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Created August 20, 2015 08:09
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Created by Nirbhay Agarwal on 07/07/14.
Copyright (c) 2014 edX. All rights reserved.
// Please keep in alphabetical order
/* Alert dialog confirmation button when user chooses to download a large video */
/* Add a comment button title used in discussion's comements screen */
/* Call to action for FIND A MOBILE-FRIENDLY COURSE */
"ACCESSIBILITY_OPENS_MOBILE_FRIENDLY_COURSES"="Opens mobile friendly courses in browser.";
/* Text spoken for Navigation Button on Course List Screen */
/* Call to action for Course content on Home Screen */
/* Accessibility hint for number of downloadable videos */
"ACCESSIBILITY_DOWNLOADABLE_VIDEOS##{one}" = "Downloads {video_count} video.";
/* Accessibility hint for number of downloadable videos */
"ACCESSIBILITY_DOWNLOADABLE_VIDEOS##{other}" = "Downloads {video_count} videos.";
/* Accessibility label for fullscreen button on video player */
/* Accessibility label for HTML Icon in the Courseware screens */
/* Accessibility label for open on web button */
/* Call to action for FIND A MOBILE-FRIENDLY COURSE */
"ACCESSIBILITY_OPENS_MOBILE_FRIENDLY_COURSES"="Opens mobile friendly courses in browser.";
/* Accessibility label for Pause Button in the Video Player */
/* Accessibility label for Play Button in the Video Player */
/* Accessibility label for Problem Icon in the Courseware screens */
/* Accessibility label for Rewind Button in the Video Player */
/* Call to action for Rewind Button in the Video Player */
"ACCESSIBILITY_REWIND_HINT" = "Rewinds by 30 seconds.";
/* Accessibility label for Seek bar in the Video Player */
/* Accessibility label for Select Button on My Videos List Screen */
/* Accessibility label for Select All Button on My Videos List Screen */
/* Accessibility label for Settings Button in the Video Player */
/* Accessibility label for Unknown Icon in the Courseware screens */
/* Accessibility label for Video Icon in the Courseware screens */
/* Add a comment button title and place holder used in discussion comment text view */
"ADD_A_COMMENT"="Add a comment";
/* Add a response button title used in discussion's responses screen */
"ADD_A_RESPONSE"="Add a response";
/* Add comment button title used in discussion's Add a comment */
"ADD_COMMENT"="Add comment";
/* Add post button title used in discussion's Create a new post */
"ADD_POST"="Add post";
/* Add response button title used in discussion's Add a response */
"ADD_RESPONSE"="Add response";
/* Add your comment place holder used in discussion add a comment textview */
"ADD_YOUR_COMMENT"="Add your comment";
/* Add your post button title used in discussion's add a post textview */
"ADD_YOUR_POST"="Add your post";
/* Add your response button title used in discussion's add a response textview */
"ADD_YOUR_RESPONSE"="Add your response";
/* Alert dialog button allowing user to chosing to allow downloads on cellular */
/* Filtering option to show all discussion posts */
"ALL_POSTS"="All Posts";
/* Tab allowing the user to see all videos */
/* Message shown when there are no announcements for a course */
"ANNOUNCEMENT_UNAVAILABLE"="There are currently no announcements for this course.";
/* Label indicating the response answer in Discussion Add comment screen */
/* Title of course announcements section */
/* Title of course handouts section */
/* Button text for cancelling any action */
/* Alert explaining charges will apply since the "Wi-fi only" switch was turned off */
"CELLULAR_DOWNLOAD_ENABLED_MESSAGE"="Allow your device to download videos over your cellular connection when Wi-Fi is not available. Data charges may apply.";
/* Title of alert explaining charges will apply since the "Wi-fi only" switch was turned off */
/* Error message shown when there is a problem loading a video */
"CHECK_CONNECTION"="Problem loading video.\nPlease check your Internet connection.";
/* Prompt text shown after user chooses to begin registering with an external service like Facebook or Google. {service} will be replaced with a service name like Google or Facebook. */
