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Created March 13, 2010 02:27
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MongoMapper to give EmbeddedDocument a "delete" method
# MongoMapper "embedded document delete" plugin
# By Peter Cooper
# Got embedded documents you want to delete? You can delete them as if the
# embedded document collection were an array, but then there's no way to get
# a callback (as far as I could tell). This plugin gives you a call back
# (if you want it) and gives a nicer syntax to deleting embedded docs.
# Example:
# Let's say we have an Item class that people can "favorite." Favorites are
# stored as embedded items inside User. A "favorited_count" is updated on
# favorite adding/removal.
# (I've seen more Mongo-specific techniques at
# but I haven't tried and don't quite understand them yet..)
# class Item
# include MongoMapper::Document
# key :favorited_count, Integer, :default => 0
# end
# class Favorite
# include MongoMapper::EmbeddedDocument
# key :item_id, ObjectId
# belongs_to :item
# after_save :update_favorited_count
# def update_favorited_count
# return unless new?
# item.favorited_count += 1
# end
# def after_delete
# item.favorited_count -= 1
# end
# end
# # Assume a fully built "favorite" is in @favorite
# # Assume "Frank" is a User object
# Frank.favorites << @favorite
# @item.reload
# assert_equal 1, @item.favorited_count
# @favorite.delete # <--- the key part here..
# @item.reload
# assert_equal 0, @item.favorited_count
# Credits
# - "Pluginized" and extended from example code by Ryan Townsend at
module EmbeddedDocumentDelete
def delete
rd = _root_document
assoc = self.class.to_s.underscore.pluralize
rd.send("#{assoc}=", rd.send(assoc).delete_if { |n| == id })
after_delete if respond_to?(:after_delete)
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