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Created May 25, 2016 07:33
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Save ardeshireshghi/c2879b550e2ef4704c57bd6090e293da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function inherits(constructor1, constructor2) {
constructor1.prototype = extend(constructor2.prototype);
function objectEmpty(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).length === 0 && obj.constructor === Object;
function extend() {
var i = -1,
newObject = {};
if (!arguments)
return {};
while (++i < arguments.length) {
var currentObj = arguments[i];
for (var key in currentObj) {
if (currentObj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
newObject[key] = currentObj[key];
return newObject;
function Talk(attributes) {
this.attributes = {};
Talk.LIGHTNING_LENGTH = 'lightning';
Talk.prototype = {
setTitle: function(title) {
this.attributes.title = title;
setLength: function(length) {
this.attributes.length = (length === Talk.LIGHTNING_LENGTH) ?
function Collection(rawModelsData) {
if (rawModelsData) {
Collection.prototype = {
add: function(model) {
this.models.push((model instanceof this.model) ? model : new this.model(model));
sort: function() {
var self = this;
return this.models;
this.models.sort(function(a, b){
// console.log(a.attributes[self.sortBy], b.attributes[self.sortBy]);process.exit();
return Math.sign(b.attributes[self.sortBy] - a.attributes[self.sortBy]);
setModels: function(rawModelsData) {
var self = this;
self.models = [];
rawModelsData.forEach(function(modelData) {
self.models.push(new self.model(modelData));
function TalkCollection(talks) {, talks);
inherits(TalkCollection, Collection);
TalkCollection.prototype = extend(TalkCollection.prototype, {
model: Talk,
sortBy: 'length'
var talksData = [
{title: 'Writing Fast Tests Against Enterprise Rails ', length: 60},
{title: 'Overdoing it in Python ', length: 45},
{title: 'Lua for the Masses ', length: 30},
{title: 'Ruby Errors from Mismatched Gem Versions ', length: 45},
{title: 'Common Ruby Errors ', length: 45},
{title: 'Rails for Python Developers' ,length: 'lightning'},
{title: 'Communicating Over Distance ', length: 60},
{title: 'Accounting-Driven Development ', length: 45},
{title: 'Woah ', length: 30},
{title: 'Sit Down and Write ', length: 30},
{title: 'Pair Programming vs Noise ', length: 45},
{title: 'Rails Magic ', length: 60},
{title: 'Ruby on Rails: Why We Should Move On ', length: 60},
{title: 'Clojure Ate Scala (on my project) ', length: 45},
{title: 'Programming in the Boondocks of Seattle ', length: 30},
{title: 'Ruby vs. Clojure for Back-End Development ', length: 30},
{title: 'Ruby on Rails Legacy App Maintenance ', length: 60},
{title: 'A World Without HackerNews ', length: 30},
{title: 'User Interface CSS in Rails Apps ', length: 30}
var talkCollection = new TalkCollection(talksData);
var sessions = {
morning: {
length: 180,
bucket: [],
bucketIndex: 0,
allocated: 0
afternoon: {
length: 240,
bucket: [],
bucketIndex: 0,
allocated: 0
var sets = [];
// talkCollection.models.forEach(function(model) {
function inspect(data, selection, max, originalData) {
selection = selection || [];
originalData = originalData || data;
var getSum = function() {
var sum = 0;
selection.forEach(function(value) {
sum += value;
return sum;
if (data.length === 0) {
if (originalData.length > 1) {
return inspect(originalData.slice(1), undefined, max);
} else {
return selection;
if (getSum() + data[0] <= max) {
if (getSum() === max) {
return selection;
return inspect(data.slice(1), selection, max, originalData);
function select(data, totalLength) {
var selection = [];
var getSum = function(array) {
var sum = 0;
array.forEach(function(value) {
sum += value;
return sum;
var min = function(array) {
return Math.min.apply(null, array);
// When there is no way we can select items which altogether are less than totalLength
// Or a totalLength which is smaller than our list's minimum!!!
if (getSum(data) < totalLength || min(data) >= totalLength) {
return [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
selection = [
// Quick selection (all resolved)
if (getSum(selection) === totalLength) {
return selection;
// There is no point in continuing (we have no selection)
if (i === data.length - 1) {
var dataCopy = data.slice(i);
var j = 1;
while (dataCopy.length >= 2) {
// Add the item if the sum does not exceed the max
if ((getSum(selection) + dataCopy[j]) <= totalLength) {
// Happy happy
if (getSum(selection) === totalLength) {
return selection;
// we skip values which make the sum greater than totalLength
// Oops! Got to the end of data copy not yet resolved the selection
if (j >= dataCopy.length - 1) {
// Removing the last selected item from data copy and selection
dataCopy.splice(selection.length - 1, 1)
// Bring the index back to adjecent item after last selection
j = selection.length - 1;
return [];
select([60,60,40,30,70,100,50], 180)
Array.prototype.remove = function(items) {
var t = this;
(t.indexOf(item) > -1) && t.splice(t.indexOf(item), 1);
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