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Created May 23, 2015 06:01
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[8:03:12 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid:
[8:03:33 PM] Albus Dumbledank: we crackin down son
[8:03:45 PM] Albus Dumbledank: no fun is to be tolerated on gg2f
[8:03:57 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: i am supreme banmaster
[8:03:57 PM] primefaglol: post rare pepes
[8:04:03 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: i appoint meow for meme eradication
[8:04:07 PM] Drunken Steve: no banning please
[8:04:08 PM] washy: [8:01 PM] Shpazz:
<<< your gpu is shite for that money960m is good....
[8:04:14 PM] Shpazz: who is sejflek?
[8:04:18 PM] washy: actually if i got a 980 the cost would be like 1700 so fuck dat
[8:04:18 PM] primefaglol: u
[8:04:20 PM] Albus Dumbledank: [8:04 PM] primefaglol:
<<< post rare pepesjust try that shit m8
[8:04:22 PM] Shpazz: wat
[8:04:24 PM | Edited 8:04:27 PM] Drunken Steve: lol
[8:04:29 PM] primefaglol: aite watch me nigga
[8:04:33 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: if you do post pepes i'll actually ban you for a day or two
[8:04:36 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: i'm serious about that
[8:04:41 PM] primefaglol: really why
[8:04:41 PM] Shpazz:
[8:04:59 PM] washy: memes thats why
[8:04:59 PM] primefaglol: okt why
[8:05:04 PM] primefaglol: washy plz
[8:05:04 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: [8:05 PM] washy:
<<< memes thats why
[8:05:07 PM] washy: lopl
[8:05:11 PM] primefaglol: u wont
[8:05:14 PM] primefaglol: no balls
[8:05:20 PM] Albus Dumbledank: the gg2f public has decided that memes are no longer welcome
[8:05:24 PM] Albus Dumbledank: you will respect the vote
[8:05:36 PM] washy: hi can i revote
[8:05:42 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: i will abuse my powers as necessary
[8:05:43 PM] washy: i like this better Add a new system that limits the amount of memes one can post, I call them "Meme credits" . Each day every user is given access to 2 meme credits and for every meme they use in a post one credit is reduced from their total. Hitting -1 cred = ban
[8:05:50 PM] Shpazz: mfw memes are banned
[8:05:59 PM] primefaglol: ok i post pepe xd
[8:06:06 PM] washy: nice MS PAINT
[8:06:18 PM] washy: i use ms paint for all my drawings xd
[8:06:23 PM] washy: pepe and xd are two memes
[8:06:28 PM] washy: u have used up all ur meme credits
[8:06:44 PM] Shpazz: surely the rares pepe you've seen (nsfw)
[8:07:02 PM] Albus Dumbledank: theres a good reason thats rare
[8:07:13 PM] washy: xd
[8:07:32 PM] primefaglol: gross
[8:07:36 PM] primefaglol: af
[8:07:39 PM] Drunken Steve: is your mom
[8:07:41 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: ew
[8:07:48 PM] washy: prime do u go to ovo fest
[8:07:51 PM] Albus Dumbledank:
[8:07:54 PM] Drunken Steve: t(0v O)t
[8:07:55 PM] Albus Dumbledank: okt you know what to do
[8:07:58 PM] Drunken Steve: mercy
[8:07:59 PM] Shpazz:
[8:08:01 PM] Drunken Steve: show mercy
[8:08:16 PM] washy: reported
[8:08:22 PM] washy: (jk)
[8:08:44 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: welp i warned ya
[8:08:47 PM] Drunken Steve: okt
[8:08:47 PM] Drunken Steve: okt
[8:08:48 PM] Drunken Steve: okt
[8:08:48 PM] Drunken Steve: OKT
[8:08:51 PM] Drunken Steve: mercy
[8:08:56 PM] primefaglol: LMFAO
[8:09:03 PM] primefaglol: SHOW NO MERCY
[8:09:25 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: Just out of interest
Do you guys even get any enjoyment making alts
[8:09:26 PM] washy: F
[8:09:27 PM] washy: O
[8:09:27 PM] washy: O
[8:09:28 PM] washy: L
[8:09:34 PM] Drunken Steve: no
[8:09:36 PM] Drunken Steve: i don't, zs
[8:09:42 PM] washy: i dont have any alts
[8:09:45 PM] Drunken Steve: o fuck it's already 11
[8:09:49 PM] washy: althoguh this isnt my first account
[8:09:50 PM] Shpazz: I don't either z7
[8:09:51 PM] washy: on gg2f
[8:09:53 PM] Drunken Steve: Sorry Drunken Steve, you are banned from using this forum!
