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Last active June 21, 2019 14:41
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NHL Stats Scraping Information
module DatabaseHelper
require 'active_record'
require 'pg'
adapter: 'postgresql',
database: 'nhlstats_development',
username: ENV['PG_USER'],
password: ENV['PG_PASS'],
host: 'localhost'
class Team < ActiveRecord::Base
class Player < ActiveRecord::Base
def print_all
puts "\nTeams\n=====\n"
Team.all.each do |t|
puts t.inspect
puts "\n#{Team.count} records.\n"
puts "\nPlayers\n=======\n"
Player.all.each do |p|
puts p.inspect
puts "\n#{Player.count} records.\n"
# Pulls NHL team information
# Require
require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
require 'open-uri'
# Stop loop on this game id
stopping_point = 2014020092
# Hashes to store information
names =
numbers =
teams =
# Season file
season_file = open("")
season = JSON.parse
# Loop through all games
season.each do |game|
# Get game id
id = game['id']
# Limit loop
break if id == stopping_point
puts "Opening game: #{id}"
# Open stats file
stats_file = open("{id}/PlayByPlay.json")
plays = JSON.parse(['data']['game']['plays']['play']
plays.each do |play|
# Get the player id
player_id = play['pid']
# Skip this play if the player has been retrieved or doesn't exist
next if not player_id or names.has_key?(player_id)
# Get player information
names[player_id] = play['playername']
numbers[player_id] = play['sweater']
teams[player_id] = play['teamid']
# Print out findings
names.each do |id, name|
puts "#{id} | #{name} | #{numbers[id]} | #{teams[id]}"
puts "Found #{names.count} players"
# Pulls NHL team information
# Require
require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
require 'open-uri'
# Stop loop on this game id
stopping_point = 2014020018
# Hashes to store information
ids =
names =
# Season file
season_file = open("")
season = JSON.parse
# Loop through all games
season.each do |game|
# Get game id
id = game['id']
# Limit loop
break if id == stopping_point
puts "Opening game: #{id}"
# Get team abbreviations
home_team_abbv = game['h']
away_team_abbv = game['a']
# Skip this game if both teams have already been scraped
next if ids.has_key?(home_team_abbv) and ids.has_key?(away_team_abbv)
# Open stats file
stats_file = open("{id}/PlayByPlay.json")
stats = JSON.parse
# Get and store team information
ids[home_team_abbv] = stats['data']['game']['hometeamid']
names[home_team_abbv] = stats['data']['game']['hometeamname']
ids[away_team_abbv] = stats['data']['game']['awayteamid']
names[away_team_abbv] = stats['data']['game']['awayteamname']
# Print out findings
ids.each do |abbv, id|
puts "|#{abbv}|\t|#{names[abbv]}|\t\t|#{id}|"
# Pulls NHL team and player information and stores it in a database
# Require
require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
require 'open-uri'
# Include database code
require_relative 'database_helper'
include DatabaseHelper
# Drop current tables
# Stop loop on this game id
stopping_point = 2014020117
# Season file
season_file = open("")
season = JSON.parse
# Loop through all games
season.each do |game|
# Get game id
id = game['id']
# Limit loop
break if id == stopping_point
puts "Opening game: #{id}"
# Get team abbreviations
home_team_abbv = game['h']
away_team_abbv = game['a']
# Open stats file
stats_file = open("{id}/PlayByPlay.json")
stats = JSON.parse(['data']['game']
# Get team ids
home_team_id = stats['hometeamid']
away_team_id = stats['awayteamid']
# Skip team scraping if both teams have already been scraped
unless Team.find_by(nhl_id: home_team_id) and Team.find_by(nhl_id: away_team_id)
# Get and store team information
home_name = stats['hometeamname'].split ' '
away_name = stats['awayteamname'].split ' '
Team.create(nhl_id: home_team_id, city: home_name.first(home_name.count - 1).join(' '), name: home_name.last, abbv: home_team_abbv) unless Team.find_by(nhl_id: stats['hometeamid'])
Team.create(nhl_id: away_team_id, city: away_name.first(away_name.count - 1).join(' '), name: away_name.last, abbv: away_team_abbv) unless Team.find_by(nhl_id: stats['awayteamid'])
# Loop through all game plays
stats['plays']['play'].each do |play|
# Get goalie information if possible
if play['type'] == 'Shot'
# Skip this goalie if already stored
next if Player.find_by(nhl_id: play['pid2'])
Player.create(nhl_id: play['pid2'], team_id: play['teamid'] == home_team_id ? away_team_id : home_team_id, name: play['p2name'], player_type: 'G')
# Get the player id
player_id = play['pid']
# Skip this play if the player has been retrieved or doesn't exist
next if not player_id or Player.find_by(nhl_id: player_id)
# Also skip penalties with a 3rd man (Goalie penalty)
next if play['type'] == 'Penalty' and play['pid3']
# Get player information
Player.create(nhl_id: player_id, team_id: play['teamid'], name: play['playername'], sweater: play['sweater'], player_type: 'S')

NHL Stats Scraping


Has detailed information on all events of the following types:

  • Shots
  • Hits
  • Goals
  • Penalties

This information includes:

  • Time of the play
  • Period
  • Score
  • Player name/number
  • Secondary players involved
  • Type
  • Players on the ice



Has final type stats for all players that played in the game including:

  • Jersey Number
  • Goals
  • Assists
  • Shots
  • PIMS
  • Time on Ice
  • Plus/Minus


This includes goalies with the following information:

  • Shots Against
  • Saves
  • Save Percentage
  • Goals Against
  • Time on Ice


Has team stat information including:

  • Blocks
  • Takeaways
  • Power Play Percentage
  • Team PIM
  • Giveaways
  • Faceoff Wins
  • Hits


Includes a shot summary by period


Includes a penalty summary by period


Includes a goal summary by period

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I'm trying to use a visualization tool to show shots and other characteristics of games but I have no idea on how to use this scrubber to do that. Is there anyway to help me out here.

Thanks in advance.

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