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Created August 13, 2021 11:18
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Vue 3 lazy hydration component
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted, PropType, ref, watch } from "vue";
type VoidFunction = () => void;
const isBrowser = () => {
return typeof window === "object";
export default defineComponent({
props: {
ssrOnly: Boolean,
whenIdle: Boolean,
whenVisible: [Boolean, Object] as PropType<
boolean | IntersectionObserverInit
didHydrate: Function as PropType<() => void>,
promise: Object as PropType<Promise<any>>,
on: [Array, String] as PropType<
(keyof HTMLElementEventMap)[] | keyof HTMLElementEventMap
setup(props) {
const noOptions =
!props.ssrOnly &&
!props.whenIdle &&
!props.whenVisible &&
!props.on?.length &&
const wrapper = ref<Element | null>(null);
const hydrated = ref(noOptions || !isBrowser());
const hydrate = () => {
hydrated.value = true;
onMounted(() => {
if (wrapper.value && !wrapper.value.hasChildNodes()) {
(hydrate) => {
if (hydrate && props.didHydrate) props.didHydrate();
{ immediate: true }
[() => props, wrapper, hydrated],
[{ on, promise, ssrOnly, whenIdle, whenVisible }, wrapper, hydrated],
) => {
if (ssrOnly || hydrated) {
const cleanupFns: VoidFunction[] = [];
const cleanup = () => {
cleanupFns.forEach((fn) => {
if (promise) {
promise.then(hydrate, hydrate);
if (whenVisible) {
if (wrapper && typeof IntersectionObserver !== "undefined") {
const observerOptions =
typeof whenVisible === "object"
? whenVisible
: {
rootMargin: "250px",
const io = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
entries.forEach((entry) => {
if (entry.isIntersecting || entry.intersectionRatio > 0) {
}, observerOptions);
cleanupFns.push(() => {
} else {
return hydrate();
if (whenIdle) {
if (typeof window.requestIdleCallback !== "undefined") {
const idleCallbackId = window.requestIdleCallback(hydrate, {
timeout: 500,
cleanupFns.push(() => {
} else {
const id = setTimeout(hydrate, 2000);
cleanupFns.push(() => {
if (on) {
const events = ([] as Array<keyof HTMLElementEventMap>).concat(on);
events.forEach((event) => {
wrapper?.addEventListener(event, hydrate, {
once: true,
passive: true,
cleanupFns.push(() => {
wrapper?.removeEventListener(event, hydrate, {});
{ immediate: true }
return {
<div ref="wrapper" :style="{ display: 'contents' }" v-if="hydrated">
<div ref="wrapper" v-else></div>
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spacedawwwg commented Jan 10, 2022

@areknawo I think what's missing is || !wrapper on line 54

if (ssrOnly || hydrated || !wrapper) {

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@spacedawwwg line 54 is ok. Proper wrapper checks are implemented after it. If you haven't seen it already, check out this related post to learn more.

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@areknawo I have - followed the whole thing, implemented as above.

But "when visible" wasn't working. wrapper was always null on first watch hit - as such, it gets to line 69 and always skips the intersection observer and hydrates instantly.


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Now I see what you mean. Initially, I thought you mean the code was throwing errors or something. 😅
I might have followed react-lazy-hydration too closely and not noticed this issue.
I'll do some testing tomorrow and likely apply your fix. Thanks for letting me know.

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duannx commented Jun 24, 2022

When you set hydrated = true on the client, does the client re-render the HTML or does it use HTML from the server? How did you test it?

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