we are instituting new rule upon gg2f
This ban is set to expire May 23, 2015, 10:09:52 pm.
[8:09:55 PM] Drunken Steve: i cry.
[8:09:55 PM] primefaglol: le jj alt
[8:10:22 PM] primefaglol: ok i go join u now stev
[8:10:40 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: who's next
[8:10:52 PM] Drunken Steve: okt is meanie
[8:10:53 PM] primefaglol: u wont
[8:10:55 PM] primefaglol: no balls
[8:10:59 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: I'm talking generally not naming anyone lopl
[8:11:33 PM] Albus Dumbledank: im going to bed now, make sure there arent any illegal memes being posted on my board while im gone
[8:11:47 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: okay
[8:11:54 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: fun fact prime banning only takes 3 clicks
[8:11:54 PM] Albus Dumbledank: together we will make the world a better place
[8:11:56 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: try me
[8:11:57 PM] washy: rip
[8:12:09 PM] primefaglol: i wish u would
[8:12:20 PM] primefaglol: triple dog dare u
[8:12:29 PM] washy: [8:12 PM] primefaglol:
<<< triple dog dare u bruh
[8:12:43 PM] Shpazz:
[8:12:44 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid:
[8:12:52 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: 1 click away.................
[8:13:04 PM] primefaglol: ok preparing post
[8:13:06 PM] washy: lmao
[8:13:09 PM] Shpazz: smitetober
[8:13:09 PM] washy: is that what it looks like
[8:13:13 PM] washy: expiration never
[8:13:21 PM] Shpazz: i could've used a disposable email
[8:13:22 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: ye
[8:13:22 PM] primefaglol: posted
[8:13:26 PM] Shpazz: but i'd forget it in a second
[8:13:29 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: i might change it to like 10000 days
[8:13:36 PM] washy: LOL
[8:13:45 PM] Albus Dumbledank: goodbye prime
[8:13:56 PM] primefaglol: LOL
[8:14:15 PM] washy: rip prime
[8:14:30 PM] Shpazz: rip prime
[8:14:42 PM] primefaglol: le middle finger pepe
[8:14:53 PM] washy: lmao sejflek
[8:14:55 PM] washy: whos name is that anyway
[8:15:04 PM | Edited 8:15:26 PM] Shpazz: v liar
[8:15:18 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: ^his alt actually
[8:15:20 PM] washy: o
[8:15:22 PM] Drunken Steve: lost my phone charger on day one
[8:15:23 PM] Drunken Steve: nice
[8:15:25 PM] washy: but
[8:15:28 PM] washy: whos name is that
[8:15:29 PM] washy: ive heard it before
[8:15:33 PM] Shpazz: steve's
[8:15:49 PM] washy: o ok
[8:16:02 PM] primefaglol: HOLY SHIT LOL
[8:16:08 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: a new chapter of gg2f shall commence
[8:16:11 PM] Drunken Steve: lol
[8:16:14 PM] primefaglol: FEBRUARY 07 2106
[8:16:18 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: LOL
[8:16:18 PM] Drunken Steve: o.o
[8:16:18 PM] primefaglol: GOTDAMN
[8:16:20 PM] Shpazz: wat
[8:16:22 PM] washy: [8:16 PM] primefaglol:
<<< FEBRUARY 07 2106
[8:16:23 PM] primefaglol: LMFAO
[8:16:25 PM] Shpazz: wtf
[8:16:26 PM] washy: rip
[8:16:27 PM] washy: literally
[8:16:32 PM] Shpazz: water you talking about?
