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Last active February 7, 2018 15:41
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Advent of Code - Day 1
let inverseCaptcha = (path) => {
let arr =
Node_fs.readFileSync(path, `utf8)
|> Js.String.trim
|> Js.String.split("");
(acc, curr, idx) =>
switch (idx == 0) {
| true =>
let firstValue = int_of_string(curr);
let lastValue = int_of_string(arr[Js.Array.length(arr) - 1]);
firstValue == lastValue ? acc + firstValue : acc;
| _ =>
let prevValue = int_of_string(arr[idx - 1]);
let currValue = int_of_string(curr);
prevValue == currValue ? acc + currValue : acc;
let result = inverseCaptcha("./src/inverse-captcha.txt");
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