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Last active February 13, 2024 04:16
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// I have removed irrelevant portions!!!
* Implements hook_menu().
function vhb_menu() {
// ...
$menu['node/%node/edit/status/%'] = array( // notice the first placeholder: %node. This will auto-load the node with the NID specified in that position, and will pass the fully loaded node to the function.
'page callback' => 'backdrop_get_form',
'page arguments' => array('vhb_status_change', 1, 4),
'access callback' => 'vhb_access_callback',
return $menu;
* Form builder.
function vhb_status_change($form, $form_state, $node, $status){
global $user;
$rolevar = vhb_rolevar($user);
if ( $rolevar > 1 && is_numeric(($status))){
$_SESSION['vhb_status_destination'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
$term = taxonomy_term_load($status);
if(isset($term->name)){ $termname = $term->name; }
// $node=node_load($nid); // This loading is not needed, since we are passing the full node to this function.
$node->field_status['und'][0]['tid'] = $status;
$note = array();
$note['content_type'] = 'Application';
$note['user_link'] = $uid;
$nid=field_get_value($node, 'field_opening', 'target_id');
if(isset($org) && $org !='0'){
$note['org'] = $org;
$note['notetext'] = "Application :".$node->title;
$form_state['note'] = $note; // IMPORTANT: we "save" the note in $form_state so that we can retrieve it later when the user conrfirms.
// The following was moved here from vhb_status_confirm().
$form['#node'] = $node;
// Calling confirm_form simply builds the $form array, which we need to RETURN at the end of the function!
$form = confirm_form(
t('Are you sure you want to change the status on %node-title?', array('%node-title' => $node->title)),
t('This action can be undone.'),
t('Change status'),
// if $rolevar is NOT <1 or $status is NOT numeric, we need to return something to indicate this.
else {
$form['nope'] = array(
'#markup' => 'Uh, oh! That if statement did not return true, and now we have no form. Let's just return this markup.',
// Return the built confirm form array.
return $form;
* Submit handler.
* We ONLY arrive here if the user has confirmed the confirm form!
function vhb_status_change_submit($form, &$form_state) {
// We need to retrieve the note we stored above.
$note = $form_state['note'];
watchdog("VHB_application_status_set", "VHB module: Note build failure.");
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