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Useful Postgres Queries
-- In pg_stat_statements, there is a problem: sometimes (quite often), it registers the same query twice (or even more).
-- It's easy to check in your DB:
-- with heh as (
-- select userid, dbid, query, count(*), array_agg(queryid) queryids
-- from pg_stat_statements group by 1, 2, 3 having count(*) > 1
-- ) select left(query, 85) || '...', userid, dbid, count, queryids from heh;
-- This query gives you "full picture", aggregating stats for each query-database-username ternary
-- Works with Postgres 9.6
userid, dbid, query,
sum(calls) as calls,
sum(total_time) as total_time,
min(min_time) as min_time,
max(max_time) as max_time,
sum(mean_time * calls) / sum(calls) as mean_time,
-- stddev_time, --
sum(rows) as rows,
sum(shared_blks_hit) as shared_blks_hit,
sum(shared_blks_read) as shared_blks_read,
sum(shared_blks_dirtied) as shared_blks_dirtied,
sum(shared_blks_written) as shared_blks_written,
sum(local_blks_hit) as local_blks_hit,
sum(local_blks_read) as local_blks_read,
sum(local_blks_dirtied) as local_blks_dirtied,
sum(local_blks_written) as local_blks_written,
sum(temp_blks_read) as temp_blks_read,
sum(temp_blks_written) as temp_blks_written,
sum(blk_read_time) as blk_read_time,
sum(blk_write_time) as blk_write_time,
array_agg(queryid) as queryids -- 9.4+
from pg_stat_statements
group by 1, 2, 3
order by sum(total_time) desc
limit 50;
-- pspg is highly recommended
row_number() over (order by total_time desc) num,
round(total_time), calls, rows, mean_time, min_time, max_time, left(query, 500)
from pg_stat_statements
order by total_time desc
limit 50;
-- pre 9.5/9.6
row_number() over (order by total_time desc) num,
calls, total_time, total_time::numeric/calls avg_time, query
from pg_stat_statements
order by total_time desc
limit 50;
sum(heap_blks_hit) / (sum(heap_blks_hit) + sum(heap_blks_read)) as percenage,
sum(heap_blks_hit) as quantity_hit,
sum(heap_blks_read) as quantity_read
from pg_statio_user_tables;
-- Show shared_buffers and os pagecache stat for current database
-- Require pg_buffercache and pgfincore
count(b.bufferid) * 8192 AS size,
(select sum(pages_mem) * 4096 from pgfincore(c.oid::regclass)) as size_in_pagecache
FROM pg_buffercache b
INNER JOIN pg_class c ON b.relfilenode = pg_relation_filenode(c.oid)
AND b.reldatabase IN (0, (SELECT oid FROM pg_database WHERE datname = current_database()))
pg_size_pretty(sum(qq.size)) AS shared_buffers_size,
pg_size_pretty(sum(qq.size_in_pagecache)) AS size_in_pagecache,
pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(current_database())) as database_size
FROM qq;
-- enhanced version of
-- WARNING: executed with a non-superuser role, the query inspect only index on tables you are granted to read.
-- WARNING: rows with is_na = 't' are known to have bad statistics ("name" type is not supported).
-- This query is compatible with PostgreSQL 8.2 and after
with data as (
SELECT current_database(), nspname AS schemaname, tblname, idxname, bs*(relpages)::bigint AS real_size,
bs*(relpages-est_pages)::bigint AS extra_size,
100 * (relpages-est_pages)::float / relpages AS extra_ratio,
fillfactor, bs*(relpages-est_pages_ff) AS bloat_size,
100 * (relpages-est_pages_ff)::float / relpages AS bloat_ratio,
-- , 100-(sub.pst).avg_leaf_density, est_pages, index_tuple_hdr_bm, maxalign, pagehdr, nulldatawidth, nulldatahdrwidth, sub.reltuples, sub.relpages -- (DEBUG INFO)
SELECT coalesce(1 +
ceil(reltuples/floor((bs-pageopqdata-pagehdr)/(4+nulldatahdrwidth)::float)), 0 -- ItemIdData size + computed avg size of a tuple (nulldatahdrwidth)
) AS est_pages,
coalesce(1 +
ceil(reltuples/floor((bs-pageopqdata-pagehdr)*fillfactor/(100*(4+nulldatahdrwidth)::float))), 0
) AS est_pages_ff,
bs, nspname, table_oid, tblname, idxname, relpages, fillfactor, is_na
-- , stattuple.pgstatindex(quote_ident(nspname)||'.'||quote_ident(idxname)) AS pst, index_tuple_hdr_bm, maxalign, pagehdr, nulldatawidth, nulldatahdrwidth, reltuples -- (DEBUG INFO)
SELECT maxalign, bs, nspname, tblname, idxname, reltuples, relpages, relam, table_oid, fillfactor,
( index_tuple_hdr_bm +
maxalign - CASE -- Add padding to the index tuple header to align on MAXALIGN
WHEN index_tuple_hdr_bm%maxalign = 0 THEN maxalign
ELSE index_tuple_hdr_bm%maxalign
+ nulldatawidth + maxalign - CASE -- Add padding to the data to align on MAXALIGN
WHEN nulldatawidth = 0 THEN 0
WHEN nulldatawidth::integer%maxalign = 0 THEN maxalign
ELSE nulldatawidth::integer%maxalign
)::numeric AS nulldatahdrwidth, pagehdr, pageopqdata, is_na
-- , index_tuple_hdr_bm, nulldatawidth -- (DEBUG INFO)
i.nspname, i.tblname, i.idxname, i.reltuples, i.relpages, i.relam, a.attrelid AS table_oid,
current_setting('block_size')::numeric AS bs, fillfactor,
CASE -- MAXALIGN: 4 on 32bits, 8 on 64bits (and mingw32 ?)
