validation
3ae112c Revert "remove kA1_Config, as it is no longer supported"
1ae47ad Export GrGLCreateNullInterface for use in Chromium compositor unit tests.
1f5144a remove SkFloatToScalar macro
a8a1923 remove kA1_Config, as it is no longer supported
0d6c133 Adding SkDeferredCanvas::NoticifationClient to the exported API.
6ad2269 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
9cead60 Fix VC++ ptr-to-... and va_list confusion
7629e05 Add SkImageGenerator Interface
40c0a6c More Windows 64b compilation warning fixes
50a28a6 Implement a benchmark for GrResourceCache
4aaa5d2 Reverting r12315 (More Windows 64b compilation warning fixes) due to compilation failures
369b203 More Windows 64b compilation warning fixes
a54b329 Revert SK_REQUIRE_LOCAL_VAR changes for DEPS roll.
3c91639 Fix DocumentTest/SkDocument memory leaks
ed6efcc Guard against most unintentionally ephemeral SkAutoFoo instantiations.
4eae7d6 Add missing functions to SkNWayCanvas
ca8cef7 increase coverage of SkPath.cpp, remove unused code
1501895 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
096a1d3 Remove backward compatibility shims from SkStream.h.
dd8a0b0 move SkImageInfo into its own header
4543bba Revert "Revert "switch GatherPixelRefs to use SkBaseDevice instead of SkBitmapDevice""
613642e drawPosTextOnPath is now deprecated, removing all overrides and impls
47a62ba Revert "switch GatherPixelRefs to use SkBaseDevice instead of SkBitmapDevice"
c2b1f6d switch GatherPixelRefs to use SkBaseDevice instead of SkBitmapDevice
fd903a9 Hide implementation details: SkFrontBufferedStream
3c43f50 Remove deprecated setIsOpaque() API from SkBitmap.
bbc8382 Override drawRRect in fake SkBitmapDevices.
87d9859 add colortable enum to SkImage to ease interop between it and SkBitmap::Config
b898541 Fix leak detected in FontMgrMatchGM::onDraw by Valgrind.
9686e7b Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
444ccd1 Implement DPI for perspective bitmaps in PDF - we save the bitmap at the resolution requested.
072615f Hook in rough distance field support for fonts
688874b Re-enable SK_ATTR_DEPRECATED (i.e., revert r12067)
1254f15 Add sk_float_rsqrt with SSE + NEON fast paths.
c0a02c5 Adding error checks to SkRBuffer
f86f9e1 Add ability to ninepatch blurred rounded rectangle
0594a8a Removed unnecessary define
231ab1c Added support for Chrome's gpu command buffer extension BindUniformLocation.
1ab074d Revert "Revert "speed up A8 by creating a new entry-point in SkDraw that blits the path's coverage directly into an A8 target, regardless of the previous pixel values.""
64223b4 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
d753429 New SkRTConf macro SK_CONF_TRY_SET: no complaint on missing configuration
350e6fa Break up SkLazyPixelRef functionally into class hierarchy.
68e8f3b Add bevel-stroke support in GrAARectRenderer
c54761f Add SkRRect::transform.
3a7d93c Checking structure sizes before reading them from memory to avoid overflowing the buffer's stream.
598ff50 Add SK_PREFETCH and use in SkBlurImageFilter.
a4e9612 Avoid re-rendering stencil clip for every draw with reducable clip stack
87bcd03 Revert "Checking structure sizes before reading them from memory to avoid overflowing the buffer's stream."
96e6b85 Revert "speed up A8 by creating a new entry-point in SkDraw that blits the path's coverage directly into an A8 target, regardless of the previous pixel values."
ba56c42 Checking structure sizes before reading them from memory to avoid overflowing the buffer's stream.
b4190dd speed up A8 by creating a new entry-point in SkDraw that blits the path's coverage directly into an A8 target, regardless of the previous pixel values.
6d00f6a Revert r12114 due to ('Assertion failures on various buildbots as of r12114')
79efcbf Checking structure sizes before reading them from memory to avoid overflowing the buffer's stream.
97a9c43 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
6c5d3f0 Reverting r12082 (Add bevel-stroke support in GrAARectRenderer) due to GM failures
978b47d Revert "Avoid re-rendering stencil clip for every draw with reducable clip stack"
0cefb75 Avoid re-rendering stencil clip for every draw with reducable clip stack
bbb683a Make GrContext cache the gpu paths
c774447 Add bevel-stroke support in GrAARectRenderer
8680609 move SkImage::ColorType into SkColorType
e3a6063 Disabling SK_ATTR_DEPRECATED the hard way
2ea5703 Add can-ignore-rect hint to clear call
4f3e84f Adding size parameter to read array functions
f0c91a5 Initial empty repository
83f9f7e Revert "Revert "add SK_ATTR_DEPRECATED -- will need to disable for chrome, since it triggers a warning""
639b57a Revert "add SK_ATTR_DEPRECATED -- will need to disable for chrome, since it triggers a warning"
6c99c65 add SK_ATTR_DEPRECATED -- will need to disable for chrome, since it triggers a warning
7d5079b Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
b531dc0 Revert r1784: SK_API on a non-concrete template is strange.
fe12493 [PDF] Improve complex xfer mode support.
fce115a Use SkPathRef gen id for SkPath::getGenerationID
3431148 remove contains(x,y) for rects and rrects ... not well defined, and unused
6b1c9cc Allow specifying the max texture count on the bots
2a7310c prototype for kerning api
248a27b Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
92bf216 Reverting r12010 (Use SkPathRef gen id for SkPath::getGenerationID due to test failures in PathTest on Android
9910160 Use SkPathRef gen id for SkPath::getGenerationID
07cf31b All SkAnnotations are no-draw. Propose we fold that through.
5f02ea1 Don't reuse scratch textures patch
98fa859 Enabling validation code in serialization and adding serialization to fuzzer
816983c Fix for issue 1728: raster vs. gpu text draws with the wrong color
6ee5b9e Reverting r11968 (Enabling validation code in serialization and adding serialization to fuzzer - due to failure on Chromium AllQuads test.
dafcb42 Enabling validation code in serialization and adding serialization to fuzzer
4c70d69 Allow users to build on top of, instead of beneath, SkRefCnt.
c09b253 Compute clipped src rect once in tiled bitmap draws
a481334 Fix non-bmp in generateCharToGlyph on Mac.
d0dcb11 Implement charToGlyph on remaining ports.
3b98caf Tile large bitmaps that are clipped.
e8aa342 We want to give SkPixelRef a way to signal over to GrResourceCache that it's become pointless to keep around textures based on that SkPixelRef when its pixels change, so that it can be a good citizen and free those textures.
393f1c3 Minor changes
023e3f7 Expose SkPicture::willPlayBackBitmaps()
7b8825f Apply matrix early in draw bitmap
e009a0d Revert "Apply matrix early in draw bitmap"
4472089 Apply matrix early in draw bitmap
e742ef9 Split up SkXfermode::asNewEffectOrCoeff() into asNewEffect(), asCoeff().
4035169 Initial error handling code
93df45f SK_ONCE for SkData and SkPathRef
88e6fa4 Remove GrContext from SkXfermode::[Aa]sNewEffectOrCoeff() and all subclasses, since it's unused.
b69a736 Implement SkColorFilter as a GrGLEffect
3f0f14a Revert "If the path is a rect, call drawRect to raster the geometry in SkCanvas::drawPath to get better performance."
ae820c6 If the path is a rect, call drawRect to raster the geometry in SkCanvas::drawPath to get better performance.
8a9d0c1 Revert r11880 (Apply matrix early in draw bitmap - due to layout test failure
7bde83f Add DPI stettings to SkDocument::CreatePDF(). Tests will be added in a future cl, once DPI will be used in SkPDFDevice
7cb1b2d Apply matrix early in draw bitmap
293ad25 store SkAlphaType inside SkBitmap, on road to support unpremul
00d88aa Reverting revert of r11862 (Constify SkFlattenable::getFactory()) or reverting r11871.
feeac8e Reverted due to Chromium compilation failures. Please see:
4a5fdae Implement crop rect support for SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter.
07faf83 Constify SkFlattenable::getFactory().
1929095 SkThreadPool: allow for Runnables that add other Runnables to the pool.
ae20d88 Make SkImageFilter::asNewEffect() (and all derived-class overrides) protected.
354aeae Revert r11842 (call drawRect to try GrAARectRenderer if the path is a rect - due to changes to the following GM images:
1012ef6 If the path is a rect, call drawRect to raster the geometry in SkCanvas::drawPath to get better performance.
11cba3c Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
a586202 Split out GrBitmapTextContext from GrTextContext.
77d626b Make CropRect immutable after construction.
129a644 Third wave of Win64 warning cleanup
b5d8621 Remove unused header SkImageTypes.h
f9f43a4 Remove support for SK_CROP_RECT_IS_INT, now that it is no longer used in Blink or Chrome.
f9dc918 Add hooks for external run-time reference adoption checks to SkRefCnt.
0a3dbb5 force readbuffer clients to use specialized readFoo for flattenables
b9d93c9 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
e12da8e Remove SkDataTable from SkFlattenable hierarchy.
d4de8e3 Remove SkColorTable from SkFlattenable hierarchy.
6b33c7a Add crop rect support for SkDisplacementMapEffect (raster and GPU paths). Covered by new test cases added to displacement GM (will require rebaseline).
9a60fef SkRectShaderImageFilter: add a new factory method which takes a CropRect. This will become the preferred API, and the old Create method will be deprecated.
8b30b05 separate state for msaa renderability
831aef5 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
73bb93e Start cleaning up 64bit Win warnings
007483e change SkAnnotation to not inherit from SkFlattenable (does not need dynamic factories)
44a0ee0 remove SkDataSet, and just store a key/value in SkAnnotation
bdde320 handle configuration variables longer than 30 characters long
d3446eb save/restore the canvas around every bench draw call
0138d51 SkData need not be a Flattenable, since it does not need subclass/factories
ebcea87 Add SkPDFDeviceFlatenner which extends SkPDFDevice to add support to flatten the path and the text when we have perspective. prepare to deprecate SkPDFDevice constructor, and route gm and render_pdfs to use SkDocument::Create pdf interface instead. - controlled by a flag add comments where we are supposed to flatten other features (paint, shaders, ... )
6bb1f1c Remove SkLumaXfermode.
e973137 Clean up SkTypes.h.
c76cb97 Implement crop rect support for SkRectShaderImageFilter: remove fRect and use the cropRect from SkImageFilter in its place.
c372109 Align SkLumaColorFilter with the spec.
9b718ae SkThreadPool: tweak two little things that have been annoying me 1) it's pretty annoying that SkThreadPool doesn't include SkRunnable for us; 2) add wait() so we don't have to keep using SkAutoTDelete/free() to wait for completion.
9b5d591 make explicit the requirement that all colorfilters are reentrant-safe
f81e139 Revert "Revert "change SkColorTable to be immutable""
e1a668b Change SkImageFilter's cropRect from SkIRect to a CropRect struct, containing an SkRect and flags indicating which parameters are set.
29bb4cb SkDocument api changes (abort, close return success, set DCT encoder...).
c62a63a Add swapBuffer call to SkGLContextHelper.
cf4d022 Revert "change SkColorTable to be immutable"
e693a1c change SkColorTable to be immutable
97a3f75 ARM Skia NEON patches - 28 - Xfermode: SIMD modeprocs
3e49ca8 Implement filling a path with nv_path_rendering cover
8fccca2 Improve SkScalerContext_GDI::generateCharToGlyph for non-BMP code points.
75452bb Revert "ARM Skia NEON patches - 28 - Xfermode: SIMD modeprocs"
e036369 ARM Skia NEON patches - 28 - Xfermode: SIMD modeprocs
84972ce Fix ambiguity in API if no matching system language is found
3dcd294 Luminance-to-alpha color filter (SkLumaColorFilter).
0e082fa pdf: drawPath should pass the computed matrix, instead of default matrix stored in draw.
b1429db Add perspective support to SkMatrix44 initializers.
19ace60 Revert "Add perspective support to SkMatrix44 initializers."
655eff4 Add perspective support to SkMatrix44 initializers.
9c0dc41 commit to xfermode objects being immutable
f76d003 When cache is full delay flush until GrContext draw is finished
d839827 Allow gradient optimization with perspective
200896a Use SkPicture::ExtractBitmap callback in pdf too, there is no need for a specialized function pointer for pdf only only to pass a rectangle, when we can use subseted bitmaps.
14d0a31 Repurpose GrGLCoordTransform as GrGLProgramEffects
91c6f18 Update PDF backend to support fallback fonts on Android.
bc57be6 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
365cfad Added missing SK_API
6d765f3 Add support to dump font cache texture for debug purposes
6464b66 Move makeSpace and resetToSize from SkPathRef.cpp to .h
1ff6e12 Threads can race to be the first one to calculate the empty path ref's bounds. To dodge the problem, call computeBounds when creating the global empty path ref.
837c922 Make it explicit that some validate methods are debug only
c0c9c17 Make GPU coord transforms automatic
7c2330c Fix race between ~SkThreadPool and SkThreadPool::Loop on fDone.
35a319f Add an option on SkImageDecoder to skip writing 0s.
29b9c62 Reduce max number of textures to 4 to make room for a larger class id in effect key
2237bbe Mark when effects and programs have vertex code
f06f5f8 Add a GrCustomCoordsTextureEffect class
150de3f Add GrSurface::savePixels().
101784d Added SK_API to SkPathRef.h
9b0cd72 GrAtlas cleanup: Split out GrPlot and GrAtlas
0c91083 Move unlikely-to-be-inlined code from SkPathRef.h to SkPathRef.cpp
5d63987 Compiler warning/error fix for Chromium
7d600b0 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
e20c41b Add a buffered SkStream class.
7dfa908 move GrMalloc, GrFree, Gr_bzero to their sk equivalents
86328eb add counting to Globals, and refactor some for clarity
d447cca Add SkDivMod with a special case for ARM.
f711ab3 Moving 4 SkImageFilter derived classes from blink to skia
b6bade9 We don't flatten or unflatten SkPaintOptionsAndroid. Reproduce and fix.
e29958e First pass at font cache refactor: Create an atlas manager per texture
da1b309 Move bound and isFinite into pathref
a8f2bfc Change SkImageDecoders to take an SkStreamRewindable.
08455f1 Replace GR_*_BUILD by their SK_BUILD_FOR_* equivalents.
490be8e Patch SkImage.h so Chrome will compile
1eb5df5 Remove SK_ENABLE_LEGACY_API_ALIASING from SkImage.h
c6ba5d8 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
db779a7 add trailing quote on #error
4981fdb promote SkImage::AlphaType to SkAlphaType
d67e784 Add sk_calloc. Remove SkMemory_stdlib, which seems unused.
0f1baa4 I'm investigating how to make the IPC transfer a bit more secure on the skia side by adding some safety checks. This cl is about brainstorming and proposing possible solutions for type checking at different stages.
