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Created February 20, 2024 17:06
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Jetpack Compose MetaBall Effect
fun MetaballEffect() {
var targetAngle by remember { mutableStateOf(0f) }
val animatedAngle by animateFloatAsState(
targetValue = targetAngle,
animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = 1000)
var toggle by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
val animatedOffsetX by animateFloatAsState(
targetValue = if (toggle) 300f else 200f,
animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = 1000)
val animatedOffsetY by animateFloatAsState(
targetValue = if (toggle) 400f else 300f,
animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = 1000)
var center1 by remember { mutableStateOf(Offset(animatedOffsetX, 200f)) }
var center2 by remember { mutableStateOf(Offset(400f, animatedOffsetY)) }
var center3 by remember { mutableStateOf(Offset(animatedOffsetX, 400f)) }
var center4 by remember { mutableStateOf(Offset(400f, animatedOffsetY)) }
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
while (true) {
toggle = !toggle
Canvas(modifier = Modifier
.clickable {
targetAngle += 45f
}.pointerInput(Unit) {
detectDragGestures { change, dragAmount ->
val dragOffset = Offset(dragAmount.x, dragAmount.y)
when {
center1.distanceTo(change.position) < 50.dp.toPx() -> {
center1 = center1 + dragOffset
center2.distanceTo(change.position) < 50.dp.toPx() -> {
center2 = center2 + dragOffset
center3.distanceTo(change.position) < 50.dp.toPx() -> {
center3 = center3 + dragOffset
center4.distanceTo(change.position) < 50.dp.toPx() -> {
center4 = center4 + dragOffset
) {
rotate(degrees = animatedAngle, pivot = center) {
val radius = 50.dp.toPx()
drawMetaball(center1, center2, radius, this)
drawMetaball(center1, center3, radius, this)
drawMetaball(center1, center4, radius, this)
drawMetaball(center2, center3, radius, this)
drawMetaball(center2, center4, radius, this)
drawMetaball(center3, center4, radius, this)
fun drawMetaball(center1: Offset, center2: Offset, radius: Float, drawScope: DrawScope) {
val distance = center1.distanceTo(center2)
if (distance <= radius * 3 && distance > 0f) {
val u = 2.0 + (distance / (radius * 3)) * 2.0
val v = min(1.0, sqrt(radius * 3 / distance) * 0.5)
val angleBetweenCenters = atan2((center2.y - center1.y).toDouble(), (center2.x - center1.x).toDouble())
val angleOffset = acos(((radius - radius * v) / distance).coerceIn(-1.0, 1.0))
val angle1 = angleBetweenCenters + angleOffset
val angle2 = angleBetweenCenters - angleOffset
val angle3 = angleBetweenCenters + PI - angleOffset
val angle4 = angleBetweenCenters + PI + angleOffset
val p1 = Offset(
(center1.x + radius * cos(angle1)).toFloat(),
(center1.y + radius * sin(angle1)).toFloat()
val p2 = Offset(
(center1.x + radius * cos(angle2)).toFloat(),
(center1.y + radius * sin(angle2)).toFloat()
val p3 = Offset(
(center2.x + radius * cos(angle3)).toFloat(),
(center2.y + radius * sin(angle3)).toFloat()
val p4 = Offset(
(center2.x + radius * cos(angle4)).toFloat(),
(center2.y + radius * sin(angle4)).toFloat()
val controlPoint = Offset(
(0.5 * (center1.x + center2.x)).toFloat(),
(0.5 * (center1.y + center2.y)).toFloat()
val path = Path().apply {
moveTo(p1.x, p1.y)
((p1.x + u * controlPoint.x) / (1 + u)).toFloat(),
((p1.y + u * controlPoint.y) / (1 + u)).toFloat(),
((p3.x + u * controlPoint.x) / (1 + u)).toFloat(),
((p3.y + u * controlPoint.y) / (1 + u)).toFloat(),
p3.x, p3.y
lineTo(p4.x, p4.y)
((p4.x + u * controlPoint.x) / (1 + u)).toFloat(),
((p4.y + u * controlPoint.y) / (1 + u)).toFloat(),
((p2.x + u * controlPoint.x) / (1 + u)).toFloat(),
((p2.y + u * controlPoint.y) / (1 + u)).toFloat(),
p2.x, p2.y
drawScope.drawPath(path, color = Color(0XFF353535))
drawScope.drawCircle(color = Color(0XFF353535), center = center1, radius = radius)
drawScope.drawCircle(color = Color(0XFF353535), center = center2, radius = radius)
fun Offset.distanceTo(other: Offset): Float {
return sqrt((x - other.x).pow(2) + (y - other.y).pow(2))
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