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Created April 30, 2015 12:18
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+ RUSTFLAGS=-Z time-passes time make -j8 rustc-stage2
cfg: version 1.1.0-dev (a86a88c93 2015-04-30) (built 2015-04-30)
cfg: build triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
cfg: host triples x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
cfg: target triples x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
cfg: enabling debug assertions (CFG_ENABLE_DEBUG_ASSERTIONS)
cfg: host for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu is x86_64
cfg: os for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu is unknown-linux-gnu
cfg: good valgrind for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu is 1
cfg: using CC=gcc (CFG_CC)
cfg: enabling valgrind run-pass tests (CFG_ENABLE_VALGRIND_RPASS)
cfg: valgrind-rpass command set to "/usr/bin/valgrind" --error-exitcode=100 --fair-sched=try --quiet --soname-synonyms=somalloc=NONE --suppressions=/tmp/tmp.F7Xp9brCKR/rust.arielb1/src/etc/x86.supp --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libfmt_macros
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_llvm
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_data_structures
time: 0.002 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.000 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.008 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/libstd
time: 0.006 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.001 configuration 2
time: 0.001 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.000 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.004 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.000 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.010 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.001 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/libarena
time: 0.007 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.001 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.009 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/libflate
time: 0.008 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/libgetopts
time: 0.017 expansion
time: 0.012 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.002 configuration 2
time: 0.001 maybe building test harness
time: 0.001 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.005 configuration 2
time: 0.001 maybe building test harness
time: 0.001 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.002 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/libgraphviz
time: 0.002 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.011 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.001 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.002 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/liblog
time: 0.015 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.004 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/libterm
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/libserialize
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librbml
time: 0.122 coherence checking
time: 0.124 coherence checking
time: 0.059 type checking
time: 0.004 const checking
time: 0.000 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.000 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.122 coherence checking
time: 0.005 borrow checking
time: 0.003 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.000 death checking
time: 0.007 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.009 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.111 translation
time: 0.154 type checking
time: 0.007 const checking
time: 0.001 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.017 llvm function passes
time: 0.001 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.008 borrow checking
time: 0.006 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.001 death checking
time: 0.030 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.232 type checking
time: 0.022 const checking
time: 0.000 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.036 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.006 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.039 borrow checking
time: 0.150 llvm module passes
time: 0.032 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.000 death checking
time: 0.022 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.026 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.074 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.249 LLVM passes
time: 0.156 translation
time: 0.024 running linker
time: 0.031 linking
time: 0.019 llvm function passes
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libsyntax
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/libfmt_macros
time: 0.098 translation
time: 0.005 llvm function passes
time: 0.028 llvm module passes
time: 0.014 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.053 LLVM passes
time: 0.097 llvm module passes
time: 0.021 running linker
time: 0.026 linking
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc_data_structures
time: 0.070 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.193 LLVM passes
time: 0.167 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.058 configuration 1
time: 0.004 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.012 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.733 expansion
time: 0.026 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.169 configuration 2
time: 0.087 maybe building test harness
time: 1.128 running linker
time: 0.081 prelude injection
time: 0.010 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.026 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 1.319 linking
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc_llvm
time: 0.098 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.012 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.021 language item collection
time: 0.362 resolution
time: 0.018 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.010 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.103 region resolution
time: 0.011 loop checking
time: 0.010 static item recursion checking
time: 0.073 type collecting
time: 0.022 variance inference
time: 0.211 coherence checking
time: 19.938 type checking
time: 2.158 const checking
time: 0.116 privacy checking
time: 0.004 stability index
time: 0.033 intrinsic checking
time: 0.030 effect checking
time: 0.191 match checking
time: 0.101 liveness checking
time: 3.385 borrow checking
time: 2.219 rvalue checking
time: 0.038 reachability checking
time: 0.087 death checking
time: 1.279 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 1.610 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 17.391 translation
time: 2.160 llvm function passes
time: 42.209 llvm module passes
time: 17.298 codegen passes
time: 0.005 codegen passes
time: 63.083 LLVM passes
time: 0.163 running linker
time: 0.805 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_back
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/libsyntax
time: 0.011 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.002 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.008 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.039 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.006 configuration 2
time: 0.003 maybe building test harness
time: 0.003 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.003 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.005 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.028 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.002 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.003 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.141 coherence checking
time: 0.514 type checking
time: 0.060 const checking
time: 0.002 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.001 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.002 match checking
time: 0.003 liveness checking
time: 0.043 borrow checking
time: 0.037 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.002 death checking
time: 0.115 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.131 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 1.718 translation
time: 0.205 llvm function passes
time: 3.657 llvm module passes
time: 1.417 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 5.405 LLVM passes
time: 0.093 running linker
time: 0.161 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc_back
time: 0.222 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.084 configuration 1
time: 0.005 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.016 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.884 expansion
time: 0.032 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.201 configuration 2
time: 0.100 maybe building test harness
time: 0.093 prelude injection
time: 0.013 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.032 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.116 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.017 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.027 language item collection
time: 0.422 resolution
time: 0.024 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.013 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.126 region resolution
time: 0.013 loop checking
time: 0.013 static item recursion checking
time: 0.099 type collecting
time: 0.029 variance inference
time: 0.264 coherence checking
time: 14.264 type checking
time: 2.143 const checking
time: 0.150 privacy checking
time: 0.006 stability index
time: 0.043 intrinsic checking
time: 0.032 effect checking
time: 0.170 match checking
time: 0.092 liveness checking
time: 1.827 borrow checking
time: 1.639 rvalue checking
time: 0.037 reachability checking
time: 0.110 death checking
time: 1.893 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 2.329 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 36.896 translation
time: 4.625 llvm function passes
time: 94.442 llvm module passes
time: 28.822 codegen passes
time: 0.007 codegen passes
time: 130.752 LLVM passes
time: 0.300 running linker
time: 1.465 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_borrowck
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_typeck
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_resolve
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_trans
time: 0.019 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.007 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_privacy
time: 0.016 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_lint
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc
time: 0.041 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.011 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.003 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.015 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.011 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.003 configuration 1
time: 0.015 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.019 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.027 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.036 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.095 expansion
time: 0.002 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.007 configuration 2
time: 0.004 maybe building test harness
time: 0.003 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.028 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.015 configuration 2