87d6e97 Add new entry point that supports fallback font selection based on language.
a057a9b Implement crop rect support for the merge image filter.
ba458c5 Remove 2 unused defines USE_CHROMIUM_SKIA and SK_BUILD_FOR_CHROMIUM
34db20f Add getFloat/setFloat funcs to SkMatrix44
309958a Replace uses of GrNoncopyable by SkNoncopyable.
a8c8bea Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
c20c7c8 update devicelooper to skip internal tiles that are empty, and unittests
a0e1439 Implement crop rect for the dilate and erode (morphology) filters. This provoked some cleanup on the GPU side: apply_morphology() now deals with SkBitmaps, rather than GrTextures. There's still a clear opportunity for more refactoring between the two filters.
3a1389e [External patch] Source-over support for SkLumaXfermode.
59d8179 Baby step in making SkGpuDevice no longer derive from SkBitmapDevice
6d10eed Revert 11247, 11250, 11251, 11257, and 11279 to unblock DEPS roll (
c968869 Revert the revert of 11247, 11250, 11251 and 11279 (Chrome already relies on changes in r11247)
e21fc2f Revert 11247, 11250, 11251 and 11279 to unblock DEPS roll (
df42670 start to remove lockPixels from bitmapshader
48b015d Canary build fix
8e4bf99 Fixed issues found by fuzzer
eeed877 Initial error handling code
f2febcc Change old PRG to be SkLCGRandom; change new one to SkRandom
0d0a04b Two and three color GPU gradients without textures.
19833a9 Remove GrRefCnt.h in favor of SkRefCnt.h
c064073 Replace uses of GR_DEBUGCODE by SkDEBUGCODE.
09281a9 Rip out CSAA support
0a4b4cc Move oval and rect renderer includes to private interface
966319a alpha threshold bitmap shader
4463fac Add support for ES3 MSAA.
d84b74d Revert "alpha threshold bitmap shader"
55b4e23 alpha threshold bitmap shader
536388f Add device-independent rendering of ovals, take two.
4442cf8 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
c63026d add support for high quality image filtering on the GPU
7496f97 Rewrite SkTRegistry to take any trivially-copyable type.
eec41ea Add SkCanvasStack and update the Canvas utilities to use it.
f003f42 Reverting r11075.
eecad80 Add device-independent GPU rendering of ovals.
854fa09 Remove uses of GR_RELEASE.
8a23552 Add OpenGL 4.4 support to SkNativeGLContext and GrGLCreateNativeInterface android versions.
8afa04c Fix bounds computation in GrAAHairlineRenderer
5d106f2 Add glTexGen funcs to interface
2fd4313 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
13f09ac Replace SkTScopedPtr with SkAutoTDelete in Skia.
71d3ba3 Create a semi-stable API for capturing the state of an SkCanvas and reconstructing that state across different versions of Skia.
c772e8b Revert "Create a semi-stable API for capturing the state of an SkCanvas and reconstructing that state across different versions of Skia."
4a50a31 Create a semi-stable API for capturing the state of an SkCanvas and reconstructing that state across different versions of Skia.
8a428fa Split SkDevice into SkBaseDevice and SkBitmapDevice
d960a68 export SkFontMgr_New_... experimental functions for testing in chrome
f9e5f50 Replace uses of GR_DEBUG by SK_DEBUG.
e051e1a Handle SkStream::rewind properly.
7af8d58 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
b3fdf18 In image filters, apply the CTM and offset to the crop rect. This is necessary to compensate for both clipping applied by the compositor (communicated via the CTM) and for cropping applied in upstream image filters (communicated via the offset). This requires a few ugly conversions, since the crop rect is an SkIRect, and the ctm is an SkMatrix.
feb640d Blur refactoring
d6a7c1d Reverting change 10888
d159fe0 SkError as flags
54d7539 Add luminance mask transfer modes.
0107089 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
4ee0a4f Create new target to hold gpu test code, enable direct testing of GrEffects in GM.
b750969 Implement SkEmptyFontMgr::onLegacyCreateTypeface and make pure virtual.
c3af39c Chromium staging for SkDevice refactoring
4604050 create a macro for testing if skcolor and skpmcolor have same shift values
34f8a91 Revert r10830 (Split SkDevice out of SkRasterDevice) until we can get Chromium ready.
af6ad46 Split SkDevice out of SkBitmapDevice
37035b8 Replace uses of GR_API by SK_API.
f7d65fd Fix name of "bleed" flag
0bcd2b1 Fix size_t to int conversion warning on Win64 in SkRTConf.h.
94ed1ef Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
be79841 Replace uses of GrAssert by SkASSERT.
a1ae848 Change Atlas recycling to track current flush count and recycle if Atlas not used in current flush.
d8efc2e This CL plumbs in the drawBitmapRectToRect "bleed" flag and makes it live on the simplest GPU path.
0d59803 This CL addresses "SkCanvas::save flags are not respected by GPU backend" (
9d3b418 Nobody defines SK_SUPPORT_HINTING_SCALE_FACTOR any more, so remove it.
a80e18a Update how SkPath handles fGenerationID and fSourcePath, and add tests to cover.
7d3f2c3 Add homogeneous point mapping to Matrix
70cf841 Write NULL as "" so readString() always returns a non-NULL string.
d1caa7e temporary kES2_GrGLBinding alias to unblock DEPS roll
536e306 missing header from previous commit
7d70115 Revert r10705 (ARM Skia NEON patches - 04 - Clean SkFixed / SkLONGLONG) due to 1000+ linux_layout failures (
3069ef5 Add blend optimization helpers and use to convert rect draws to clears.
01f9b8c Fix crash when querying a runtime config that is defined in environment
f294674 ARM Skia NEON patches - 04 - Clean SkFixed / SkLONGLONG
3936730 Prevent picture recording from over optimizing the culling of clips.
project external/chromium_org/third_party/skia/src/
eb8698b Cherrypick r12846 into m33_1750 for
df294ce cherrypick changes into branch m33_1750 to fix
ccee613 Merge 12729 "[PDF] Fix clipping in xfermode improvement."
cf6d181 branch Skia at r12678 for Chrome M33 (branch 1750)
9c3989c Use SkScalar when aligning glyphs in user space.
6eecd23 remove SkScalarCompare type and header
c2062d0 Update all callsites to use info for pixelrefs
a40953e Improved SkPathRef interface security
bb1fa83 Allow 0-width SkBitmap in setConfig.
e406b3b Reverting r12665 & r12666 (Remove duplicate impl for SkImageInfo flattening) due to Chromium/Blink compilation errors
d52aaa7 Mac 10.6 compiler fix for r12665 (Remove duplicate impl for SkImageInfo flattening)
af5b9fe Remvoe duplicate impl for SkImageInfo flattening Add onNewLockPixels
ee2574b Revert "Revert of"
246be06 Implement an SkPicture image filter source. This is required for the external-SVG reference feature of feImage. It simply plays back an SkPicture to a given destination rect.
d5e0433 Move segment mask from SkPath to SkPathRef
113de41 be sure to unlock the discardablememory before deleting it
e7fe1ef Revert "Implement an SkPicture image filter source. This is required for the external-SVG reference feature of feImage. It simply plays back an SkPicture to a given destination rect."
36af039 Implement an SkPicture image filter source. This is required for the external-SVG reference feature of feImage. It simply plays back an SkPicture to a given destination rect.
7c7ef7b Fixed a displacement issue
9ab92bf detect if the scaledimagecache returns a purged bitmap
6f0382e Bounds fixes for SkXfermodeImageFilter:
f2d0cd7 Preventing division by 0
67ce565 Revert of Reason for revert: Failing assert on Android
6645ae2 ensure that we call onUnlock only when we onLock succeeded
9a67ccc Initialize SkPixelRef::fInfo.
2ec3b59 Reverting r12635 (Make leak counters thread-safe - due to compile errors on Mac 10.6 & in Chrome
f8792e9 Make leak counters thread-safe and turn them on by default for Debug
c0353ad [PDF] Fix font width generation when glyph 0 is used.
a040d0e Revert "remvoe duplicate impl for SkImageInfo flattening"
fa1a20a Revert "Revert of"
7e409bc Revert of Reason for revert: breaks chrome-mac-tests
c578778 [PDF] Fix bug in ToUnicode table generation for Type 3 fonts.
515392d remvoe duplicate impl for SkImageInfo flattening
786f86c Revert "PixelRef now returns (nearly) everything that is currently in SkBitmap. The goal is to refactor bitmap later to remove redundancy, and more interestingly, remove the chance for a disconnect between the actual (pixelref) rowbytes and config, and the one claimed by the bitmap."""""
a9d4eb1 PixelRef now returns (nearly) everything that is currently in SkBitmap. The goal is to refactor bitmap later to remove redundancy, and more interestingly, remove the chance for a disconnect between the actual (pixelref) rowbytes and config, and the one claimed by the bitmap.""""
8516e09 be more careful about OOB source pixels in the scanline rescaler, and less certain about why the standalone scaler might have faileds
307f131 add more tests for discardable caches
d9ec55f Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
13ea874 Avoid heap allocation in SkPictureStateTree constructor
6168ea7 Sk_API for SkImageGenerator and SkInstallDiscardablePixelRef
f371c21 Implement SkAshmemDiscardableMemory
b314e58 improve bitmap font support (FreeType only)
c9f4925 Revert of Reason for revert: Was not the culprit.
60d868d Revert "[PDF] Fix font embedding restrictions."
9a934eb Revert of Reason for revert: I suspect this is causing GM to crash on Mac.
972af56 Fix missing ; in win code.
d9b848e [PDF] Fix font embedding restrictions.
66ce463 Shut up the CoreText performance note.
e9c7a8e Make GrBicubicEffect take tile modes rather than GrTextureParams.
069499d Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
dadedcc support scaledimagecache instantiable using discardablememory
dd5bc3a add
229ce27 make info real in SkPixelRef, and add bitmap::asImageInfo
21716fc Revert the revert of (ARM Skia NEON patches - 34 - Blur Filter -
87d9ea4 cast -1 to Mode to avoid warning (enum compared to signed int)
7b30e4e Reverting r12568 (ARM Skia NEON patches - 34 - Blur Filter - due to image quality regressions on the N4.
5f015c0 Fix one too many levels of indirection introduced in 12573.
799214c Do not use GrBicubic effect when downscaling. Also, don't use glTexStorage as it interferes with deleyed mipmap generation.
d7938fd Fix threading issue in DirectWrite port initialization.
80d1eb2 Implement srcRect and dstRect functionality in SkBitmapSource. This is required for the "preserveAspectRatio" options of SVG's feImage. Covered by new GM "bitmapsource".
ef3d66a Make texture domain a helper so that it can be incorporated into other effects.
4b72e6e ARM Skia NEON patches - 34 - Blur Filter Improve a little on Blur
f2a3af4 SkDecodingImageGenerator now uses SkStreamRewindable
ea07772 add SkImageInfo to SkGrPixelRef constructor, to prep for larger CL
d749ade gpudevice should never allocate pixels for its backend
87d6ad8 add SK_SUPPORT_LEGACY_PIXELREF_CONSTRUCTOR, initially always on
ca2c345 Revert "Revert "Revert "PixelRef now returns (nearly) everything that is currently in SkBitmap. The goal is to refactor bitmap later to remove redundancy, and more interestingly, remove the chance for a disconnect between the actual (pixelref) rowbytes and config, and the one claimed by the bitmap."""
e7252f7 Revert "Revert "PixelRef now returns (nearly) everything that is currently in SkBitmap. The goal is to refactor bitmap later to remove redundancy, and more interestingly, remove the chance for a disconnect between the actual (pixelref) rowbytes and config, and the one claimed by the bitmap.""
ce9b6b2 Fixed a few places where uninitialized memory could have been read
5da9529 Revert "PixelRef now returns (nearly) everything that is currently in SkBitmap. The goal is to refactor bitmap later to remove redundancy, and more interestingly, remove the chance for a disconnect between the actual (pixelref) rowbytes and config, and the one claimed by the bitmap."
3418cfb PixelRef now returns (nearly) everything that is currently in SkBitmap. The goal is to refactor bitmap later to remove redundancy, and more interestingly, remove the chance for a disconnect between the actual (pixelref) rowbytes and config, and the one claimed by the bitmap.
2a6ed12 Reverting 12528 & 12533 (Implement srcRect and dstRect functionality in SkBitmapSource) due to image differences on N4
bb5463a Implement srcRect and dstRect functionality in SkBitmapSource. This is required for the "preserveAspectRatio" options of SVG's feImage. Covered by new GM "bitmapsource".
098f3d6 ARM Skia NEON patches - 32 - Xfermode: 1-pixel NEON modeprocs
3ffe218 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
7190c43 Revert "Implement srcRect and dstRect functionality in SkBitmapSource. This is required for the "preserveAspectRatio" options of SVG's feImage. Covered by new GM "bitmapsource"." until I can sort out the xfermodeimagefilter and tileimagefilter failures.
7a149a2 Implement srcRect and dstRect functionality in SkBitmapSource. This is required for the "preserveAspectRatio" options of SVG's feImage. Covered by new GM "bitmapsource".
902b95b Fix refcounting bug for Type1 font usage with more than 255 characters.
2aaa097 Fix change src/ports/SkImageDecoder_empty.cpp missed in 103033002
abe44e3 SkOnce: let f be any functor, update comments
9ab9c97 Big Cleanup: SkBitmapFactory, SkLazyPixelRef, SkImageCache
357c375 SkCachingPixelRef to use SkImageGenerator
3fc0925 Fix compilation with SK_ENABLE_INST_COUNT=1
d107173 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
ab50b21 Simplify matrix generation for convex path renderer
d035766 Nit to self: NULL is not false.
ca21698 Changed maxInputCount for exact inputCount
97ddc8f Remove deprecated setPrefConfigTable.
f111226 Do proper NEON checking for SkBoxBlur procs.
6a9839f Implement a NEON version of the RGBA gaussian blur. This shows a 9-15% speedup on Nexus-10.
1f454c0 Remove problematic GrContext thread local instance counting
be70da4 Fixed bad bitmap size crashes
0f6aff8 Fix incremental visibility filter handling.
cdcd173 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
93b766d [PDF] Fixes the cases where SkPDFDevice::finishContentEntry is called with empty content.
264d90f Code cleanup following recapture of skps
8ba6346 Add GPU support for color bitmap fonts
a47c40f Fix for SkPathRef::CreateTransformedCopy bug
6271223 Move fIsOval from SkPath to SkPathRef
0ebd6e0 Use lowercase windows.h in includes to fix Windows cross compilation using mingw.
44c8488 Revert of r12450 (Move fIsOval from SkPath to SkPathRef)
b1bfb6c Move fIsOval from SkPath to SkPathRef
e26215b ARM Skia NEON patches - 29 - Xfermode: SkFourByteInterp
b9e32f3 Delay setting initial memory block until it officially exists.
