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let tree = Node(Leaf "one", Node(Leaf "two", Leaf "three"))
type WithCount<'v> = WithCount of (int -> 'v * int)
let build l r = Node(l, r)
let run (WithCount f) (count: int)= f count
let pure' v = WithCount (fun count -> (v, count))
let (<*>) f a =
WithCount (fun count ->
let fv, fc = run f count
let av, ac = run a fc
let b = fv av
b, ac)
let putCount c = WithCount (fun _ -> (), c)
let getCount = WithCount (fun c -> c, c)
let buildLeaf v count put =
let leaf = Leaf (v, count)
put (count + 1) |> ignore
let rec index<'a> =
| Leaf v ->
pure' buildLeaf <*> (pure' v) <*> getCount <*> pure' putCount
| Node(l, r) ->
pure' build <*> index l <*> index r
let ``indexes a tree`` () =
let withCount = index tree
let indexed, _ = run withCount 1
test <@ indexed = Node(Leaf("one", 1), Node(Leaf("two", 2), Leaf("three", 3))) @>
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