time: 0.004 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.147 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.006 configuration 2
time: 0.008 maybe building test harness
time: 0.003 maybe building test harness
time: 0.003 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.007 prelude injection
time: 0.001 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.003 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.002 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.021 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.009 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.015 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.028 resolution
time: 0.001 language item collection
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.002 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.002 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.031 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.003 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.002 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.060 configuration 1
time: 0.003 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.042 resolution
time: 0.001 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.020 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.001 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.007 region resolution
time: 0.001 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.007 type collecting
time: 0.002 variance inference
time: 0.164 expansion
time: 0.004 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.034 configuration 2
time: 0.266 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.018 maybe building test harness
time: 0.016 prelude injection
time: 0.002 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.003 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.019 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.022 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.003 language item collection
time: 0.200 coherence checking
time: 0.103 configuration 1
time: 0.006 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.022 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.193 coherence checking
time: 0.092 resolution
time: 0.003 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.002 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.014 region resolution
time: 0.002 loop checking
time: 0.002 static item recursion checking
time: 0.298 coherence checking
time: 0.012 type collecting
time: 0.004 variance inference
time: 0.389 type checking
time: 0.045 const checking
time: 0.005 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.001 intrinsic checking
time: 0.321 coherence checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.002 match checking
time: 0.002 liveness checking
time: 0.634 expansion
time: 0.031 borrow checking
time: 0.015 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.020 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.004 death checking
time: 0.064 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.117 configuration 2
time: 0.073 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.062 maybe building test harness
time: 0.596 type checking
time: 0.057 prelude injection
time: 0.007 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.015 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.071 const checking
time: 0.007 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.003 match checking
time: 0.003 liveness checking
time: 0.070 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.043 borrow checking
time: 0.028 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.028 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.016 language item collection
time: 0.006 death checking
time: 0.861 expansion
time: 0.021 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.129 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.173 configuration 2
time: 0.274 resolution
time: 0.143 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.011 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.007 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.085 maybe building test harness
time: 0.058 region resolution
time: 0.007 loop checking
time: 0.007 static item recursion checking
time: 1.199 type checking
time: 0.078 prelude injection
time: 0.011 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.044 type collecting
time: 0.022 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.016 variance inference
time: 0.101 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.032 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.022 language item collection
time: 0.234 const checking
time: 0.012 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.002 intrinsic checking
time: 0.002 effect checking
time: 0.008 match checking
time: 0.006 liveness checking
time: 0.077 borrow checking
time: 0.343 coherence checking
time: 0.082 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.009 death checking
time: 0.176 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.446 resolution
time: 0.018 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.011 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.098 region resolution
time: 0.011 loop checking
time: 0.011 static item recursion checking
time: 0.209 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.066 type collecting
time: 0.023 variance inference
time: 0.368 coherence checking
time: 1.977 translation
time: 0.238 llvm function passes
time: 2.796 type checking
time: 0.203 const checking
time: 0.021 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.006 intrinsic checking
time: 0.004 effect checking
time: 0.014 match checking
time: 0.013 liveness checking
time: 0.175 borrow checking
time: 2.627 translation
time: 0.143 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.009 death checking
time: 0.253 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.340 llvm function passes
time: 0.294 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 3.189 translation
time: 0.415 llvm function passes
time: 2.911 llvm module passes
time: 2.253 llvm module passes
time: 1.003 codegen passes
time: 0.001 codegen passes
time: 4.251 LLVM passes
time: 0.184 running linker
time: 0.704 codegen passes
time: 0.245 linking
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 3.373 LLVM passes
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc_lint
time: 0.094 running linker
time: 0.133 linking
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc_privacy
time: 4.398 translation
time: 0.542 llvm function passes
time: 8.779 type checking
time: 8.173 type checking
time: 1.739 const checking
time: 0.083 privacy checking
time: 0.001 stability index
time: 0.014 intrinsic checking
time: 0.011 effect checking
time: 0.031 match checking
time: 0.037 liveness checking
time: 6.946 llvm module passes
time: 0.387 borrow checking
time: 2.382 const checking
time: 0.088 privacy checking
time: 0.002 stability index
time: 0.450 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.023 intrinsic checking
time: 0.017 effect checking
time: 0.067 death checking
time: 0.049 match checking
time: 0.055 liveness checking
time: 0.585 borrow checking
time: 0.927 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.565 rvalue checking
time: 0.001 reachability checking
time: 0.070 death checking
time: 2.189 codegen passes
time: 0.001 codegen passes
time: 9.732 LLVM passes
time: 0.083 running linker
time: 0.172 linking
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc_borrowck
time: 1.094 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.969 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 1.196 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 7.812 llvm module passes
time: 2.745 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 11.319 LLVM passes
time: 0.114 running linker
time: 0.222 linking
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc_resolve
time: 17.182 translation
time: 16.205 translation
time: 1.842 llvm function passes
time: 1.971 llvm function passes
time: 34.731 llvm module passes
time: 35.469 llvm module passes
time: 10.525 codegen passes
time: 0.001 codegen passes
time: 48.811 LLVM passes
time: 0.182 running linker
time: 0.597 linking
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc_typeck
time: 12.257 codegen passes
time: 0.001 codegen passes
time: 50.020 LLVM passes
time: 0.165 running linker
time: 0.624 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_driver
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc_trans
time: 0.015 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.004 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.011 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.030 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.005 configuration 2
time: 0.003 maybe building test harness
time: 0.002 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.003 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.038 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.037 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.002 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.002 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.204 coherence checking
time: 0.829 type checking
time: 0.146 const checking
time: 0.005 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.001 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.002 match checking
time: 0.002 liveness checking
time: 0.037 borrow checking
time: 0.109 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.004 death checking
time: 0.092 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.105 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 7.632 translation
time: 1.156 llvm function passes
time: 18.919 llvm module passes
time: 4.909 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 25.464 LLVM passes
time: 0.144 running linker
time: 0.347 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/rustc
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc_driver
time: 0.000 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.000 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.007 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.000 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.000 configuration 2
time: 0.000 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.000 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.040 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.001 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.000 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.202 coherence checking
time: 0.000 type checking
time: 0.000 const checking
time: 0.000 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.000 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.000 borrow checking
time: 0.000 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.000 death checking
time: 0.000 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.000 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.001 translation
time: 0.000 llvm function passes
time: 0.000 llvm module passes
time: 0.002 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.006 LLVM passes
time: 0.089 running linker
time: 0.090 linking
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libcore
time: 0.079 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.026 configuration 1
time: 0.001 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.000 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.494 expansion
time: 0.013 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.119 configuration 2