WHEN version() ~ 'mingw32' OR version() ~ '64-bit|x86_64|ppc64|ia64|amd64' THEN 8
END AS maxalign,
/* per page header, fixed size: 20 for 7.X, 24 for others */
24 AS pagehdr,
/* per page btree opaque data */
16 AS pageopqdata,
/* per tuple header: add IndexAttributeBitMapData if some cols are null-able */
CASE WHEN max(coalesce(s.null_frac,0)) = 0
THEN 2 -- IndexTupleData size
ELSE 2 + (( 32 + 8 - 1 ) / 8) -- IndexTupleData size + IndexAttributeBitMapData size ( max num filed per index + 8 - 1 /8)
END AS index_tuple_hdr_bm,
/* data len: we remove null values save space using it fractionnal part from stats */
sum( (1-coalesce(s.null_frac, 0)) * coalesce(s.avg_width, 1024)) AS nulldatawidth,
max( CASE WHEN a.atttypid = ''::regtype THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) > 0 AS is_na
FROM pg_attribute AS a
SELECT nspname, tbl.relname AS tblname, idx.relname AS idxname, idx.reltuples, idx.relpages, idx.relam,
indrelid, indexrelid, indkey::smallint[] AS attnum,
array_to_string(idx.reloptions, ' ')
from 'fillfactor=([0-9]+)')::smallint, 90) AS fillfactor
FROM pg_index
JOIN pg_class idx ON idx.oid=pg_index.indexrelid
JOIN pg_class tbl ON tbl.oid=pg_index.indrelid
JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_namespace.oid = idx.relnamespace
WHERE pg_index.indisvalid AND tbl.relkind = 'r' AND idx.relpages > 0
) AS i ON a.attrelid = i.indexrelid
JOIN pg_stats AS s ON s.schemaname = i.nspname
AND ((s.tablename = i.tblname AND s.attname = pg_catalog.pg_get_indexdef(a.attrelid, a.attnum, TRUE)) -- stats from tbl
OR (s.tablename = i.idxname AND s.attname = a.attname))-- stats from functionnal cols
JOIN pg_type AS t ON a.atttypid = t.oid
WHERE a.attnum > 0
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
) AS s1
) AS s2
JOIN pg_am am ON s2.relam = am.oid WHERE am.amname = 'btree'
) AS sub
-- WHERE NOT is_na
current_database, schemaname, tblname, idxname,
real_size, pg_size_pretty(real_size::numeric) as real_size_pretty,
extra_size, pg_size_pretty(extra_size::numeric) as extra_size_pretty,
extra_ratio as "extra_ratio, %",
bloat_size, pg_size_pretty(bloat_size::numeric) as bloat_size_pretty,
bloat_ratio as "bloat_ratio, %",
real_size - bloat_size as live_data_size
from data
order by bloat_size desc
-- enhanced version of
/* WARNING: executed with a non-superuser role, the query inspect only tables you are granted to read.
