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Created March 28, 2020 15:55
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(* in *)
module BoincController (Time : Mirage_time.S) (S : Mirage_stack.V4) = struct
module C = Protocol.Commands(S)
module St = C.Stack
let node_ip = Ipaddr.V4.make 192 168 47 51
and node_port = 31416
let start _time stack =
let stack_info = {
St.instance = S.tcpv4 stack;
} in
(* The loop leaks connections (watched via Mac OS Activity Monitor) *)
let rec loop () =
St.connect stack_info
>>= function
| Error err -> Logs.err (fun f -> f "connection error: %a" S.TCPV4.pp_error err); Lwt.return_unit
| Ok flow ->
let duration = 1 in
C.state_ping flow
>>= fun () -> Time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_sec duration)
>>= fun () -> loop ()
>>= fun () -> S.TCPV4.close flow
>>= fun () -> St.disconnect stack_info
Lwt.join [loop ()]
(* in *)
open Lwt.Infix
module Commands (S : Mirage_stack.V4) = struct
module Stack = struct
type t = {
instance : S.TCPV4.t;
node_ip : Ipaddr.V4.t;
node_port : int
let connect stack_info =
match stack_info with { instance; node_ip; node_port; } ->
S.TCPV4.create_connection instance (node_ip, node_port)
let disconnect stack_info =
S.TCPV4.disconnect stack_info.instance
let request_state flow =
let open S.TCPV4 in
let request_text =
</boinc_gui_request>\x03" in
let payload = Cstruct.of_string request_text in
write flow payload
>>= (
| Error err ->
Logs.err (fun f -> f "command transmission error: %a" pp_write_error err); Lwt.return_unit
| _ -> Lwt.return_unit
>>= fun () -> read flow
>>= function | Error err ->
Logs.err (fun f -> f "response receiving error: %a" pp_error err); Lwt.return_unit
| Ok response -> (
match response with
| `Data payload -> Logs.debug (fun f -> f "node responded with payload:\n%s" (Cstruct.to_string payload))
| `Eof -> Logs.debug (fun f -> f "EOF")
let state_ping flow =
request_state flow
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