[8:16:35 PM] primefaglol: NOT MAKING THIS UP
[8:16:37 PM] Shpazz: oh your ban
[8:16:38 PM] Shpazz: LMAO
[8:17:13 PM] Shpazz: rip gg2
[8:17:31 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: anybody else?
[8:17:35 PM] Shpazz: prime was the pitch which held us together :^)
[8:17:56 PM] primefaglol: nah chill shorten that time pls
[8:18:04 PM] washy: ya 1 year xd
[8:18:05 PM] primefaglol: inb4 by one day
[8:18:07 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: outlive the ban and ill cut off a day :^)
[8:18:11 PM] washy: lmao
[8:18:14 PM] primefaglol: lol
[8:18:17 PM] washy: >outlive the ban
[8:18:23 PM] Drunken Steve: ooooooh that's where i put my charger
[8:18:37 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: o wow the max amount of days caps out at 33133
[8:19:01 PM] Drunken Steve: going out for a good portion of the day tomorrow
[8:19:06 PM] Drunken Steve: what show should i download for phone
[8:19:20 PM] primefaglol: okt pls
[8:19:43 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: read the ban message m8
[8:19:47 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: new rules
[8:19:50 PM] Drunken Steve: oh wow
[8:19:55 PM] Drunken Steve: mine says feb 7 2106
[8:19:58 PM] Drunken Steve: when did that happen
[8:20:01 PM] washy: LOL
[8:20:06 PM] Drunken Steve: it originally said 1 day from now
[8:20:30 PM] primefaglol: lol meme eradication is necessary for a new chapter of gg2f
[8:20:37 PM] washy: yeah
[8:20:39 PM] Drunken Steve: so as i said
[8:20:41 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: i changed it because putting "never" is boring
[8:20:43 PM] Drunken Steve: what show should i download
[8:20:46 PM] washy: a new chapter with the rocketjumper kurtdenzel
[8:20:49 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: daredevil
[8:20:52 PM] washy: queencalimari
[8:20:53 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: i just put it on my phone
[8:20:55 PM] washy: santa
[8:20:55 PM] Drunken Steve: i heard some good stuff about daredevil
[8:20:56 PM] Drunken Steve: what's it about?
[8:21:04 PM] washy: marvel
[8:21:06 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: marvel's blind superhero
[8:21:06 PM] washy: xd
[8:21:11 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: i haven't started it yet
[8:21:14 PM] Drunken Steve: oh
[8:21:17 PM] Drunken Steve: eh i'll watch something else
[8:21:18 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: might this weekend in between applications
[8:21:33 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: house of cards?
[8:21:51 PM] primefaglol: he means anime pls
[8:21:56 PM] Drunken Steve: :&P_$W_%
[8:22:03 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: but my shows are good............................
[8:22:06 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: none of ur weebshit
[8:22:16 PM] primefaglol: shit u mean xd
[8:22:49 PM] Drunken Steve: yeah fuck shows i'll just transfer music
[8:23:39 PM] primefaglol: ok i find mod to unban me
[8:24:58 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: u aint slick jj
[8:25:00 PM] Drunken Steve: lol
[8:26:06 PM] Shpazz:
>next one is an ip ban
>can't get to login screen
[8:26:30 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: that happened to me before when i got banned a while back
[8:26:38 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: iirc i had to clear my cache
[8:27:34 PM] primefaglol: i told hanny bout ban
[8:27:47 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: Hello.
[8:27:47 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: SNITCHES GET STITCHES
[8:27:50 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: sup hanny
[8:28:09 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: Hey Okto. I heard lulz were had?
[8:28:15 PM] primefaglol: i said i was gonna get mod
[8:28:17 PM] Shpazz: okt banned some innocent Korean (and me) for no apparent reason.