time: 0.061 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.004 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.014 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.068 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.004 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.010 language item collection
time: 0.111 resolution
time: 0.012 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.004 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.036 region resolution
time: 0.005 loop checking
time: 0.004 static item recursion checking
time: 0.091 type collecting
time: 0.011 variance inference
time: 0.896 coherence checking
time: 7.078 type checking
time: 0.421 const checking
time: 0.060 privacy checking
time: 0.011 stability index
time: 0.036 intrinsic checking
time: 0.012 effect checking
time: 0.103 match checking
time: 0.032 liveness checking
time: 0.787 borrow checking
time: 0.532 rvalue checking
time: 0.019 reachability checking
time: 0.042 death checking
time: 0.039 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.157 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 1.940 translation
time: 0.193 llvm function passes
time: 1.315 llvm module passes
time: 1.290 codegen passes
time: 0.006 codegen passes
time: 2.859 LLVM passes
time: 0.058 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/liblibc
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librand
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_unicode
time: 0.029 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_bitflags
time: 0.005 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.000 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.019 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.008 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.004 configuration 1
time: 0.002 configuration 2
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.001 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.002 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.001 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.001 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.003 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.001 parsing
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.000 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.000 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.000 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.000 configuration 2
time: 0.000 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.000 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.000 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.000 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.000 coherence checking
time: 0.000 type checking
time: 0.000 const checking
time: 0.000 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.000 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.000 borrow checking
time: 0.000 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.000 death checking
time: 0.000 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.000 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.002 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.001 translation
time: 0.000 llvm function passes
time: 0.000 llvm module passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.004 LLVM passes
time: 0.006 coherence checking
time: 0.002 linking
time: 0.029 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.007 configuration 2
time: 0.003 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.003 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.011 resolution
time: 0.042 type checking
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.002 const checking
time: 0.002 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.001 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.000 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.002 borrow checking
time: 0.004 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.001 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.001 death checking
time: 0.007 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.011 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.100 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.044 coherence checking
time: 0.020 configuration 1
time: 0.001 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.000 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.048 translation
time: 0.002 llvm function passes
time: 0.009 llvm module passes
time: 0.011 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.027 LLVM passes
time: 0.003 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/liballoc
time: 0.087 expansion
time: 0.001 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.021 configuration 2
time: 0.011 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.003 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.002 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.011 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.001 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.001 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.007 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.002 configuration 2
time: 0.001 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.001 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.012 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.002 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.002 language item collection
time: 0.010 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.003 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.015 resolution
time: 0.001 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.001 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.019 region resolution
time: 0.001 loop checking
time: 0.002 static item recursion checking
time: 0.003 type collecting
time: 0.002 variance inference
time: 0.058 coherence checking
time: 0.055 coherence checking
time: 0.087 type checking
time: 0.010 const checking
time: 0.000 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.001 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.018 borrow checking
time: 0.012 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.000 death checking
time: 0.019 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.022 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.041 translation
time: 0.001 llvm function passes
time: 0.004 llvm module passes
time: 0.007 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.017 LLVM passes
time: 0.005 linking
time: 0.480 type checking
time: 0.023 const checking
time: 0.002 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.001 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.003 match checking
time: 0.002 liveness checking
time: 0.294 type checking
time: 0.041 borrow checking
time: 0.025 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.002 death checking
time: 0.022 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.073 const checking
time: 0.005 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.001 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.001 match checking
time: 0.001 liveness checking
time: 0.034 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.018 borrow checking
time: 0.007 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.004 death checking
time: 0.017 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.051 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.263 translation
time: 0.026 llvm function passes
time: 0.136 llvm module passes
time: 0.075 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.245 LLVM passes
time: 0.005 linking
time: 0.589 translation
time: 0.024 llvm function passes
time: 0.185 llvm module passes
time: 0.110 codegen passes
time: 0.002 codegen passes
time: 0.336 LLVM passes
time: 0.015 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libcollections
time: 0.065 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.023 configuration 1
time: 0.001 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.002 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.120 expansion
time: 0.004 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.032 configuration 2
time: 0.016 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.001 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.003 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.017 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.002 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.002 language item collection
time: 0.047 resolution
time: 0.002 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.001 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.009 region resolution
time: 0.001 loop checking
time: 0.001 static item recursion checking
time: 0.021 type collecting
time: 0.002 variance inference
time: 0.183 coherence checking
time: 2.460 type checking
time: 0.162 const checking
time: 0.014 privacy checking
time: 0.002 stability index
time: 0.009 intrinsic checking
time: 0.003 effect checking
time: 0.042 match checking
time: 0.009 liveness checking
time: 0.325 borrow checking
time: 0.279 rvalue checking
time: 0.005 reachability checking
time: 0.011 death checking
time: 0.190 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.211 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 1.302 translation
time: 0.085 llvm function passes
time: 0.899 llvm module passes
time: 0.453 codegen passes
time: 0.002 codegen passes
time: 1.483 LLVM passes
time: 0.053 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libstd
time: 0.199 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.061 configuration 1
time: 0.003 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.006 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.256 expansion
time: 0.010 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.066 configuration 2
time: 0.032 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.003 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.010 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.035 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.003 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.006 language item collection
time: 0.097 resolution
time: 0.007 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.002 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.026 region resolution
time: 0.003 loop checking
time: 0.003 static item recursion checking
time: 0.038 type collecting
time: 0.007 variance inference
time: 0.168 coherence checking
time: 2.265 type checking
time: 0.291 const checking
time: 0.036 privacy checking
time: 0.003 stability index
time: 0.013 intrinsic checking
time: 0.007 effect checking
time: 0.046 match checking
time: 0.020 liveness checking
time: 0.419 borrow checking
time: 0.379 rvalue checking
time: 0.010 reachability checking
time: 0.026 death checking
time: 0.391 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.468 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 2.486 translation
time: 0.338 llvm function passes
time: 4.440 llvm module passes
time: 2.048 codegen passes
time: 0.004 codegen passes
time: 6.981 LLVM passes
time: 0.173 running linker
time: 0.272 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libflate
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libarena
time: 0.001 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.000 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/liblog
time: 0.007 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.002 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.000 configuration 2
