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Created August 8, 2013 06:42
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#SharkWeek: we dont need to write a program
Orangestar: Oh I just used a java program
Orangestar: So
Orangestar: Time to uh
Orangestar: Download prboom+
#SharkWeek: yes im already there
Orangestar: Kk
#SharkWeek: so what does zdoom have that skulltag dont?
Orangestar: Well ZANDRONUM (I'll keep saying it until you get it right) is based directly off ZDoom
Orangestar: So when ZDoom updates, Zandronum does too.
Orangestar: Unfortunately, they really haven't in a while.
#SharkWeek: wait they arent the same?
Orangestar: N-
Orangestar: No
Orangestar: ZDoom was first.
Orangestar: Then Skulltag was based off of ZDoom and GZDoom code.
Orangestar: Then Zandronum was made due to drama on Skulltag's site
Orangestar: Zandronum supports ZDoom features up to ZDoom version 2.4.0 (or probably 2.5.0 I think.)
Orangestar: ZDoom is currently version 2.7.0
#SharkWeek: well i have it downloaded
Orangestar: By the way, if you're used to ZDoom/Skulltag/Zandronum's enhancements to the engine, get ready for a culture shock
#SharkWeek: the only skulltag i played is mm8bd
Orangestar: Anyway you may want to start prboom and spend a few minutes tweaking the settings.
#SharkWeek: IdentifyVersion: IWAD not found.
Orangestar: You uh
Orangestar: Need to put DOOM2.WAD in there
#SharkWeek: where do i get that?
Orangestar: Uh
Orangestar: You ub
Orangestar: Uh
Orangestar: Own doom 2 right?
#SharkWeek: nah
Orangestar: Wait you
Orangestar: Dont own
Orangestar: Doom 2?
#SharkWeek: no i do not
Orangestar: Then how come you said you were too scared to play it?
#SharkWeek: pictures
Orangestar: Well gimme a sec while I link you to my copy then.
Orangestar: I always keep a copy of the doom wads in my dropbox in cases like this.
#SharkWeek: makesure the fbi dosnt bag down your door then
#SharkWeek: bang*
#SharkWeek: so the fbi bang down the door of an nsa veteran with gun pointed at him while he came out of the shower
#SharkWeek: so the guy just said
#SharkWeek: well let me put on some clothes first
Orangestar: I don't think NSA veterans are a thing
Orangestar: Anyway
#SharkWeek: former nsa worker
#SharkWeek: ?
Orangestar: NSA is a group. People don't really _work_ for them.
Orangestar: But enough talk. Download that.
#SharkWeek: former nsa dude
#SharkWeek: now what?
#SharkWeek: hello?
Orangestar: Uh
Orangestar: Put doom2.exe in your prboom folder
Orangestar: Er
Orangestar: Not exe
Orangestar: Wad
#SharkWeek: i started the game
#SharkWeek: how to join server?
Orangestar: Well you should probably go into settings and set your preferences
#SharkWeek: i did
Orangestar: Protip: use OpenGL if you have aGood comp
#SharkWeek: how?
#SharkWeek: ???
Orangestar: Uh
Orangestar: Under options > setup > general
Orangestar: Er
#SharkWeek: when can we plya coop?
Orangestar: Options > general
Orangestar: EVENTUALLY
#SharkWeek: =/
#SharkWeek: i r ready then
#SharkWeek: OJ LETS GO
Orangestar: OK ub
#SharkWeek: wheres to join?
Orangestar: Step one close that shit
#SharkWeek: closed
Orangestar: Ok now open up cmd
#SharkWeek: kk
Orangestar: Do you know how to use CMD to get to your prboom directory?
#SharkWeek: type the address?
#SharkWeek: C:\Users\name\Documents\prboom-plus-
Orangestar: Well you have to use the "cd" command to Change Directory
Orangestar: Like "cd users\name\Documents\prboom-plus-\
#SharkWeek: done
#SharkWeek: wot do?