053509a SkDiscardablePixelRef objects are now marked immutable.
d7424ed HQ filtering for tiled/bleed drawBitmap sample at pix center in bicubic
1f71706 Fix 'i-i' to 'i-1' in SkCanvasStack.
b7cd81f Actually mark other types of fonts as 'kOther' in FreeType port.
f492cb8 Fix truncation of glyphs in SkScalerContext.cpp
8793ad7 Reverting r12427
c4da293 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
36c09bb Speed up GrResourceCache lookup by inlining GrBinHashKey comparisons
3e1cbf5 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
6f38590 Document the SkScalerContext pure virtuals.
23e903c Trying to add the same scaled image twice shouldn't assert.
7622146 Don't check the framebuffer status every time we flush when we're on Chromium; this reduces the number of unnecessary command buffer flushes by about 50% for page loads when doing Ganesh rendering, since we do a flush on clear.
6b94a85 ARM Skia NEON patches - 16/17 - Blitmask
0ec4ff3 fix 8->1 bugs shown by removal of A1 config
70e1478 Fixed bad memory access
3f77824 Remove unused fields from SkGlyphCache.
088ef40 DM: write failed comparison mode .pngs one more level deep in the tree.
79904ef Enhance SkDropShadowImageFilter to support separate X & Y sigmas, and crop rect. This required a new flavour of the constructor.
0a029ec Minimal changes to not crash GPU with color fonts.
8937966 Revert "Revert "remove kA1_Config, as it is no longer supported""
3c67e6f Add 'skiapict' magic bytes to SkPicture format.
a3d8822 Clean up 4 old bytes per paint.
7079016 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
3c6b25d Adding more validation
930c3cc Revert "remove kA1_Config, as it is no longer supported"
dfc928c remove SkFloatToScalar macro
7d48d0f remove kA1_Config, as it is no longer supported
87c9e7f remove unused reduce order code
2ef7d84 fix pathops quad line intersection
217e491 Inline performance-critical methods on SkAlphaRuns.
249d965 I feel like my clang is especially sensitive to unused variables.
b55ea24 [GPU] Use view matrix + rect to implement subrect for drawBitmap when there is a mask filter and bleed.
cf839b6 Disable the save/clip/restore peephole optimization when a bounding hierarchy is used
c700a80 Fixing issues found by fuzzer
4eea5ab Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
f19fb36 Apply hairline optimization only if the path renderer wants it
fe9a90c move SkProcCoeffXfermode unflatten constructor into .cpp, and range-check its mode
4f946a7 Remove unwanted gFTMutex from DirectWrite port.
dcdfdfe fix compiler error where SK_SCALAR_IS_FLOAT is not defined. (attempt 2)
5f03103 fix compiler error where SK_SCALAR_IS_FLOAT is not defined.
d2a4ea1 Fix SkScalar conversion warning.
0b05e4f Fix VC++ ptr-to-... and va_list confusion
90e8f86 Show basic SkPicture details in debugger.
5258e39 optimize pathops coverage
da3140f Minor fix in Ganesh shader generation.
6ac702e Add SkImageGenerator Interface
89b7080 Avoid printing draw target info to stderr while running unit tests
c3b8bbb Minor fixes for distance field fonts: - Remove additional transform in drawpostext() - Use bitmap fonts if rasterizer set in paint - Correctly set scale ratio for drawtext()
baef964 More Windows 64b compilation warning fixes
ff93ef6 Implement a benchmark for GrResourceCache
97e3c0f Only SkFontMgr_New_DirectWrite should call GetSystemFontCollection.
8ff1168 Fix SkMatrix44::invert(...) for identity matrices and a NULL parameter
51bd824 Remove the SKIA_IGNORE_GPU_MIPMAPS now that Chrome sets glGenMipmap for the skia GL interface.
76586c5 Reverting r12315 (More Windows 64b compilation warning fixes) due to compilation failures
453dd50 More Windows 64b compilation warning fixes
c1c7704 Add extra warnings to match what Android uses.
9158133 De-generalize create_typeface on Windows.
1ab4598 Revert "Add extra warnings to match what Android uses."
c8fff39 Add extra warnings to match what Android uses.
27d1fb2 SkMemoryStream::setData should also set the current offset to 0.
396e091 Fix Windows build after the SkAutoFoo guard CL.
adb2f64 Fix DocumentTest/SkDocument memory leaks
7345112 Guard against most unintentionally ephemeral SkAutoFoo instantiations.
b941e5c fix general-pespective for conical gradient bug=1744
3fde21f Add missing functions to SkNWayCanvas
7bf5f97 increase coverage of SkPath.cpp, remove unused code
e2a626c move SkImageInfo into its own header
1dc38ed Revert "Revert "switch GatherPixelRefs to use SkBaseDevice instead of SkBitmapDevice""
f51554a drawPosTextOnPath is now deprecated, removing all overrides and impls
7d199f4 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
c560120 Revert "switch GatherPixelRefs to use SkBaseDevice instead of SkBitmapDevice"
7d3775d switch GatherPixelRefs to use SkBaseDevice instead of SkBitmapDevice
cf130a8 Hide implementation details: SkFrontBufferedStream
adf0c82 [PDF] Speculative fix for chrome crash w/ SRC xfer mode.
8007c03 pdfviewer: compile pdfviewer in gm, only if the flag is set (currently we compile pdfviewer, even if it is not used)
6db06a0 Override drawRRect in fake SkBitmapDevices.
826973c Remove some now-unused #ifdefs.
a51bfb5 add colortable enum to SkImage to ease interop between it and SkBitmap::Config
66d072c Clean up after longjmp in SkImageDecoder_libpng.
81e7942 Create nonPOD before setjmp.
720a3df Fix a memory leak in SkGPipeCanvas.
8965981 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
6c3259c Disable Blurred RR optimization in Chrome
406b48e Implement DPI for perspective bitmaps in PDF - we save the bitmap at the resolution requested.
5233179 Hook in rough distance field support for fonts
7896c64 Implement a speedup for Y-only blurs by transposing.
1ae4bb3 Make onCreateFromStream check that the stream looks like a font.
10af2de Fix memory leak in filterRRectToNine
ae19385 Android FontHost cannot use FontMgr yet.
34208ca Give Android a SkFontMgr::Factory which was missing as of r12217.
3b5bcd1 Implement a NEON version of morphology. This is good for ~2.2X speedup on Tegra3.
1970953 Re-add NULL FontMgr::Factory hadnling code removed in r12217.
1e08365 Initial draft code to run pdfviewer withg gms draft cl to run pdfviewer with gms modified: gm/gmmain.cpp modified: gyp/gm.gyp modified: src/utils/SkPDFRasterizer.cpp modified: src/utils/SkPDFRasterizer.h
378b50c Removed deprecated API calls that have crept in
016ce25 SSE2 implementation of RGBA box blurs. This yields ~2X perf improvement on Xeon ES-2690.
75dda04 Add sk_float_rsqrt with SSE + NEON fast paths.
ae553db Adding error checks to SkRBuffer
2b1e5ac Fix stale assert in GrDrawTarget::print
cc6444d optimize floating pt, save a few instructions
524d520 Add ability to ninepatch blurred rounded rectangle
3e99b7c fix line intersection
d16b11a remove bogus assert, and remove outdated #ifdef
6714b86 ARM Skia NEON patches - 31 - Xfermode: xfer16 Xfermode: xfer16
6d104a4 use quads for mixed radius rrects
1ec6201 Revert "Do not apply hairline optimization for paths if nv_path_rendering is used"
7a59bd2 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
7fc4106 Do not apply hairline optimization for paths if nv_path_rendering is used
61bc1f4 Add GM to verify removal of 32767 limit in SkBlurMaskFilter::filterRectsToNine is okay
dd081af "Fix" bug in debug canvas
22fedc5 Added support for Chrome's gpu command buffer extension BindUniformLocation.
c9173e9 Implement the y-transpose optimization in image (RGBA) blurs. This gives ~38% performance improvement on my Linux box. Also unify the box blur functions with a template.
edd66dc Fix for thin filled and hairline roundrects.
0ae872f Revert "Revert "speed up A8 by creating a new entry-point in SkDraw that blits the path's coverage directly into an A8 target, regardless of the previous pixel values.""
cd60e98 ARM Skia NEON patches - 33 - Convolution filter NEON version of the convolutionProcs
a4d1977 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
6e37b9b Revert r12154 BUG=skia:1807
d8d97ac New SkRTConf macro SK_CONF_TRY_SET: no complaint on missing configuration
68ee969 ARM Skia NEON patches - 33 - Convolution filter NEON version of the convolutionProcs
d97dc95 Fix a bug which caused crash in SkRTConfig whith string values in environment variables
3f8f20b Perlin issue fixed
48bb724 Break up SkLazyPixelRef functionally into class hierarchy.
6042c85 Add bevel-stroke support in GrAARectRenderer
c7da42f Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
131b968 Add SkRRect::transform.
6e0ba02 Check that Mode is valid for ModeColorFilterEffect
0c54a7b Checking structure sizes before reading them from memory to avoid overflowing the buffer's stream.
83c9883 Add SK_PREFETCH and use in SkBlurImageFilter.
732868d Avoid re-rendering stencil clip for every draw with reducable clip stack
9bfcd6b Revert "Checking structure sizes before reading them from memory to avoid overflowing the buffer's stream."
bb9e222 We always read out of bounds here. Fix that.
c162593 Revert "speed up A8 by creating a new entry-point in SkDraw that blits the path's coverage directly into an A8 target, regardless of the previous pixel values."
b25a899 Checking structure sizes before reading them from memory to avoid overflowing the buffer's stream.
0b6e978 speed up A8 by creating a new entry-point in SkDraw that blits the path's coverage directly into an A8 target, regardless of the previous pixel values.
985bcd0 Revert r12114 due to ('Assertion failures on various buildbots as of r12114')
89e3dff Checking structure sizes before reading them from memory to avoid overflowing the buffer's stream.
187a663 Change SkBlurImageFilter to use fixed-point division. Yields ~1.8X speedup on MacBookPro.
8995be6 Fix for Chromium-side compilation complaint:
12bff0e Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
977e604 Reverting r12082 (Add bevel-stroke support in GrAARectRenderer) due to GM failures
9b5b31c pathops work in progress
8699790 Revert "Avoid re-rendering stencil clip for every draw with reducable clip stack"
942ed4e Construct round rects with perpendicular tangents.
cfb7dfa Avoid re-rendering stencil clip for every draw with reducable clip stack
09af991 Make GrContext cache the gpu paths
75739bc Add bevel-stroke support in GrAARectRenderer
d2f1e41 Only disable scratch texture reuse on the N10 and N4
820d5de move SkImage::ColorType into SkColorType
47c4f4d Adding a way to disable SkOffsetImageFilter's optimized path in blink/chrome
37e483d Fix two inconsistencies in handling fixed-function texture coordinate set generation
6235b57 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
44d304c Fix for r12069 (actually turn on don't-reuse-scratch-textures feature)
e4864d9 Turn on don't-reuse-scratch-textures for all Android devices
163b5b0 Add can-ignore-rect hint to clear call
eee1041 Partial fix for Skia issue 1769: GenerateGMs crashing (out of memory)
863cb39 Adding size parameter to read array functions
5588ded Initial empty repository
bb6a0d3 Revert "Revert "add SK_ATTR_DEPRECATED -- will need to disable for chrome, since it triggers a warning""
427db09 Revert "add SK_ATTR_DEPRECATED -- will need to disable for chrome, since it triggers a warning"
0bee947 add SK_ATTR_DEPRECATED -- will need to disable for chrome, since it triggers a warning
5c112a9 Fix bug in don't-reuse-scratch-textures path
3ffda04 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
181bc70 No longer use scratch textures on ARM devices
84e63c4 Mac build fix.
efafd57 Implement SSE2-based implementations of the morphology filters (dilate & erode). This gives a 3-5X speedup over the naive implementation, and also mitigates a timing-based security attack in Chrome (
d91c9ea Make not-reusing-scratch-textures only apply to texture uploads
821ee3e Fix int/SkScalar mismatch.
0789da2 [PDF] Improve complex xfer mode support.
b661841 Don't check if shaders compile or program links in release Chromium
b2fc4fa Use SkPathRef gen id for SkPath::getGenerationID
4b8b505 remove contains(x,y) for rects and rrects ... not well defined, and unused
428b26f Allow specifying the max texture count on the bots
44df08e prototype for kerning api
431d4b7 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
31ec9b6 Reverting r12010 (Use SkPathRef gen id for SkPath::getGenerationID due to test failures in PathTest on Android
55930fa Use SkPathRef gen id for SkPath::getGenerationID
b5c4690 Remove SkMatrix44 float conversions without precision loss
e8cc47d All SkAnnotations are no-draw. Propose we fold that through.
80ef27c Little changes to SkAnnotation in pipe: - store size in the op data field rather than separately (saves 4 bytes); - trim out a malloc/memcpy in each of read and write; - remove unused enum value; - use the right _unpackOp function; - make sure we call needOpBytes().
3fa097f Allow SkLazyPixelRef to use SkScaledImageCache
84a252f Fix pipe/annotation.
fc8faab Get rid of two unused variables from the .data section.
4db4c5c Don't reuse scratch textures patch
245e4ae Fix bug in erosion filtering
169243c Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
0084f45 Fix narrowing conversion errors from r11986
3e9e2b5 Remove float/double conversions from SkMatrix44's map2_pf
24cb5de Enabling validation code in serialization and adding serialization to fuzzer
fa7e1e6 Fix for issue 1728: raster vs. gpu text draws with the wrong color
c39bd5d Fix broken MSAA for RGBA
0a232e1 Reverting r11968 (Enabling validation code in serialization and adding serialization to fuzzer - due to failure on Chromium AllQuads test.
23dee68 Clean up the GrTHashTable API.
9093a83 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
23ef3ca Enabling validation code in serialization and adding serialization to fuzzer
fbbc0dd Allow users to build on top of, instead of beneath, SkRefCnt.
2fed35a onCharsToGlyphs to handle non-bmp on Mac.
e347d59 Compute clipped src rect once in tiled bitmap draws
fec1862 Fix non-bmp in generateCharToGlyph on Mac.
bf1e29f Add missing braces for r11955.
086c705 Implement charToGlyph on remaining ports.
c97644c Tile large bitmaps that are clipped.
3639a16 We want to give SkPixelRef a way to signal over to GrResourceCache that it's become pointless to keep around textures based on that SkPixelRef when its pixels change, so that it can be a good citizen and free those textures.
d04e0ac Fix drawBitmap() of scratch texture.
0f18f48 [PDF] Add unpremultiply support and a GM (try5)
c783501 Borrow Android's ARMv6 memory barrier for SkOnce.
