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Created March 23, 2014 11:07
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Bottom-up merge sort in Ruby
def merge_sort(a, lo, mid, hi)
# a[lo..mid] and a[mid+1..hi] must be sorted
dup = a.clone
# index for the left sub-array: lo <= i <= mid
i = lo
# index for the right sub-array: mid+1 <= j <= hi
j = mid+1
# index for the sorted sub-array: lo <= k <= hi
k = lo
while k <= hi
# All numbers in left sub-array have been compared
# so copy number from the right sub-array.
if i > mid
a[k] = dup[j]
j += 1
# All numbers in right sub-array have been compared
# so copy number from the left sub-array
elsif j > hi
a[k] = dup[i]
i += 1
# Number in right sub-array is less than the number in
# left sub-array. So copy number from the right sub-array
elsif dup[j] < dup[i]
a[k] = dup[j]
j += 1
# Number in left sub-array is less than the number in
# right sub-array. So copy number from left sub-array
a[k] = dup[i]
i += 1
k += 1
# The array `a[lo..hi]` is sorted.
def bottom_up_merge_sort(a)
sz = 1
n = a.count
while sz < n
lo = 0
# Ensure there are at least sz numbers to sort
while lo < (n - sz)
# a[lo..hi] has at most 2*sz numbers or
# at least n-1-lo numbers
hi = [n-1, lo+sz+sz-1].min
# a[lo..mid] has sz numbers
mid = lo+sz-1
merge_sort(a, lo, mid, hi)
lo = hi + 1
# Ensure that sz is a power of 2
sz = sz + sz
input = [5, 2, 6, 8, 7, 3, 4, 1]
puts "#{input} => #{bottom_up_merge_sort(input)}"
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