Orangestar: Ok now type this
Orangestar: Prboom-plus.exe -net
Orangestar: Wait
Orangestar: No dont
#SharkWeek: =/
#SharkWeek: i do love commandline stuff because you look badass using it tho :P
Orangestar: Sorry :V but yeah you do
Orangestar: Anyway
Orangestar: Prboom-plus.exe -net -p 20201
Orangestar: Try that
#SharkWeek: launcher started
#SharkWeek: clicked ok
#SharkWeek: nothing happened
Orangestar: Ok hold on a sec
Orangestar: Try this one again:
Orangestar: Prboom-plus.exe -net
#SharkWeek: that didnt work either
Orangestar: According to the creator prboom is shit for online play
#SharkWeek: ima check
Orangestar: It
Orangestar: It's right here on the prboom foruns
Orangestar: I can't copy and paste because phone but uh
Orangestar: I sent you a file through imo:
#SharkWeek: u sure its not glboom
#SharkWeek: glboom -net [ip]
#SharkWeek: this?
Orangestar: Glboom is the same thing bro
Orangestar: Gust
Orangestar: Just uh
Orangestar: With opengl
Orangestar: Anyway
Orangestar: Time to download more shit
#SharkWeek: theres a usage .txt file
Orangestar: Just get Choco doom instead :V
#SharkWeek: i am
#SharkWeek: ok
Orangestar: Uh
Orangestar: Choco setup is a bit more complex than prboom setup
#SharkWeek: i r ready
Orangestar: Fffffffffffffffffffffffff-
#SharkWeek: theres actual join network game button :D
Orangestar: I
Orangestar: It uses sdl
#SharkWeek: yes
#SharkWeek: so?
#SharkWeek: sdl nt isnt it?
Orangestar: For some reason that's not working on this shit
Orangestar: It should
Orangestar: I don't see why it's not
#SharkWeek: why are u on win 98 anyways?
Orangestar: My regular computer is out of commission
#SharkWeek: oh
#SharkWeek: what are using to open a port?
Orangestar: Anyway fuck this noise. I'm just gonna try using my dad's desktop meaning I'll have like only a few minutes to even play but fuck it
#SharkWeek: wait what are using for miniupnp anyways?
Orangestar: The desktop I just told you abiut
#SharkWeek: your dads?
Orangestar: Yeah
Orangestar: I sent you a file through imo:
#SharkWeek: whats this for?
Orangestar: It's uh
Orangestar: A bad photo to show off the computer
Orangestar: So while we may not get some actual gayme playain tonight
Orangestar: This will at least be proof of concept
#SharkWeek: ok
Orangestar: Ok
Orangestar: Click join a network game
#SharkWeek: kk
Orangestar: Connect to
Orangestar: Any luck?
#SharkWeek: failed to connect
#SharkWeek: is your port open
#SharkWeek: go check canyouseeme
Orangestar: What the fuck?
#SharkWeek: hm?
Orangestar: Canyouseeme is displaying a different IP than anything else that has ever displayed my IP...
#SharkWeek: lol
#SharkWeek: maybe your ipchanged
Orangestar: Take a look at this
Orangestar: I sent you a file through imo:
#SharkWeek: lol
Orangestar: I tried going to the unknown ip.
Orangestar: Chrome said it had generated it's own SSL certificate.
Orangestar: I'm probably terribly tangledly double-NATed
#SharkWeek: lol
Orangestar: Hey yeah, wait a sec...
Orangestar: The uPnP service I'm using is displaying the 172 address now too.
#SharkWeek: who needs the java program
#SharkWeek: it looks more badass with cmd interface
Orangestar: No you don't understand
Orangestar: This means that canyouseeme sees my router's external ip.
Orangestar: But everything else sees the external ip used by my isp's router/modem combo.
Orangestar: But why? And how?
#SharkWeek: iunno
#SharkWeek: but ill try the other tip
#SharkWeek: ip*
Orangestar: No forget it.
Orangestar: Canyouseeme couldn't get through my port so nothing will
#SharkWeek: im gonan revel my name by doing this
#SharkWeek: but meh
#SharkWeek: WOT THE FOK
Orangestar: You couldve blotted out your name with mspaint and then uploaded it with snaggy or something, ya kno
#SharkWeek: too lazy
#SharkWeek: just took the screenie
#SharkWeek: and pasted url
Orangestar: There's avg being absolutely no help again.
#SharkWeek: why wot u use?
#SharkWeek: btw
#SharkWeek: when i was like 5 or somthing
Orangestar: Well personally I use avast because I like my memory to stay nice and free but ignore that statement for a sec while I explain somethinf
Orangestar: Don't interrupt me
Orangestar: Well like here's my problem with that screenie. "General behavioral problem." THANKS FOR TELLING SPECIFICS AVG.