6e35506 Minor changes
fa22794 Always create an instance when testing GrEffects for SkXfermode and SkArithmeticMode
a7571e2 Fix ModeColorFilterEffect assert during GLProgramsTest
3a0a0f8 PDF: support perspective in simple shaders. (this version does not work well with tilling)
3715a01 Replacing SkTDArray with SkAutoSTArray to reduce memory allocation overhead in SkTileGrid::search
c794170 Expose SkPicture::willPlayBackBitmaps()
3b7e9c7 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
979d87b Apply matrix early in draw bitmap
f261abc Revert "Apply matrix early in draw bitmap"
20d342a Revert "[PDF] Add unpremultiply support and a GM (try4)"
8382c78 Apply matrix early in draw bitmap
55243e8 [PDF] Add unpremultiply support and a GM (try4)
6ed6e9b Split up SkXfermode::asNewEffectOrCoeff() into asNewEffect(), asCoeff().
e58089f Follow up to serialization validation code
3218b02 Initial error handling code
0fc7b95 use the supplied matrix instead of the texture w/h div for the bicubic GPU effect
23b8b8a Lighting filter uses input on raster path
cc3cec6 Add support for reading non-rendertarget textures.
eaff5f7 TSAN build fix: forgot to pass the address into ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE.
a5ef9e0 SK_ONCE for SkData and SkPathRef
59f654a Remove GrContext from SkXfermode::[Aa]sNewEffectOrCoeff() and all subclasses, since it's unused.
0340537 Implement SkColorFilter as a GrGLEffect
51e7640 Revert "If the path is a rect, call drawRect to raster the geometry in SkCanvas::drawPath to get better performance."
115511e if fBitmap is still NULL, return false
131c182 If the path is a rect, call drawRect to raster the geometry in SkCanvas::drawPath to get better performance.
4bd8fd9 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
962b78a Revert r11880 (Apply matrix early in draw bitmap - due to layout test failure
00db9e3 GrTHashCache -> GrTHashTable
b715be1 Image decoder fixes (mostly) around A8.
bd55f1c Revert "Revert "cache SkImage::Info calculation in lazypixelref""
afa3058 Revert "cache SkImage::Info calculation in lazypixelref"
3da0cec cache SkImage::Info calculation in lazypixelref
89fe2dc Fix out of order destruction error
3f2addd Add DPI stettings to SkDocument::CreatePDF(). Tests will be added in a future cl, once DPI will be used in SkPDFDevice
c07af45 More clang warning fixes.
289fd7f Magnifier gpu path fix
bf33b6c Fix GrProgramsTest to not generate tests with too many TexCoord references
6f921d3 Apply matrix early in draw bitmap
48bf029 scope ComputeIsOpaque with SkBitmap
f58161a change ERROR label to BAD_CONFIG -- avoid windows complaint
f183a59 store SkAlphaType inside SkBitmap, on road to support unpremul
db3bbf8 Reverting revert of r11862 (Constify SkFlattenable::getFactory()) or reverting r11871.
3fdb9ed Fix for cropped matrix convolution for BottomLeft render targets.
5df91f5 Reverted due to Chromium compilation failures. Please see:
59f33d9 Fix cubic->quad RR corner regression
8e6526c Revert "[PDF] Add unpremultiply support and a GM (try3)."
0af1bd3 [PDF] Add unpremultiply support and a GM (try3).
f92f296 Revert "PDF: support perspective in simple shaders. (this version does not work well with tilling)"
65c7b29 PDF: support perspective in simple shaders. (this version does not work well with tilling)
44c650a Implement crop rect support for SkMatrixConvolutionImageFilter.
48d888c Constify SkFlattenable::getFactory().
99f9aa7 Revert "[PDF] Add unpremultiply support and a GM."
6e2bd96 [PDF] Add unpremultiply support and a GM.
5aeca60 SkThreadPool: allow for Runnables that add other Runnables to the pool.
e7d8584 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
d8079c4 Make SkImageFilter::asNewEffect() (and all derived-class overrides) protected.
c2780fe Add texture filtering override to debugger
a1d6e01 Revert r11842 (call drawRect to try GrAARectRenderer if the path is a rect - due to changes to the following GM images:
ee29557 Add support for GL_CHROMIUM_renderbuffer_format_BGRA8888
441954d ARM Skia NEON patches - 30 - Xfermode: NEON modeprocs
e3ac2e7 If the path is a rect, call drawRect to raster the geometry in SkCanvas::drawPath to get better performance.
7576e4e Disable r11835 (Replace cubic round rect corners with quads) due to performance regression
e99a5a7 Replace cubic round rect corners with quads
42282d5 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
9300d36 Reverting r11813 (ARM Skia NEON patches - 30 - Xfermode: NEON modeprocs - due to Chromium compilation faliures.
2d3a1b2 Build fix fo windows only
790b558 Build fix for chromium shared component build
76c0fe8 catch the other case where we need to see if fScaledBitmap.lockPixels() might have failed
07b6b20 Clear out SK_SCALAR_IS_FLOAT from SkRadialGradient, and merge the logic for radial_mirror and radial_repeat.
37e20d6 Implement perspective for bitmaps in pdf.
a720e1d Split out GrBitmapTextContext from GrTextContext.
4d7588c Make CropRect immutable after construction.
84f9c35 Add display of filterLevel to debugger
ab0afe1 Third wave of Win64 warning cleanup
546cec0 check of fScaledBitmap failed to lock
3ab63a5 ARM Skia NEON patches - 30 - Xfermode: NEON modeprocs
8cabdd7 Remove support for SK_CROP_RECT_IS_INT, now that it is no longer used in Blink or Chrome.
7f7c7b2 Make sure attribute indexes are correct after restoring vertex attributes
87301e0 detach blur result texture when it is the same texture used to render path mask
5e901c8 force readbuffer clients to use specialized readFoo for flattenables
e237cdc Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
320bbd2 Reverting r11777 (ARM Skia NEON patches - 30 - Xfermode: NEON modeprocs) due to Chromium compilation failure
4b8491b Guard colorNames variable under SK_SUPPORT_UNITTEST.
ae31258 Remove SkDataTable from SkFlattenable hierarchy.
37efc4b Remove SkColorTable from SkFlattenable hierarchy.
fbbaa0a return false if we can't scale, to force us to try to lock the original and then proceed
270a950 Turn clear-to-white-then-intersect clips into clear-to-black-then-replace
74c84d1 Add crop rect support for SkDisplacementMapEffect (raster and GPU paths). Covered by new test cases added to displacement GM (will require rebaseline).
35f0871 Fix off by one error in last advanceCount in SkFontHost_FreeType.
32b94f8 Second wave of Win64 warning cleanup
23fa8a2 ARM Skia NEON patches - 30 - Xfermode: NEON modeprocs
b0cdbba account for inverse-paths when we prealloc storage in the rgn-builder
7def63b SkRectShaderImageFilter: add a new factory method which takes a CropRect. This will become the preferred API, and the old Create method will be deprecated.
c5158c0 remove clipstack/region bounds assertion
1c76f79 Fix build break in assert
6012533 separate state for msaa renderability
ace10df Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
6138c2d Start cleaning up 64bit Win warnings
fd31c09 Runtime configuration setting for suppressing JPEG decoder errors.
8a88822 change SkAnnotation to not inherit from SkFlattenable (does not need dynamic factories)
5fa60f5 swizzle color table if necessary
06e25ea remove SkDataSet, and just store a key/value in SkAnnotation
758955b Remove need for readFlattenableT from SkLightingImageFilter.
03e1ce0 Move renderable config list to GrDrawTargetCaps
6f5ccc5 SkData need not be a Flattenable, since it does not need subclass/factories
a425a0e Add SkPDFDeviceFlatenner which extends SkPDFDevice to add support to flatten the path and the text when we have perspective. prepare to deprecate SkPDFDevice constructor, and route gm and render_pdfs to use SkDocument::Create pdf interface instead. - controlled by a flag add comments where we are supposed to flatten other features (paint, shaders, ... )
5838cd5 Remove SkLumaXfermode.
6c6b1de Simplify code for configuring suppression of ImageDecoder warnings
41120fc Add stdio include to SkFonrConfigParser_android.
908e2f2 Try to work around VS2010 intsafe/stdint multiple define issues.
f6c8ab3 Add stdio include to SkDebug_android.
a030bfd Add stdio include for Android specific code in SkRegion.
aa0da4f Correct 32bit pointer assumption in assert in SkMatrix.
ad56de3 Clean up SkTypes.h.
2e58b63 GIF decode: optional error messages and fault tolerance.
b8060d0 SkRectShaderImageFilter: add a workaround for the zero-sized rects currently passed by Blink.
6f7572b Use #if insteadof #ifdef DYNAMIC_ANNOTATIONS_ENABLED. It's always defined, just to 0 or 1.
9c7d102 Fix double ref issue in SkPDFFont ctor
fbd8b9c SK_ONCE for SkMatrix::I()
6784cbe Implement crop rect support for SkRectShaderImageFilter: remove fRect and use the cropRect from SkImageFilter in its place.
380a918 Align SkLumaColorFilter with the spec.
befeeb8 SkThreadPool: tweak two little things that have been annoying me 1) it's pretty annoying that SkThreadPool doesn't include SkRunnable for us; 2) add wait() so we don't have to keep using SkAutoTDelete/free() to wait for completion.
c7e864d make explicit the requirement that all colorfilters are reentrant-safe
472fc9c Always clear dest in SkBitmap::copyTo's draw path
a2bebd3 Revert "Revert "change SkColorTable to be immutable""
a308293 Change SkImageFilter's cropRect from SkIRect to a CropRect struct, containing an SkRect and flags indicating which parameters are set.
90d3997 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
0055dc1 Express (GLSL expression, possibly known value) pairs as a class
b0b2ca1 SkDocument api changes (abort, close return success, set DCT encoder...).
a4df31f Remove _impl from names in SkOnce.h.
1e6cc10 low hanging calloc fruit
7ac5d2a Add swapBuffer call to SkGLContextHelper.
753c168 Revert "change SkColorTable to be immutable"
0e96cfe change SkColorTable to be immutable
5a949c0 Sketch of SK_ONCE
59c8509 Implement stroking a path with nv_path_rendering
11d3539 flush after every print in windows
22f28de ARM Skia NEON patches - 28 - Xfermode: SIMD modeprocs
b4eb9b3 Implement filling a path with nv_path_rendering cover
8fc344a try uping the cache-count-limit to see if it speeds up bench-pictures
564c62a Improve SkScalerContext_GDI::generateCharToGlyph for non-BMP code points.
084d67a Allow sampling GIF images during decode.
c4b978d Fix uninitialized memory access
69f3d73 Revert "ARM Skia NEON patches - 28 - Xfermode: SIMD modeprocs"
bcf3096 ARM Skia NEON patches - 28 - Xfermode: SIMD modeprocs
0778437 Update #if to #ifdef for consistency
df243b8 Fix memory leak in SkPDFRasterizer
91a8ab8 Fix ambiguity in API if no matching system language is found
6c92e84 Fix for blinking/corrupted text in Canvas 2D.
c8be557 Luminance-to-alpha color filter (SkLumaColorFilter).
5a3f19f style nit for myself retroactively: throwOnFailure -> throw_on_failure
ff2fbb2 Make skia almost compile again with clang.
b89f2ee pdf: drawPath should pass the computed matrix, instead of default matrix stored in draw.
6614973 Add perspective support to SkMatrix44 initializers.
5b5aed7 Revert "Add perspective support to SkMatrix44 initializers."
1fc162b Add perspective support to SkMatrix44 initializers.
b41e23b Use vertexless shaders when NVpr is available
1486692 Mutex protect SkFontMgr_DirectWrite cache.
c1ec7c4 commit to xfermode objects being immutable
21c4256 When cache is full delay flush until GrContext draw is finished
cc57c43 Move VertexBuilder to a GrGLFullShaderBuilder subclass
5aff374 Don't access RT when disabling scissor.
fa25d47 Fix SkScalar conversion warning error.
e14e5f0 Make image decoding more fault resistant, less verbose.
ccebafa Allow gradient optimization with perspective
35aab1b Snap GDI matrix when snapping height.
b22c334 Use SkPicture::ExtractBitmap callback in pdf too, there is no need for a specialized function pointer for pdf only only to pass a rectangle, when we can use subseted bitmaps.
4bafd03 Fixes for decoding to A8.
715b034 Repurpose GrGLCoordTransform as GrGLProgramEffects
e309813 Update PDF backend to support fallback fonts on Android.
29d651b Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
37baa98 Fix font GMs
f241537 Add support to dump font cache texture for debug purposes
55d0494 Move makeSpace and resetToSize from SkPathRef.cpp to .h
e0aceac Add new skyline Rectanizer
3884eb2 Make it explicit that some validate methods are debug only
ba34759 Do not convert non gray PNG to A8.
08c5b80 path ops work in progress
0a42d75 Make GPU coord transforms automatic
704075a Empty implementations for SkImageDecoder.
3d05984 Fix race between ~SkThreadPool and SkThreadPool::Loop on fDone.
032dfe8 Use explicitly-sized enums in GrGLProgramDesc::KeyHeader
0294910 Fix build.
c1758c4 Add an option on SkImageDecoder to skip writing 0s.
3b7431c Allow creating a picture from skp to fail.
a5bd1d4 Minor changes to XPS device.
adc2b4c Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
be9e434 Mark when effects and programs have vertex code
89a50b6 Add a GrCustomCoordsTextureEffect class
d58570d Add GrSurface::savePixels().
37374be Move the GL shader compilation step into GrGLShaderBuilder
2ada31a Revert "Add a requiresVertexShader method to GrGLEffect"
937bf44 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
5db3bc7 Limit warning message to de-clutter bench output logs
d77c0f8 GrAtlas cleanup: Split out GrPlot and GrAtlas
f23d833 Move unlikely-to-be-inlined code from SkPathRef.h to SkPathRef.cpp
a9531cd This CL effectively reverts:
8db5ae5 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
e92e18b Fix a warning.
2ff487b Add a buffered SkStream class.
2b2773b move GrMalloc, GrFree, Gr_bzero to their sk equivalents
9defd91 add counting to Globals, and refactor some for clarity
78c8d2b Add SkDivMod with a special case for ARM.
6cd9fff Added SkTileImageFilter to SkFlattenable::InitializeFlattenables()
8033f20 Moving 4 SkImageFilter derived classes from blink to skia
6c58c7b GrAtlas refactor: Replace GrMaskFormat usage in GrAtlas with GrPixelConfig.
ec34977 ARM Skia NEON patches - 24 - S32_D565_Blend_Dither slight speedup/bugfix
77c57d1 We don't flatten or unflatten SkPaintOptionsAndroid. Reproduce and fix.
bd154c8 First pass at font cache refactor: Create an atlas manager per texture
45567da Move bound and isFinite into pathref
5b33341 Fix iOS build.
fcf1894 Change SkImageDecoders to take an SkStreamRewindable.
6082f5a Print a better error message.
