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Last active June 8, 2017 23:32
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Json Web Token JWT with KumbiaPHP
* JSON Web Token implementation, based on this spec:
* PHP version 5
* @category Authentication
* @package Authentication_JWT
* @author Neuman Vong <>
* @author Anant Narayanan <>
* @author Iván Meléndez <>
* @license 3-clause BSD
* @link
* @link
* @link
* Usage:
* 1) Instalation
* * composer require firebase/php-jwt
* * Edit the file public/index.php and uncomment/enable vendors:
* require_once("../../vendor/autoload.php");
* 2) Define your KEY
* define('JWT_KEY', 'aklasdfñ!sdljsdk45654@!');
* 3) Generate Token:
* // Private Info
* $token = [];
* $token['id'] = 1;
* $token['var'] = 'value';
* // Public Info
* $output['name'] = 'Iván Meléndez';
* $output['email'] = '';
* $output['token'] = DwJwt::encode($token);
* echo json_encode($output);
* 4) Validate Token in your controller (api_controller.php, rest_controller.php, app_controller.php, etc)
* Example: rest_controller.php
* public function before_initialize() {
* // You can get the token via URL ?token=abc or via header: x-token-auth: 'abc'
* $token = Input::get('token') ? Input::get('token') : Input::server('HTTP_X_TOKEN_AUTH');
* $auth = DwJwt::decode(empty($token) ? '' : $token);
* if(empty($auth->id)) {
* $this->data = $this->error('Token inválido', 401);
* return false; // STOP EXCECUTION
* }
* }
use Firebase\JWT\JWT;
class DwJwt {
public static $_data = [];
* Get decode variable
* @param type $var
* @return type
public static function get($var) {
return isset(self::$_data[$var]) ? self::$_data[$var] : NULL;
* @param type $token
* @return type
public static function decode($token) {
try {
$payload = JWT::decode($token, JWT_KEY, array('HS256'));
self::$_data = (array) $payload;
return $payload;
} catch (Exception $e) {
self::$_data = [];
return [];
* @param array $token
* @return type
public static function encode($token) {
return JWT::encode($token, JWT_KEY, 'HS256');
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