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Created January 30, 2017 09:25
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Single Transferable Vote
#!/usr/bin/env python
from math import floor
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print 'Usage: python [ballot filename]'
DELIM = ','
seats = 3
class candidate:
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.eligible = True
self.elected = False
self.score = 0.
def __cmp__(self, other):
return self.score - other.score
def __repr__(self):
class voter:
def __init__(self, votes):
self.votes = votes
self.used = 0
self.value = 1.
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
candidates = [candidate(c) for c in lines[0].strip().split(DELIM)]
# this needs to change
votes = [voter([candidates[v.index(str(i))]
for i in range(len(candidates)) if str(i) in v])
for v in [line.strip().split(',')
for line in lines[1:]]]
threshold = floor(1 + len(votes) / (seats + 1))
print '{} candidates:'.format(len(candidates))
for c in candidates:
print '- {}'.format(c)
print ''
print '{} seats'.format(seats)
print '{} votes'.format(len(votes))
print ''
print 'Threshold: {:.2f}'.format(threshold)
print ''
def ended():
return len(filter(lambda c: c.eligible, candidates)) == seats or \
len(filter(lambda c: c.score >= threshold, candidates)) == seats
def show_scores():
for c in candidates:
if not c.eligible:
status = ''
if c.score > threshold and not c.elected:
status = '(elected, surplus: {:.2f})'.format(c.score - threshold)
if c.score == threshold or c.elected:
status = '(elected)'
print '{:<15}{:<8.2f}{}'.format(c, c.score, status)
def redistribute(c, value_factor=1.):
for v in votes:
if v.used < len(v.votes) and v.votes[v.used] == c:
while v.used < len(v.votes) and \
(v.votes[v.used].score >= threshold or
not v.votes[v.used].eligible or v.votes[v.used] == c):
v.used += 1
if v.used < len(v.votes):
v.value *= value_factor
v.votes[v.used].score += v.value
round = 0
while not ended():
print 'Round {}'.format(round + 1)
print ''
n = False
for c in candidates:
if c.score >= threshold and not c.elected:
n = True
c.elected = True
if c.score > threshold:
surplus_value = float(c.score - threshold) / c.score
print \
'{} has {:.2f} surplus votes, which will be' \
' redistributed with a value of {:.2f} per vote.'.format(
c, c.score - threshold, surplus_value)
redistribute(c, surplus_value)
if round == 0:
print 'Adding most preferred votes'
for v in votes:
v.votes[0].score += 1.
elif not n:
left = filter(lambda c: c.eligible, candidates)
elim = filter(lambda c: c.score == min(left).score, left)
for c in elim:
print '{} has been eliminated.'.format(c)
if c.score > 0:
print 'Their {:.2f} votes will be redistributed.'.format(
c.eligible = False
c.score = 0.
print ''
print ''
print ''
round += 1
print 'Winners are {}'.format(', '.join( for c in filter(
lambda c: c.eligible and c.score >= threshold, candidates)))
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