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Last active August 9, 2022 19:59
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VSCode Jenkins groovy snippets
//Please click VSCode -> Preferences -> User Snippets -> groovy
//Then copy and paste this into groovy.json
// Place your snippets for Groovy here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and
// description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the
// same ids are connected.
// Example:
"Print to console": {
"prefix": "log",
"body": [
"description": "Log output to console"
"For loop standard": {
"prefix": "for",
"body": [
"for(int i = 0; i < ${1:10}; i++) { \n\n }"
"description": "Standard for loop"
"Shell": {
"prefix": "shell",
"body": [
"shell(\"${1:touch /tmp/test}\")"
"description": "Run a shell command"
"Shell complex": {
"prefix": "shellcomplex",
"body": [
"def commandArguments = []\r\ncommandArguments.push(\"echo\")\r\ncommandArguments.push(\"hello\")\r\ncommandArguments.push(\"world\")\r\ndef execCommand = commandArguments.join(\" \")\r\nsh execCommand"
"description": "Run a shell command from a joined list of params"
"Sleep": {
"prefix": "sleep",
"body": [
"description": "Sleep for a certain amount of seconds"
"Print": {
"prefix": "println",
"body": [
"println(\"${1:Sample text}\")"
"description": "Standard for loop"
"Try catch": {
"prefix": "try",
"body": [
"try { \n\t$1\n } catch(e){ \n\n }"
"description": "Do a try catch"
"If block": {
"prefix": "if",
"body": [
"if (condition) { \n\t$1\n } catch(e){ \n\t$2\n }"
"description": "Standard if condition"
"If else block": {
"prefix": "ifelse",
"body": [
"if (condition) { \n\t$1\n } else{ \n\t$2\n }"
"description": "Standard if else condition"
"If file exists block": {
"prefix": "ifFile",
"body": [
"fileBool = fileExists \"${1:\/tmp\/ci\/testReport.json}\"\r\nif(fileBool){\r\n\t${2:sh(\"cp -r \/tmp\/ci .\")}\r\n}"
"description": "Standard if else dependent on file existing condition"
"Standard function": {
"prefix": "deffunc",
"body": [
"def ${1:method}(String ${2:input}){ \n\n return ${2:input} \n}"
"description": "Standard function"
"Call function": {
"prefix": "voidcall",
"body": [
"void call(body) {\r\n\t\/\/ Extract the variables passed into the method\r\n\tdef config = [: ]\r\n\tbody.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST\r\n\tbody.delegate = config\r\n\tbody()\r\n\r\n}"
"description": "Call function which takes config.params as a map"
"Write to a file using JenkinsGroovy": {
"prefix": "writeFile",
"body": [
"writeFile file: ${1:filename}, text: ${2:output}"
"description": "Standard if else condition"
"Read the contents of a file using JenkinsGroovy": {
"prefix": "readFile",
"body": [
"def output = readFile(file: ${1:\"/tmp/filePath\"})"
"description": "Standard if else condition"
"Find files locally": {
"prefix": "findFiles",
"body": [
"def files = findFiles(glob: '${1:**\/TEST-*.xml}')\r\necho \"\"\"\r\n${files[0].name} \r\n${files[0].path} \r\n${files[0].directory} \r\n${files[0].length} \r\n${files[0].lastModified}\r\n\"\"\""
"description": "Find files"
"Jenkins dirstep": {
"prefix": "dir",
"body": [
"dir(\"myDirectory\") { \n\t$1\n }"
"description": "Go inside the directory, create if required, and perform steps"
"Node Block": {
"prefix": "node",
"body": [
"node(\"slaveLabel\"){ \n\t$1\n }"
"description": "Run steps inside a node with a label"
"Stage Block": {
"prefix": "stage",
"body": [
"stage (\"Example stage\"){ \n\t$1\n }"
"description": "Run steps inside a stage"
"Stash from slave to master": {
"prefix": "stash",
"body": [
"stash includes : '**', name: \"${1:examplestash}\""
"description": "Store files from slave to master, to be used elsewhere"
"Unstash from master to slave": {
"prefix": "unstash",
"body": [
"unstash \"${1:examplestash}\""
"description": "Retrieve previously stashed files"
"Checkout scm": {
"prefix": "checkoutscm",
"body": [
"checkout scm: [$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: \"refs/tags/$gitConfig.tag\"]], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: gitConfig.url]]]"
