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Created September 14, 2010 00:54
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(ns type-level-tagger
{:doc "Implements State-of-the-art Unsupervised Part-of-speech Tagger
from \"Simple Type-Level Unsuperivsed POS Tagging\"
by Yoong-Keok Lee, Aria Haghighi and Regina Barzilay
blog post:"
:author "Aria Haghighi ("}
(:use [ :only [reader]]
[ :only [with-out-writer]]
[clojure.contrib.seq-utils :only [indexed]]
[clojure.contrib.def :only [defvar]]))
;; Counter: Map from object to value, cache total
(defrecord Counter [counts total])
(defn get-count
"retrieve count of k from counter, should not be negative"
[counter k]
{:post [(not (neg? %))]}
(get (:counts counter) k 0.0))
(defn inc-count
"increment-count of k in counter by weight amount"
[counter k weight]
(let [new-count (+ (get-count counter k) weight)]
(Counter. (if (zero? new-count)
(dissoc (:counts counter) k)
(assoc (:counts counter) k new-count))
(+ (:total counter) weight))))
;; Probability Distribution
;; counter: counts of objects
;; lambda: smoothing constants
;; num-keys: number of possible keys, needed to normalize
(defrecord DirichletMultinomial [counter lambda num-keys])
(defn new-dirichlet [lambda num-keys]
(DirichletMultinomial. (Counter. {} 0) lambda num-keys))
(defn log-prob
"log prob. from a DirichletMultinomial"
[distr key]
{:post [(> % Double/NEGATIVE_INFINITY)]}
(let [{:keys [counter lambda num-keys]} distr]
(Math/log (/ (+ (get-count counter key) lambda)
(+ (:total counter) (* lambda num-keys))))))
(defn observe
"make an observation to a DirichletMultinomial"
[distr key weight]
(let [{:keys [counter,total,lambda,num-keys]} distr]
(DirichletMultinomial. (inc-count counter key weight) lambda num-keys)))
; Word Information
; word: string of word
; count: # of usages
; feats: map of feature-type to feature-value
; contexts: counter of [before-word after-word] usages (for HMM)
(defrecord WordInfo [word count feats contexts])
(defn get-feats
"Features on a word type"
{:hasInitCap (boolean (re-matches #"[A-Z].*" w))
:hasPunc (boolean (re-matches #".*\W.*" w))
:suffix (let [suffix-length (min 3 (.length w))]
(.substring #^String w (- (.length w) suffix-length)))})
(defn new-word-info [word]
(WordInfo. word 0 (get-feats word) (Counter. {} 0)))
(defn tally-usage [word-info before after]
(-> word-info
(update-in [:count] inc)
(update-in [:contexts] inc-count [before after] 1)))
(defn assoc-if-absent [m k f]
(if (m k) m (assoc m k (f k))))
(defn tally-sent [vocab sent]
(fn [res [before word after]]
(-> res
(assoc-if-absent word new-word-info)
(update-in [word] tally-usage before after)))
(partition 3 1 sent)))
(defn build-vocab [sents]
(vals (reduce tally-sent {} sents)))
;; Gibbs Sampling State - All distributions are DirichletMultinomial
;; type-assigns: map word string to tag state (integer)
;; tag-prior: prior distr over tag assignment
;; trans-distrs: map of tag => P(tag' | tag) distribution
;; emission-distrs: tag => P(word | tag) distribution, word=string representation
;; feat-distrs: tag => feat-type => P(feat-val | feat-type,tag) distribution
(defrecord State [type-assigns tag-prior trans-distrs emission-distrs feat-distrs])
;; Globals
(defvar *K* nil "number of tag states")
(defvar *vocab* nil "seq of word infos")
(defvar *outfile* nil "where to write each iteration word assignments")
(def +rand+ (java.util.Random. 0))
;; Updating Counts after word assignment
(defn obs-transitions
"if we set word to tag, we update the transition tag counts
from all context usages of word by weight amount"
[trans-distrs type-assigns word-info tag weight]
