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Forked from airtonix/
Created August 22, 2013 18:13
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from django.http import HttpResponse
from tastypie import http
from tastypie.exceptions import ImmediateHttpResponse
from tastypie.resources import convert_post_to_put
class PublicEndpointResourceMixin(object):
""" Public endpoint dispatcher, for those routes upon which you don't want
to enforce the current resources authentication limits."""
def dispatch_public(self, request_type, request, **kwargs):
Same as `tastypie.resources.Resource.dispatch` except that
we don't check if the user is authenticated
allowed_methods = getattr(self._meta, "%s_allowed_methods" % request_type, None)
request.method = request.META['HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE']
request_method = self.method_check(request, allowed=allowed_methods)
method = getattr(self, "%s_%s" % (request_method, request_type), None)
if method is None:
raise ImmediateHttpResponse(response=http.HttpNotImplemented())
# All clear. Process the request.
request = convert_post_to_put(request)
response = method(request, **kwargs)
# Add the throttled request.
# If what comes back isn't a ``HttpResponse``, assume that the
# request was accepted and that some action occurred. This also
# prevents Django from freaking out.
if not isinstance(response, HttpResponse):
return http.HttpNoContent()
return response
from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Permission
from django.contrib.auth import login, logout, authenticate
from django.db.models import Q
from tastypie.http import HttpUnauthorized, HttpForbidden
from tastypie.resources import ModelResource
from tastypie import fields
from tastypie.utils import trailing_slash
from tastypie.authentication import MultiAuthentication, ApiKeyAuthentication, SessionAuthentication
from import surl
from waffle import sample_is_active
from waffle.models import Flag, Switch, Sample
from guardian.models import UserObjectPermission
# from base.api.cache import RedisCache
from .authorizations import UserOnlyAuthorization
from .mixins import PublicEndpointResourceMixin
class ProfileResource(ModelResource):
class Meta:
queryset = User.objects.all()
authentication = MultiAuthentication(ApiKeyAuthentication(), SessionAuthentication())
allowed_methods = ['get', ]
resource_name = 'profile'
class UserResource(PublicEndpointResourceMixin, ModelResource):
features = fields.DictField(blank=True, null=True, readonly=True)
apikey = fields.CharField(blank=True, null=True, readonly=True)
user_permissions = fields.ListField(blank=True, null=True, readonly=True)
class Meta:
queryset = User.objects.all()
authentication = MultiAuthentication(ApiKeyAuthentication(), SessionAuthentication())
authorization = UserOnlyAuthorization()
fields = ['pk', 'username', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', ]
allowed_methods = ['get', 'post']
login_allowed_methods = ['post', ]
resource_name = 'user'
urlargs = {"name": resource_name, "slash": trailing_slash()}
def dehydrate_user_permissions(self, bundle):
user = bundle.obj
user_app_permissions = user.user_permissions.all()
user_object_permissions = UserObjectPermission.objects.filter(user=user).distinct()
return list(user_app_permissions.values_list('codename', flat=True)) + list(user_object_permissions.values_list('permission__codename', flat=True))
def dehydrate_features(self, bundle):
user = bundle.obj
users_groups = user.groups.all()
find_everyone_flags = Q(everyone=True)
find_rollout_flags = Q(rollout=True)
find_authenticated_flags = Q(authenticated=True)
find_user_flags = Q(users__in=[])
find_group_flags = Q(groups__in=users_groups)
enabled_flags = Flag.objects.filter(find_everyone_flags | find_rollout_flags | find_authenticated_flags | find_user_flags | find_group_flags)
enabled_switches = Switch.objects.filter(active=True)
enabled_samples = []
for sample in Sample.objects.all():
if sample_is_active(sample):
flags = list(set(enabled_flags.values_list('name', flat=True)))
switches = list(set(enabled_switches.values_list('name', flat=True)))
samples = list(set(enabled_samples))
return {
"flags": flags,
"switches": switches,
"samples": samples,
"all": " ".join(flags + switches + samples)
def dehydrate_apikey(self, bundle):
user = bundle.obj
if hasattr(user, 'api_key') and user.api_key.key:
return user.api_key.key
return None
def prepend_urls(self):
return [
surl(r"^<resource_name={name}>/login{slash}$".format(**self._meta.urlargs), self.wrap_view('dispatch_login'), name='api_user_login'),
surl(r"^<resource_name={name}>/logout{slash}$".format(**self._meta.urlargs), self.wrap_view('dispatch_logout'), name='api_user_logout'),
def dispatch_login(self, request, **kwargs):
A view for handling the various HTTP methods (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE) on
a single resource.
