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Created October 13, 2017 07:22
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Save aren55555/7dd28636036c6e63a0d56132ad2353da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hash merges in Ruby for dmolchan
require 'pp' # gives us prety printing
users = {} # will be a map of GitHub user name to user info
# Add Aren to the map
users[:aren55555] = {
name: "Aren Patel",
company: "BufferBox -> Google -> Nest",
location: "Narnia",
website: ""
# Add Dima to the map
users[:dmolchan] = {
name: "Dmitriy Molchan",
company: "Nest",
location: "San Jose, California",
website: nil
puts "Users map: \n#{users.pretty_inspect}\n" # prints the map - cool!
others = {} # will be a map of similar structure
# Add Sam to this map
others[:shwoodard] = {
name: "Sam Woodard",
comapny: "Google",
location: "Woodside, California",
website: nil,
repos: ["google/jsonapi", "shwoodard/sprites"]
puts "Others map: \n#{others.pretty_inspect}\n" # prints the map - neato!
merger1 = users.merge(others) # merges others on top of users, and creates a new map
puts "Merger1 map: \n#{merger1.pretty_inspect}\n" # prints the map - sweet!
# Add Aren to the others map
others[:aren55555] = {
repos: ["google/jsonapi", "AMFDPMTE/list"]
users.merge!(others) # merges others into users
puts "Users map: \n#{users.pretty_inspect}\n" # prints the map - sweet!
# note: that all the keys (:name, :company, :location, :website) from
# users[:aren55555] were overwrittien by the keys (just :repos) from
# others[:aren5555]. In summary a.merge(b) or a.merge!(b) are just
# overwritting the intersecting (common) values in a with the values from
# b. The non intersecting keys/values from a and b will be present in the
# resultant hash.
# Hash#merge
# Hash#merge!
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