time: 0.000 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.000 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libgetopts
time: 0.003 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.000 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.007 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.000 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.007 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.003 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.000 configuration 2
time: 0.000 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.000 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libgraphviz
time: 0.004 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.004 resolution
time: 0.001 configuration 1
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.000 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.011 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.008 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.002 configuration 2
time: 0.009 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.000 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.000 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.001 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.005 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.001 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.005 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.000 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.007 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.009 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.003 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.000 configuration 2
time: 0.000 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.000 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.004 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.000 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.021 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.006 configuration 2
time: 0.003 maybe building test harness
time: 0.003 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.003 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.013 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.002 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.002 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.136 coherence checking
time: 0.120 coherence checking
time: 0.024 type checking
time: 0.001 const checking
time: 0.000 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.000 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.001 borrow checking
time: 0.000 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.000 death checking
time: 0.003 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.004 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.123 coherence checking
time: 0.058 type checking
time: 0.024 translation
time: 0.004 const checking
time: 0.000 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.000 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.005 borrow checking
time: 0.003 llvm function passes
time: 0.004 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.000 death checking
time: 0.007 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.009 llvm module passes
time: 0.009 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.186 coherence checking
time: 0.013 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.031 LLVM passes
time: 0.055 type checking
time: 0.005 const checking
time: 0.000 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.000 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.005 borrow checking
time: 0.006 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.000 death checking
time: 0.006 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.040 running linker
time: 0.008 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.044 linking
time: 0.179 coherence checking
time: 0.096 type checking
time: 0.101 translation
time: 0.006 const checking
time: 0.000 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.000 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.004 borrow checking
time: 0.004 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.000 death checking
time: 0.012 llvm function passes
time: 0.014 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.090 translation
time: 0.016 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.010 llvm function passes
time: 0.078 llvm module passes
time: 0.076 llvm module passes
time: 0.042 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.138 LLVM passes
time: 0.196 type checking
time: 0.013 const checking
time: 0.001 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.021 running linker
time: 0.031 codegen passes
time: 0.001 match checking
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.123 LLVM passes
time: 0.001 liveness checking
time: 0.026 linking
time: 0.014 borrow checking
time: 0.022 running linker
time: 0.026 linking
time: 0.012 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.001 death checking
time: 0.024 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.028 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.241 translation
time: 0.032 llvm function passes
time: 0.436 llvm module passes
time: 0.561 translation
time: 0.105 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.583 LLVM passes
time: 0.060 llvm function passes
time: 0.024 running linker
time: 0.032 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libterm
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libserialize
time: 0.011 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.002 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.008 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.026 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.009 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.023 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.003 configuration 2
time: 0.008 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.002 maybe building test harness
time: 0.001 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.002 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.011 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.002 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.001 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.093 expansion
time: 0.002 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.021 configuration 2
time: 0.010 maybe building test harness
time: 0.010 prelude injection
time: 0.001 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.002 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.123 coherence checking
time: 0.012 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.001 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.002 language item collection
time: 0.040 resolution
time: 0.002 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.001 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.008 region resolution
time: 0.001 loop checking
time: 0.001 static item recursion checking
time: 0.012 type collecting
time: 0.002 variance inference
time: 0.130 coherence checking
time: 0.262 type checking
time: 0.020 const checking
time: 0.001 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.001 match checking
time: 0.001 liveness checking
time: 0.021 borrow checking
time: 0.017 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.001 death checking
time: 0.046 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.054 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 1.003 llvm module passes
time: 0.637 translation
time: 0.420 codegen passes
time: 0.087 llvm function passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 1.511 LLVM passes
time: 0.027 running linker
time: 0.043 linking
time: 1.636 type checking
time: 0.323 const checking
time: 0.007 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.004 intrinsic checking
time: 0.002 effect checking
time: 0.039 match checking
time: 0.008 liveness checking
time: 1.329 llvm module passes
time: 0.607 borrow checking
time: 0.627 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 2.080 LLVM passes
time: 0.031 running linker
time: 0.058 linking
time: 0.409 rvalue checking
time: 0.002 reachability checking
time: 0.006 death checking
time: 0.155 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.187 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.907 translation
time: 0.103 llvm function passes
time: 1.668 llvm module passes
time: 0.629 codegen passes
time: 0.001 codegen passes
time: 2.440 LLVM passes
time: 0.033 running linker
time: 0.063 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librbml
time: 0.007 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.002 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.008 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.025 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.004 configuration 2
time: 0.002 maybe building test harness
time: 0.002 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.002 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.009 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.002 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.002 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.122 coherence checking
time: 0.242 type checking
time: 0.041 const checking
time: 0.001 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.003 match checking
time: 0.001 liveness checking
time: 0.045 borrow checking
time: 0.039 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.001 death checking
time: 0.076 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.084 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.181 translation
time: 0.027 llvm function passes
time: 0.231 llvm module passes
time: 0.145 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.414 LLVM passes
time: 0.029 running linker
time: 0.038 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libtest
time: 0.009 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.002 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.007 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.020 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.004 configuration 2
time: 0.002 maybe building test harness
time: 0.002 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.002 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.001 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.015 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.001 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.002 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.125 coherence checking
time: 0.279 type checking
time: 0.026 const checking
time: 0.001 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.002 match checking
time: 0.001 liveness checking
time: 0.026 borrow checking
time: 0.025 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.001 death checking
time: 0.045 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.052 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 1.173 translation
time: 0.142 llvm function passes
time: 2.443 llvm module passes
time: 0.923 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 3.569 LLVM passes
time: 0.031 running linker
time: 0.070 linking
637.78user 5.11system 8:17.48elapsed 129%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 1201448maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+2233668minor)pagefaults 0swaps
+ RUSTFLAGS=-Z time-passes time make -j8 rustc-stage2
cfg: version 1.1.0-dev (f0bd14f7b 2015-04-30) (built 2015-04-30)
