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Created February 3, 2024 18:02
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Spring Animation for Canvas Drawing Star
fun SpringAnimationForStar() {
var touchPointActions by remember { mutableStateOf(listOf<Offset>()) }
var animatedStars by remember { mutableStateOf(listOf<Animatable<Offset, AnimationVector2D>>()) }
LaunchedEffect(touchPointActions) {
if (touchPointActions.size > 1) {
val startPoint = touchPointActions[touchPointActions.size - 2]
val endPoint = touchPointActions.lastOrNull()
animatedStars += Animatable(startPoint, Offset.VectorConverter).also { animatable ->
launch {
endPoint?.let {
targetValue = it,
animationSpec = spring(
dampingRatio = Spring.DampingRatioMediumBouncy,
stiffness = Spring.DampingRatioNoBouncy)
Box(modifier = Modifier
.pointerInput(Unit) {
detectTapGestures { offset ->
touchPointActions += offset
) {
Canvas(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
for (i in 1 until touchPointActions.size) {
start = touchPointActions[i - 1],
end = touchPointActions[i],
color = Color.Gray,
strokeWidth = 10f,
pathEffect = PathEffect.dashPathEffect(floatArrayOf(10f, 10f), 0f)
animatedStars.forEach { animatable ->
starDrawing(center = animatable.value, outerRadius = 100f, innerRadius = 40f)
fun DrawScope.starDrawing(center: Offset, outerRadius: Float, innerRadius: Float) {
val path = Path()
val numPoints = 5
val angleInc = 360 / (numPoints * 2).toFloat()
var currentAngle = -90f
for (i in 0 until numPoints * 2) {
val radius = if (i % 2 == 0) outerRadius else innerRadius
val x = center.x + radius * cos(Math.toRadians(currentAngle.toDouble())).toFloat()
val y = center.y + radius * sin(Math.toRadians(currentAngle.toDouble())).toFloat()
if (i == 0) path.moveTo(x, y) else path.lineTo(x, y)
currentAngle += angleInc
val gradient = Brush.radialGradient(
colors = listOf(Color.Black, Color.DarkGray),
center = center,
radius = outerRadius
drawPath(path, brush = gradient)
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