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Last active November 15, 2021 17:33
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rewrite of ForwardNotifierServer for this iphone tweak
package main
import (
// to create a reader for the base64 image
// for catching os signals and deleting the temporary directory on exit
// for creating and removing temporary icon files
var (
addr = flag.String("addr", "", "address to run the server on")
logEnabled = flag.Bool("log", false, "log title and truncated message of incoming notifications")
dumpEnabled = flag.Bool("dump", false, "dump requests that failed in the temporary directory")
// imageDir is the temporary directory where images are stored and it is defined in main
imageDir string
// deleteImageDir is called when terminated and when the server fails to listen
func deleteImageDir() {
log.Println("recursively deleting temporary directory:", imageDir)
// i'm scared that the imageDir might be blank and then everything will be deleted
if strings.Contains(imageDir, "ForwardNotifierServer") {
if err := os.RemoveAll(imageDir); err != nil {
log.Println("os.RemoveAll failed:", err)
} else {
log.Println("never mind - the temporary directory does not contain \"ForwardNotifierServer\" - THIS WOULD'VE DELETED EVERYTHING OTHERWISE! WHAT")
// sometimes the message or image will be set to this for some inexplicable reason
const objcNull = "(null)"
func main() {
// parse command line flags, such as addr
// create temporary image directory in the directory returned by os.TempDir()
var err error
imageDir, err = os.MkdirTemp("", "ForwardNotifierServer")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("could not create temporary directory:", err)
// listen for signal to exit then delete temporary directory
signalChannel := make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(signalChannel, syscall.SIGTERM)
signal.Notify(signalChannel, syscall.SIGINT)
go func() {
signalReceived := <-signalChannel
log.Println("received signal:", signalReceived)
// delete image directory
// exit with code 0
// addr is a pointer
log.Println("running server on", *addr, "temporary image directory is at:", imageDir)
if *logEnabled {
log.Println("log is enabled - notifications will be printed with log.Println (usually in stderr)")
if *dumpEnabled {
log.Println("dump is also enabled so requests will be dumped at the image directory on certain errors")
// create a custom server mostly for the request body limit
server := &fasthttp.Server{
Handler: requestHandler,
// limit max request body to 1 mb
MaxRequestBodySize: 1000000,
// keepalive is not necessary
//DisableKeepalive: true,
// worth limiting
MaxConnsPerIP: 10,
// save bandwidth????
NoDefaultContentType: true,
NoDefaultDate: true,
NoDefaultServerHeader: true,
if err = server.ListenAndServe(*addr); err != nil {
log.Fatalln("error in fasthttp.ListenAndServe: ", err)
type forwardNotifierNotification struct {
// Title and Message are originally encoded in Base64
Title string `json:"Title"`
Message string `json:"Message"`
// Image is encoded in Base64 too
Image string `json:"img"`
AppName string `json:"appname"`
// DecodeTitleAndMessage decodes the fields Title and Message from Base64 encoding.
func (r *forwardNotifierNotification) DecodeTitleAndMessage() error {
data, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(r.Title)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not decode title: %v", err)
r.Title = string(data)
data, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(r.Message)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not decode message: %v", err)
r.Message = string(data)
return nil
// WriteImageToFile decodes the base64 encoded Image string and writes it to a file.
func (r *forwardNotifierNotification) WriteImageToFile(imageFile *os.File) error {
// make a string reader for the base64 image because base64 decoder wants a reader
imageReader := strings.NewReader(r.Image)
// make new base64 decoder to decode the image
imageDecoder := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, imageReader)
// now copy the base64 image decoder to the file!!!
