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Created March 6, 2023 08:33
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/// @ 0.12.4
### {
name: "簡易MFM支援"
author: "ariela"
version: "0.0.1"
description: "簡単なMFMの作成支援を行うプラグイン"
@main() {
Mk:register_post_form_action("検索" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text} [検索]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("太字" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}**文字**`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("斜体" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}<i>文字</i>`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("打ち消し線" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}~~文字~~`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("目立たなくする" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}<small>文字</small>`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("ぼかし" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[blur 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("文字色" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[fg.color=ff00ff 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("虹" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[rainbow 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("背景色" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[bg.color=ff00ff 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("明朝体" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[font.serif 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("x2" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[x2 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("x3" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[x3 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("x4" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[x4 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("揺れる" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[tada.speed=1s 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("ぷにぷに" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[jelly.speed=1s 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("シェイク" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[twitch.speed=1s 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("ジャンプ" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[jump.speed=1s 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("バウンス" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[bounce.speed=1s 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("きらきら" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[sparkle.speed=1s 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("右回転" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[spin.speed=1s 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("左回転" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[spin.left,speed=1s 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("振り子回転" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[spin.alternate,speed=1s 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("奥行き回転" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[spin.x,speed=1s 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("角度" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[rotate.deg=45 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("左右反転" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[flip.h 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("上下反転" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[flip.v 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
Mk:register_post_form_action("表示をずらす" @(form update) {
var text = form.text
text = `{text}$[position.x=1,y=1 文字]`
update("text" text)
text = ""
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