(fn [res [[before after] count]]
(let [type-assigns (assoc type-assigns (:word word-info) tag)
before-tag (type-assigns before)
after-tag (type-assigns after)]
(-> res
;; Observe P(tag | tag-assign(before))
(update-in [before-tag] observe tag (* count weight))
;; Observe P(tag-assign(after) | tag)
(update-in [tag] observe after-tag (* count weight)))))
(-> word-info :contexts :counts)))
(defn obs-features [tag-feat-distrs word-info weight]
(fn [res [k v]]
(update-in res [k] observe v weight))
(:feats word-info)))
(defn obs-emissions
"if a word has been assigned to a tag, we increment num-keys by 1
and add weight * num-occurences of the word to counts"
[tag-emission-distr word-info weight]
(-> tag-emission-distr
(update-in [:num-keys] (if (> weight 0) inc dec))
(observe (:word word-info) (* weight (:count word-info)))))
(defn update-state
"add word assignment and associated counts"
[state word-info tag add?]
(let [assoc-fn (if add? assoc dissoc) weight (if add? 1 -1)]
(assoc-fn (:type-assigns state) (:word word-info) tag)
(observe (:tag-prior state) tag weight)
(obs-transitions (:trans-distrs state) (:type-assigns state) word-info tag weight)
(update-in (:emission-distrs state) [tag]
obs-emissions word-info weight)
(update-in (:feat-distrs state) [tag]
obs-features word-info weight))))
(defn assign [state word-info tag]
(update-state state word-info tag true))
(defn unassign [state word-info]
(update-state state word-info (-> state :type-assigns (get (:word word-info))) false))
(defn sum
([f xs] (reduce + (map f xs)))
(reduce + 0.0 xs)))
(defn make-map [f xs]
(fn [res x] (assoc res x (f x)))
{} xs))
(defn map-vals [f m]
(fn [res [k v]] (assoc res k (f v)))
{} m))
(defn log-add
"log (sum xs) from seq of log-x"
(let [max-log-x (apply max log-xs)]
(+ max-log-x
(Math/log (sum
(for [log-x log-xs
:let [diff (- log-x max-log-x)]
:when (> diff -30)]
(Math/exp diff)))))))
(defn log-normalize [log-xs]
(let [log-sum (log-add log-xs)]
(map (fn [log-x] (Math/exp (- log-x log-sum))) log-xs)))
(defn sample-from-scores [log-scores]
(let [trg (.nextDouble +rand+)]
(loop [so-far 0.0
posts (indexed (log-normalize log-scores))]
(if-let [[i p] (first posts)]
(< trg (+ so-far p)) i
:default (recur (+ so-far p) (rest posts)))
(throw (RuntimeException. "Impossible"))))))
(defn score-assign
"Log probability of assigning word to tag"
[state word-info tag]
(+ ;; Tag Prior
(log-prob (:tag-prior state) tag)
;; Feature Prob
(fn t1 [[k v]]
(log-prob (get-in state [:feat-distrs tag k]) v))
(:feats word-info))
;; Token Transition/Emission Prob
;; There's a subtely here in that we need to add one to the num-keys
;; for the emission distribution
(let [type-assigns (-> state :type-assigns (assoc (:word word-info) tag))
(-> (:emission-distrs state)
(get tag)
(update-in [:num-keys] inc)
(log-prob (:word word-info)))]
(fn t2 [[[before after] count]]
(let [before-tag (type-assigns before) after-tag (type-assigns after)]
(* count
(+ word-log-prob
(-> state :trans-distrs (get before-tag) (log-prob tag))
(-> state :trans-distrs (get tag) (log-prob after-tag))))))
(-> word-info :contexts :counts)))))
(defn gibbs-sample [state word-info]
(let [state (unassign state word-info)
scores (map (partial score-assign state word-info) (range *K*))
sample-tag (sample-from-scores scores)]
(assign state word-info sample-tag)))
(defn gibbs-sample-iter [state]
(time (reduce gibbs-sample state *vocab*)))
(defn init-state-helper [alpha beta]
(let [num-distinct (fn [xs] (count (reduce conj (hash-set) xs)))
num-feat-map ; map feature-type to num possible values
(->> *vocab*
(mapcat :feats)
(group-by first) ; group by feature type