_, err := io.Copy(imageFile, imageDecoder)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not decode and write image: %v", err)
return nil
func dumpRequestBodyToFile(body []byte/**fasthttp.RequestCtx*/) {
// ioutil.TempFile just makes a temporary file in the specified directory
dumpFile, err := ioutil.TempFile(imageDir, "dump")
if err != nil {
log.Println("could not create dump file", err)
/*if _, err = io.Copy(dumpFile, ctx.RequestBodyStream()); err != nil {
log.Println("writing dump to file failed:", err)
if _, err = dumpFile.Write(body); err != nil {
log.Println("writing dump to file failed:", err)
if err = dumpFile.Close(); err != nil {
log.Println("dump file could not be closed", err)
log.Println("created request dump at", dumpFile.Name())
// just sends notifications from any request received
func requestHandler(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
//fmt.Fprintln(ctx, "hi ><><><")
// ignore requests that are not post at /, so basically that are random
if !ctx.IsPost() || string(ctx.RequestURI()) != "/" {
fmt.Fprintln(ctx, "👋 🥺")
// make an empty struct for the notification
notificationRequest := &forwardNotifierNotification{}
// try json decoding request to the struct
// this cannot actually be done because the dump function
// needs to read the request as well as the decode functions
// the dump function needs to run at any given time so it cannot just be
// replaced in the case that dump is enabled
jsonDecoder := json.NewDecoder(ctx.RequestBodyStream())
if err := jsonDecoder.Decode(&notificationRequest); err != nil {
postBody := ctx.PostBody()
if err := json.Unmarshal(postBody, &notificationRequest); err != nil {
if *logEnabled {
log.Println("non-json request from", ctx.RemoteAddr())
if *dumpEnabled {
ctx.Error("cannot decode request (it should be in json format!): " + err.Error(), fasthttp.StatusBadRequest)
// ignore "(null)" as a title because this is usually for non-notifications such as Do Not Disturb
if notificationRequest.Title == objcNull {
if *logEnabled {
log.Println("\"(null)\" as title from", ctx.RemoteAddr())
if *dumpEnabled {
ctx.Error("ignoring this null title", fasthttp.StatusBadRequest)
// ignore notifications where the message is "(null)" this started happening when i updated to ios 14 for some reason
if notificationRequest.Message == objcNull {
if *logEnabled {
log.Println("\"(null)\" as message from", ctx.RemoteAddr())
if *dumpEnabled {
ctx.Error("null? why is the message an objective-c null? why did you send this? ignoring", fasthttp.StatusBadRequest)
// try decoding base64 title and message from the notification
if err := notificationRequest.DecodeTitleAndMessage(); err != nil {
if *logEnabled {
log.Println("couldn't decode title and message from", ctx.RemoteAddr())
if *dumpEnabled {
ctx.Error(err.Error(), fasthttp.StatusBadRequest)
// a file is created from AppName so if there is an attempt to descend the directory here then don't do this request
if strings.Contains(notificationRequest.AppName, "./") {
if *logEnabled {
log.Println("\"./\" in appname from", ctx.RemoteAddr())
ctx.Error("an app name that has ../ in it? weird..........", fasthttp.StatusBadRequest)
var imageFileName string
// check if the image is not null because sometimes it is for some reason
if notificationRequest.Image == objcNull {
if *logEnabled {
log.Println("\"(null)\" as image, ignoring image from", ctx.RemoteAddr())
if *dumpEnabled {
// just do not process icon at this point, leave it blank
imageFileName = ""
} else {
// save the image to a temporary file so that beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep can access it
// appname is the filename of the image, so that if it exists then it doesn't have to be created again
imageFileName = imageDir + "/" + notificationRequest.AppName + ".png"
// os.OpenFile will open a file or create it if it doesn't exist
imageFile, err := os.OpenFile(imageFileName, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0666)
if err != nil {
// panic if the temporary file could not be created
log.Panicln("could not create or open temporary file!!!!!!!!!", err)
// now that the file is open, decode and write the image to it
// assuming that the image is formatted correctly
if err = notificationRequest.WriteImageToFile(imageFile); err != nil {
log.Println("writing image to file failed:", err)
ctx.Error(err.Error(), fasthttp.StatusInternalServerError)
// close the file when it is finished
if err = imageFile.Close(); err != nil {
log.Panicln("temporary file could not be closed????????", err)
// now an actual desktop notification can be sent
if err := beeep.Notify(notificationRequest.Title, notificationRequest.Message, imageFileName); err != nil {
log.Println("beeep.Notify:", err)
// print a log of the message if *logEnabled is enabled, at the very end
if *logEnabled {
log.Printf("notification from %s: title \"%.20s\", message \"%.20s\", icon path %s\n", ctx.RemoteAddr().String(), notificationRequest.Title, notificationRequest.Message, imageFileName)
// idk if this is truly necessary
//fmt.Fprintln(ctx, "Sent!")
# designed to be a systemd user service! systemctl --user
# network online??? lol??????
# check if connected to ethernet? but this is active even when it's not plugged
# check if ip is correct? need to make that forwardnotifier bridge......
# doesn't work because this service runs before the system comes online
#ExecCondition=/bin/sh -c 'ip addr | grep'
#ExecStart=python3 /usr/local/bin/
# new version in go
# sandboxing
# complains about needing setup or something
# breaks ip addr
# when this is set, the wrong tmp is specified
# gives full access to the real tmp
# notification sending won't work without this
InaccessiblePaths=-/home -/root
# actually just needs to connect to socket /run/user/x/bus
# af_netlink is needed for ip addr.. af_unix might be necessary to talk to dbus
#RestrictAddressFamilies=AF_INET AF_NETLINK AF_UNIX
RestrictAddressFamilies=AF_INET AF_UNIX
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