Relies on ``Resource.dispatch`` for the heavy-lifting.
return self.dispatch_public('login', request, **kwargs)
def post_login(self, request, **kwargs):
data = self.deserialize(request, request.raw_post_data, format=request.META.get('CONTENT_TYPE', 'application/json'))
username = data.get('username', '')
password = data.get('password', '')
user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
if user:
if user.is_active:
login(request, user)
return self.get_detail(request,
# Inactive User
return self.create_response(request, {'success': False, 'reason': 'disabled', }, HttpForbidden)
# Incorrect Login
return self.create_response(request, {'success': False, 'reason': 'incorrect'}, HttpUnauthorized)
def dispatch_logout(self, request, **kwargs):
A view for handling the various HTTP methods (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE) on
a single resource.
Relies on ``Resource.dispatch`` for the heavy-lifting.
return self.dispatch('logout', request, **kwargs)
def get_logout(self, request, **kwargs):
if request.user and request.user.is_authenticated():
return self.create_response(request, {'success': True})
# Not logged in
return self.create_response(request, {'success': False}, HttpUnauthorized)
EnabledResources = (
(function () {
'use strict';
Angular Apikey Session Authentication
This module deals with the following concepts
- anonymous / authenticated users
- username/password for initial session authentication
- apikeys instead of passwords for remaining interaction
- feature flip code checking
:: Dataflow
perform anything you need at this point, something like
showing a login form would be appropriate
sends username and password via an event to the session service
performs the api post to the login endpoint
collects the user data and stores userid, apikey, username in time limited cookies
on success, it broadcasts a login-confirmed
:: Elements
Service: $Session
Controller: LoginController
Run: Initialise Module
sets up all the events required to decouple this module.
angular.module("ClientApp.factories.session", [])
.constant('constSessionExpiry', 20) // in minutes
.factory("$Session", [
function($Application, $rootScope, $q, $location, $log, $http, Restangular, authService, constSessionExpiry) {
return {
loginInProgress: false,
User: null,
hasFeatures: function(){
Uses underscore _.difference to yield a list of feature
codes the user does not have.
false: if the user is missing feature codes,
true: if the user has all the requested feature codes
::arguments, array
list of feature codes you want to check for
// bail out early
if(!this.User || !this.User.features) return false;
var userCodeList = this.User.features.all.split(" ");
return _.difference(arguments, userCodeList).length == 0
authSuccess: function(){
this.loginInProgress = false;
logout: function(){
$"Handling request for logout");
login: function(data){
$"Preparing Login Data", data);
var $this = this;
return Restangular
.then(function userLoginSuccess(response){
$" auth-success", response);
$this.User = response;
// remove properties we don't need.
delete $this.User.route
delete $this.User.restangularCollection
$this.User.is_authenticated = true;
}, function userLoginFailed(response){
$' auth-failed', response);
return $q.reject(response);
setApiKeyAuthHeader: function(){
if(this.hasOwnProperty('User') && this.User){
$http.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = "apikey "+this.User.username+':'+this.User.apikey;
$"Setting Authorization Header", $http.defaults.headers.common.Authorization)
$"No user for AuthHeader")
delete $http.defaults.headers.common.Authorization;
refreshUser: function(){
var $this = this;
var cachedUser = lscache.get('userData');
$"Request to pull User from Cache");
$"$Session.User", $this.User)
$'lscache.get("userData")', cachedUser)
if(!$this.User && cachedUser && cachedUser.hasOwnProperty('apikey') && cachedUser.apikey){
$'Attempting pull user from cache', cachedUser)
$this.User = cachedUser;
$log.warn("No user available.")
if($this.User && $this.User.hasOwnProperty('apikey') && $this.User.apikey){
.one('user', $
$"User data updated from server.")
$this.User = response;
}, function(response){
$log.error("Error retrieving user. logging out.");
cacheUser: function(){
$log.warn("Can't cache a null value User")
return false;
if(!this.User.hasOwnProperty("id") && this.User.hasOwnProperty("resource_uri")){
$"Building $")
var bits = this.User.resource_uri.split("/") = Number(bits[bits.length-1])
$"Caching User", this.User);
lscache.set('userData', this.User, constSessionExpiry);
wipeUser: function(){
$"Wiping User");
this.User = null;
controller("LoginController", function($log, $Session, $scope, $rootScope){
$scope.Login = function(){
$scope.$emit('event:auth-login', {username: $scope.username, password: $scope.password});
function($rootScope, $log, $Session){
$rootScope.Session = $Session;
//namespace the localstorage with the current domain name.
// on page refresh, ensure we have a user. if none exists
// then auth-login-required will be triggered.
// Best practice would be to hook these events in your app.config
// login
$rootScope.$on('event:auth-login-required', function(scope, data) {
$rootScope.$on('event:auth-login', function(scope, data) {
$rootScope.$on('event:auth-login-confirmed', function(scope, data) {
// logout
$rootScope.$on('event:auth-logout', function(scope, data) {
$rootScope.$on('event:auth-logout-confirmed', function(scope, data) {
// session state change
$rootScope.$on('event:session-changed', function(scope){
$"session.changed > ", $Session.User)
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function(event, next, current) {
if(!$Session.User && next.$$route.loginRequired){
$"Unauthenticated access to ", next.$$route)
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