(map-vals num-distinct))]
; random word to tag assignment - also fix assignments to start/stop
(let [rand-assign (make-map (fn [_] (.nextInt +rand+ *K*)) (map :word *vocab*))]
(assoc rand-assign "#start#" :start "#stop#" :stop))
; tag prior
(new-dirichlet alpha *K*)
; transition distributions: all tags have same prior on successors
; K+1 possible values for tags and :stop state
; Also need a transition distribution for :start state
(constantly (new-dirichlet beta (inc *K*)))
(conj (range *K*) :start))
; emission distributions: all tags have same prior
(constantly (new-dirichlet beta 0))
(range *K*))
; feat distributions
(let [tag-feat-distrs (map-vals (partial new-dirichlet alpha) num-feat-map)]
(make-map (constantly tag-feat-distrs) (range *K*))))))
(defn init-state [alpha beta]
(fn [res word-info]
(assign res word-info (-> res :type-assigns (get (:word word-info)))))
(init-state-helper alpha beta)
(defn learn [num-iters alpha beta]
(println "Learning on " num-iters " iterations.")
(println (format "Num Word Types: %d Num Tokens: %d" (count *vocab*) (sum :count *vocab*)))
(loop [iter 1 state (init-state alpha beta)]
(with-out-writer *outfile*
(doseq [[word tag] (:type-assigns state) :when (not ((hash-set :start :stop) tag))]
(println (format "%s\t%s" word tag))))
(println (format "Finished Iteration %d %s Wrote current assignment to %s"
iter (if (= iter 1) "(Random)" "") *outfile*))
(if (= iter num-iters) state
(recur (inc iter) (gibbs-sample-iter state)))))
(defn -main
"Main entry run with infile outfile num-iters K alpha beta
infile: file with one sentence per-line tokenized so split on space gives tokens (no start/stop)
outfile: file to write word to tag mapping after each iteration
num-iters: number of gibbs sampling iters to run
K: number of tags to use
alpha,beta: doubles representing smoothing (try 0.1 1)"
[& args]
(let [[infile outfile num-iters K alpha beta] args
sents-fn #(map
(fn [line] (concat ["#start#"] (seq (.split #^String line "\\s+")) ["#stop#"]))
(-> infile reader line-seq))]
(binding [*K* (Integer/parseInt K) *vocab* (build-vocab (sents-fn)) *outfile* outfile]
(learn (Integer/parseInt num-iters) (Double/parseDouble alpha) (Double/parseDouble beta)))))
(apply -main *command-line-args*)
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aria42 commented Sep 15, 2010

I have a script that just runs java with clojure.main adding clojure and contrib jar to the classpath. Make sure you use the -sever option and add some memory.

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aria42 commented Sep 15, 2010

Edited to remove (neg? %) post since if you have little enough data the probability can become 1 (i.e., log prob can be zero).

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aria42 commented Sep 15, 2010

If you want some sample English data to run this on, I have the zipped Brown corpus tokenized and one sentence per-line at The data is for non-commercial use only and is about 1.1 millon tokens.

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kryton commented Sep 15, 2010

Hi Aria42.
firstly thank you for posting this.
I was wondering what license the code is under.
my preference is the Apache License (ASL2.0) if you don't have any.


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aria42 commented Sep 15, 2010

The github project is under the Eclipse license, just like Clojure. Is that acceptable? It doesn't really make a difference to me.

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kryton commented Sep 15, 2010

Thanks aria42.
thats 100% acceptable.

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