* This query is compatible with PostgreSQL 9.0 and more
with data as (
SELECT current_database(), schemaname, tblname, bs*tblpages AS real_size,
(tblpages-est_tblpages)*bs AS extra_size,
CASE WHEN tblpages - est_tblpages > 0
THEN 100 * (tblpages - est_tblpages)/tblpages::float
END AS extra_ratio, fillfactor, (tblpages-est_tblpages_ff)*bs AS bloat_size,
CASE WHEN tblpages - est_tblpages_ff > 0
THEN 100 * (tblpages - est_tblpages_ff)/tblpages::float
END AS bloat_ratio, is_na
-- , (pst).free_percent + (pst).dead_tuple_percent AS real_frag
SELECT ceil( reltuples / ( (bs-page_hdr)/tpl_size ) ) + ceil( toasttuples / 4 ) AS est_tblpages,
ceil( reltuples / ( (bs-page_hdr)*fillfactor/(tpl_size*100) ) ) + ceil( toasttuples / 4 ) AS est_tblpages_ff,
tblpages, fillfactor, bs, tblid, schemaname, tblname, heappages, toastpages, is_na
-- , stattuple.pgstattuple(tblid) AS pst
( 4 + tpl_hdr_size + tpl_data_size + (2*ma)
- CASE WHEN tpl_hdr_size%ma = 0 THEN ma ELSE tpl_hdr_size%ma END
- CASE WHEN ceil(tpl_data_size)::int%ma = 0 THEN ma ELSE ceil(tpl_data_size)::int%ma END
) AS tpl_size, bs - page_hdr AS size_per_block, (heappages + toastpages) AS tblpages, heappages,
toastpages, reltuples, toasttuples, bs, page_hdr, tblid, schemaname, tblname, fillfactor, is_na
tbl.oid AS tblid, ns.nspname AS schemaname, tbl.relname AS tblname, tbl.reltuples,
tbl.relpages AS heappages, coalesce(toast.relpages, 0) AS toastpages,
coalesce(toast.reltuples, 0) AS toasttuples,
array_to_string(tbl.reloptions, ' ')
FROM '%fillfactor=#"__#"%' FOR '#')::smallint, 100) AS fillfactor,
current_setting('block_size')::numeric AS bs,
CASE WHEN version()~'mingw32' OR version()~'64-bit|x86_64|ppc64|ia64|amd64' THEN 8 ELSE 4 END AS ma,
24 AS page_hdr,
23 + CASE WHEN MAX(coalesce(null_frac,0)) > 0 THEN ( 7 + count(*) ) / 8 ELSE 0::int END
+ CASE WHEN tbl.relhasoids THEN 4 ELSE 0 END AS tpl_hdr_size,
sum( (1-coalesce(s.null_frac, 0)) * coalesce(s.avg_width, 1024) ) AS tpl_data_size,
bool_or(att.atttypid = ''::regtype) AS is_na
FROM pg_attribute AS att
JOIN pg_class AS tbl ON att.attrelid = tbl.oid
JOIN pg_namespace AS ns ON ns.oid = tbl.relnamespace
JOIN pg_stats AS s ON s.schemaname=ns.nspname
AND s.tablename = tbl.relname AND s.inherited=false AND s.attname=att.attname
LEFT JOIN pg_class AS toast ON tbl.reltoastrelid = toast.oid
WHERE att.attnum > 0 AND NOT att.attisdropped
AND tbl.relkind = 'r'
GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, tbl.relhasoids
) AS s
) AS s2
) AS s3
-- WHERE NOT is_na
-- AND tblpages*((pst).free_percent + (pst).dead_tuple_percent)::float4/100 >= 1
select current_database, schemaname, tblname,
real_size, pg_size_pretty(real_size::numeric) as real_size_pretty,
extra_size, pg_size_pretty(extra_size::numeric) as extra_size_pretty,
extra_ratio as "extra_ratio, %",
bloat_size, pg_size_pretty(bloat_size::numeric) as bloat_size_pretty,
bloat_ratio as "bloat_ratio, %",
real_size - bloat_size as live_data_size
from data
order by bloat_size desc
--pgstattuple extension required
--WARNING: without table name/mask query will read all available tables which could cause I/O spikes
select nspname,
pg_size_pretty(relation_size + toast_relation_size) as total_size,
pg_size_pretty(toast_relation_size) as toast_size,
round(((relation_size - (relation_size - free_space)*100/fillfactor)*100/greatest(relation_size, 1))::numeric, 1) table_waste_percent,
pg_size_pretty((relation_size - (relation_size - free_space)*100/fillfactor)::bigint) table_waste,
round(((toast_free_space + relation_size - (relation_size - free_space)*100/fillfactor)*100/greatest(relation_size + toast_relation_size, 1))::numeric, 1) total_waste_percent,
pg_size_pretty((toast_free_space + relation_size - (relation_size - free_space)*100/fillfactor)::bigint) total_waste
from (
select nspname, relname,
(select free_space from pgstattuple(c.oid)) as free_space,
pg_relation_size(c.oid) as relation_size,
(case when reltoastrelid = 0 then 0 else (select free_space from pgstattuple(c.reltoastrelid)) end) as toast_free_space,