0db1c19 Use the default resync_to_restart in jpeg.
a3b4d7b Replace GR_*_BUILD by their SK_BUILD_FOR_* equivalents.
6f27e32 Use different unique identifier for a fallback family.
b10d673 remove obsolete USE_CACHE_HASH
553b850 Revert r11423 (low hanging calloc fruit)
248c5ae Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
8c377e0 low hanging calloc fruit
7d2243f promote SkImage::AlphaType to SkAlphaType
eca7465 [PDF] clear() and drawPaint() where applying the initial transform twice.
058e5c5 Map Calibri to Carlito
d599e74 Fix slight hinting with GDI.
bd4bbed ARM Skia NEON patches - 21 - new NEON S32_D565_Opaque
8a2cbe3 Add sk_calloc. Remove SkMemory_stdlib, which seems unused.
9dc93b5 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
325a4db silence the error test to be a better citizen
221b054 Add new entry point that supports fallback font selection based on language.
cc0a207 pdf: report NYI features, and fail gracefully when something is not supported in pdf.
3822393 Implement crop rect support for the merge image filter.
abdff47 Reenable GrAAHairlinePathRenderer assert w/ fix
216f677 Update Android's FontHost to return NULL if familyName does not match
eec0a04 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
dc172d5 Temporarily disable assert in GrAAHairlinePathRenderer.cpp
87907d3 Don't reuse scratch textures update
943e641 "Fix" for hairline corner bugs
9db1c1d fix fontconfig backend to only cache new fonts if their outName was unique
cc24119 fix printing of error messages in canvasstatetest.
5219a6e pdf: write only ToUnicode mappings needed by the font, trimming anything out of [firstChar, lastChar] interval.
a48e2d4 cleanup XML_Parser after reading android config files.
04a9a1c Attempt to remove 64 bit min size for NPOT resized texture.
f3c4140 Replace uses of GrNoncopyable by SkNoncopyable.
f74e007 Fix to allow ovals GM to finish on N7
fa94eef ARM Skia NEON patches - 23 - S32_D565_Opaque_Dither cleanup/bugfix/speed
1f603c5 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
118aa93 update devicelooper to skip internal tiles that are empty, and unittests
ee4418c pdf: ifgnore shader colors applied for 0 range.
1366876 Implement crop rect for the dilate and erode (morphology) filters. This provoked some cleanup on the GPU side: apply_morphology() now deals with SkBitmaps, rather than GrTextures. There's still a clear opportunity for more refactoring between the two filters.
38a9d05 [External patch] Source-over support for SkLumaXfermode.
ff5d71e Baby step in making SkGpuDevice no longer derive from SkBitmapDevice
ab8730f Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
67f30ff Have multiple plotmgrs, one for each mask format. Only flush/purge those strikes that match our format.
c2b7592 Don't declare displayCache variable if PROGRAM_CACHE_STATS not defined.
e2b43c6 Only display program cache info if RTConf flag is set.
6f2c7c3 path ops work in progress
ee7ccf9 Revert 11247, 11250, 11251, 11257, and 11279 to unblock DEPS roll (
005d26c Revert the revert of 11247, 11250, 11251 and 11279 (Chrome already relies on changes in r11247)
001c2a1 Revert 11247, 11250, 11251 and 11279 to unblock DEPS roll (
b432bda Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
2a84e41 start to remove lockPixels from bitmapshader
452c710 Warnings as errors fix
2d7ca2b Fixed issues found by fuzzer
ba04c9f Initial error handling code
1156e03 ARM Skia NEON patches - 19 - Intrinsics version of the Filter32 routines
d365433 re-enable GrIODB
bd9b11d Fix for ovals failing on Xoom.
fcbf064 Fix uninitialized string bug
f1fda2f Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
6803721 Change old PRG to be SkLCGRandom; change new one to SkRandom
f813e71 Two and three color GPU gradients without textures.
0f1951e Improve handling of FF vertex array state
cc7cf00 remove SK_IGNORE_IMAGE_PRESCALE flag (no longer used)
9dc19f0 move decision to smash invmatrix into unit-space (for faster repeat/mirror to after the call to possiblyScaleImage(), so we don't confuse that code with a munged matrix. Fixes the scaled_tilemodes gm for HQ
6afd4a3 Remove GrRefCnt.h in favor of SkRefCnt.h
ccda1c4 Return canonical logfont size to 64.
eb0e2f5 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
cd647ba Replace uses of GR_DEBUGCODE by SkDEBUGCODE.
a8869c7 Remove dead code from libwebp image decoder
0b1c46d Add a requiresVertexShader method to GrGLEffect
940b8d7 Remove coverage msaa func from android grglinterface setup
ab3ada3 Rip out CSAA support
1e448da Fix for aliasing in device-independent ovals on Nexus 10.
80e2793 Fallback to GLES context when GL context setup fails at any stage.
8c7c4a5 Update the freetype backed fonthost to keep the style and fixed width attributes for a font stream.
d36b83c Move oval and rect renderer includes to private interface
cf7ff37 alpha threshold bitmap shader
145af1c Update to allow packed depth-stencil on ES3
9cb8929 Push sigma-based blur interface into our GMs/benches/tests/samplecode
b91b279 fix regression in fallback chain where we don't account for the original font style.
cfd640e move platformConvolutionProcs() call to right before we need it
d25df77 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
bdd097a Add support for ES3 MSAA.
7590bd4 Revert "alpha threshold bitmap shader"
fce36e7 alpha threshold bitmap shader
ef2f43c add SkConvolutionProcs* to the none platformConvolutionProcs() signature
d9e1502 remove fConvolutionProcs from State, and just use it locally
a99f08d [PDF] Rewind the font stream if font subsetting fails.
fd19891 Add device-independent rendering of ovals, take two.
2acd6b2 simplify making translate only invmatrix
e9fd2b0 Add getGLMatrix method to MatrixState
40dad02 Add a GrGpuGL reference for GrGLProgram/GrGLUniformManager
6596173 Added a missing filter in SkFlattenable::InitializeFlattenables().
c784047 ARM Skia NEON patches - 18 - Preparation work for BitmapProcState
c886832 Add test to exercise extreme blur sigmas
1b338b8 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
637ee77 fix the onIsEqual method on the new bicubic effect to consider the texture accesses as well as the textures
f053638 forgot to guard GPU includes when SK_SUPPORT_GPU not defined
273dd61 Fix ES2 context init.
efb6a58 add support for high quality image filtering on the GPU
8390c77 fix broken clang build
fbb3fcf Rewrite SkTRegistry to take any trivially-copyable type.
3b9b7d5 Add SkCanvasStack and update the Canvas utilities to use it.
7224f7e Reverting r11075.
463d0f2 Add device-independent GPU rendering of ovals.
bca67ac Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
bc3386a Fix convex path renderer bounds computation
c889457 Fix Matrix44Test and double-to-float conversion in SVD code
bbb653a Revise SVD code to remove arctangents. Also added bench for timing matrix decomposition.
af0cf16 Fix bug in SkWriter32.
6f3a14d Add OpenGL 4.4 support to SkNativeGLContext and GrGLCreateNativeInterface android versions.
ff56c40 Hamfisted "fix" for pinterest blur crash
5377650 Fix bounds computation in GrAAHairlineRenderer
4d796bd Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
f654b1a Isolate VertexBuilder from GrGLShaderBuilder
651caa1 Rename ShaderType enum to ShaderVisibility
7c8ec13 Add bit to GrGLCaps for fixed function support
4268f6b Fix invalid enum error when checking for core profile in GrGLInterface::validate()
9baab6f R-Tree -- Don't sort draw commands unless specified. We expect Webkit and Bink to give us draw commands in a reasonable x,y order. We can maintain correctness and get a 17% recording speedup for the R-Tree by not sorting in x and y when bulk-loading.
03e17c0 Fix stroked oval and rrect rendering on Ubuntu-x86-Release.
4afc947 Modify GLSL version declaration to allow access to compat. features
a4da289 Add glTexGen funcs to interface
e93e3d7 Move SkBitmapDevice functions to their own file
354df27 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
c034864 Replace SkTScopedPtr with SkAutoTDelete in Skia.
63f299a [PDF] Fix image references.
a82ff5b Create a semi-stable API for capturing the state of an SkCanvas and reconstructing that state across different versions of Skia.
b32820d Revert "Create a semi-stable API for capturing the state of an SkCanvas and reconstructing that state across different versions of Skia."
891f82f Create a semi-stable API for capturing the state of an SkCanvas and reconstructing that state across different versions of Skia.
c5fdecc Moving out of order call to TexParameteri in GrGpuGL::onCreateTexture
1e6b49b Revert determinant-based ScaleTranslate inverse. The current code fails the unit tests on Ubuntu32 Release. This will pass the tests, and also removes sk_bzero().
2fd2390 Split SkDevice into SkBaseDevice and SkBitmapDevice
b698ef9 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
cb850aa export SkFontMgr_New_... experimental functions for testing in chrome
4169506 Don't require getLength on Mac.
44d4a2a Remove sk_bzero usage from SkMatrix44 for improved performance.
6bfbfa8 Fix case where GrGLEffectMatrix gives back a dangling ptr for the coords var name.
0dd9eec fix state machine so we know simple only loops once, but we can call maprect in debug mode
ec44dda ARM Skia NEON patches - 15 - Preparation work for Blitmask optims
0fde04d Replace uses of GR_DEBUG by SK_DEBUG.
a53c74d Handle SkStream::rewind properly.
03e0e6a fix issue on devices running an OS prior to 4.2 when the fallback font file was potential stored in a different location on device.
1c16c40 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
28ad7a2 Fix for 10963: Use mx instead of my where mx is wanted.
d73cd3c Clear unknown DirectWrite font metrics.
bd34af1 In image filters, apply the CTM and offset to the crop rect. This is necessary to compensate for both clipping applied by the compositor (communicated via the CTM) and for cropping applied in upstream image filters (communicated via the offset). This requires a few ugly conversions, since the crop rect is an SkIRect, and the ctm is an SkMatrix.
ad63d21 Only destroy huffman if build succeeded.
03339fc Fix _GDI::generateCharToGlyph to properly handle missing glyphs.
7252259 Revert of r10943.
f3dd05d add SkDeviceLooper to handle larger-than-fixedpoint
96bfd4a Fix issue when the family name is reused among multiple families.
eaeb11f Fix compiler warning/error in r10936
9df4d78 Blur refactoring
e008c7c Fix clip expansion in SkPictureRecord::recordRestoreOffsetPlaceholder()
a8f016e [PDF] Fix printing crashes caused by font streams that don't support getMemoryBase().
48d6c1b Update SkLumaMaskXfermode partial coverage handling.
151c9f1 Remove mismatched delete.
c6a1163 Revert "[PDF] Fix printing crashes caused by font streams that don't support getMemoryBase()."
528559a [PDF] Fix printing crashes caused by font streams that don't support getMemoryBase().
e678c0f Implement highQualityFilter16 so GM doesn't crash when you give it resources.
41e7939 Reverting r10901 (Add unpremultiply support and GM)
22f0742 Add unpremultiply support and GM
ec7efdf Only assert that conic/quad effects get created if they are to be used.
96be867 Use indexed extensions on ES3.
7d2fd33 Refactor SkPDFImage
5f45525 Add GMs for gpu Bezier shaders
b44397c Add luminance mask transfer modes.
884616d Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
64f196f Pull out Effect Shaders in GPU Path Renderer
eb368f1 Improve performance of matrix inversion.
4ba644d Revert "Pull out Effect Shaders in GPU Path Renderer"
bd6c409 skia: Add SK_API to SkDiscardableMemory.
d94c825 Pull out Effect Shaders in GPU Path Renderer
690f527 Remove the call to getFontMetrics from SkBBoxRecord
32826d2 My clang now doesn't complain about !"foo".
08cbb25 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
07974c3 Restyle SkPDFImageShader and support tiling bitmaps outside clip bounds
9764cb9 Better error reporting when dynamic loading fails with DirectWrite.
1a9782b Create new target to hold gpu test code, enable direct testing of GrEffects in GM.
8033171 Add an empty typeface as a default-default.
2b6705e Implement SkEmptyFontMgr::onLegacyCreateTypeface and make pure virtual.
f6510e0 allow both GDI and DW fontmgrs at the same time
84a0de2 Avoid getLength in ico decoder.
0c00742 Make BMP decoder not depend on call to getLength.
2e4a464 Remove dependency on getLength from webp decoder.
c21c064 Update DirectWrite code so that it is loadable on XP.
7c5e428 Recognize that ES3 supports texture storage. Add workaround for apparent Adreno bug.
80c0152 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
34502d6 Chromium's clang bots do not like the SkASSERT(!"foo") construct
4206bee Add validation check that linewidth func is present (we already call it on ES).
c63420d Use ES3 texture swizzling.
f6bd35c Revert r10830 (Split SkDevice out of SkRasterDevice) until we can get Chromium ready.
6bb2d45 Add libpoppler for PDF rendering, take 2
f116cf3 Move gpu conic calculations to GrPathUtils
75aac9e Split SkDevice out of SkBitmapDevice
06b5059 Revert "The CL adds libpoppler to DEPS and adds a libpoppler-cpp gyp target for Linux, Windows, and Mac. This does not currently change the GM tool to use poppler - that will be a refactor job in a separate CL."
38caf1d CHECK -> SKTDYNAMICHASH_CHECK, to avoid collision with CHECK in Chrome logging.
12c0eae Third (and hopefully final) change to support bleed flag in Ganesh
2be221c use SkTDynamicHash in picture recording
d4bedb4 The CL adds libpoppler to DEPS and adds a libpoppler-cpp gyp target for Linux, Windows, and Mac. This does not currently change the GM tool to use poppler - that will be a refactor job in a separate CL.
465e577 Update renderable configs for ES3
7a1f38a Make SkMatrix44::invert() check for finite 1/det instead of magic value
27c142d Fix stack buffer read overflow in GrConvolutionEffect::TestCreate.
a63d7b0 Change comments about size internal formats
a83512d Add direct bezier cubic support for GPU shaders
6efff1a Revert r10788 (allow both GDI and DW fontmgrs at the same time) due to Chromium XP bot failures
3116a8e Revert "Changed rules about sized internal formats on GLES3."
07b2c90 Replace uses of GR_API by SK_API.
fe2c92d Changed rules about sized internal formats on GLES3.
a189833 Fix name of "bleed" flag
0b92f4e Fix for nested rect drawing bug
a39f4d5 Update tiled bitmap path to respect bleed flag
6e76e55 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
5332cef Remove unused typedef.
b419b27 skia: Added SkDiscardableMemory interface.
39639c6 Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
a91959e Replace uses of GrAssert by SkASSERT.
2ce5cc3 allow both GDI and DW fontmgrs at the same time
afd0824 Always support NPOT tiling/MIPs on ES3
aea4e55 Always support pack/unpack row length on ES3. Add support for NV_pack_subimage extension.
