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Last active August 16, 2017 21:48
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Test problems for students

Code challenges adapted from:

##Contributed by Trevor Nowalk

  • max/min Takes two numbers and returns the max/min.
  • max/min part 2 Takes an array and returns the min/max
  • sum/multiply Sums/Multiplies all the numbers in an array
  • reverse a string Reverse a string
  • average Get the average of the array of numbers, bonus take second param which indicates the num of sig figs
  • length Without using built in .length, write function that gets the length of a string
  • palindrome Is a word the same forwards as it is backwards
  • longest Takes an array of strings and returns the longest
  • removeVowels Takes a string and removes all the vowels in it
  • sumNumber Takes a number as an argument, sums the digits that make up the number. (111 would return 3)
  • sumOfMultiples Takes a number as an argument and returns the sum of all the multiples of 3 and 5
  • frequency Provide a string and it gives you the number of times each character shows up
  • pangram - Check if the passed in string contains all the letters of the alphabet
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