coalesce(pg_relation_size(c.reltoastrelid), 0) as toast_relation_size,
coalesce((SELECT (regexp_matches(reloptions::text, E'.*fillfactor=(\\d+).*'))[1]),'100')::real AS fillfactor
from pg_class c
left join pg_namespace n on (n.oid = c.relnamespace)
where nspname not in ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')
and nspname !~ '^pg_toast' and relkind = 'r'
--put your table name/mask here
and relname ~ ''
) t
order by (toast_free_space + relation_size - (relation_size - free_space)*100/fillfactor) desc
limit 20;
--pgstattuple extension required
--WARNING: without index name/mask query will read all available indexes which could cause I/O spikes
with indexes as (
select * from pg_stat_user_indexes
select schemaname,
pg_size_pretty(table_size) as table_size,
pg_size_pretty(index_size) as index_size,
idx_scan as index_scans,
round((free_space*100/index_size)::numeric, 1) as waste_percent,
pg_size_pretty(free_space) as waste
from (
select schemaname, p.relname as table_name, indexrelname as index_name,
(select (case when avg_leaf_density = 'NaN' then 0
else greatest(ceil(index_size * (1 - avg_leaf_density / (coalesce((SELECT (regexp_matches(reloptions::text, E'.*fillfactor=(\\d+).*'))[1]),'90')::real)))::bigint, 0) end)
from pgstatindex(schemaname || '.' || p.indexrelid::regclass::text)
) as free_space,
pg_relation_size(p.indexrelid) as index_size,
pg_relation_size(p.relid) as table_size,
from indexes p
join pg_class c on p.indexrelid = c.oid
where pg_get_indexdef(p.indexrelid) like '%USING btree%' and
--put your index name/mask here
indexrelname ~ ''
) t
order by free_space desc;
pg_stat_user_indexes.schemaname||'.'||pg_stat_user_indexes.relname as tablename,
(coalesce(n_tup_ins,0)+coalesce(n_tup_upd,0)-coalesce(n_tup_hot_upd,0)+coalesce(n_tup_del,0)) as write_activity,
pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(pg_index.indexrelid::regclass)) as size
from pg_stat_user_indexes
join pg_stat_user_tables
on pg_stat_user_indexes.relid=pg_stat_user_tables.relid
join pg_index
ON pg_index.indexrelid=pg_stat_user_indexes.indexrelid
pg_index.indisunique is false
and pg_stat_user_indexes.idx_scan::float/(coalesce(n_tup_ins,0)+coalesce(n_tup_upd,0)-coalesce(n_tup_hot_upd,0)+coalesce(n_tup_del,0)+1)::float<0.01
and (coalesce(n_tup_ins,0)+coalesce(n_tup_upd,0)-coalesce(n_tup_hot_upd,0)+coalesce(n_tup_del,0))>10000
order by 4 desc,1,2;
-- Surrogate PKs check.
-- Use it to determine when you reach INT2/INT4/INT8 limits
do $$
declare r record;
create temp table seqs(name text, val int8);
for r
in select * from pg_class where relname ilike '%seq'
execute 'do $b$ declare z int8; begin insert into seqs(name, val) select '''
|| r.relname::text || ''', last_value from '
|| r.relname::text || '; end; $b$ language plpgsql';
end loop;
for r in
select * from seqs order by val asc
raise info '%: %',, r.val;
end loop;
drop table seqs;
$$ language plpgsql;
-- Use this to monitor your "VACUUM VERBOSE ANALYZE;" or smth
-- TIP: Once executed, you can use "\watch 1" to run it every second
pid, datname, relid,
(select relname from pg_class where oid = v.relid) as tablename,
phase, index_vacuum_count, max_dead_tuples, num_dead_tuples,
heap_blks_total, heap_blks_scanned,
round(100 * heap_blks_scanned / heap_blks_total) as "heap scan progress, %"
from pg_stat_progress_vacuum v;
-- Use it to generate a database migration (e.g. RoR's db:migrate or Sqitch)
-- to drop unused and redundant indexes.
-- This query generates a set of `DROP INDEX` statements, that
-- can be used in your migration script. Also, it generates
-- `CREATE INDEX`, put them to revert/rollback migration script.
-- It is also a good idea to manually double check all indexes being dropped.
-- WARNING here: when you are dropping an index B which is redundant to some index A,
-- check that you don't drop the A itself at the same time (it can be in "unused").
-- So if B is "redundant" to A and A is "unused", the script will suggest
-- dropping both. If so, it is probably better to drop B and leave A.