"COMPLETE_REGISTRATION_INFO" = "You've successfully signed in with {service}. We just need a little more information before you start learning with edX.";
/* Prompt text shown after user chooses to begin registering with an external service like Facebook or Google */
"COMPLETE_REGISTRATION_PROMPT" = "Complete your registration";
/* Title of alert when confirming deletion of a video */
"CONFIRM_DELETE_TITLE"="Confirm Delete";
/* Text of alert when confirming video deletion */
"CONFIRM_DELETE_MESSAGE##{one}"="Are you sure you want to delete this video?";
/* Text of alert when confirming video deletion */
"CONFIRM_DELETE_MESSAGE##{other}"="Are you sure you want to delete these videos?";
/* Text of push notification announcing a new course announcement */
"COURSE_ANNOUNCEMENT_NOTIFICATION_BODY"="New Announcement: {course_name}";
/* Alert dialog button text */
/* Comment back title in adding a new comment */
/* Discussion response comment - {count} is a number of comments */
"COMMENT##{one}"="{count} comment";
/* Discussion response comment - {count} is a number of comments */
"COMMENT##{other}"="{count} comments";
/* Discussion comments */
/* Discussion comment (Posts screen) - {count} is a number of comments */
"COMMENTS_TO_RESPONSE##{one}"="{count} Comment";
/* Discussion comment (Posts screen) - {count} is a number of comments */
"COMMENTS_TO_RESPONSE##{other}"="{count} Comments";
/* Back bar button title of course */
/* Title of tab showing course content */
/* Message shown when there is no course content */
"COURSEWARE_UNAVAILABLE"="No courseware is currently available.";
/* Message shown when attempting to display content not available on the app */
"COURSE_CONTENT_UNKNOWN" = "This interactive component isn't yet available on mobile. \n\n Explore other parts of this course or view this on the web.";
/* Title text for the Announcements section within the course dashboard */
/* Text describing the Announcements section within the course dashboard */
"COURSE_DASHBOARD_ANNOUNCEMENTS_DETAIL"="Keep up with the latest news";
/* Title text for the Courseware section of the course dashboard */
/* Text describing the Courseware section within the course dashboard */
"COURSE_DASHBOARD_COURSE_DETAIL"="Access videos and assignments";
/* Title text for the Discussions section of the course dashboard */
/* Text describing the Discussions section within the course dashboard */
/* Title text for the Handouts section of the course dashboard */
/* Text describing the Handouts section within the course dashboard */
"COURSE_DASHBOARD_HANDOUTS_DETAIL"="Find important course information";
/* Label indicated that a course has ended */
/* Title of tab showing general course information */
/* Option to show all different types of course content. Constrasts with 'Show Videos Only'. */
"COURSE_MODE_FULL"="Show Full Course";
/* Option to show only video course content. Constrasts with 'Show All Course Content'. */
"COURSE_MODE_VIDEO"="Show Videos Only";
/* Label to describe the button that allows choosing between Video only mode and All Course Content mode */
/* Text displayed when Don't see one of your courses is tapped on My Courses screen */
"COURSE_NOT_LISTED" = "We're working hard to make all of our courses mobile-friendly. If you don't see your course yet, it will be available soon - we're adding more every day!";
/* Message shown on a course when it hasn't started yet.*/
"COURSE_NOT_STARTED"="This course hasn't started yet.";
/* Message shown on a course when it hasn't started yet. {date} will be a localized date string */
"COURSE_WILL_START_AT"="This course hasn't started yet. Come back {date} to see your videos.";
/* Create a new post button title used in discussions' posts screen */
"CREATE_A_NEW_POST"="Create a new post";
/* Support message email title */
"CUSTOMER_FEEDBACK" = "Customer Feeback";
/* Button text to initiate or confirm deletion */
/* Discussion used in the segmented control Creating a new post */
/* Title of button to allow user to follow a discussion post */
/* Title of action to report a discussion post/response/comment to the course staff */
/* Title of the navigation bar when entering the course discussion */
