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Last active August 6, 2019 12:25
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Laravel Sorting from another table with Eloquent
By: Arief Hikam
Laravel Sorting from another table with Eloquent
Sometimes it is difficult to perform sorting by Eloquent because relationships do not use the JOIN in query builder but use
Eager Load which mean we can not sorting by another table field because the field is doesn't exist.
This is how we use the simple code Eloquent and sorting another table by using LEFT JOIN.
I think this is the simplest way I can think of.
scope HasField
how to use:
$table = Model::with(['relation_name']);
this will generate query:
SELECT `eloquentTable.*`,`relationTable`.`field_name` AS `relation_name_field_name` from `eloquentTable`
LEFT JOIN `relationTable`
ON `eloquentTable`.`foreign_key` = `relationTable`.`primaryKey`
public function scopeHasField($query, $relation_name, $operator = '=', $type = 'left', $where = false) {
$split = explode('.', $relation_name);
$relation = $this->{$split[0]}();
$related_column = $split[1];
$table = $relation->getRelated()->getTable();
$one = $table.'.'.$relation->getRelated()->primaryKey;
$two = $relation->getForeignKey();
if (empty($query->columns)) {
$query->addSelect(new Expression("`$table`.`$related_column` AS `$split[0]_$related_column`"));
return $query->join($table, $one, $operator, $two, $type, $where);
put in your function
after we doing left join we can sorting from relatioship :)
your $request->sort should be :
$request->sort = 'relation_name.field_you_want_to_sort';
full URL Example:
`pajak` is the relationship name and `nama_pajak` is the field we want to sort.
if(isset($request->sort) && isset($request->sortType)){
$split = explode('.', $request->sort);
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