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async function solution (pemain, dadu) {
console.log('Initiating Game')
const initiateGame = () => {
if (pemain <= 1){
console.log('ERROR: Pemain harus lebih dari 1');
return {};
} else {
let obj = {};
for (i=1; i<=pemain; i++){
obj[i] = {
(defn make
"Create the route for the applications"
[[["/" ^:interceptors [catcher
(:require [io.pedestal.interceptor :refer [interceptor]]
[alpha.pages.dummy :as tpl]
[alpha.pages.arie :as apages]
[ring.util.response :as ring-resp]
[alpha.database.impl.dumbdb :as dumbdb]
[alpha.database.api.users :as user]
[schema.core :as s]))
(ns alpha.pages.arie
[ :refer [html5]]
[net.cgrand.enlive-html :as enlive :refer [deftemplate defsnippet]]))
(defsnippet head "build/index.html"
<a href="index.html"></a><div>Games</div>
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<li><a href="#">
<a href="index.html"><div>Games</div></a>
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arie741 / plugin.js
Created January 13, 2016 10:05
plugin error on middleman
* jQuery Easing v1.3 -
* Uses the built in easing capabilities added In jQuery 1.1
* to offer multiple easing options
* TERMS OF USE - jQuery Easing
* Open source under the BSD License.