"DISCUSSION_TOPICS"="Discussion topics";
/* Title of button to allow user to unfollow a discussion post */
/* Title of action to unreport a discussion post/response/comment to the course staff */
/* Alert dialog button for allowing/disallowing downloads on cellular data */
"DO_NOT_ALLOW"="Don't allow";
/* Button text for confirming download */
"DOWNLOAD" = "Download";
/* Title of video downloads screen */
/* Overlay message after user chooses to download a video */
"DOWNLOADING_1_VIDEO"="Downloading 1 video.";
/* Title for Edit button on My Videos Screen */
"EDIT" = "Edit";
/* Alert message shown when user tries to send an email, but email isn't setup */
"EMAIL_ACCOUNT_NOT_SET_UP_MESSAGE"="It seems your email client is not set up.";
/* Alert dialog title shown when user tries to send an email, but email isn't setup */
/* Text displayed when no results are found in the search */
"EMPTY_RESULTSET" = "No results found for \"{query_string}\". Search again or select a topic to browse.";
/* Prompt indicating user needs to enter an email address */
"ENTER_EMAIL"="Please enter your user name or e-mail address and try again.";
/* Prompt indicating user needs to enter a password */
"ENTER_PASSWORD"="Please enter your password and try again.";
/* Message when user attempts to register an account using an external service like Facebook or Google, but they already have an account linked to that service */
"EXTERNAL_REGISTRATION_BECAME_LOGIN" = "You already set up an edX account with your {service} account. You have been logged in with that account.";
/* Facebook login method */
/* Overlay message shown when facebook login fails because the user's account isn't linked */
"FACEBOOK_ACCOUNT_NOT_ASSOCIATED_MESSAGE"="Make sure your Facebook account is associated with your edX account on";
/* Title for overlay message shown when facebook login fails */
"FACEBOOK_ACCOUNT_NOT_ASSOCIATED_TITLE"="Facebook account not associated with edX account";
/* Title of find courses screen */
"FIND_COURSES"="Find Courses";
/* Overlay message shown when enrolling in a course fails because the user is already in the course */
"FIND_COURSES_ALREADY_ENROLLED_MESSAGE"="You are already enrolled in this course";
/* Overlay message shown when enrolling in a course fails */
"FIND_COURSES_ENROLLMENT_ERROR_DESCRIPTION"="An error occurred while creating the new course enrollment";
/* Title of overlay message shown when enrolling in a course fails */
/* Title of overlay message shown when enrolling in a course succeeds */
"FIND_COURSES_ENROLLMENT_SUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE"="You have enrolled in this course";
/* Title of overlay message shown when enrolling in a course succeeds */
"FIND_COURSES_OFFLINE_MESSAGE"="You are in offline mode.\nTo find courses, connect to the internet";
/* Title of overlay message shown when sign in fails */
/* Title of overlay message shown when reset password fails */
"FLOATING_ERROR_TITLE"="Reset Password Error";
/* Google login method */
/* Overlay message shown when facebook login fails because the user's account isn't linked */
"GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_NOT_ASSOCIATED_MESSAGE"="Make sure your Google account is associated with your edX account on";
/* Title of overlay message shown when facebook login fails because the user's account isn't linked */
"GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_NOT_ASSOCIATED_TITLE"="Google account not associated with edX account";
/* Indicator for course content that is marked as having a graded component */
"GRADED" = "Graded";
/* Warning shown to indicate that the user is in a section of graded content. */
"GRADED_CONTENT_WARNING" = "We recommend that you complete graded exercises like this on the web until it is fully supported on mobile.";
/* Message shown when there are no announcements for a course */
"HANDOUTS_UNAVAILABLE"="There are currently no handouts for this course.";
/* Overlay error shown when logging in with an invalid email address */
"INVALID_EMAIL_MESSAGE"="Please make sure your e-mail address is formatted correctly and try again.";
