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ezgmaplocation_field override

This steps show you how to override the "ezgmaplocation_field" and using your own Google map API Key.This is generally the steps how to override an eZPublish5.x/eZPlatform standard FieldType template

  • Define the block Template in ezplatform.yml. In this example the content_fields.html.twig is located in the app/Resources/view folder
  • Override (copie/paste) the default template located in eZ/Bundle/EzPublishCoreBundle/Resources/views/content_fields.html.twig. We've added the global twig variable {{ gmap_key }} in the Google API URL
  • Add your Google API KEY as a Twig global vailable in config.yml

You should activate 2 API in your google project so that the map works for frontend and backend as well Activate following google API:

  • Google Maps JavaScript API
  • Google Maps Geocoding API

Enjoy ;)

{% block ezgmaplocation_field %}
# This field type block accepts the following parameters:
# - string mapType the Google map type (ROADMAP, SATELLITE, HYBRID or TERRAIN), default is ROADMAP
# - boolean showMap whether to show the Google map or not, default is true
# - boolean showInfo whether to show the latitude, longitude and address or not, default is true
# - integer zoom the default zoom level, default is 13
# - boolean draggable whether to enable or not draggable map (useful on mobile / responsive layout), default is true
# - string|false width the width of the rendered map with its unit (ie "500px" or "50em"),
# set to false to not set any width style inline, default is 500px
# - string|boolean height the height of the rendered map with its unit (ie "200px" or "20em"),
# set to false to not set any height style inline, default is 200px
{% spaceless %}
<div {{ block( 'field_attributes' ) }}>
{% set defaultWidth = '500px' %}
{% set defaultHeight = '200px' %}
{% set defaultShowMap = true %}
{% set defaultShowInfo = true %}
{% set defaultZoom = 13 %}
{% set defaultMapType = 'ROADMAP' %}
{% set defaultDraggable = 'true' %}
{% set hasContent = field.value is not null %}
{% set latitude = field.value.latitude|default( 0 ) %}
{% set longitude = field.value.longitude|default( 0 ) %}
{% set address = field.value.address|default( "" ) %}
{% set mapId = "maplocation-map-" ~ %}
{% set zoom = parameters.zoom|default( defaultZoom ) %}
{% set mapType = parameters.mapType|default( defaultMapType ) %}
{% set mapWidth, mapHeight = defaultWidth, defaultHeight %}
{% if parameters.width is defined %}
{% set mapWidth = parameters.width %}
{% endif %}
{% if parameters.height is defined %}
{% set mapHeight = parameters.height %}
{% endif %}
{% set showMap = defaultShowMap %}
{% if parameters.showMap is defined and not parameters.showMap %}
{% set showMap = false %}
{% endif %}
{% set showInfo = defaultShowInfo %}
{% if parameters.showInfo is defined and not parameters.showInfo %}
{% set showInfo = false %}
{% endif %}
{% set draggable = defaultDraggable %}
{% if parameters.draggable is defined and not parameters.draggable %}
{% set draggable = 'false' %}
{% endif %}
{% if showInfo %}
<dd>{{ hasContent ? latitude : "Not set" }}</dd>
<dd>{{ longitude ? longitude : "Not set" }}</dd>
{% if address %}
<dd>{{ address }}</dd>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if hasContent and showMap %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ gmap_key }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
(function(win, doc) {
var mapView = function (mapId, latitude, longitude) {
var mapElt = doc.getElementById("{{ mapId }}"),
startPoint = new google.maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude),
zoom = {{ zoom }},
draggable = {{ draggable }};
new google.maps.Marker({
map: new google.maps.Map(mapElt, {
center: startPoint,
zoom: zoom,
draggable: draggable,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.{{ mapType }}
position: startPoint
if ( win.addEventListener ) {
function () {
mapView("{{ mapId }}", {{ latitude }}, {{ longitude }});
} else if ( win.attachEvent ) {
function () {
mapView("{{ mapId }}", {{ latitude }}, {{ longitude }});
})(window, document);
{% set mapStyle = mapWidth ? "width:" ~ mapWidth ~ ";": "" %}
{% set mapStyle = mapHeight ? mapStyle ~ " height:" ~ mapHeight : mapStyle %}
<div class="maplocation-map" id="{{ mapId }}" style="{{ mapStyle }}"></div>
{% endif %}
{% endspaceless %}
{% endblock %}
template: "content_fields.html.twig"
priority: 10
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