-- -- in this case there is a chance that A will be used. If it will still be unused,
-- you will drop it during the next cleanup routine procedure.
-- This query doesn't need any additional extensions to be installed
-- (except plpgsql), and doesn't create anything (like views or smth)
-- -- so feel free to use it in your clouds (Heroku, AWS RDS, etc)
-- It also does't do anything except reading system catalogs and
-- printing NOTICEs, so you can easily run it on your
-- production *master* database.
-- (Keep in mind, that on replicas, the whole picture of index usage
-- is usually very different from master).
-- TODO: take into account type of index and opclass
-- TODO: schemas
with unused as (
format('unused (idx_scan: %s)', pg_stat_user_indexes.idx_scan)::text as reason,
pg_stat_user_indexes.relname as tablename,
pg_stat_user_indexes.schemaname || '.' || indexrelname::text as indexname,
(coalesce(n_tup_ins, 0) + coalesce(n_tup_upd, 0) - coalesce(n_tup_hot_upd, 0) + coalesce(n_tup_del, 0)) as write_activity,
pg_get_indexdef(pg_index.indexrelid) as indexdef,
pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(pg_index.indexrelid::regclass)) as size,
from pg_stat_user_indexes
join pg_stat_user_tables
on pg_stat_user_indexes.relid = pg_stat_user_tables.relid
join pg_index
ON pg_index.indexrelid = pg_stat_user_indexes.indexrelid
pg_stat_user_indexes.idx_scan = 0 /* < 10 or smth */
and pg_index.indisunique is false
and pg_stat_user_indexes.idx_scan::float/(coalesce(n_tup_ins,0)+coalesce(n_tup_upd,0)-coalesce(n_tup_hot_upd,0)+coalesce(n_tup_del,0)+1)::float<0.01
and (coalesce(n_tup_ins,0)+coalesce(n_tup_upd,0)-coalesce(n_tup_hot_upd,0)+coalesce(n_tup_del,0))>10000
), index_data as (
select *, string_to_array(indkey::text,' ') as key_array,array_length(string_to_array(indkey::text,' '),1) as nkeys
from pg_index
), redundant as (
format('redundant to index: %I', i1.indexrelid::regclass)::text as reason,
i2.indrelid::regclass::text as tablename,
i2.indexrelid::regclass::text as indexname,
pg_get_indexdef(i1.indexrelid) main_indexdef,
pg_get_indexdef(i2.indexrelid) indexdef,
pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(i2.indexrelid)) size,
index_data as i1
join index_data as i2 on i1.indrelid = i2.indrelid and i1.indexrelid <> i2.indexrelid
(regexp_replace(i1.indpred, 'location \d+', 'location', 'g') IS NOT DISTINCT FROM regexp_replace(i2.indpred, 'location \d+', 'location', 'g'))
and (regexp_replace(i1.indexprs, 'location \d+', 'location', 'g') IS NOT DISTINCT FROM regexp_replace(i2.indexprs, 'location \d+', 'location', 'g'))
and ((i1.nkeys > i2.nkeys and not i2.indisunique) OR (i1.nkeys=i2.nkeys and ((i1.indisunique and i2.indisunique and (i1.indexrelid>i2.indexrelid)) or (not i1.indisunique and not i2.indisunique and (i1.indexrelid>i2.indexrelid)) or (i1.indisunique and not i2.indisunique))))
and i1.key_array[1:i2.nkeys]=i2.key_array
), together as (
select reason, tablename, indexname, size, indexdef, null as main_indexdef, indexrelid
from unused
union all
select reason, tablename, indexname, size, indexdef, main_indexdef, indexrelid
from redundant
order by tablename asc, indexname
), droplines as (
select format('DROP INDEX %s; -- %s, %s, table %s', max(indexname), max(size), string_agg(reason, ', '), tablename) as line
from together t1
group by tablename, indexrelid
order by tablename, indexrelid
), createlines as (
select format('%s; -- table %s', max(indexdef), tablename) as line
from together t2
group by tablename, indexrelid
order by tablename, indexrelid
select '-- Do migration: --' as out
union all
select * from droplines
union all
select ''
union all
select '-- Revert migration: --'
union all
select * from createlines;
select case when pg_is_in_recovery() then 'Replica' || ' (delay: '
|| ((((case
when pg_last_xlog_receive_location() = pg_last_xlog_replay_location() then 0
else extract (epoch from now() - pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp())
end)::int)::text || ' second')::interval)::text
|| '; paused: ' || pg_is_xlog_replay_paused()::text || ')'
else 'Master'
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