cfg: build triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
cfg: host triples x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
cfg: target triples x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
cfg: enabling debug assertions (CFG_ENABLE_DEBUG_ASSERTIONS)
cfg: host for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu is x86_64
cfg: os for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu is unknown-linux-gnu
cfg: good valgrind for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu is 1
cfg: using CC=gcc (CFG_CC)
cfg: enabling valgrind run-pass tests (CFG_ENABLE_VALGRIND_RPASS)
cfg: valgrind-rpass command set to "/usr/bin/valgrind" --error-exitcode=100 --fair-sched=try --quiet --soname-synonyms=somalloc=NONE --suppressions=/tmp/tmp.F7Xp9brCKR/rust/src/etc/x86.supp --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libfmt_macros
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_llvm
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_data_structures
time: 0.002 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.000 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.007 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/libstd
time: 0.006 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.001 configuration 2
time: 0.000 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.000 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.004 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.000 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/libarena
time: 0.005 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.010 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.001 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.002 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/libflate
time: 0.008 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.009 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/libgetopts
time: 0.010 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.002 configuration 2
time: 0.001 maybe building test harness
time: 0.001 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.001 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.017 expansion
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/libgraphviz
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.004 configuration 2
time: 0.001 maybe building test harness
time: 0.009 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.002 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/liblog
time: 0.002 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.002 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/libterm
time: 0.015 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.004 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/libserialize
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librbml
time: 0.234 coherence checking
time: 0.060 type checking
time: 0.249 coherence checking
time: 0.005 const checking
time: 0.000 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.000 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.005 borrow checking
time: 0.004 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.000 death checking
time: 0.007 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.009 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.354 coherence checking
time: 0.118 translation
time: 0.017 llvm function passes
time: 0.253 type checking
time: 0.032 const checking
time: 0.159 type checking
time: 0.001 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.008 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.010 const checking
time: 0.001 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.002 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.008 borrow checking
time: 0.006 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.001 death checking
time: 0.149 llvm module passes
time: 0.051 borrow checking
time: 0.030 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.036 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.040 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.000 death checking
time: 0.073 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.247 LLVM passes
time: 0.022 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.024 running linker
time: 0.025 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.029 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libsyntax
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/libfmt_macros
time: 0.101 translation
time: 0.166 translation
time: 0.006 llvm function passes
time: 0.018 llvm function passes
time: 0.029 llvm module passes
time: 0.014 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.054 LLVM passes
time: 0.019 running linker
time: 0.023 linking
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc_data_structures
time: 0.169 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.096 llvm module passes
time: 0.057 configuration 1
time: 0.004 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.011 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.068 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.189 LLVM passes
time: 0.718 expansion
time: 0.024 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.164 configuration 2
time: 0.084 maybe building test harness
time: 0.078 prelude injection
time: 0.010 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.025 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 1.084 running linker
time: 0.097 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.012 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.021 language item collection
time: 1.272 linking
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc_llvm
time: 0.365 resolution
time: 0.018 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.010 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.100 region resolution
time: 0.010 loop checking
time: 0.010 static item recursion checking
time: 0.075 type collecting
time: 0.022 variance inference
time: 4.017 coherence checking
time: 22.995 type checking
time: 2.721 const checking
time: 0.114 privacy checking
time: 0.004 stability index
time: 0.033 intrinsic checking
time: 0.030 effect checking
time: 0.202 match checking
time: 0.096 liveness checking
time: 4.000 borrow checking
time: 2.658 rvalue checking
time: 0.037 reachability checking
time: 0.087 death checking
time: 1.289 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 1.594 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 18.997 translation
time: 2.139 llvm function passes
time: 42.116 llvm module passes
time: 16.971 codegen passes
time: 0.006 codegen passes
time: 62.642 LLVM passes
time: 0.161 running linker
time: 0.789 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_back
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/libsyntax
time: 0.011 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.002 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.008 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.039 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.006 configuration 2
time: 0.003 maybe building test harness
time: 0.003 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.003 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.005 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.027 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.003 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.003 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.209 coherence checking
time: 0.545 type checking
time: 0.082 const checking
time: 0.002 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.002 match checking
time: 0.003 liveness checking
time: 0.043 borrow checking
time: 0.040 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.002 death checking
time: 0.117 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.132 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 1.869 translation
time: 0.206 llvm function passes
time: 3.690 llvm module passes
time: 1.410 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 5.430 LLVM passes
time: 0.084 running linker
time: 0.152 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc_back
time: 0.225 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.081 configuration 1
time: 0.005 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.016 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.883 expansion
time: 0.032 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.195 configuration 2
time: 0.099 maybe building test harness
time: 0.092 prelude injection
time: 0.013 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.033 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.116 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.017 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.026 language item collection
time: 0.416 resolution
time: 0.025 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.013 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.124 region resolution
time: 0.013 loop checking
time: 0.013 static item recursion checking
time: 0.101 type collecting
time: 0.028 variance inference
time: 5.491 coherence checking
time: 15.895 type checking
time: 2.974 const checking
time: 0.153 privacy checking
time: 0.007 stability index
time: 0.042 intrinsic checking
time: 0.032 effect checking
time: 0.189 match checking
time: 0.091 liveness checking
time: 2.174 borrow checking
time: 1.907 rvalue checking
time: 0.037 reachability checking
time: 0.108 death checking
time: 1.889 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 2.283 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 40.299 translation
time: 4.618 llvm function passes
time: 95.584 llvm module passes
time: 29.783 codegen passes
time: 0.007 codegen passes
time: 132.929 LLVM passes
time: 0.291 running linker
time: 1.463 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_borrowck
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_typeck
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_resolve
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_trans
time: 0.019 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_privacy
time: 0.006 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_lint
time: 0.013 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc
time: 0.034 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.008 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.002 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.015 configuration 1
time: 0.013 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.019 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.020 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.005 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.037 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.110 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.007 configuration 2
time: 0.004 maybe building test harness
time: 0.003 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.033 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.004 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.110 expansion
time: 0.003 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.020 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.028 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.005 configuration 2
time: 0.049 configuration 1
time: 0.003 maybe building test harness
time: 0.003 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.003 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.025 configuration 2
time: 0.004 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.008 maybe building test harness