2d9c1a3 Change Atlas recycling to track current flush count and recycle if Atlas not used in current flush.
3866d4e Support VAO when on ES3.
8bc87fc Fix hairline pathrenderer for Nexus-10. Switches to using additional geometry and passing in the coverage value instead.
d955199 This CL plumbs in the drawBitmapRectToRect "bleed" flag and makes it live on the simplest GPU path.
1834b5f Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
208c2ac Patch for r10762
6bef5cf This CL addresses "SkCanvas::save flags are not respected by GPU backend" (
a364cee Revert "Make SkMatrix44::invert() check for finite 1/det instead of magic value"
107d29d Revert r10718 to unblock roll
dba62ed Make SkMatrix44::invert() check for finite 1/det instead of magic value
b30d6e3 Nobody defines SK_SUPPORT_HINTING_SCALE_FACTOR any more, so remove it.
4980580 Update how SkPath handles fGenerationID and fSourcePath, and add tests to cover.
b9dbcfc Add homogeneous point mapping to Matrix
5e88033 Write NULL as "" so readString() always returns a non-NULL string.
58c83ea fine-tune tolerance for pinchy quads in stroker
4e31f91 Rename kES2_GrGLBinding to kES_GrGLBinding. Step 0 for supporting ES3.
b5f419a Enable coverage when drawing to the stencil buffer.
1e7b242 Fix repeated point quads/cubics in convex pr and update convexpaths GM
0f67813 Add missing fallback blending to SkA8_Shader_Blitter::blitMask()
ac285f9 Revert "Unpremultiply SkBitmaps for PDF output"
65a666d Revert r10705 (ARM Skia NEON patches - 04 - Clean SkFixed / SkLONGLONG) due to 1000+ linux_layout failures (
bf6cfdd Sanitizing source files in Housekeeper-Nightly
adecfef Unpremultiply SkBitmaps for PDF output
4bdbb2f Add blend optimization helpers and use to convert rect draws to clears.
5667646 allow both GDI and DW fontmgrs at the same time
5d1119b Fix crash when querying a runtime config that is defined in environment
1f4231e Refactor GrGLUniformManager::UniformHandle to initialize itself by default
da2f4d4 Reverting r10707. Unreviewed.
63b197c Fix hairline pathrenderer for Nexus-10. Switches to using additional geometry and passing in the coverage value instead.
c0b28fb effects: Replaces uses of GrAssert with SkASSERT.
6bb596d ARM Skia NEON patches - 04 - Clean SkFixed / SkLONGLONG
c2f51e0 Fix build with SK_SUPPORT_UNITTEST on
084266c expose instance methods on SkTypefaceCache
89182da Prevent picture recording from over optimizing the culling of clips.
08fc980 remove uncalled local functions
project external/chromium_org/tools/grit/
e9f965b Add support for Chrome policy type that references external data
4c53b9f Improve platform support indications for policy documentation.
6740fff Properly substitute variables that reference paths outside SRCDIR.
46dace9 Initial empty repository
247c890 Add the ability to generate a depfile when running grit build.
11e589a Default target_platform in grit_info to None.
a9fef74 Make image set insertion work in more cases
f505a00 Changes to respect target_platform when generating output lists.
50badaa Make grit resource maps generate maps for strings.
19dee69 Corected LANGID for 'sr'.
ef869c5 Corrected LANGID for 'es'.
d7647a6 Corrected mappings for Norwegian:
project external/chromium_org/tools/gyp/
36c7a73 Add backported OrderedDict
b5a4948 Use gyp.common.EnsureDirExists() in more places.
67e1e1f win ninja: default to embedding manifest to match msvs
78d5366 win ninja: Refactor manifest generate and embed to be 1-pass
78b26f7 win msvs: Make ordering of sources in subdirs match gyp order
5917c6a Fix gyptest-xcode-env-order for Xcode 5.0.0
ca201b0 Fix gyptest-sdkroot when oldest SDK is >= 10.8
f910905 Fix when using Xcode 5.0.2
ebde26b Fix gyptest-app for Xcode 5.0.2
41b7307 win msvs: make ordering match .gyp order
27c626e Ignore pylint blacklist on Windows too
ce5fb1d win: support linker warnings-as-errors
d8c2ee7 Clean up the filters in the MSVS generator.
2111871 Support Visual C++ PGO in Ninja generator
7509f5f ninja/win: Support VCLinkerTool.GenerateManifest
7ba6563 Adds an helper class to shard mspdbsrv.
569a288 win ninja: Speculative fix for pdb locking errors
7f5d2b7 Disable building simulator for "x86_64"
23998ff Fix default ARCHS value for iOS project.
e5a492a make: Support the generator_filelist_paths input info.
d0176c0 CMake generator.
34b0605 ninja/mac: Add more support for signing iOS binaries with ninja builds.
7fc04dc Add BaseAddress (/BASE) support to gyp's msvs ninja generator.
36c34fe .close() in ninja generator
7655b54 ninja: use cc and c++ instead of gcc and g++ by default on non-Windows.
64b5eb8 ninja: When the installed Xcode is Xcode 5 or later, use ['x86_64'] as the default value of ARCHS instead of ['i386']. This mimics the behavior of the installed Xcode.
f8d8d91 xcode: Xcode 5 changes the "up_to_date_ending" again. This fix allows most (but not all) tests to pass with Xcode 5.
af8500e win: Fix behaviour of MinimumRequiredVersion
f18e0c6 Use exec and proper quoting in top-level gyp command.
8f8c7e7 Fix error message when using exclusion
54d9e65 win: Add support for TargetMachine in VCLibrarianTool section
06936ff win: x86 targets XP subsystem
cd2cae7 android: fix permissions on file copies.
06a8d1b Disable new test from r1779 for the android generator.
88202fb Update detection logic for VS Express to '*express.exe'
bebdcea win: fixes for using vs 2013 toolchain
7614842 ninja/mac: Let mac_bundle_resources keep file permissions.
a8b743a Add storyboard support.
bc85115 Add support for 'resource_include_dirs' in ninja
377f3b9 Add Visual Studio 2013 to the autodetect list
f36e917 Initial empty repository
cb1c21b Use xcrun instead of DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR to deal with tools that keep moving around.
c0b8cd7 Adds generator support for Xcode 5 xctest targets.
072660d Fix parallel execution, and enable by default
beca12a Re-land r1745: "Add an option to prune targets"
f7e483b Fix linking on sun and aix after r1741.
88fc8ca ninja/mac: Add extra plist item DTPlatformVersion and DTPlatformBuild.
2c2a71a Fix warning linking static libraries on OS X 10.9
7390108 [ninja/mac] Add xcode_emulation support for -Wobjc-missing-property-synthesis.
d60aacb Fix support for Visual Studio 2010 Express projects.
0635a6e Honor LDFLAGS on Mac and Win.
1ded01d win: fix ForcedIncludeFiles in msvs generator when used with precompiled headers
96c4818 Build fix after r1782
f6352e8 ninja: Write gypcmd files into the output directory instead of the tree.
0132e2f Remove deprecated --msvs-version flag which is no longer used anywhere.
c637f39 xcode: Remove unused function.
ad25264 Remove generator_handles_variants more.
cecc1b3 Adds the ability to skip includes.
62e7ad7 Remove unused generator_wants_absolute_build_file_paths.
3f7d04d ninja/mac: Support iOS codesign for ninja builds.
8b83708 Remove generator_handles_variants
818dd59 ninja/mac: Add iOS fields to ExtraPlistItems for ninja builds.
65a8836 Process all input files in parallel
b443075 - Handle gyp and gypi files in Xcode.
17b74c8 - Force the correct file types where XCode gets confused.
6d3e1ba reland r1743 with reverted test case
a7c31d9 Avoid MSB8012 on Windows
cf2844a ninja/mac: Create -iphoneos device builds for iOS ninja generator.
d298d5f Refactor calculation of variables, common to many generators.
9f46443 Revert r1745: "Add an option to prune targets"
7862461 Add an option to prune targets
829bd6c Revert homogenize msvs and ninja library_dir and libraries settings for
3ae0c51 homogenize msvs and ninja library_dir and libraries settings for Windows
fa26ff7 Add AIX to platforms that use "make" in
b8e5895 make: Add AIX support.
72ca1fa Add support for DisableSpecificWarnings for ninja
9820176 Let eclipse generator use MSVS compiler flags on Windows.
ba96707 ninja/mac: Fix _XcodeVersion parsing for Xcode 3.2.
8e62cce ninja/mac: Allow per configuration SDKROOT.
201d1ec remove ez_setup import from
1f8c75b Actually attach the pool to the link rules on windows.
203dfad ninja/mac: Insert a few synthesized Info.plist entries.
a40f2e5 ninja&make/mac: Support :identifier, :rfc1034identifier suffices.
8077276 ninja: Put generated sources in front of regular sources.
45d8ec9 ninja: Add .a files in a deterministic order to link lines.
7321abf ninja&make/mac: Only pass -x to strip for loadable_modules.
1f8db2f Empty bundle change was missing some non empty mac bundles.
95f1b8a The old _escaped regex matched any characters not in range from space to tilde, i.e. from \x20 to \x7e. Therefore it matched all non-ASCII characters, despite this comment in _EncodeString: "Characters above the ASCII range are passed through to the output encoded as UTF-8 without any escaping."
b2958b4 Add an environment variable to specify the hard cap on the number of concurrent linkers in gyp/ninja/windows.
7b3ef9d ninja/mac: Try to fix 'IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory' error.
8d781e3 ninja windows: VS2013 improvements
6c1df88 Add cpu_limit to ninja link pool on windows.
2e2811b Add ninja generator flag for writing library deps.
b53892d Add a flag to enable the fix for r1717
44c1a6c ninja/posix: Don't link c-file-only targets to libstdc++.
45d92bd Remove link_languages. It was only ever supported by the SCons generator, which is long gone.
68b2f27 ninja: Don't write subninjas for ninja files that end up being empty.
ca650e4 ninja&make/mac: Fix .strings encoding regression from r1707.
836fcd9 Prevent propagation of shared_library's link_settings
5b29b37 ninja&make/mac: Give loadable_modules type MH_BUNDLE.
f407f09 Try to set +x bot on new file, try 2.
04323b9 ninja/mac: Support rules running on mac_bundle_resources.
e7d6d05 Convert to use setuptools
cce0101 ninja: Stop lower-casing outputs on case-insensitive file systems.
842d2c9 ninja/mac: Fix a regression from r1709.
ddaf184 Test runner: Error on running misnamed individual tests.
d59d17c ninja/mac: Don't write an empty binary into sourceless bundles.
0203b47 Tests: Rename a gyptest*.gyp file to gyptest*.py.
3a479ac ninja&make/mac: Convert .strings files to UTF-16LE, not just UTF-16.
16c347c ninja/mac: Allow more than one ld process at a time, based on available RAM.
06549de Land a test change that should have been part of r1704.
35c1329 ninja/mac: Don't write .TOC files into framework bundles.
c72d788 Mac: Let app bundle test check that no additional files end up in the bundle.
6633baa gyp.el: use gyp-mode for .gclient files, too.
91fea08 Implement GetDefaultConcurrentLinks() for Linux Builds.
5d6c573 GTTF: Print much better error message for dependency cycles.
53fa568 Ninja on mac and win should also read CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS.
7325271 Rework the cflags test so it works cross platform.
b3e06c0 ninja/win: Set /O2 compiler flag by default if no 'Optimization' specified
a4137f8 Back out r1695 because it caused GYP bot test failures:
13d918c GTTF: Print much better error message for dependency cycles.
3502f19 Linux: environment variables should only impact target toolset.
project external/chromium_org/v8/
940f9ef Merged r19862 into 3.23 branch.
3c660e4 Merged r18564, r19545, r19668, r19670 into 3.23 branch.
0091efb Merged r19586 into 3.23 branch.
b6d2011 Merged r19591, r19599 into 3.23 branch.
c191249 Merged r19475, r19480, r19530 into 3.23 branch.
dbd2ea5 Merged r19535 into 3.23 branch.
e6e17bd Revert "Merged r19535 into 3.23 branch."
eceb068 Merged r19535 into 3.23 branch.
8b363d4 Merged r19440 into 3.23 branch.
e3b442b Merged r19500 into 3.23 branch.
169cc94 Merged r19031 into 3.23 branch.
7426865 Merged r18754 into 3.23 branch.
8cc8ee3 Merged r18697 into 3.23 branch.
c8a13fc Merged r18737 into 3.23 branch.
598f48d Merged r18483, r18484 into 3.23 branch.
089ff32 Merged r18293, r18294, r18295, r18328 into 3.23 branch.
2c45add Merged r18286, r18289, r18291, r18292, r18299, r18327 into 3.23 branch.
e7c0825 Merged r18284 into 3.23 branch.
aafe581 Merged r18307 into 3.23 branch.
f0da200 Merged r18443 into 3.23 branch.
ecfa363 Merged r18263, r18298, r18314, r18319, r18420, r18421 into 3.23 branch.
9fa14b1 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 33.0.1750.16
accfbc6 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 241107
a0115e2 Disable handle zapping in release builds on branch 3.23
41b0316 Merged r18241 into 3.23 branch.
97b28ef Merged r18234 into 3.23 branch.
f1c6a9e Create V8 3.23 branch for Chrome 33
fdb08f4 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 238989
ddf3811 Version 3.23.18
994c3c3 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 238573
ce9c514 Version 3.23.17
c21245f Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 238197
06f135b Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 238097
8a58f64 Version 3.23.16
cc53605 Version 3.23.15
94a16e0 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 237795
9f18d91 Version 3.23.14
f439a8b Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 237593
c86e8c2 Version 3.23.13
3122924 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 237346
37be408 Version 3.23.12
f984189 Version 3.23.11
c8ac6de Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 236755
90dca01 2013-11-22: Version 3.23.10
2e5ee75 Sync svn:ignore with .gitignore on trunk/test/* and bleeding_edge/test/*
d00018b Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 236503
7ff7607 Version 3.23.9
9af454f Version 3.23.8
af9cfcb Version 3.23.7
ea46888 Version 3.23.6
892a4ff Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 235352
b5be0a9 Version 3.23.5
14fdfac Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 235157
feecfde Version 3.23.4
c813c9f Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 235046
0b98843 Merged r17703 into trunk branch.
0cc0950 Version 3.23.3
364c5c3 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 234542
935a779 Version 3.23.2
12014a4 Merged r17620, r17621 into trunk branch.
a05a089 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233922
0835a70 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233893
366a6f8 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233887
e8412be Version 3.23.1
d770fe3 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233627
e986c9c Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 233612
057bd50 Version 3.23.0
6295dcf Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 232403
f2b51b4 Initial empty repository
ed29eb2 Version 3.22.24
851d2e3 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 231849
4000f22 Merged r17425, r17428 into trunk branch.
a6516eb Merged r17422 into trunk branch.
ef33a54 Version 3.22.23
2793432 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 231318
e94b5ff Version 3.22.22
3c12eb1 Version 3.22.21
c9913f0 Version 3.22.20
db78329 Version 3.22.19
4d36382 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 230116
71f9fca Version 3.22.18
e7a0745 Version 3.22.17
0fdb2a6 Version 3.22.16
6900838 Version 3.22.15
2ed0d02 Version 3.22.14
de8cf8c Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 228962
f385c88 Merged r17241 into trunk branch.
b4968be Version 3.22.13
a2e1a40 Version 3.22.12
2efc3e4 Version 3.22.11
04802f0 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 228280
dd6d9ee Version 3.22.10
182d2db Merged r17130 into trunk branch.