[8:28:25 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: Prim, Okto outranks me :^)
[8:28:35 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: ^^^
[8:28:41 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: cant dispute my final word
[8:28:42 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: I got a random block once and I asked MedO if my ip had been blocked
Apparently it hadnt
[8:28:43 PM] primefaglol: o wow ur only ggd mod
[8:28:48 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: my actions are law
[8:28:50 PM] Shpazz: ey b@ss
[8:28:51 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: Okto is global mod.
[8:28:52 PM] Shpazz: ey med0
[8:28:52 PM] Drunken Steve: zs your internet is shit
[8:28:59 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: community manager actually
[8:29:06 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: Snooze < ZS < Hanako < Okt
[8:29:07 PM] primefaglol: ok i get next best thing
[8:29:07 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: Am I the only one that hasn't been banned at least once?
[8:29:12 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: i think
[8:29:17 PM] primefaglol: one just as power as u
[8:29:20 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: Jj plz
[8:29:26 PM] Drunken Steve: tonight reminded me of late night truth or dare with gg2
[8:29:31 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: gogoog
[8:29:33 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: lets do it
[8:29:34 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: right now
[8:29:37 PM] Drunken Steve: lol i'm going to sleep
[8:29:38 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: fuck no
[8:29:40 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: poosee
[8:29:40 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: Hanako Ikezawa yawns.
[8:29:41 PM] Drunken Steve: you guys have fun with your own selves
[8:29:43 PM] Shpazz: we need to play ToD this weekend
[8:29:45 PM] Shpazz: I will play
[8:29:48 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: omg
[8:29:50 PM] Shpazz: if you unban sejflek
[8:29:53 PM] Shpazz: the innocent
[8:29:53 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: Fuck ToD
[8:29:53 PM] Drunken Steve: 11:26 PM - Drunken Steve: i'm going to sleep real soon
[8:29:56 PM] Drunken Steve: i'm not even pussying out okt
[8:29:58 PM] Shpazz: I will allow my ban to go through
[8:29:58 PM] Drunken Steve: u fag
[8:30:04 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: ZS too afraid to pick dare, z6.
[8:30:05 PM] Shpazz: but please keep sejflek out of my drama.
[8:30:07 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: sejflek was an innocent bystander caught in the crossfire
[8:30:11 PM] Shpazz: ^
[8:30:12 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: rip cant bring back the dead :^)
[8:30:18 PM] Shpazz: o wao
[8:30:18 PM] Drunken Steve: good night
[8:30:19 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: sorry
[8:30:19 PM] primefaglol: LOL
[8:30:22 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: >.>
[8:30:24 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: "ZS too afraid to pick dare, z6."
[8:30:27 PM] Drunken Steve: baaaaai
[8:30:30 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: night steve
[8:30:32 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: Night Steve.
[8:30:45 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: ill lift it when its 2106 :^)
[8:30:46 PM] primefaglol: nah bruh get rid of mine plz
[8:30:53 PM] Drunken Steve: remember
[8:30:53 PM] Drunken Steve: don't unban prime
[8:31:00 PM] primefaglol: stfu
[8:31:03 PM] Shpazz:
[8:31:34 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: Remind me which accounts are rip'd
[8:31:44 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: lol you indicted yourself with that post prime
[8:31:52 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: prime/steve/sejflek
[8:31:54 PM] primefaglol: okt please
[8:32:01 PM] Shpazz: also why is sejflek's offline indicator still there?
[8:32:06 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: hmm
[8:32:06 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: idk
[8:32:12 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: Sejflek is whose alt?
[8:32:17 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: jj
[8:32:17 PM] primefaglol: jj
[8:32:17 PM] Shpazz: steve's.
[8:32:23 PM] Shpazz: no
[8:32:30 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: ive seen alts but come on m8
[8:32:34 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: step ur game up
[8:32:42 PM] Shpazz: are you patronizing me just due to my white skin?
[8:32:44 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: lmao
[8:32:46 PM] Shpazz: is that what's happening?
[8:32:58 PM] primefaglol: ok unban me except jj and steve :^)
[8:33:12 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: we dont like your kind around here.................