time: 0.030 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.002 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.020 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.002 type collecting
time: 0.007 prelude injection
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.001 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.003 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.032 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.002 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.017 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.178 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.003 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.017 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.001 language item collection
time: 0.157 expansion
time: 0.004 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.052 configuration 1
time: 0.003 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.042 resolution
time: 0.001 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.007 region resolution
time: 0.014 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.001 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.033 configuration 2
time: 0.007 type collecting
time: 0.002 variance inference
time: 0.012 maybe building test harness
time: 0.008 prelude injection
time: 0.001 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.002 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.010 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.015 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.002 language item collection
time: 0.056 resolution
time: 0.002 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.009 region resolution
time: 0.001 loop checking
time: 0.001 static item recursion checking
time: 0.007 type collecting
time: 0.002 variance inference
time: 0.304 coherence checking
time: 0.596 coherence checking
time: 0.649 expansion
time: 0.016 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.121 configuration 2
time: 0.062 maybe building test harness
time: 0.059 prelude injection
time: 0.684 coherence checking
time: 0.008 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.834 expansion
time: 0.016 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.022 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.678 type checking
time: 0.071 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.028 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.016 language item collection
time: 0.437 type checking
time: 0.094 const checking
time: 0.006 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.002 match checking
time: 0.003 liveness checking
time: 0.175 configuration 2
time: 0.039 borrow checking
time: 0.076 const checking
time: 0.005 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.002 match checking
time: 0.002 liveness checking
time: 0.027 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.005 death checking
time: 0.030 borrow checking
time: 1.082 coherence checking
time: 0.021 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.005 death checking
time: 0.089 maybe building test harness
time: 0.063 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.123 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.083 prelude injection
time: 0.011 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.022 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.289 resolution
time: 0.073 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.012 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.008 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.131 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.058 region resolution
time: 0.008 loop checking
time: 0.102 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.008 static item recursion checking
time: 0.031 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.048 type collecting
time: 0.024 language item collection
time: 0.017 variance inference
time: 0.413 resolution
time: 0.011 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.006 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.066 region resolution
time: 0.006 loop checking
time: 0.006 static item recursion checking
time: 0.043 type collecting
time: 0.014 variance inference
time: 1.520 type checking
time: 1.237 coherence checking
time: 2.202 type checking
time: 0.447 const checking
time: 0.019 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.004 intrinsic checking
time: 0.003 effect checking
time: 0.013 match checking
time: 0.010 liveness checking
time: 0.205 const checking
time: 0.012 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.003 intrinsic checking
time: 0.002 effect checking
time: 0.139 borrow checking
time: 0.008 match checking
time: 0.009 liveness checking
time: 0.103 borrow checking
time: 0.159 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.016 death checking
time: 0.090 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.010 death checking
time: 1.504 coherence checking
time: 0.250 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.339 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.285 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.383 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 2.978 translation
time: 2.970 translation
time: 0.240 llvm function passes
time: 0.341 llvm function passes
time: 2.183 llvm module passes
time: 2.599 llvm module passes
time: 1.126 codegen passes
time: 0.001 codegen passes
time: 3.633 LLVM passes
time: 0.185 running linker
time: 0.245 linking
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc_lint
time: 0.891 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 3.902 LLVM passes
time: 0.094 running linker
time: 0.133 linking
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc_privacy
time: 4.259 translation
time: 0.420 llvm function passes
time: 5.320 translation
time: 0.552 llvm function passes
time: 9.524 type checking
time: 8.801 type checking
time: 1.969 const checking
time: 0.086 privacy checking
time: 0.001 stability index
time: 0.015 intrinsic checking
time: 0.012 effect checking
time: 0.032 match checking
time: 0.042 liveness checking
time: 0.424 borrow checking
time: 2.640 const checking
time: 0.088 privacy checking
time: 0.002 stability index
time: 0.022 intrinsic checking
time: 0.017 effect checking
time: 0.047 match checking
time: 0.056 liveness checking
time: 0.503 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.071 death checking
time: 6.546 llvm module passes
time: 0.582 borrow checking
time: 0.939 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.595 rvalue checking
time: 0.001 reachability checking
time: 0.069 death checking
time: 0.965 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 1.106 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 2.185 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 9.342 LLVM passes
time: 7.925 llvm module passes
time: 0.076 running linker
time: 0.166 linking
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc_borrowck
time: 1.202 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 2.788 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 11.490 LLVM passes
time: 0.116 running linker
time: 0.224 linking
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc_resolve
time: 19.256 translation
time: 18.172 translation
time: 1.857 llvm function passes
time: 2.000 llvm function passes
time: 35.181 llvm module passes
time: 36.375 llvm module passes
time: 10.787 codegen passes
time: 0.001 codegen passes
time: 50.008 LLVM passes
time: 0.176 running linker
time: 12.553 codegen passes
time: 0.592 linking
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc_typeck
time: 0.001 codegen passes
time: 50.825 LLVM passes
time: 0.162 running linker
time: 0.618 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_driver
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc_trans
time: 0.015 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.004 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.011 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.030 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.005 configuration 2
time: 0.003 maybe building test harness
time: 0.002 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.003 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.037 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.037 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.002 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.003 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.372 coherence checking
time: 0.954 type checking
time: 0.193 const checking
time: 0.005 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.001 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.002 match checking
time: 0.002 liveness checking
time: 0.037 borrow checking
time: 0.120 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.004 death checking
time: 0.091 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.104 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 8.576 translation
time: 1.182 llvm function passes
time: 19.013 llvm module passes
time: 4.876 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 25.544 LLVM passes
time: 0.117 running linker
time: 0.318 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage1/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/rustc
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/librustc_driver
time: 0.000 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.000 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.006 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.000 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.000 configuration 2
time: 0.000 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.000 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.040 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.001 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.000 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.197 coherence checking
time: 0.000 type checking
time: 0.001 const checking
time: 0.000 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.000 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.000 borrow checking
time: 0.000 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.000 death checking
time: 0.000 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.000 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.001 translation
time: 0.000 llvm function passes
time: 0.000 llvm module passes
time: 0.002 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.006 LLVM passes
time: 0.090 running linker
time: 0.091 linking
cp: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/bin/rustc
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libcore
time: 0.081 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.027 configuration 1
time: 0.001 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.000 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.496 expansion
time: 0.013 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.119 configuration 2
time: 0.062 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.004 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.013 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.068 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.005 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.010 language item collection
time: 0.112 resolution
time: 0.012 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.004 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.035 region resolution
