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Last active May 27, 2017 05:46
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Save ariesmcrae/57ed1900068bf639f898 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Compares two files together. If not the same, it writes the difference in error.txt. It disregards position of data within rows. For example in file1.txt, if row data 'ABC' exists in Row 10, but also exists in file2.txt but in Row 20, it will not report it as different. However, if file1.txt ABC is not found in file2.txt, it will report it.
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Created on 2014-25-11
@author: Aries McRae
import os, csv
folder1 = './folder1/'
folder2 = './folder2/'
def getFilename(folder, prefix):
filename = ''
for file in os.listdir(folder):
if file.startswith(prefix):
filename = folder + file
return filename
folderDict = {}
csvReader = csv.reader( open('./'))
for row in csvReader:
for value in row:
folder1Filename = getFilename(folder1, value)
folder2Filename = getFilename(folder2, value)
folderDict[folder1Filename] = folder2Filename
def compare(filename1, filename2):
for row in open(filename1).readlines():
if row not in open(filename2).read():
writeToFile(row + ' not in ' + filename2)
def writeToFile(data) :
with open('./error.txt', 'a') as output:
output.write(data + '\n')
for key, value in folderDict.items():
compare(key, value)
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