63ea3d2 Version 3.22.9
302d937 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 227085
2c23dea Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 227040
25b0e21 Version 3.22.8
2b898c0 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 226830
d8a3a14 Version 3.22.7
fb7a7c4 Version 3.22.6
c6c9bf3 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 226237
32aa03c Version 3.22.5
778ee55 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 226040
c366976 Version 3.22.4
dbc0a5e Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 225846
5ae72c9 Merged r16994 into trunk branch.
d4a6955 Merged r16977, r16979, r16983 into trunk branch.
cfdf67d Version 3.22.3
8e36b5b Version 3.22.2
3d079fe Version 3.22.1
7a3d52e Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 225158
ae16103 Merged r16893, r16906 into trunk branch.
528ce02 Version 3.22.0
54d024d Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 224573
27ce874 Merged r16816 into trunk branch.
4844ec2 Merged r16790 into trunk branch.
2f877ac Rollback trunk to
4f626d1 Version 3.21.17
b77f245 Merged r16529, r16742 into trunk branch.
78f70ea Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 223573
e76560e Rollback trunk to 3.21.15.
5a4733b Version 3.21.16
5c85031 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 223269
3003682 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 223266
9ccfd61 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 223029
4a35c5a Version 3.21.15
e97852d Version 3.21.14
531047f Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 222742
c5d4971 Version 3.21.13
b2316b1 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at 222376
8b6c786 Merged r16596 into trunk branch.
350e555 Merged r16597 into trunk branch.
639bac0 Version 3.21.12
de9f4a9 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221681
fe74d5d Merged r16566 into trunk branch.
608ae02 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221673
2c9426b Version 3.21.11
375468f Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221391
a1417e4 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221383
0e6cd49 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r221249
0977b29 Merged r16534 into trunk branch.
3d00d0a Version 3.21.10
5a97231 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r220988
e900018 Version 3.21.9
51e0428 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r220875
bb245df Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r220868
8fa5bd9 Version 3.21.8
f321b36 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r220606
7cb86f7 Merged r16456 into trunk branch.
dc94e19 Version 3.21.7
1f410f9 Version 3.21.6
2311a91 Merged r16393, r16396 into trunk branch.
662436e Version 3.21.5
3e79e92 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r219810
cc8e177 Merged r16346, r16355 into trunk branch.
1e8da74 Version 3.21.4
d445fbc Rollback of r16286 in trunk branch.
8311431 Merged r16303 into trunk branch.
9259716 Version 3.21.3
9e98906 Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r219076
3f7dfd6 Merged r16273 into trunk branch.
ec6855e Version 3.21.2
588c71b Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r218946
73c14ad Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r218744
32cb9b2 Version 3.21.1
f6fe118 Merged r16224 into trunk branch.
ebeba02 Version 3.21.0
259887d Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at r217532
project external/flac/
9aad9a2 Revert "Add signed integer overflow checking to flac."
project external/jhead/
acbfc9c Rename libexif to libjhead, since that's what it is
project external/libnl-headers/
6c175b0 Fix libnl so users can compile with old-style and uapi kernel headers.
project external/libselinux/
8b47609 DO NOT MERGE: Fix a bug in the userspace AVC that broke per-domain permissive mode.
72888bf Don't read selinux policies from /data
project external/ppp/
2e50db2 Fix pppd to build with both old and uapi headers.
project external/qemu/
454ca73 Add support for xxhdpi and xxxhdpi when injecting a skin dpi.
project external/sepolicy/
9702e49 DO NOT MERGE: Adding permissions needed to remove cache
2a2a493 DO NOT MERGE: Make bluetooth, nfc, radio and shell adb-installable
project external/skia/
e958b3a Disable optimizations for chromium m33.
33fd387 Add an Android version of SkRefCnt - DO NOT MERGE
12fc268 DO NOT MERGE - Allow buffered stream to work with an offset.
ebc83e2 Fix build on arm devices w/o neon. DO NOT MERGE
c952405 Fix x86 build. DO NOT MERGE
b065aca Apply all Skia changes made to the chromium m33 branch of Skia.
3f70cbf Fix issue in the image decoders where the bitmap config was not properly set.
910f694 Snapshot from
0a657bb Snapshot from
project external/sqlite/
f764dbb disable fts3_tokenizer
project external/tinycompress/
d848221 compress: compress_wait() must return error if timed out
project frameworks/av/
a047087 stagefright: allow for minUndequeuedBufs to be one less
b635b0e mediaplayer: keep more buffers with the BufferQueue
43ca783 httplive: block-by-block fetch, decrypt, and parse ts files.
bd3e2e0 camera2: Fix segfault when using null availability listener
8a57d24 Verify certificates
cf49a51 fix codec buffer leak in error handling when timestamp goes backward
7d3044d LiveSession: fix incorrect stream key (subtitle"s")
9f434cf M3UParser: trim spaces when parsing comma separated codecs.
ceeabe1 httplive: clear access units before returning from seekTo.
8bd4d16 Cap pts gap between adjacent frames to specified value
1c608ab save mGraphicBuffer pointer even when we're suspended
bc69c8b DO NOT MERGE: Camera: delete preview callback when preview size is changed
dcec903 Simplify AudioTrack stream end and fix race
5874615 Allow for larger codec private data
a1076eb LiveSession: Use the actual, possibly redirected url as base in the M3U
75d0318 M3UParser: Skip query strings when looking for the last slash in a URL
2048c22 AudioTrack: When paused, return cached playback position
be1195a Fix SIGABRT when playing mp4 file
e2492dc ChromiumHTTPDataSource: Keep track of the redirected URL
777ee5e Initial HLS seamless switch implementation.
0523da8 NuPlayer side support for seamless format switch.
6c8495c LiveSession refactor
2cd9458 PlaylistFetcher: Add support for block-by-block decryption.
822a489 LiveSession: Add support for block-by-block fetchFile.
7e50e1c AnotherPacketSource support to get latest buffered MetaData.
933a4d3 Added support to query ACodec whether adaptive playback is enabled.
f7e34cf stagefright: use CODECS field in EXT-X_STREAM-INF as fallback
b2be2f2 Fixed misplaced bracket for switch-case block.
e62d202 stagefright: Fix issue with tracking media format in packet source
6708a45 stagefright: Fix bugs in playlist fetcher logic
f590f94 stagefright: do not offload LD-AAC decoding
3b7ddf8 set AAC MPEG version to MPEG-2
3c836e7 stagefright: fix offloading HE-AAC sampling rate.
a413dd6 DO NOT MERGE: Camera: fix focusArea wrong indexing issue
6706009 DO NOT MERGE: camera2: Fix race with stream deletion during disconnect.
81d7543 DO NOT MERGE: camera2/3: Add protection for still capture path
d812fc0 Increase kFastTrackMultiplier from 1 to 2
88876fb AudioTrack: fix obtainBuffer timeout calculation
145b727 libstagefright: Delay release of wakelock in TimedEventQueue
281dd4e audioflinger: fix static track end detection
abab1c3 AudioMixer: Remove tracks from enabledTracks after reseting outTemp
d0115d8 update offloaded audio track sampling rate
7e92abe audioflinger: fix offload write buffer offset
85b3013 fix deadlock issues that arise when there are simultaneous effect control interface calls to proxy and to non sub-effect wrappers(eg., bundlewrapper) from audioflinger Also, return NO_ERROR when CMD_OFFLOAD succeeds
50c3157 audioflinger: check for condition before waiting
e0cd105 audioflinger: update track ready condition
e010f65 audioflinger: Fix for a deadlock in track creation
a4f24ff AudioTrack: fix position callback after restore
4dd0a8a WA: Queue extra buffers on output port during reconfig if input EOS-ed
project frameworks/base/
f1e8d36 Refresh cast icon assets to improve visual contrast.
01f03b5 Fix state transition verification.
ecba937 DO NOT MERGE - Fix keyguard pattern lockout bug
6532523 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
fdf28cc Fix incorrect setting of TaskRecord.frontOfTask. DO NOT MERGE.
09421fa Re-initialize error after attach
eb95e74 DO NOT MERGE - Fixed crash for odd image width/height
51b921d DO NOT MERGE - Preserve the order of InputMethodManager method calls
97121c9 Harden NsdManager against null-dereference crashes
e066359 Fix activities appearing behind launcher icons
7e435a0 Verify certificates
91c9561 DO NOT MERGE - Fix keyguard pattern lockout bug
3f7f322 ConnectivityService: add support to set TCP initial rwnd
7fb580e DO NOT MERGE setAvrcpAbsoluteVolume is passed wrong unit parameter from AudioManager
1f52437 Show the keyguard if unsecure window on top
b628dd8 PrintSpooler crash if printer is reported to have only one color mode.
3026d0b Fix issue #11965706: Calls using IntentChooser are now Broken in 4.3 and 4.4
af7dcaa Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
15258ac Fix power manager display wake lock bugs. (DO NOT MERGE)
f86c3a4 Retain display when creating specialized contexts. (DO NOT MERGE)
15b13a7 Add a config override for ViewConfiguration#hasPermanentMenuKey
52af2ca DO NOT MERGE - Remove data dirs if a new install fails dexopt.
68c0346 DO NOT MERGE - FLAG_PRIVILEGED disappears if privileged app is updated and rebooted
a1d7c74 Remove SO_BINDTODEVICE from VPN protect
4bda437 DO NOT MERGE - Don't hang installs if the transport disappears
fbd5521 UsbDeviceManager: Fix race condition between accessory start and USB configured uevents
cf8573c Fix destruction issues relating to AllocationAdapter.
5757bf8 Add hidden minor version ID for support lib workarounds.
ff7256e Fix destruction issues relating to AllocationAdapter.
fafc1ce Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
7434fa3 DO NOT MERGE Revert "Revert "Add PLAY and PAUSE keycodes and remove PLAY_PAUSE keycode.""
190909f Fix a bug in submenu presenter priority handling
fcbced3 DO NOT MERGE Debounce wifi country code Info
bca20aa DO NOT MERGE Quick fix for updating the FastScroller long list property
df262cd DO NOT MERGE Check item type before re-binding transient state views
0bb1719 Fix a JNI local reference leak in JNIMediaPlayerListener::notify.
e8d2846 DO NOT MERGE Ensure transient state views are temporarily detached
5d37e0d telephony: Add same named operator configuration for some operators
22ec0dc Revert "Do not show roaming icon for Videotron operator when access Canada network" [DO NOT MERGE]
aefa427 Make MtpDatabase use libexif instead of libjhead
2c82c08 Show the keyguard if unsecure window on top. DO NOT MERGE.
278250d DO NOT MERGE - merge nativeDecodeFileDescriptor fixes into KLP-MR2 BUG:13191516
c9e5f54 Fix a bug where OnTouchListeners in action views could be removed
cb15c7a More on issue #12031685 (DO NOT MERGE)
9f97ac4 ExifInterface: fix class load failure
c0786cc libexif is now libjhead
a3ea4be Prevent SpellChecker from setting invalid range - DO NOT MERGE
092759f EGL14.eglCreateWindowSurface should set producerControlledByApp
92a3283 DO NOT MERGE - Fix Javadoc build break.
be63a95 use relative positioning for notification actions
6a1846a ProgressBar is important for accessibility by default.
52f610d Fix issue #13199860: PRE_BOOT_COMPLETED intent is...
ee0b3e9 DO NOT MERGE BLE peripheral mode (3/4): Add peripheral mode API.
76c59a8 Fix issue #11536426 DO NOT MERGE
4c8c27e Updating wording around PROCESS_INCOMING_CALL. DO NOT MERGE.
4b0f155 Fix RemoteController synchronization mode
5e49b49 Update framework to use M33 Skia. DO NOT MERGE
31727f8 DO NOT MERGE - Fix Airplane Mode + reboot interaction for Wifi
f55616c Update permission description string.
fb5800e Only allow System apps to make VPN exempt routes
18dd015 Add the calling package name to requestRouteToHost
40a2600 Issue #13308712: Add --checkin to package manager dump.
25d9ce4 Fix bug #12066726 java.lang.NullPointerException at android.widget.CalendarView.onScroll( - DO NOT MERGE
b3670c5 Fix bug #12422326 Unable to change text direction programmatically using setTextDirection Android SDK API - DO NOT MERGE
8c0dff6 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
be65918 use min app launch time in AppLaunch perf test
30a2bc8 Only apply tcp buffer sizes for default net
ca4d040 Volume panel should not clear system ui flags.
a3e41e7 Show hideycling for non-primary users.
88a9ce4 Allow lights-out + bar icon dimming on low-end devices.
8147935 Reword the "Quick contacts not available" string
28c8cfd Adapt to underlying changes in the PBKDF2 implementation
88c9083 Update PackageMonitor to recognize new 'replacing' semantics
efe1b24 DO NOT MERGE: Fix build after checkThread fix merge to master
f4e2723 DO NOT MERGE: Adding freeMemoryForTests static method to WebView.
535c9e7 Catch ActivityNotFoundException in quick contacts badge
b9ba0c6 Prevent authenticators from using Settings to launch arbitrary activities.
c45bd7f Prevent authenticators from using Settings to launch arbitrary activities.
bdffc3a Revert Japanese special case fallback keys.
9502306 DO NOT MERGE Sanitize WifiConfigs
0c9bd3e Make FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES "signature|system"
6fb89ba Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
dab7a9e Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
b3425a6 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
da799ef Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
69046bb Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
8807558 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
01825b7 Fix sans-serif-thin and sans-serif-light fonts in layoutlib. [DO NOT MERGE]
13aea18 Set default text style in layoutlib as NORMAL [DO NOT MERGE]
c62f918 UsbDeviceManager: Fix race condition entering USB accessory mode
45dbfcc Improve text rendering and measurement.
8a89227 Fix a bug in Nine Patch library.
eb3c545 Add methods for Time_Delegate
35d56c0 Optimize layout rendering in layoutlib
58037a4 Add missing files to fix libphonenumber for layoutlib.
c174288 Fix issue #12031685: Sticky Service Breakage in Android 4.4.1
5ad7c18 Fix the measurement of text bounds.