time: 0.005 loop checking
time: 0.004 static item recursion checking
time: 0.093 type collecting
time: 0.010 variance inference
time: 3.908 coherence checking
time: 7.784 type checking
time: 0.503 const checking
time: 0.061 privacy checking
time: 0.011 stability index
time: 0.039 intrinsic checking
time: 0.011 effect checking
time: 0.126 match checking
time: 0.032 liveness checking
time: 0.919 borrow checking
time: 0.630 rvalue checking
time: 0.019 reachability checking
time: 0.043 death checking
time: 0.039 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.161 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 2.010 translation
time: 0.184 llvm function passes
time: 1.311 llvm module passes
time: 1.292 codegen passes
time: 0.006 codegen passes
time: 2.848 LLVM passes
time: 0.057 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/liblibc
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librand
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_unicode
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librustc_bitflags
time: 0.016 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.030 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.001 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.000 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.000 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.000 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.000 configuration 2
time: 0.000 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.000 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.000 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.000 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.000 coherence checking
time: 0.000 type checking
time: 0.000 const checking
time: 0.000 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.000 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.000 borrow checking
time: 0.000 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.000 death checking
time: 0.000 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.000 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.004 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.001 translation
time: 0.002 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.000 llvm function passes
time: 0.000 llvm module passes
time: 0.005 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.000 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.004 LLVM passes
time: 0.002 linking
time: 0.008 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.002 configuration 2
time: 0.001 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.001 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.001 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.003 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.002 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.028 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.007 configuration 2
time: 0.003 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.003 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.010 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.002 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.003 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.101 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.020 configuration 1
time: 0.001 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.000 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.090 coherence checking
time: 0.042 type checking
time: 0.003 const checking
time: 0.001 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.000 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.002 borrow checking
time: 0.001 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.001 death checking
time: 0.105 coherence checking
time: 0.007 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.009 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.085 expansion
time: 0.001 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.021 configuration 2
time: 0.011 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.001 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.049 translation
time: 0.001 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.002 llvm function passes
time: 0.012 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.002 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.009 llvm module passes
time: 0.002 language item collection
time: 0.010 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.026 LLVM passes
time: 0.003 linking
time: 0.015 resolution
time: 0.001 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.001 looking for plugin registrar
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/liballoc
time: 0.020 region resolution
time: 0.001 loop checking
time: 0.002 static item recursion checking
time: 0.003 type collecting
time: 0.002 variance inference
time: 0.011 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.003 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.002 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.007 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.002 configuration 2
time: 0.001 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.001 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.009 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.003 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.116 coherence checking
time: 0.148 coherence checking
time: 0.091 type checking
time: 0.013 const checking
time: 0.000 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.002 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.024 borrow checking
time: 0.015 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.000 death checking
time: 0.018 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.260 type checking
time: 0.020 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.517 type checking
time: 0.026 const checking
time: 0.002 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.001 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.003 match checking
time: 0.002 liveness checking
time: 0.040 translation
time: 0.001 llvm function passes
time: 0.003 llvm module passes
time: 0.008 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.017 LLVM passes
time: 0.005 linking
time: 0.080 const checking
time: 0.006 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.045 borrow checking
time: 0.001 intrinsic checking
time: 0.001 effect checking
time: 0.002 match checking
time: 0.002 liveness checking
time: 0.017 borrow checking
time: 0.029 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.002 death checking
time: 0.008 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.003 death checking
time: 0.016 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.022 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.031 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.046 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.270 translation
time: 0.025 llvm function passes
time: 0.134 llvm module passes
time: 0.074 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.241 LLVM passes
time: 0.011 linking
time: 0.592 translation
time: 0.024 llvm function passes
time: 0.185 llvm module passes
time: 0.111 codegen passes
time: 0.002 codegen passes
time: 0.336 LLVM passes
time: 0.014 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libcollections
time: 0.066 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.023 configuration 1
time: 0.001 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.002 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.120 expansion
time: 0.004 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.032 configuration 2
time: 0.016 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.001 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.003 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.017 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.002 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.001 language item collection
time: 0.048 resolution
time: 0.002 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.009 region resolution
time: 0.001 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.022 type collecting
time: 0.003 variance inference
time: 1.608 coherence checking
time: 2.729 type checking
time: 0.218 const checking
time: 0.013 privacy checking
time: 0.002 stability index
time: 0.009 intrinsic checking
time: 0.003 effect checking
time: 0.058 match checking
time: 0.009 liveness checking
time: 0.421 borrow checking
time: 0.344 rvalue checking
time: 0.005 reachability checking
time: 0.011 death checking
time: 0.185 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.209 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 1.361 translation
time: 0.083 llvm function passes
time: 0.902 llvm module passes
time: 0.452 codegen passes
time: 0.002 codegen passes
time: 1.482 LLVM passes
time: 0.045 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libstd
time: 0.206 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.061 configuration 1
time: 0.003 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.006 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.257 expansion
time: 0.010 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.066 configuration 2
time: 0.032 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.003 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.010 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.036 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.004 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.007 language item collection
time: 0.096 resolution
time: 0.007 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.003 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.025 region resolution
time: 0.003 loop checking
time: 0.003 static item recursion checking
time: 0.040 type collecting
time: 0.008 variance inference
time: 1.575 coherence checking
time: 2.470 type checking
time: 0.392 const checking
time: 0.040 privacy checking
time: 0.003 stability index
time: 0.014 intrinsic checking
time: 0.007 effect checking
time: 0.060 match checking
time: 0.020 liveness checking
time: 0.511 borrow checking
time: 0.450 rvalue checking
time: 0.010 reachability checking
time: 0.026 death checking
time: 0.406 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.483 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 2.604 translation
time: 0.344 llvm function passes
time: 4.484 llvm module passes
time: 2.059 codegen passes
time: 0.003 codegen passes
time: 7.045 LLVM passes
time: 0.170 running linker
time: 0.268 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libflate
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libarena
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/liblog
time: 0.001 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.000 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.007 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libgetopts
time: 0.002 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.000 configuration 2
time: 0.000 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.000 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.003 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.000 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.007 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.000 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.007 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libgraphviz
time: 0.004 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.000 configuration 2
