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Created January 15, 2012 14:32
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Evolution in C
// Evolution experiment
// Jacob Conrad Martin
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
// ----------------
// ----------------
// Keep these fixed over one set of experiments.
// Note that we have to #define some of these so that we can use them for initialising arrays.
// This is really sucky and is discussed here:
const float SUCCESS_LEVEL = 0.75;
const int DNA_CHOICES = 4;
const int MAX_GENERATIONS = 1000;
#define POPULATION_SIZE 1000
#define DNA_LENGTH 16
#define EXPERIMENTS 100
// See how sucky C can be!
// Vary these during one set of experiments
const int BREEDING_POOL_SIZE = 100; // How many individuals selected for breeding each turn.
const int MUTATION_RATE = 100; // Copying error occurs 1/MUTATION_RATE times (disabled by setting to zero).
// This will vary (although not during an experiment!) and needs to be globally accessible.
char* PERFECT_INDIVIDUAL; // The theoretically "perfectly fit" individual against which others are compared.
// -------------------
// -------------------
char random_char(void);
char* random_individual(void);
unsigned int count_similarities(char* string_one, char* string_two);
void print_average_success_time(int success_time[]);
void child(char* first_parent, char* second_parent, char* offspring);
void random_population(char* population[]);
void random_population_from_pool(char* population[], char* breeding_pool[]);
void sort_by_fitness(char* population[], char* bins[][POPULATION_SIZE], int bin_count[]);
void select_breeding_pool(char* bins[][POPULATION_SIZE], int bin_count[], char* breeding_pool[]);
// ---------
// ---------
int main(void) {
// Init randomness
// Keep track of totals so that we can later compute averages
int final_bin_count_totals[DNA_LENGTH_PLUS_ONE] = {0};
// Init reference string
PERFECT_INDIVIDUAL = random_individual();
// Keep track of when the success level was reached
int success_time[EXPERIMENTS_PLUS_ONE] = {0};
// Run the experiment several times
for (int e = 1; e < EXPERIMENTS_PLUS_ONE; e++) {
// Show progress
// Init population, new_population and breeding_pool
char* population[POPULATION_SIZE];
char* breeding_pool[BREEDING_POOL_SIZE];
// Init bins and bin_count (to track fitness)
int bin_count[DNA_LENGTH_PLUS_ONE] = {0};
// Create random starting population
for (int g = 0; g < MAX_GENERATIONS + 1; g++) {
// Measure fitness of individuals in population and sort these into bins, maintaining a bin count
sort_by_fitness(population, bins, bin_count);
// Check to see whether the population has evolved to a sufficiently successful level
success_time[e] = g;
// Select individuals from population for admission to breeding pool, based on fitness
select_breeding_pool(bins, bin_count, breeding_pool);
// Create a new population by mating individuals in the breeding pool
random_population_from_pool(population, breeding_pool);
// Initialise bins and bin_count
for (int k = 0; k < DNA_LENGTH + 1; k++) {
bin_count[k] = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < POPULATION_SIZE; l++) {
bins[k][l] = 0;
// Do final fitness sort
sort_by_fitness(population, bins, bin_count);
// Update the total bin counts
for (int i = 0; i < DNA_LENGTH + 1; i++) {
final_bin_count_totals[i] += bin_count[i];
for (int j = 0; j < bin_count[i]; j++) {
bins[i][j] = 0;
bin_count[i] = 0;
// End of experiment
// Free population memory
for (int i = 0; i < POPULATION_SIZE; i++) {
} // End of all experiments
// Show average success time over all experiments
// FIXME: Assumes they were all successful?
printf("\n-- AVERAGE SUCCESS TIME: ---\n");
return 0;
// ----------------
// ----------------
void print_average_success_time(int success_time[]) {
// Prints average of success times
int total_time_count = 0;
int occurrence_count = 0;
float average;
for (int i = 1; i < EXPERIMENTS + 1; i++) {
if (success_time[i] != 0) {
total_time_count += success_time[i];
printf("Successful evolution achieved %d times\n", occurrence_count);
printf("Total time count: %d\n", total_time_count);
if (occurrence_count > 0) {
average = (float)total_time_count / (float)occurrence_count;
printf("Average generations to success: %0.2f\n", average);
// -----------------
// -----------------
char random_char() {
// Returns a random character
int r = rand() % DNA_CHOICES;
return 'A' + r;
void child(char* first_parent, char* second_parent, char* offspring) {
// Returns the offspring of first_parent and second_parent, which may be a mutant!
