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ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [x86_64-linux]
D, [2010-05-07T19:58:57.972048 #549] DEBUG -- : MONGODB admin['$cmd'].find({:ismaster=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
D, [2010-05-07T19:58:58.007733 #549] DEBUG -- : MONGODB test['$cmd'].find({:getnonce=>1}, {}).limit(-1)
D, [2010-05-07T19:58:58.128017 #549] DEBUG -- : MONGODB test['$cmd'].find({"authenticate"=>1, "user"=>"test", "nonce"=>"8eb2e9dda49a5216", "key"=>"553c88a3752d52866524da54ffd5ba1a"}, {}).limit(-1)
D, [2010-05-07T19:58:58.163331 #549] DEBUG -- : MONGODB test['fs.files'].remove({})
D, [2010-05-07T19:58:58.163742 #549] DEBUG -- : MONGODB test['fs.chunks'].remove({})
D, [2010-05-07T19:58:58.164106 #549] DEBUG -- : MONGODB test['system.indexes'].insert([{:unique=>true, :ns=>"test.fs.chunks", :key=>{"files_id"=>1, "n"=>1}, :name=>"files_id_1_n_1"}])
D, [2010-05-07T19:59:15.839098 #549] DEBUG -- : MONGODB test['fs.chunks'].insert([{"_id"=>$oid4be4630337a31c0225000002, "n"=>0, "files_id"=>$oid4be4630337a31c0225000001, "data"=><BSON::Binary:70357
require 'rubygems'
require 'mongo_mapper'
MongoMapper.connection ='localhost',27017)
MongoMapper.database = "test"
class Word
include MongoMapper::Document
key :content, String
many :translations do
require 'rubygems'
require 'mongo_mapper'
MongoMapper.connection ='localhost',27017)
MongoMapper.database = "test"
class Word
include MongoMapper::Document
key :content, String
key :translation_ids, Array
# MongoMapper "embedded document delete" plugin
# By Peter Cooper
# Got embedded documents you want to delete? You can delete them as if the
# embedded document collection were an array, but then there's no way to get
# a callback (as far as I could tell). This plugin gives you a call back
# (if you want it) and gives a nicer syntax to deleting embedded docs.
# Example:
require 'rubygems'
require 'mongo_mapper'
MongoMapper.connection ='localhost',27017)
MongoMapper.database = "test"
class User
include MongoMapper::Document
key :name, String
many :ideas do
require(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../config/environment") unless defined?(Rails)
require 'sinatra/base'
require 'curl'
class FbConnect < Sinatra::Base
get '/info' do
"Redirect URL: #{ENV['REDIRECT_URL']} session_data:#{session.inspect}"
arekt / AbstractModel.rb
Created July 28, 2012 21:13
Delegating methods to some class
class AbstractModel
def self.set_target(model_name)
@@model_name = model_name
AbstractModel.class.delegate :find, :to => :"#{@@model_name}"
AbstractModel.class.delegate :all, :to => :"#{@@model_name}"
arekt / to_proc.rb
Created September 6, 2012 14:28
class Filter
def initialize()
@constraints = []
def constraint(&block)
@constraints << block
def to_proc
class AppSettings::Base
@show_info = true
class << self
attr_accessor :cells
attr_accessor :show_info
def self.setup(&block)
arekt / index.html.haml
Created February 25, 2013 01:16
Example from Codeschool knockout, with small changes rewritten in coffee and haml.
%h1 Todo List
%ul.todos(data-bind="foreach: todos")
%li(data-bind="attr: {class: className}")
%input(type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: completed")
%span(data-bind="text: title")
%a(data-bind="visible: allowClear, click: clearList") Clear List
%input(type="text" placeholder="New Todo Title" data-bind="value: todoToAdd, event: {change: addTodo}")