time: 0.003 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.000 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 configuration 1
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.000 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.005 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.000 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.007 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.010 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.003 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.000 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.002 configuration 2
time: 0.001 maybe building test harness
time: 0.001 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.012 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.001 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.003 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.007 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.003 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.000 configuration 2
time: 0.000 maybe building test harness
time: 0.000 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.009 resolution
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.000 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.001 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.010 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.004 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.000 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.000 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.017 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.003 configuration 2
time: 0.001 maybe building test harness
time: 0.001 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.001 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.009 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.002 region resolution
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time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.002 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.139 coherence checking
time: 0.154 coherence checking
time: 0.021 type checking
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time: 0.000 match checking
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time: 0.003 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
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time: 0.061 type checking
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time: 0.000 stability index
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time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.000 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.007 borrow checking
time: 0.003 llvm function passes
time: 0.006 rvalue checking
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time: 0.009 llvm module passes
time: 0.007 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.008 lint checking
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time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.000 match checking
time: 0.024 running linker
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time: 0.027 linking
time: 0.007 borrow checking
time: 0.007 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.000 death checking
time: 0.006 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.007 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.283 coherence checking
time: 0.091 translation
time: 0.155 translation
time: 0.010 llvm function passes
time: 0.021 llvm function passes
time: 0.382 coherence checking
time: 0.144 type checking
time: 0.015 const checking
time: 0.000 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.001 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.007 borrow checking
time: 0.074 llvm module passes
time: 0.008 rvalue checking
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time: 0.000 death checking
time: 0.028 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.119 LLVM passes
time: 0.028 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.018 running linker
time: 0.022 linking
time: 0.032 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.126 llvm module passes
time: 0.045 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.201 LLVM passes
time: 0.026 running linker
time: 0.030 linking
time: 0.207 type checking
time: 0.016 const checking
time: 0.001 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.001 match checking
time: 0.000 liveness checking
time: 0.013 borrow checking
time: 0.011 rvalue checking
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time: 0.027 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
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time: 0.434 llvm module passes
time: 0.597 translation
time: 0.106 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.582 LLVM passes
time: 0.058 llvm function passes
time: 0.022 running linker
time: 0.030 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libterm
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libserialize
time: 0.011 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.002 configuration 1
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time: 0.008 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.026 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.009 configuration 1
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time: 0.008 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.004 configuration 2
time: 0.002 maybe building test harness
time: 0.002 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
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time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.011 resolution
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time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.002 region resolution
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time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
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time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.093 expansion
time: 0.002 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.020 configuration 2
time: 0.010 maybe building test harness
time: 0.010 prelude injection
time: 0.001 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.002 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.011 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.001 language item collection
time: 0.040 resolution
time: 0.002 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.008 region resolution
time: 0.001 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.192 coherence checking
time: 0.012 type collecting
time: 0.002 variance inference
time: 0.285 type checking
time: 0.028 const checking
time: 0.001 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.002 match checking
time: 0.001 liveness checking
time: 0.022 borrow checking
time: 0.018 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.001 death checking
time: 0.360 coherence checking
time: 0.044 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.054 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.979 llvm module passes
time: 0.418 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 1.483 LLVM passes
time: 0.025 running linker
time: 0.676 translation
time: 0.042 linking
time: 0.086 llvm function passes
time: 1.851 type checking
time: 1.326 llvm module passes
time: 0.391 const checking
time: 0.009 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.005 intrinsic checking
time: 0.002 effect checking
time: 0.043 match checking
time: 0.008 liveness checking
time: 0.635 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 2.084 LLVM passes
time: 0.029 running linker
time: 0.056 linking
time: 0.712 borrow checking
time: 0.474 rvalue checking
time: 0.002 reachability checking
time: 0.006 death checking
time: 0.163 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.193 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.956 translation
time: 0.103 llvm function passes
time: 1.672 llvm module passes
time: 0.637 codegen passes
time: 0.001 codegen passes
time: 2.452 LLVM passes
time: 0.030 running linker
time: 0.059 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/librbml
time: 0.008 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.002 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.007 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.026 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.004 configuration 2
time: 0.002 maybe building test harness
time: 0.002 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.002 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.000 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.009 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.002 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.002 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.148 coherence checking
time: 0.266 type checking
time: 0.054 const checking
time: 0.001 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.001 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.003 match checking
time: 0.001 liveness checking
time: 0.050 borrow checking
time: 0.044 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.001 death checking
time: 0.075 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.082 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 0.191 translation
time: 0.026 llvm function passes
time: 0.229 llvm module passes
time: 0.145 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 0.411 LLVM passes
time: 0.026 running linker
time: 0.035 linking
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libtest
time: 0.009 parsing
time: 0.000 recursion limit
time: 0.002 configuration 1
time: 0.000 gated macro checking
time: 0.000 crate injection
time: 0.007 macro loading
time: 0.000 plugin loading
time: 0.000 plugin registration
time: 0.020 expansion
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 1
time: 0.004 configuration 2
time: 0.002 maybe building test harness
time: 0.002 prelude injection
time: 0.000 checking that all macro invocations are gone
time: 0.000 complete gated feature checking 2
time: 0.002 assigning node ids and indexing ast
time: 0.001 external crate/lib resolution
time: 0.000 language item collection
time: 0.014 resolution
time: 0.000 lifetime resolution
time: 0.000 looking for entry point
time: 0.000 looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.001 region resolution
time: 0.000 loop checking
time: 0.000 static item recursion checking
time: 0.002 type collecting
time: 0.000 variance inference
time: 0.291 coherence checking
time: 0.304 type checking
time: 0.037 const checking
time: 0.001 privacy checking
time: 0.000 stability index
time: 0.000 intrinsic checking
time: 0.000 effect checking
time: 0.002 match checking
time: 0.001 liveness checking
time: 0.028 borrow checking
time: 0.028 rvalue checking
time: 0.000 reachability checking
time: 0.001 death checking
time: 0.045 stability checking
time: 0.000 unused lib feature checking
time: 0.051 lint checking
time: 0.000 resolving dependency formats
time: 1.260 translation
time: 0.145 llvm function passes
time: 2.424 llvm module passes
time: 0.914 codegen passes
time: 0.000 codegen passes
time: 3.544 LLVM passes
time: 0.030 running linker
time: 0.068 linking
688.92user 5.08system 8:56.70elapsed 129%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 1208164maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+2272773minor)pagefaults 0swaps
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