"description": "Checkout SCM (source code management)"
"Lock param": {
"prefix": "lock",
"body": [
"lock(\"lockName\"){ \n\t$1\n }"
"description": "Create a lock around these steps"
"Standard Parallel ": {
"prefix": "parallelsimple",
"body": [
"parallel (\r\n phase1: { sh \"echo $1\" },\r\n phase2: { sh \"echo $2\" }\r\n)"
"description": "Do a simple couple of parallel steps"
"Standard Parallel with seperate nodes": {
"prefix": "parallelsimplenodes",
"body": [
"parallel (\r\n \"stream 1\": {\r\n\tnode(\"example_node_label\") {\r\n\t\tsh \"echo hello1\" \r\n\t}\r\n\t},\r\n \"stream 2\": {\r\n\tnode(\"example_node_label\") {\r\n\t\tsh \"echo hello2\"\r\n\t}\r\n}\r\n)"
"description": "Do a simple set of parallel steps inside different nodes"
"Advanced Parallel Forloop Map": {
"prefix": "parallelcomplex",
"body": [
"\tdef parallelBlocks = [:]\r\n\r\n\tfor (int i = 0; i < exampleArray.size() ; i++) {\r\n\t\tdef index = i\r\n\r\n\t\tparallelBlocks[\"parallelBlock_${index}\"] = {\r\n\r\n\t\t\tnode(\"docker_slave_cw\") {\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\tcheckout scm\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tparallel parallelBlocks"
"description": "Create a map of steps, storing each set of steps under a value - the keys to be run in parallel"
"Upload files to s3": {
"prefix": "s3upload",
"body": [
"s3Upload(file: \"${1:s3folderOutput}\", bucket: \"${2:S3BUCKET}\", path: \"${3:s3UploadPath}\")"
"description": "Upload files to S3"
"Download files from s3": {
"prefix": "s3download",
"body": [
"s3Download(file: \"${1:s3folderName}\", bucket: \"${2:S3BUCKET}\", path: \"${3:sourceS3Folder}\")"
"description": "Download files from S3"
"Delete files from s3": {
"prefix": "s3delete",
"body": [
"s3Delete(bucket: \"${1:S3BUCKET}\", path: \"${2:sourceS3Folder}\")"
"description": "Delete files from S3"
"With AWS": {
"prefix": "withAWS",
"body": [
"${1:withAWS(region: 'eu-west-1'){\r\n\ts3Upload(file: pathToUpload, bucket: s3Bucket, path: s3Path)\r\n}}"
"description": "Specify region"
"Read from Yaml": {
"prefix": "readYaml",
"body": [
"def datas = readYaml file: 'dir\/my.yml', text: \"something: 'Override, erase 'text' key-value if not needed'\""
"description": "Read YAML files from workspace"
"Write to Yaml": {
"prefix": "writeYaml",
"body": [
"def amap = ['something': 'my datas',\r\n 'size': 3,\r\n 'isEmpty': false]\r\n\r\nwriteYaml file: 'datas.yaml', data: amap"
"description": "Write to YAML in workspace"
"Read from JSON": {
"prefix": "readJSON",
"body": [
"def props = readJSON file: 'dir\/input.json'"
"description": "Read data from JSON into map"
"Write to JSON": {
"prefix": "writeJSON",
"body": [
"writeJSON file: 'output.json', json: input, pretty: 4"
"description": "Write data to JSON file with pretty indent"
"For loop over list with times": {
"prefix": "fortimes",
"body": [
"def n = 3\r\nn.times { idx ->\r\n println \"Test \" + idx\r\n}"
"description": "Times for loop"
"Map loop with each": {
"prefix": "forMapEach",
"body": [
"def testMap = ['cat':'Meow', 'dog':'Woof']\r\ntestMap.each { animal, animalSound ->\r\n println \"${animal} has the sound ${animalSound}\"\r\n};"
"description": "Standard for loop over map with each"
"Map loop each with index": {
"prefix": "forMapeachIndex",
"body": [
"def testMap = ['cat':'Meow', 'dog':'Woof']\r\ntestMap.eachWithIndex { animalItem , i ->\r\n println \"${i+1}. ${animalItem.key} has the sound ${animalItem.value}\"\r\n};"
"description": "Standard for loop over map with each and index"
"Zip files from directory with glob": {
"prefix": "zipDir",
"body": [
"zip zipFile:, dir: \"/tmp/myDir\", glob: \"*\" "
"description": "Zip files from a directory"
"Unzip files": {
"prefix": "unzip",
"body": [
"unzip zipFile: '', glob: '*', dir: '/tmp/unzippedfiles/', quiet: true"
"description": "Unzip files"
"Unzip files and read from map": {
"prefix": "unzipMap",
"body": [
"def v = unzip zipFile: '', glob: '*.txt', read: true String version = v['version.txt']"
"description": "Unzip files, read files matching glob pattern, and store contents in map"
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