/* Overlay error shown when logging in with an invalid username or password */
"INVALID_USERNAME_PASSWORD"="Please make sure that your user name or e-mail address and password are correct and try again.";
/* Alert dialog text asking whether it's okay to download large videos */
"LARGE_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE"="The videos you've selected are larger than 1 GB. Do you want to download these videos?";
/* Alert dialog title when asking whether it's okay to download large videos */
"LARGE_DOWNLOAD_TITLE"="Large Download";
/* Title for Course Item that was last accessed */
"LAST_ACCESSED" = "Last Accessed";
/* Button title to begin login */
"LOGIN_SIGN_IN_TO_EDX"="Sign in to edX";
/* Prompt leading user to create account screen */
"LOGIN_SPLASH_SIGN_UP"="Sign up and start learning";
/* Prompt leading user to sign in screen */
"LOGIN_SPLASH_SIGN_IN"="Already have an account? Sign in";
/* Button title to log out the current user */
/* Option to sort discussion post list by most activity */
"MOST_ACTIVITY"="Most Activity";
/* Option to sort discussion post list by most votes */
"MOST_VOTES"="Most Votes";
/* Screen title showing a user's courses */
"MY_COURSES"="My Courses";
/* Screen title showing a user's settings */
"MY_SETTINGS"="My Settings";
/* Screen title showing a user's downloaded videos */
"MY_VIDEOS" = "My Videos";
/* Overlay error shown when attempting an action without an internet connection */
"NETWORK_NOT_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE"="You are not connected to the Internet.";
/* Alert dialog error shown when attempting an action without an internet connection */
"NETWORK_NOT_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE_TROUBLE"="You are not connected to the Internet. Please check your Internet connection.";
/* Title of alert dialog shown when attempting an action without an internet connection */
/* Button title for moving to the next block in the course */
"NEXT" = "Next";
/* Button title for moving to the next unit in the course */
"NEXT_UNIT" = "Next Unit";
/* Message shown when tapping on enroll courses when in app course enrollment is disabled */
"NO_ENROLLMENT_INTERSTITIAL_BOTTOM_LABEL" = "In the meantime, you can enroll in courses through our website - you'll need to log in, enroll, and then return to the app when you're done.";
/* Message shown when tapping on enroll courses when in app course enrollment is disabled */
"NO_ENROLLMENT_INTERSTITIAL_TOP_LABEL" = "Our team is currently working hard to let you enroll in courses within the app.";
/* Message shown to indicate video transcript support has not yet been implemented */
"NO_TRANSCRIPT" = "This video's transcript is not available yet.";
/* Message shown when user attempts to download a video over cellular data, but has chosen to only allow video downloads over wifi */
"NO_WIFI_MESSAGE" = "Your current download settings only allow downloads over Wi-Fi. Please connect to a Wi-Fi network or change your download settings.";
/* Message shown on videos screen when user has not downloaded any videos */
"NO_VIDEOS_DOWNLOADED" = "You haven't downloaded any videos.";
/* Text shown when examining part of a course in video only mode, but that part of the course has no videos. {mode_switcher} will be replaced with a name or icon for the mode switch button */
"NO_VIDEOS_TRY_MODE_SWITCHER" = "There are no videos in this section. To view other section content, select {mode_switcher} above and switch to full course mode.";
/* Label of switch that toggles push notification support */
"NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED" = "Allow Notifications";
/* Label indicating user has on internet connection and is in offline mode */
"OFFLINE_MODE" = "Offline Mode";
/* Alert dialog okay button */
/* Button title allowing user to open current page in their web browser */
"OPEN_IN_BROWSER"="View on web";
/* Button title allowing user to open current page in their web browser */
"OPEN_IN_BROWSER_TITLE"="Showing only videos";
/* Button label to bring up course finder */
"OR_SIGN_IN_WITH"="Or Sign in with";
/* Login screen password field placeholder text */