int r, r1;
for (int i = 0; i < DNA_LENGTH; i++) {
if (MUTATION_RATE == 0) {
// No mutation: choose one of the parents' characters at random
r = rand() % 1;
if (r == 0) {
offspring[i] = first_parent[i];
} else {
offspring[i] = second_parent[i];
} else {
// See if we need to mutate
r1 = rand() % MUTATION_RATE;
if (r1 == 0) {
// Mutation: choose a random character
offspring[i] = random_char();
} else {
// No mutation: choose one of the parents' characters at random
r = rand() % 1;
if (r == 0) {
offspring[i] = first_parent[i];
} else {
offspring[i] = second_parent[i];
char* random_individual() {
// Returns a random individual.
char* buffer = malloc(DNA_LENGTH * sizeof(char) + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < DNA_LENGTH; i++) {
buffer[i] = random_char();
buffer[DNA_LENGTH] = '\0';
return buffer;
void random_population(char* population[]) {
// Creates a random population of individuals and puts them in the population[] array.
for (int i = 0; i < POPULATION_SIZE; i++) {
// Generate a new individual
population[i] = random_individual();
void random_population_from_pool(char* population[], char* breeding_pool[]) {
// Repeatedly select different members from the breeding pool at random and mate them to
// produce a new individual in the population[] array, stopping when that array is full.
int new_population_size = 0;
int r1, r2;
char* first_parent;
char* second_parent;
while (new_population_size < POPULATION_SIZE) {
// Pick one individual from breeding pool
r1 = rand() % BREEDING_POOL_SIZE;
first_parent = breeding_pool[r1];
// Select another item, ensuring it's not the same one
r2 = r1;
while (r2 == r1) {
r2 = rand() % BREEDING_POOL_SIZE;
second_parent = breeding_pool[r2];
// Mate them and add the offspring to the new population pool
child(first_parent, second_parent, population[new_population_size]);
unsigned int count_similarities(char* string_one, char* string_two) {
// Count the similarities between two strings (assumed to be the same length)
int count = 0;
int length = (int)strlen(string_one);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (string_one[i] == string_two[i]) {
return count;
void sort_by_fitness(char* population[], char* bins[][POPULATION_SIZE], int bin_count[]) {
// Iterate over the population and assign items to bins according to how many
// similarities there are, keeping track of the number of items in each bin
int similarities;
for (int i = 0; i < POPULATION_SIZE; i++) {
similarities = count_similarities(PERFECT_INDIVIDUAL, population[i]);
bins[similarities][bin_count[similarities]] = population[i];
bin_count[similarities] += 1;
void select_breeding_pool(char* bins[][POPULATION_SIZE], int bin_count[], char* breeding_pool[]) {
// Select individuals from population for admission to breeding pool, based on fitness
// We start by selecting from the bin with the most matches and work down,
// picking randomly from a bin if there are more individuals in the bin than we need.
int r;
int pool_size = 0;
int pool_space;
for (int i = DNA_LENGTH; i >= 0; i--) {
//If a bin doesn't have any individuals in it then we can skip it
if (bin_count[i] > 0) {
pool_space = BREEDING_POOL_SIZE - pool_size;
if ( bin_count[i] < pool_space ) {
// If there fewer individuals in the bin than we require then add all of them to the breeding pool
for (int j = 0; j < bin_count[i]; j++) {
breeding_pool[pool_size] = bins[i][j];
} else {
// Pick a subset of the individuals to fill up the breeding pool
// FIXME: If there are a lot of individuals in the bin and we want
// a large number of them then this approach is not very efficient.
while (pool_space > 0) {
r = rand() % bin_count[i];
if (bins[i][r] != NULL) {
breeding_pool[pool_size] = bins[i][r];
bins[i][r] = NULL; // Prevent this one being chosen again
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