[8:33:19 PM] primefaglol: wow uncle ruckus
[8:33:23 PM] primefaglol: plz
[8:33:28 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: omg
[8:33:33 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: extend the ban by 100 years
[8:33:38 PM] primefaglol: WOW
[8:33:55 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: Okto can you add me on Skype pls
[8:33:59 PM] primefaglol: PLS
[8:34:32 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: i warned u m8
[8:34:41 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: i took the appropriate action
[8:34:48 PM] primefaglol: u said two days.........
[8:34:50 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: Hanako Ikezawa facepalms.
[8:34:55 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: This is why you beware the nice ones.
[8:35:06 PM] primefaglol: >okt
[8:35:09 PM] primefaglol: >nice
[8:35:16 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: Context.
[8:35:26 PM | Removed 8:35:30 PM] primefaglol: This message has been removed.
[8:35:26 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: Also while I'm here
[8:35:32 PM | Edited 8:35:54 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: Compared to the other mods, Okto is pretty approachable. ZS and I not withstanding.
[8:35:32 PM] Shpazz: let banwars happen
[8:35:34 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: pls im an angel
[8:35:35 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: :^^)
[8:35:38 PM] Shpazz: i has my vpn :^)
[8:35:50 PM] primefaglol: devil more like
[8:36:05 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: cause ill roast your ass
[8:36:09 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: Kids these days
[8:36:16 PM] primefaglol: u wont
[8:36:24 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: >kids
[8:36:28 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: zs you're next!!!!!!!!!!
[8:36:56 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: fuck i'm hungry
[8:37:01 PM] primefaglol: okt
[8:37:08 PM] primefaglol: reduce ban to two days plz
[8:37:11 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: You're not you when you're hungry. Snickers satisfies.
[8:37:30 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: Okay what did ajf post
[8:37:31 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: snickers is the only chocolate bar i'll eat nowadays
[8:37:39 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: well that and oh-henry
[8:37:43 PM] primefaglol: snickers is ass
[8:37:43 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: ajf?
[8:37:48 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: fite me irl
[8:37:53 PM] primefaglol: twix master race
[8:37:54 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: peanuts + chocolate + caramel
[8:37:58 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: twix a shit
[8:38:01 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: terrible candy
[8:38:12 PM] primefaglol: ofc u like nuts xddd
[8:38:16 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: okay its not terrible but snickers > twix
[8:38:21 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: ye my own :^)
[8:38:28 PM] primefaglol: snickers ass
[8:38:34 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: Caramilk please.
[8:39:08 PM] Shpazz:
[8:39:15 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: Hey we can't have fraternal vore
[8:39:28 PM] primefaglol: ok i tell mod to unban
[8:39:36 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: jj pls
[8:39:53 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: So I just checked ajf's post. Clicked the exclamation mark, then I'm all like "Oh hey, I remember this."
[8:39:54 PM] Shpazz: D O E E T
[8:40:10 PM] Hanako Ikezawa:
[8:40:14 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: An old shame. z6.
[8:40:17 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: i miss that
[8:40:18 PM] primefaglol: "tbh if u got banned im pretty sure u earned it"
[8:40:20 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: he ruined the joke
[8:40:22 PM] primefaglol: sz please
[8:40:34 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: he made it obvious
[8:40:40 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: This is why I call Okto the friendly one.
[8:41:03 PM] primefaglol: my ass
[8:41:06 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: Wait wait is it the one with the Mega Man Wily boss theme?
[8:41:10 PM] Shpazz: prime da meen 1?
[8:41:13 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: Yes.
[8:41:18 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: Yes it is, ZS.
[8:41:32 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: [8:41 PM] Shpazz:
<<< prime da meen 1?^^^^^^^
[8:41:39 PM] primefaglol: plz
[8:42:43 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: Primeanie.
[8:43:06 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: brb
[8:43:15 PM] primefaglol: mfw sz won't unban
[8:44:22 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: Whenever I see sz I get confused bc
1) there's an sz on another forum I go to who is head admin
2) sz and zs look too similar
3) where the hyphen at yo
[8:45:19 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: The hyphen is noticeable until you don't notice it. Quantum hyphens.