/* Alert dialog button shown when finishing a video to ask if user should continue by watching the next video */
/* Alert dialog button shown when finishing a video to ask if user should continue by watching the next video (negative option) */
/* Alert dialog content when finishing a video to ask if user should continue by watching the next video */
"PLAYBACK_COMPLETE_MESSAGE"="Would you like to watch the next video?";
/* Alert dialog title when finishing a video to ask if user should continue by watching the next video */
"PLAYBACK_COMPLETE_TITLE"="You've reached the end of this video.";
/* Post screen title in creating a new post */
"POST" = "Create a new post";
/* Navigation item title for post and responses */
"DISCUSSION_POST" = "Discussion Post";
/* Post discussion button title in Create a new post */
"POST_DISCUSSION"="Post discussion";
/* Post question button title in Create a new post */
"POST_QUESTION"="Post question";
/* Button title for moving to the previous block in the course */
"PREVIOUS" = "Previous";
/* Button title for moving to the next unit in the course */
"PREVIOUS_UNIT" = "Previous Unit";
/* Question used in the segmented control Creating a new post */
/* Option to sort discussion post list by recent activity */
"RECENT_ACTIVITY" = "Recent Activity";
/* Create account agreement. Followed by agreement name like "End User License Agreement */
"REDIRECT_TEXT" = "By signing in to this app, you agree to the";
/* Title of registration agreement */
"REGISTRATION_AGREEMENT_BUTTON_TITLE"="edX Terms of Service and Honor Code";
/* Create account agreement. Followed by list of agreement names like "End User License Agreement" */
"REGISTRATION_AGREEMENT_MESSAGE"="By creating an edX account, you agree to the ";
/* Button text allowing user create an account */
/* Text shown while waiting for registration request */
/* Error prompt shown during registration to indicate an empty field. {field_name} is the name of a registration field like 'password' */
"REGISTRATION_FIELD_EMPTY_ERROR"="Please enter your {field_name}.";
/* Error prompt shown during registration to indicate a field missing a selection. {field_name} is the name of a registration field like 'year of birth' */
"REGISTRATION_FIELD_EMPTY_SELECT_ERROR"="Please select your {field_name}.";
/* Error prompt shown during registration when a field entry is too long. {field_name} is the name of a registration field like 'password'. {count} is a number of characters */
"REGISTRATION_FIELD_MAX_LENGTH_ERROR"="{field_name} cannot have more than {count} characters.";
/* Error prompt shown during registration when a field entry is too short. {field_name} is the name of a registration field like 'password'. {count} is a number of characters */
"REGISTRATION_FIELD_MIN_LENGTH_ERROR"="{field_name} must have at least {count} characters.";
/* Button text allowing user to hide visible optional registration fields */
/* Button text allowing user to show hidden optional registration fields */
/* Heading on registration screen allowing users to sign up using external services like Facebook and Google. Will be followed by text "or sign up with an email". */
/* Heading on registration screen allowing users to sign up using external services like Facebook and Google. Will be preceded by text "Sign up with" */
/* Registration screen title */
/* Alert dialog title prompting user to enter an email address to reset their password */
"RESET_PASSWORD_TITLE"="Reset Password";
/* Alert dialog content prompting user to enter an email address to reset their password */
"RESET_PASSWORD_POPUP_TEXT"="Enter the e-mail address for your account, and we'll send you instructions to reset your password.";
/* Alert dialog title confirming to the user that a reset password was sent to them */
/* Alert dialog content confirming to the user that a reset password was sent to them */
"RESET_PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION_MESSAGE"="We've sent a message with password reset instructions to your e-mail address. If you don't see it in the next few minutes, make sure to check your spam folder.";
/* Response back title in adding a new response */