6826387 DO NOT MERGE: Clear cached locations when location providers disabled Bug: 12118307
8e0c776 DO NOT MERGE: Clear cached locations when location providers disabled Bug: 12118307
766b5c4 Clear cached locations when location providers disabled Bug: 12118307
75c55f9 Clear cached locations when location providers disabled Bug: 12118307
76e5ca8 Fix descriptor leak after accepting connections
02f042d Fix socket descriptor leak from Zygote to child app
b852d28 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
6e15a49 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2ae0419 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
5a736a9 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
64ec792 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
8677794 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
d6e863a Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
9868599 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
3cc579e Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
db41eae Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
9ad3907 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
60835d4 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
0bfbb67 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
6d25c93 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
8d49b29 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
99dcfed Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2454125 Update delegate methods in layoutlib.
7a4aded Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
ce468a3 Stop wifi display discovery when no longer needed.
90e9b1d Fix issue #11790471: Crash removed home buttons and notification bar/shade
8fc552e Revert "PreferenceFragment showing the breadcrumb when not needed."
68e7f13 Revert "PreferencesFragment showing the breadcrumb area in single pane mode."
35f097a Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
b40ce4b Make action bar media router icons blue again.
9b38499 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
853251e Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
a68c87e Only scan for wifi display when there is no active connections
b0183f0 Harden against transiently unavailable backup transports
d5965cb Trying to unbreak build...
e2515ac Mask OOBE when filtering recent documents.
4c5eb22 Notify apps when insets change.
8f98252 Harden against transiently unavailable backup transports
0baec41 Update ICU_Delegate methods. DO NOT MERGE
1a85d9f Fix incorrent page range parsing when custom print options used.
project frameworks/compile/slang/
ac71e8c Fix C++ reflection so that -p works.
project frameworks/ex/
ce2b95a Fix AudioEngine to allow re-initialization - DO NOT MERGE
e49544d Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
6b48b5d Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
project frameworks/native/
5b61ad2 Check the padded size of the read byte array
f0190bf Add support for writing byte arrays to parcels
19d6481 Bug fix for SensorFusion data rate.
4b84704 Ignore flush complete events when recording last value for a sensor.
6790329 Fix "Binder: Make sure binder objects do not overlap" to work old binder kernel interface
f50b9ea Binder: Make sure binder objects do not overlap
project frameworks/opt/colorpicker/
bd624b6 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
project frameworks/opt/datetimepicker/
1100c53 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
project frameworks/opt/telephony/
82d87ae Telephony: Add + for international number for MT SMS
b0b637d Switch from SIM to carrier info for wifi country
fb36cdc Fix isSameNamedOperatorConsideredRoaming [DO NOT MERGE]
7af882a UICC : delete adn cache after SIM REFRESH RESET
023346c Fix OOBE crash/DoS after receiving 0-byte WAP push.
project frameworks/opt/timezonepicker/
8aedf94 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
7fc07dd Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
project frameworks/rs/
5c89f71 update cleanspec for header generator
3fca8f8 Make object destruction asynchronous.
edc0cd0 Add handcode mode to rsg_generator.
project frameworks/support/
197708f Refresh cast icon assets to improve visual contrast.
0b2a873 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
5c4a0d6 Update maven support lib version for KLP MR1.
5057daa Update maven support lib version for KLP.
cca0884 Make action bar media router icons blue again.
project frameworks/testing/
abc9b55 Removed url from javadoc.
project frameworks/webview/
b3d255b Fix check when setLayerType is called in constructor
8b40943 Plumb setLayerType to AwContents
bd7f8eb Update resources to match upstream.
86f3250 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
c3ad68b Revert "Split AndroidRuntime into AndroidRuntimeBase base-class and the rest."
82fd119 Split AndroidRuntime into AndroidRuntimeBase base-class and the rest.
319b081 Merge scripts: duplicate arm makefile for arm64.
f9b4aa3 Don't strip ColorPicker resources referenced from XML.
9281a85 Remove @override to fix build break
f0f0618 Add WebSettings API tracing
c548c8e Reland "automerger: download gn before generating makefiles."
6a06648 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
0ddbe44 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
b5841d5 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
4aab98d Do not merge third_party/angle_dx11
6ce095b Add third_party/angle to merged project list.
6a6311f Revert "Revert "Wire up resources for the Form Validation message bubble.""
477b059 Revert "Wire up resources for the Form Validation message bubble."
0820c3d Wire up resources for the Form Validation message bubble.
1dcc873 Revert "Adding a fake on page started for data url's since we know it wont be sent"
36797b2 Revert "automerger: download gn before generating makefiles."
26ed03a DO NOT MERGE: Support a prebuilt WebView.
a2b8757 Remove deprecated locales
c13e4e8 Resources for "Support datalist for date/time input types on Android"
3fbc954 Add resource after chromium
c673dbd automerger: download gn before generating makefiles.
79a1e3e Update resources needed for colour picker.
37ec002 Enable webview printing
edc70c8 DO NOT MERGE: Support a prebuilt WebView.
48c8233 Connect up the showFileChooser client callback
8be908c Allow CookieManager to be used without starting Chromium.
8ec5fb8 Remove dependency on UniquePtr.
6c5c7a3 Add third_party/sfntly to merged project list.
2fbdaa7 Reflect move of CommandLine from content/ to base/
700f46f For apps targeting JB MR2+, bind to the first thread using WebView
fafc9af Add java resources after
0350636 Remove a not dangerous warning from skia header files
c92fae9 Stop using the test constructor.
57f39b9 Tidy up WebViewChromiumFactoryProvider.
2ab6417 Enable favicon downloading.
fa14014 Do not assume WebView is running on the main thread.
90922c7 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
aa1f358 Make the onScrollChange implementation a no-op.
e9cbca9 Support a prebuilt WebView.
bd4bc1a Possible fix for bug b/11114227: Occasional crash on rotation
8a75592 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
86abeb6 Optimize the complex clip case
031cc89 Make string descriptions more explicit.
9473d32 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
17cd884 Re-enable synthetic memory signal for pagecycler tests.
becadfe Add profiler toast strings to resource overlay.
7d71762 Remove the classic WebView from the build.
64e5b2d Remove the classic WebView from the build.
780460e Provide a video poster even if the client doesn't.
ac95ff7 Unlock the automerger: remove simulateMemoryPressureSignal.
8d4e76d Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
bd0438c Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
aa71119 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
35e8d57 Use View.executeHardwareAction for onDetachedFromWindow
62e6d00 Wire up Select Action Bar in WebView.
d6d1cd4 Revert "Chromium WebView warn long URLs"
ae81cc9 Making super_onGenericMotionEvent call the super event
4176c4e Chromium WebView warn long URLs
feac794 Revert "Add empty setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled implementation"
9d0315c Implement the new WebView.setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled API
08b3842 Add empty setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled implementation
98f658a Add empty setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled implementation
618af7f Using the chromium clearView implementation
cd7ea20 Posting additional log message if apps have a blocked URL
f401798 Adding a fake on page started for data url's since we know it wont be sent
4bfa09d Keep @JavascriptInterface methods in proguard.
8830d3b Fixing up the checkThread exception message
b147392 Removing UnimplementedWebViewApi.invoke from methods that are not needed to implement
ba16b71 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
b73be12 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
0d20b4c Fix build break due to printing changes.
446527c Fix build break due to printing changes.
4f6d854 Post all functions returning a value to the UI thread
a68073f Use canonical UniquePtr.h file
be5b093 Posting ALL the void functions to UI thread
a5d717b Null check url before using instance methods
f7823c0 Post init to the UI thread blocking with a timeout to detect deadlock
287418f Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
a30aedd Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
f8f270c Better onConsole tracing, add the console message to the trace
f533bc6 Merge scripts: fix force pushing to temp branch.
eb96910 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
8e5eb40 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
816f8b5 Merge scripts: fix merging trunk.
f81a1ea Merge scripts: support merging from Chromium releases.
28dd03b Wire up stylable attributes for <select> dialogs.
f39f2ce Revert "Wire up stylable attributes for <select> dialogs."
64511fa Raise NOFILE to hard limit (1024->4096) on draw functor attach
774546b Allow getScale on all threads
d12274b Letting onDraw be called from other threads
68cbc0f Post stopLoading() to the UI thread
83db12f Post destroy() to UI thread
0d88ded Enable web layout quirks for apps with targetSdkVersion < K
d11b128 Allow null inputs in loadDataWithBaseURL
9527854 Letting getSettings be called from any thread
b1dd9b3 Revert "Enable web layout quirks for apps with targetSdkVersion < KLP"
249ba06 Change build version from KEY_LIME_PIE to KITKAT
4129cef Change build version from KEY_LIME_PIE to KITKAT
b7f8bdb Adding freeMemoryForTests method to the WebView Chromium glue layer.
319f820 Revert "Hooking memory pressure signal to freeMemory in debug builds."
a4f187e Export canvas info via SkCanvasLayerState
a621345 Let getContentHeight be used from any thread
0e18f7f Wire up stylable attributes for <select> dialogs.
3122b95 Wire up stylable attributes.
a66d54c Add tracing for WebviewChromium callbacks
767c3f7 Hooking memory pressure signal to freeMemory in debug builds.
e31af40 Don't check thread access for HierarchyHandler methods
ec9e709 Implement WebViewChromium.freeMemory.
b97f735 Revert "Plumb though the performHapticFeedback call"
a9383b1 Plumb though the performHapticFeedback call
a0d2245 Increase char limits for time picker strings.
8d696a5 Update CHAR-LIMIT on webviewchromium_media_player_loading_video string
82b14b9 Fix bug 10533304 - HD Wallpapers access getProgress on wrong thread
58d791c Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
9a54767 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
a104b0a Enable web layout quirks for apps with targetSdkVersion < KLP
d25d821 Change WebView.setNetworkAvailable plumbing.
8be13fb More diagnostics for methods called from the wrong thread
a43ddf6 Fix styled attribute resolution in WebView.
fd8af99 Ferrying setBackgroundColor to the UI thread
e2c475c Fix for b/10428080: Check that apps are calling View methods on UI thread
44304d7 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
e7724b4 Temp fix for bug 10152369: Broken SW draw with multiple layers
2cac4ac Use evaluateJavaScriptEvenIfNotYetNavigated for loadUrl JavaScript:
462ed83 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
c030ba3 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
3b3fae8 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
97e6dc5 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
5206bde Show visible feedback that private browsing not supported.
afe5469 Add resources for the new time picker dialog.
9d2ccda Hook up requestChildRectangleOnScreen.
dfff2ed Add the webview glue layer API for exporting pdf
project hardware/broadcom/wlan/
1a9a279 bcm4339: update firmware to [DO NOT MERGE]
project hardware/libhardware/
e5d76f7 DO NOT MERGE BLE peripheral mode (1/4): change HAL to support service data and service uuids.
1482406 usbaudio: fix for out->dev->lock remains locked in error case
project hardware/qcom/audio/
34fa769 audio msm8974: new path for speaker phone with AEC
project hardware/qcom/camera/
742f098 Camera3: Clean up ALOGE calls in non-error conditions [DO NOT MERGE]
1858b84 Camera3: Increase retry count when opening camera
c020026 Camera3: Only use Plain Old Data for global variable
project hardware/qcom/gps/
a41314b Resolved On-Demand XTRA time injection issue
project hardware/qcom/media/
5a9eab6 mm-video: vidc: fix memory leak in dynamic buffer mode
project hardware/ti/omap4-aah/
514f09d libexif is now libjhead
project hardware/ti/omap4xxx/
0fbe7ec libexif is now libjhead
project libcore/
2a85a29 CA certificates update
7dd2dd0 SSLSocketTest: test NPN/ALPN socket reuse
9c5e545 Return SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK with no NPN/ALPN
f05f3a6 When decoding enum annotation value, treat it as a field name, not enum value
adc4c29 OpenSSLECPrivateKey: no encoding for ENGINE-backed keys
8ebfe8f Delete test that depends on an external server.
project packages/apps/BasicSmsReceiver/
6527967 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
project packages/apps/Bluetooth/
98dde68 DO NOT MERGE release wakelock if no activity in Bluetooth MAP profile to avoid waste power.
6d4c5c8 DO NOT MERGE MAP: fixed missing filtering on Priority
d3195da DO NOT MERGE update play status based on A2dp audio state from stack.
3f77ee6 DO NOT MERGE Add Bluetooth privileged permission to bluetooth app. fix b/13226130.
873b806 DO NOT MERGE BLE peripheral mode (2/4): Gatt Service Change.
e061a83 Device cannot go to sleep while connected to HBM-570 BT headset
ab23300 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
14b74c3 Use pathPrefix filter instead of path for /btopp content
5eb524f Use pathPrefix filter instead of path for /btopp content
deb7bda Use pathPrefix filter instead of path for /btopp content
418431c Use pathPrefix filter instead of path for /btopp content
project packages/apps/Browser/
d2391b4 Further tighten the files that the browser can show
852794e DO NOT MERGE Convert the scheme to lowercase
c87d826 DO NOT MERGE Convert the scheme to lowercase
1089d99 DO NOT MERGE Convert the scheme to lowercase
468a2be DO NOT MERGE Convert the scheme to lowercase
6243e7c Restrict loading private browser files
6d06046 DO NOT MERGE Do not let intents request viewing private browser files
00c6794 DO NOT MERGE Do not let intents request viewing private browser files
816688b DO NOT MERGE Do not let intents request viewing private browser files
7719d6c DO NOT MERGE Do not let intents request viewing private browser files
project packages/apps/Calculator/
d89ea8c Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
project packages/apps/Calendar/
aabff4d Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
484fad5 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
6abdbbc Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
d3b2e5b Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
74ce355 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
9221943 Allow app to upgrade database on install.
f52c641 Force a manual, incremental sync one time, as early as possible.
fb0097a Adding requiredAccountType attribute into fuchsia (DO NOT MERGE)
4e7b1b2 Use the correct version code check for K.
4329c74 Use the holodark assets/ colors instead of hololight
1d2a83b More calendar de-blueing
043a867 Calendar deblueing
b5a786d Adding additional assets.
92dab54 Fix AOSP Calendar build
4b6f921 New xxhdpi assets
96cce4a Abort onClick if no Window Focus
ffd6101 Support PreferenceActivity.isValidFragment
e8305d6 Use setExact on K and up only.
1169804 Remove negative margin fron all day label
244d94f Call build() on the Builder, not the Style.
296ea5d Process RSVP Intent Without Event Editor
project packages/apps/Camera/
60b7b5d Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
631c46f Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
3c6d5e4 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
project packages/apps/Camera2/
9d8187c Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
dae90cf Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
9f7b40e Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
f9b2d0c Remove TRIM support
ecaad7a Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
be55432 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
d75b9ae Fix samsung video recording
13350e5 Fix WB indicator override
0f7d548 Revert fixed focus area in CAF mode
398f151 Add another HTC picture resolution
7993f45 Always set focus mode first before applying scene mode
88f9b3e Reduce logging of flattened Preferences
7191c95 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
adf7022 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
18eb2e4 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
ae13f34 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
7dc6e97 Delay onResume tasks to speed up lockscreen onResume->onPause->onResume launch sequence.
project packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/
3ff0d90 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE