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Created June 23, 2013 15:52
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Mandelbrot set implementation in TURBO-C
* Mandelbrot set implementation in TURBO-C
* To compile follow these steps:
* > tcc -ml mandel.c
* > tlink c0m mandel, mandel,, emu fp87 mathm graphics cm
* > mandel
* By Robert Lafore - 1989
* for the book Turbo C - Programming for the PC
#include <graphics.h>
#define XMAX 100 /* change these to change size */
#define YMAX 100 /* of picture */
#define MAXCOUNT 16 /* number of iterations */
void main() {
int x, y; /* location of pixel on screen */
float xscale, yscale; /* distance between pixels */
float left, top; /* location of top left corner */
float xside, yside; /* length of sides */
float zx, zy; /* real and imag parts of z */
float cx, cy; /* real and imag parts of c */
float tempx; /* briefly holds zx */
int count; /* number of iterations */
int driver, mode; /* graphics driver and mode */
left = -2.0; /* coordinates for entire */
top = 1.25; /* mandelbrot set */
xside = 2.5; /* change to see details */
yside = -2.5; /* of set */
xscale = xside / XMAX;
yscale = yside / YMAX;
driver = EGA; /* set driver and mode */
mode = EGAHI;
initgraph( &driver, &mode, "C:\\TURBOC\\BGI" );
rectangle( 0, 0, XMAX+1, YMAX+1 );
for( y = 1; y <= YMAX; y++ ) { /* for each pixel column */
for( x = 1; x <= XMAX; x++ ) { /* for each pixel row */
cx = x*xscale + left; /* set c to pixel location */
cy = y*yscale + top;
zx = zy = 0; /* set z = 0 */
count = 0; /* reset count */
/* size of z < 2 */
while( zx*zx + zy*zy < 4 && count < MAXCOUNT ) {
tempx = zx*zx - zy*zy + cx; /* set z = z^2 + c */
zy = 2*zx*zy + cy;
zx = tempx;
count++; /* another iteration */
putpixel( x, y, count ); /* color is count */
if( kbhit() ) { /* to abort program */
closegraph(); /* before picture is finished */
exit( 0 );
getche(); /* keep picture untile keypress */
closegraph(); /* close graphics system */
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