[8:45:35 PM] Giygas: quantum of hyphens
[8:46:01 PM] primefaglol: strych i got banned pls cry for me
[8:46:09 PM] Shpazz:
[8:46:11 PM] Giygas: ;_;
[8:46:20 PM] primefaglol: ty
[8:46:45 PM] Giygas: why r u banned ;_;
[8:47:02 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: came back from the bathroom
[8:47:05 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: can u not
[8:47:38 PM] Shpazz: pepes per minute is too low
[8:48:04 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: Jacks, are you really doing this?
[8:48:15 PM] Shpazz:
[8:48:30 PM] Shpazz: its not like its hard to ban ppl pls
[8:48:43 PM] Shpazz: just fills up database with clutter
[8:48:44 PM] Shpazz: :L
[8:48:51 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: JJ do you really have nothing better to do
[8:49:00 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: the more you make alts is the more likeley that other mods are gonna want to actually punish you fyi
[8:49:17 PM] Shpazz: gives me an excuse to leave the game :^)
[8:49:28 PM] primefaglol: i posted pepe strych
[8:49:33 PM] Shpazz: seriously tho i have other things i can do
[8:49:56 PM] Shpazz: just none which both fall within the categories of productive and things i want to do
[8:50:06 PM] Shpazz: this certainly isn't productive
[8:50:13 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: Then do what Poop did and get a hobby/job.
[8:50:27 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: Why do you need to fill both criteria
[8:50:29 PM] Shpazz: [8:50 PM] Hanako Ikezawa:
<<< get a hobby/job.summer will
[8:50:34 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: Ignoring wanting to make alts
[8:51:03 PM] primefaglol: okt u kidding with this ban tho right
[8:51:28 PM] primefaglol: ill see myself unbanned tomorrow right????
[8:51:52 PM] Shpazz: your pepe is still on the page
[8:51:58 PM] Shpazz: he isn't permabanning you pls
[8:52:20 PM] primefaglol: it is? lol
[8:52:21 PM] Shpazz: Евровидение 2015
[8:52:43 PM] Shpazz: apparently what happened when i clicked on the google logo while surfing on a Russian ip
[8:54:26 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: google never forgets
[8:57:11 PM] Halfyam: wow
[8:57:14 PM] Halfyam: the boxes of capri sun
[8:57:17 PM] Halfyam: are empty
[8:57:25 PM] Halfyam: how could this be
[8:57:44 PM] Halfyam: lol prime = baned
[8:57:47 PM] Halfyam: wat happen'd
[8:57:53 PM] primefaglol: pls
[8:58:13 PM] primefaglol: i post pepe
[8:59:20 PM] Halfyam: u have small pepe
[8:59:38 PM] primefaglol: no u
[9:00:03 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: Does imp have one
[9:00:04 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: You children know nothing about the might of Pepe.
[9:00:37 PM] Halfyam: i have gr8 one
[9:00:42 PM] Halfyam: pepe el romano
[9:00:55 PM] Halfyam: he was a character in dat thing i had to read for spanish last yr
[9:01:46 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: he was a sexual predator
[9:01:57 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: looney tunes was still great
[9:02:44 PM] Halfyam: gonna be an amish goat for the weekend
[9:03:04 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: Amimpsh?
[9:04:08 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: been spending all my life
[9:04:12 PM] Rubeus Hashgrid: livin in an amish paradise
[9:04:41 PM] Halfyam: impish :o
[9:19:54 PM] primefaglol: imperial butter
[9:28:05 PM] washy: Well I just shit my pants! That scared the crap outta me!
[9:35:18 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: Congratulations!
[9:38:12 PM] HJ/8B1T/ZaSpai: Poop 2,0 confirmed
[9:49:48 PM] Shpazz: le pieu pls
[9:58:01 PM] Hanako Ikezawa: Good night GG2S.
[10:48:39 PM] jason: shit i missed it
[10:48:49 PM] jason: still laughed real fukin hard just reading the log though
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