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Created January 15, 2012 15:23
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Simple maze generator in Haskell
// Simple maze generator in Haskell
// Jacob Conrad Martin
import System.Random
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Monad.State
data Location = Location { x::Int, y::Int } deriving (Eq)
data Path = Path { from::Location, to::Location } deriving (Eq)
data Cell = Cell { location::Location, neighbours::[Location] } deriving (Eq,Show)
data Globals = Globals { width::Int, height::Int, start::Location, end::Location, begin::Location, r::[Int] } deriving (Show)
data Maze = Maze { cells::[Cell], paths::[Path], stack::[Location], visited::[Location], counter::Int } deriving (Show)
data Display = Display { rows::[DisplayRow] }
data DisplayRow = DisplayRow { cols::[DisplayCol] }
data DisplayCol = DisplayCol { displayLocation::Location, element::ElementType }
data ElementType = Wall | Space | Start | End
instance Show Display where
show d = "\n" ++ (show $ rows d) ++ "\n"
instance Show DisplayRow where
show r = "\n" ++ (show $ cols r)
instance Show DisplayCol where
show d = (show $ element d)
instance Show ElementType where
show Wall = "#"
show Space = " "
show Start = "S"
show End = "E"
instance Show Location where
show loc = "(" ++ (show $ x loc) ++ "," ++ (show $ y loc) ++ ")"
instance Show Path where
show path = (show $ from path) ++ "->" ++ (show $ to path)
initialiseMaze :: Globals -> Maze
initialiseMaze g = Maze { cells = c, paths = [], stack = [begin g], visited = [begin g], counter = 1 }
where c = [ defineCell g x y | x <- [1..width g], y <- [1..height g] ]
generateDisplay :: Globals -> Maze -> Display
generateDisplay g m = Display [ getDisplayRow g m c | c <- [1..(1 + 2 * width g)] ]
getDisplayRow :: Globals -> Maze -> Int -> DisplayRow
getDisplayRow g m c = DisplayRow [ getDisplayCol g m c r | r <- [1..(1 + 2 * height g)] ]
getDisplayCol :: Globals -> Maze -> Int -> Int -> DisplayCol
getDisplayCol g m c r
| isStart = DisplayCol (Location c r) Start
| isEnd = DisplayCol (Location c r) End
| isCell = DisplayCol (Location c r) Space
| isWall = DisplayCol (Location c r) Wall
| isEdge = DisplayCol (Location c r) Wall
| isPath = DisplayCol (Location c r) Space
| otherwise = DisplayCol (Location c r) Wall
where isStart = (c `div` 2 == x (start g)) && (r `div` 2 == y (start g)) && isCell
isEnd = (c `div` 2 == x (end g)) && (r `div` 2 == y (end g)) && isCell
isCell = (c `mod` 2 == 0) && (r `mod` 2 == 0)
isWall = (c `mod` 2 == 1) && (r `mod` 2 == 1)
isEdge = (c == 1) || (r == 1) || (c == 1 + 2 * width g) || (r == 1 + 2 * height g)
isPath = checkPaths g m c r
checkPaths :: Globals -> Maze -> Int -> Int -> Bool
checkPaths g m c r
-- | trace ((show c) ++ " " ++ (show r)) False = undefined
| (c `mod` 2 == 1) && (r `mod` 2 == 0) = ( (Path left right) `elem` (paths m)) || ( (Path right left) `elem` (paths m))
| (c `mod` 2 == 0) && (r `mod` 2 == 1) = ( (Path up down) `elem` (paths m)) || ( (Path down up) `elem` (paths m))
| otherwise = False
where up = Location (c `div` 2) ((r-1) `div` 2)
down = Location (c `div` 2) ((r+1) `div` 2)
left = Location ((c-1) `div` 2) (r `div` 2)
right = Location ((c+1) `div` 2) (r `div` 2)
unvisitedNeighbour :: Globals -> Maze -> Cell -> Location
unvisitedNeighbour g m c = (unvisited) !! ourSpecialInt
where unvisited = [ z | z <- neighbours c, z `notElem` (visited m) ]
ourSpecialInt = ((r g) !! (counter m)) `mod` (length unvisited)
generateMaze :: Globals -> Maze -> Maze
generateMaze g m
| (stack m) == [] = error "Stack empty... This should never happen!"
| allCellsVisited = m -- We have visited all the cells and so we are now done
| needToPopStack = generateMaze g $ Maze { cells = cells m, paths = paths m, stack = tail $ stack m, visited = visited m, counter = counter m }
| otherwise = generateMaze g $ Maze { cells = cells m, paths = newPath : paths m, stack = newCellLocation : stack m, visited = newCellLocation : visited m, counter = (counter m)+1}
where allCellsVisited = (width g) * (height g) == (length $ visited m)
needToPopStack = [ z | z <- neighbours currentCell, z `notElem` (visited m) ] == []
currentCell = defineCell g (x topOfStack) (y topOfStack)
newCellLocation = unvisitedNeighbour g m currentCell
newPath = Path topOfStack newCellLocation
topOfStack = head $ stack m
-- Define a cell
defineCell :: Globals -> Int -> Int -> Cell
defineCell g x y = Cell { location = loc, neighbours = n }
where loc = Location x y
n = getNeighbours g x y
-- Get a list of the locations adjacent to a particular cell
getNeighbours :: Globals -> Int -> Int -> [Location]
getNeighbours g x y = [ location c | c <- candidateCells, inMaze g c ]
where candidateCells = up ++ down ++ left ++ right
up = [defineCell g (x+1) y]
down = [defineCell g (x-1) y]
left = [defineCell g x (y-1)]
right = [defineCell g x (y+1)]
-- Test whether a candidate cell is in the maze
inMaze :: Globals -> Cell -> Bool
inMaze g c = ((location c) `elem` validLocations)
where validLocations = [ Location x y | x <- [1..(width g)], y <- [1..(height g)] ]
main = do
seed <- getStdGen
let width = 40
let height = 40
let randomInts = randomRs (0,3) seed :: [Int]
let start = Location (width `div` 2) 1
let end = Location (width `div` 2) height
putStrLn (show start ++ " " ++ show end)
let begin = end -- Location (width `div` 2) (height `div` 2)
let g = Globals width height start end begin randomInts
let initialMaze = initialiseMaze g
let finalMaze = generateMaze g initialMaze
-- putStrLn "\nHERE ARE THE PATHS:"
-- putStrLn (show $ reverse $ paths finalMaze)
let display = generateDisplay g finalMaze
putStrLn "\nHERE IS THE MAZE:"
putStrLn (show display)
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