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Forked from davetang/
Created October 2, 2015 00:44
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A more documented version of my script at
#!/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
=head1 NAME
This scripts converts a psl file into a bed file written by Dave Tang.
Usage: <infile.psl> <outfile.bed>
A psl file is the default output of blat. This script reads in a psl file,
keeps only the best scoring hit and outputs the entries in bed format. If
there are two or more equal best hits, they are all outputted. The score is
calculated as per created on Tue Nov 5 14:58:46 JST 2013.
=head1 AUTHOR
Please report bugs to <>.
my $usage = "Usage: $0 <infile> <outfile>\n";
my $infile = shift or die $usage;
#store for psl results
my %psl_result = ();
#colour for bed file
my $red = '255,0,0';
#open psl file
open (IN, "<", $infile) || die "Could not open $infile: $!\n";
while (<IN>){
#skip psl header lines and blanks
next if (/^psL/ || /^match/ || /^\s+match/ || /^----/ || /^$/);
my $current_line = $_;
my ($matches,$misMatches,$repMatches,$nCount,$qNumInsert,$qBaseInsert,$tNumInsert,$tBaseInsert,$strand,$qName,$qSize,$qStart,$qEnd,$tName,$tSize,$tStart,$tEnd,$blockCount,$blockSizes,$qStarts,$tStarts) = parse_psl($current_line);
#Calculate score for this match
#I know I shouldn't hardcode this in but I mostly work with DNA sequences
#change sizeMul to 3 if you are working with amino acid sequences
my $sizeMul = 1; #This is 1 for dna and 3 for protein
my $score = ($sizeMul * ($matches + $repMatches)) - ($sizeMul * $misMatches) - $qNumInsert - $tNumInsert;
#if query has been stored before
if (exists $psl_result{$qName}){
#go through previous score
foreach my $prevScore (keys %{$psl_result{$qName}}){
if ($score > $prevScore){
delete $psl_result{$qName}{$prevScore};
$psl_result{$qName}{$score}->['0'] = $current_line;
#if the score is equal to the previous score
#store both entries
elsif ($score == $prevScore){
my $num = scalar @{$psl_result{$qName}{$score}};
$psl_result{$qName}{$score}->[$num] = $current_line;
#if query is new
else {
$psl_result{$qName}{$score}->['0'] = $current_line;
#report number of entries stored
my $entries = scalar(keys %psl_result);
warn("Stored $entries entries\n");
my $outfile = shift or die $usage;
open (OUT, ">", $outfile) || die "Could not open $outfile for writing: $!\n";
#go through the best scoring entries
foreach my $query (keys %psl_result){
#should only have one score, the best score
foreach my $score (keys %{$psl_result{$query}}){
#go through entries with the best score
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar (@{$psl_result{$query}{$score}}); ++$i){
my $result = $psl_result{$query}{$score}->[$i];
my ($matches,$misMatches,$repMatches,$nCount,$qNumInsert,$qBaseInsert,$tNumInsert,$tBaseInsert,$strand,$qName,$qSize,$qStart,$qEnd,$tName,$tSize,$tStart,$tEnd,$blockCount,$blockSizes,$qStarts,$tStarts) = parse_psl($result);
my @splitBlockSizes = split(/,/,$blockSizes);
my @split_target_block_start = split(/,/,$tStarts);
#The tBlocks are given in the positive direction, regardless of mapping to the negative strand
#tStarts + $blockSizes will be the exon
#However, BED chromStarts offsets must be relative to chromStart, not absolute.
#Subtract chromStart from each offset in chromStarts.
my $relative_t_starts = '';
foreach my $psl_t_starts (@split_target_block_start){
my $sub = $psl_t_starts - $tStart;
$relative_t_starts .= "$sub,";
$relative_t_starts =~ s/,$//;
#BED chrom,chromStart,chromEnd,name ,score ,strand ,thickStart,thickEnd,itemRgb,blockCount ,blockSizes ,blockStarts
print OUT join("\t", $tName, $tStart, $tEnd, $qName, $score, $strand, $tStart, $tEnd, $red, $blockCount, $blockSizes, $relative_t_starts),"\n";
#I've included this subroutine just as a means to document the psl format
sub parse_psl {
my ($line) = @_;
my @result = split(/\t/,$line);
my $matches = $result[0]; # Number of bases that matches the query matched to the target
my $misMatches = $result[1]; # Number of bases that don't match
my $repMatches = $result[2]; # Number of bases that match but are part of repeats
my $nCount = $result[3]; # Number of 'N' bases
my $qNumInsert = $result[4]; # Number of inserts in query
my $qBaseInsert = $result[5]; # Number of bases inserted in query
my $tNumInsert = $result[6]; # Number of inserts in target
my $tBaseInsert = $result[7]; # Number of bases inserted in target
my $strand = $result[8]; # '+' or '-' for query strand. For translated alignments, second '+'or '-' is for genomic strand
my $qName = $result[9]; # Query sequence name
my $qSize = $result[10]; # Query sequence size
my $qStart = $result[11]; # Alignment start position in query
my $qEnd = $result[12]; # Alignment end position in query
my $tName = $result[13]; # Target sequence name
$tName =~ s/\.fa$//;
my $tSize = $result[14]; # Target sequence size
my $tStart = $result[15]; # Alignment start position in target
my $tEnd = $result[16]; # Alignment end position in target
my $blockCount = $result[17]; # Number of blocks in the alignment (a block contains no gaps)
my $blockSizes = $result[18]; # Comma-separated list of sizes of each block
my $qStarts = $result[19]; # Comma-separated list of starting positions of each block in query
my $tStarts = $result[20]; # Comma-separated list of starting positions of each block in target
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