#SharkWeek: i would always click those dummy overly flashy ads which are most likely obvious trojanhorses
Orangestar: Now we don't know what tripped it so we can't tell if false positive or not.
Orangestar: Now here's my other problem.
Orangestar: The computer I _just used_ uses AVG
#SharkWeek: is there some sort of nice like open source antivirus
Orangestar: None what are good.
Orangestar: Just use avast.
Orangestar: Avg is a nice second placer tho
Orangestar: But uuuuuhhhhhhhhh
#SharkWeek: why the fuck does spybot sd have paid versions now
Orangestar: Because they have to make money.
#SharkWeek: it used to be free
Orangestar: Like my problem is we both freshly cracked open some brand new chocolate doom executables.
Orangestar: Yours tripped a positive
Orangestar: Why didn't mine?
Orangestar: WELL GANG
#SharkWeek: maybe its because i just tried to connect to your canyouseeme ip
#SharkWeek: and it liek crashed or somthing
#SharkWeek: and avg freaked out
Orangestar: Oh shit
Orangestar: Delete it
Orangestar: Delete it all.
#SharkWeek: *shrugs* ok
Orangestar: I fucking told you that shit was bad why did you connect you fucking idiot
#SharkWeek: i connected before you told me
Orangestar: "Orangestar: Chrome said it had generated it's own SSL certificate."
#SharkWeek: so that means?
Orangestar: The server was trying to make itself look like a nice authentic secure proven-safe server
#SharkWeek: well first of all
#SharkWeek: now you have me freaking out
Orangestar: It's kind of like if someone forged their criminal record to be let in a nuclear bunker.
#SharkWeek: second of all
#SharkWeek: im an idiot and accidently deleted my recyclebin shortcut when trying to empty it
Orangestar: That
Orangestar: Shouldn't be possible
#SharkWeek: so where is the recyclebin at
Orangestar: Is this win7?
#SharkWeek: vista
#SharkWeek: o right
#SharkWeek: crtl z
#SharkWeek: brought it back
Orangestar: Eh they're both the same method. Just open cont-
Orangestar: O-
Orangestar: Oh
Orangestar: I forgot not everybody uses shift-delete
#SharkWeek: well my recycle bin is a ghetto shortcut TO the recyclebin
Orangestar: You should replace that with the shell shortcut when you get the chance.
#SharkWeek: i guess im running an avg scan because you just freaked me out
Orangestar: But that's not important.
Orangestar: Hopefully there's no bugs in your ram.
#SharkWeek: speaking of ram
#SharkWeek: i recently stole an extra gig of it from my sisters laptop
Orangestar: Oh nice
Orangestar: Uhhh
Orangestar: It's 1:33 so
Orangestar: Ima hit the Sack.
#SharkWeek: wait but didnt your upnp also show that address?
Orangestar: It makes sense that the uPnP one would show it If it's my internal ip.
Orangestar: I'm willing to bet my isp's playing dirty to prevent port forwarding.
#SharkWeek: why?
Orangestar: Bandwidth.
Orangestar: Servers take up bandwidth.
#SharkWeek: that ip dosnt even exist
Orangestar: Servers require port forwarding.
#SharkWeek: WOT DE FOK
#SharkWeek: looks like a Router IP Address.
Click here to view the default settings for Actiontec Actiontec GT784WN-01 IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wireless N DSL Modem Router
Orangestar: Of course it wouldnt show up!
Orangestar: It's my internal fuckin IP
#SharkWeek: so you put me in a state of panic over an ssl? =/
Orangestar: Unchecked SSL servers and unconfirmed positives are things worth raising hell over.
#SharkWeek: looked up your 69 adddress
Orangestar: Look if you run into problems, buzz the fuck out of my phone until I wake up. If nothing still happens, call ajf or someone. By the way, can you paste in this into pastebin so I can have a copy?
#SharkWeek: problems?
#SharkWeek: besides avg said threat removed
#SharkWeek: i cliekced the remove button accidently probably
Orangestar: Like, I don't know.
#SharkWeek: psssh pastebin?
#SharkWeek: i have gist :P
Orangestar: Just if you need anything don't hesitate to ask.
Orangestar: Gist wtf
#SharkWeek: git :P
#SharkWeek: i can keep track of it since its tied to my account
Orangestar: Also that ip address looks right. Rolla MO, Embarq corp...
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