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Last active June 12, 2024 10:28
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return (async () => {
const relay = new GelatoRelay();
const account = privateKeyToAccount('0x215816ad5bfd524e13dc8b6b2ed2674d8f8973f403ad80909111dfe3757bc9d6');
const client = createWalletClient({
transport: http(
'', // RPC URL of the network where themint method is to be called
const publicClient = createPublicClient({
transport: http(
'', // RPC URL of the network where the burn event is to be fetched
const { log } = context;
const { transactionHash } = log;
const receipt = await publicClient.getTransactionReceipt({
hash: transactionHash,
const { logs } = receipt;
let amount = BigInt(0);
for (const eventLog of logs) {
if (
eventLog.topics[0] ===
'0xcc16f5dbb4873280815c1ee09dbd06736cffcc184412cf7a71a0fdb75d397ca5' // topic id of burn event
) {
const burnEvent = decodeEventLog({
abi: ERC_20_TOKEN_ABI,
topics: eventLog.topics,
const { args } = burnEvent;
amount = args.amount;
sender = args.sender;
//encode function data
const data = encodeFunctionData({
abi: ERC_20_TOKEN_ABI,
functionName: 'mint',
args: [sender, amount],
const relayRequest = {
user: account.address,
chainId: BigInt(421614),
target: '0xbaedb2a4eb22e05c01c677a4a9e973909599648b', // token address
const response = await relay.sponsoredCallERC2771(
return response.taskId;
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