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Created October 14, 2021 07:55
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A workaround for Sycamore #276. This is adapted from
// All our changes occur here
fn app() -> Template<G> {
let root_ref = NodeRef::new();
template! {
// The router will use `root_ref`, so it needs to be `move` to avoid lifetime errors
Router(RouterProps::new(HistoryIntegration::new(), /* NEW START */ move /* NEW END */ |route: StateHandle<Routes>| {
// Template interpolation is the problem, so we get rid of it
// let template = Signal::new(Template::empty()); // OLD
// We're not using template interpolation anymore, so we want to clone `root_ref` in instead of `template`
// create_effect(cloned!((template) => move || { // OLD
create_effect(cloned!((root_ref) => move || { // NEW
let route = route.get();
// We're not using template interpolation anymore, so we want to clone `root_ref` in instead of `template`
// spawn_local(cloned!((template) => async move { //OLD
spawn_local(cloned!((root_ref) => async move { //NEW
// Note: we've moved our route `match` statement from here into the `render_to` we've added later on
// We're not using template interpolation anymore, so we don't need this
// template.set(t); // OLD
// Turn our reference to a Sycamore node into a `web_sys` DOM element
// We can't do this straight away because it needs to have time to render (so we do it in a future)
let root = root_ref.get::<DomNode>().unchecked_into::<web_sys::Element>();
// Now get rid of everything in that `div`
// If we don't do this, each page is just rendered on top of the last one
// And now render our new template to that `div`
// This `match` used to be further up, but we need to put it here now (otherwise we get reactive scope errors)
|| match route.as_ref() {
Routes::Index => template! {
h1() { "Index" }
Routes::Page => template! {
h1() { "Page" }
Page() // Or whatever template you want to render here with `bind:value`
Routes::OtherPage => template! {
h1() { "Other page" }
_ => template! {
h1() { "Not found" }
template! {
div() {
div() {
a(href="/") { "Index" }
a(href="/page") { "Page" }
a(href="/other_page") { "Other page" }
// We replace the template interpolation with a DOM node that we can render to
// (template.get().as_ref().clone()) // OLD
div(ref = root_ref) // NEW
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