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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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  • Save aresnick/11322223 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aresnick/11322223 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A demo of interacting with the BeagleBone via browser
// the node library we use for interacting with the BeagleBone
var b = require('bonescript');
// the webserver we'll use on the BB
var app = require('http').createServer(httpserver);
app.listen(8080); // listen on which port?
b.pinMode("P9_14", b.OUTPUT); // configuring this pin for output
function httpserver (req, res) {
// This is the function that defines the server-- you can read more about
// it at
var url = req['url']; // grab the URL which was requested
var digitRE = /\/([0-9]\.[0-9])/;
var timer = null; // we'll use this to toggle listening to the potentiometer
if (url == 'favicon.ico') {
// do nothing when the browser looks for a
else if (url == '/pot') {
// if we go to
timer = setInterval(function() { // start a timer
b.analogRead("P9_40", function(reading) { // which reads P9_40
var value = reading['value']; // captures just the # returend
console.log("Setting P9_14 to the reading from P9_40, " + value);
b.analogWrite("P9_14", value); // takes that value, writes to the LED
}, 500); // every 500ms
res.writeHead(200); // Set our Status Code to indicate success
res.end("(/pot) Served from your BeagbleBone!"); // Return some text
else if (url.match(digitRE)) {
// if we go to, where X & Y are digits
clearInterval(timer); // turn off the timer we may have started in /pot
var value = parseFloat(digitRE.exec(url)[1]); // grab the digits in our URL
console.log("Setting P9_14 to " + value);
b.analogWrite("P9_14", value); // and write that value to the LED
res.writeHead(200); // Set our Status Code to indicate success
res.end("(X.Y) Served from your BeagbleBone!"); // Return some text
// the node library we use for interacting with the BeagleBone
var b = require('bonescript');
// the webserver we'll use on the BB
var app = require('http').createServer(httpserver);
app.listen(8080); // listen on which port?
b.pinMode("P9_14", b.OUTPUT); // configuring this pin for output
function httpserver (req, res) {
// This is the function that defines the server-- you can read more about
// it at
function setLEDBrightness(value) {
console.log("Setting P9_14 to " + value);
b.analogWrite("P9_14", value);
function readPotentiometer() {
var value = null;
b.analogRead("P9_40", function(reading) { value = reading['value']; });
console.log("The reading from P9_40 is " + value);
return value;
function returnSuccess(response, message) {
console.log("Returning a success message");
var url = req['url']; // grab the URL which was requested
var digitRE = /\/([0-9]\.[0-9])/;
var timer = null; // we'll use this to toggle listening to the potentiometer
if (url == 'favicon.ico') {
// do nothing when the browser looks for a
else if (url == '/pot') {
// if we go to
timer = setInterval(function() { // start a timer
}, 500); // every 500ms
returnSuccess(res, "(/pot) Served from your BeagbleBone!")); // Return some text
else if (url.match(digitRE)) {
// if we go to, where X & Y are digits
clearInterval(timer); // turn off the timer we may have started in /pot
var value = parseFloat(digitRE.exec(url)[1]); // grab the digits in our URL
returnSuccess(res, "(X.Y) Served from your BeagbleBone!"));
// the node library we use for interacting with the BeagleBone
var b = require('bonescript');
// the webserver we'll use on the BB
var app = require('http').createServer(httpserver);
app.listen(8080); // listen on which port?
b.pinMode("P9_14", b.OUTPUT); // configuring this pin for output
function httpserver (req, res) {
// This is the function that defines the server-- you can read more about
// it at
function setLEDBrightness(value) {
console.log("Setting P9_14 to " + value);
b.analogWrite("P9_14", value);
function readPotentiometer() {
var value = null;
b.analogRead("P9_40", function(reading) { value = reading['value']; });
console.log("The reading from P9_40 is " + value);
return value;
function returnSuccess(response, message) {
console.log("Returning a success message");
var url = req['url']; // grab the URL which was requested
var digitRE = /\/([0-9]\.[0-9])/;
var timer = null; // we'll use this to toggle listening to the potentiometer
if (url == 'favicon.ico') {
// do nothing when the browser looks for a
else if (url == '/pot') {
// if we go to
timer = setInterval(function() { // start a timer
}, 500); // every 500ms
returnSuccess(res, "(/pot) Served from your BeagbleBone!")); // Return some text
else if (url.match(digitRE)) {
// if we go to, where X & Y are digits
clearInterval(timer); // turn off the timer we may have started in /pot
var value = parseFloat(digitRE.exec(url)[1]); // grab the digits in our URL
returnSuccess(res, "(X.Y) Served from your BeagbleBone!"));
else if (url == '/readPot') {
// if we go to
// return the potentiometer reading
b.analogRead("P9_40", function(x) { returnSuccess("" + x['value']); });
html, body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
#me {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
<div id='me'></div>
function httpGET(url) {
// This function lets us, in some ways, simulate a browser and go
// visit a particular URL programmatically, and returns the results.
// You can read more about it at:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, false);
return xhr.responseText;
window.setInterval(function() {
// grab the potentiometer reading
var potReading = parseFloat(httpGET(''));
// set the innerHTML to the reading
document.getElementById('me').innerHTML = potReading;
// and rotate the div proportional to the reading
document.getElementById('me').style.webkitTransform = 'rotate(' + 360 * potReading + 'deg)';
}, 16); // every 16ms
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