/* Discussion response - {count} is a number of responses */
"RESPONSE##{one}"="{count} response";
/* Discussion response - {count} is a number of responses */
"RESPONSE##{other}"="{count} responses";
/* Discussion topics search placeholder */
"SEARCH_ALL_POSTS"="Search all posts";
/* Discussion search results */
"SEARCH_RESULTS"="Search results";
/* Text shown below the video, in portrait mode */
"ROTATE_DEVICE"="Rotate your device to view this video in full screen";
/* Label shown when user attempts to view a course section that hasn't been synced */
"SECTION_UNAVAILABLE_OFFLINE"="This section is not available in offline mode.\nIf you've downloaded content for a different section, go to that section to view the content.";
/* Screen title showing a user's settings */
/* Button initiating login process after user enters credentials like username and password */
/* Message shown while user waits for response to a sign in request */
/* Label for date when course starts */
/* Button allowing user to submit feedback about the app via email */
"SUBMIT_FEEDBACK" = "Submit Feedback";
/* Alert dialog title shown when network request takes too long to complete */
/* Alert dialog content shown when network request takes too long to complete */
"TIMEOUT_CHECK_INTERNET_CONNECTION"="Please check your internet connection.\nThis page is taking longer than expected to load.";
/* Title as place holder in Create a new post */
/* Topic as button title in Create a new post */
"TOPIC"="Topic: {topic}";
/* Back bar button topics */
/* Button text allowing user to reset their password */
"TROUBLE_IN_LOGIN_BUTTON"="Forgot your password?";
/* Error shown when video download fails */
"UNABLE_TO_DOWNLOAD"="Unable to download." ;
/* Error shown when the course content could not for an unknown reason. */
"UNABLE_TO_LOAD_COURSE_CONTENT"="Unable to load course content.\nTry again later.";
/* Filtering option to show unanswered discussion posts */
/* Filtering option to show unread discussion posts*/
/* Placeholder title for course content with no title */
/* Hint text for login field */
"USERNAME_PLACEHOLDER" = "User name or e-mail address";
/* Error shown when video download fails */
"VIDEO_CONTENT_NOT_AVAILABLE"="This video is currently unavailable. Check back again later.";
/* Floating overlay text shown after deleting a video. {count} is a number of videos */
"VIDEOS_DELETED##{one}" = "{count} video deleted";
/* Floating overlay text shown after deleting a video. {count} is a number of videos */
"VIDEOS_DELETED##{other}" = "{count} videos deleted";
/* Floating overlay text shown after video download begins. {count} is a number of videos */
"VIDEOS_DOWNLOADING##{one}" = "Downloading {count} video";
/* Floating overlay text shown after video download begins. {count} is a number of videos */
"VIDEOS_DOWNLOADING##{other}" = "Downloading {count} videos";
/* Message shown to indicate a number of already downloaded videos. {count} is a number of videos */
"VIDEOS_DOWNLOADED##{one}" = "Downloaded {count} video";
/* Message shown to indicate a number of already downloaded videos. {count} is a number of videos */
"VIDEOS_DOWNLOADED##{other}" = "Downloaded {count} videos";
/* Floating overlay text shown while videos download */
"VIDEO_DOWNLOADS_IN_PROGRESS" = "Video Downloads in Progress";
/* Message shown instead of a video when attempting to watch a video that is only availabe on the web */
"VIDEO_ONLY_ON_WEB" = "This video is currently only on the web. Tap to view it in your web browser.";
/* Alert dialog content shown when user attempts to view a video that hasn't been synced */
"VIDEO_NOT_AVAILABLE"="This video is not available in offline mode.\nPlease select a video that you've downloaded onto your device.";
/* Button text for showing an associated item */
"VIEW" = "View";
/* Button linking to course announcements */
"VIEW_HANDOUTS" = "View course handouts";
/* Discussion vote - {count} is a number of votes */
"VOTE##{one}"="{count} Vote";
/* Discussion vote - {count} is a number of votes */
"VOTE##{other}"="{count} Votes";
/* Overlay shown after a network request has started, telling the user to wait for the response */
"WAITING_FOR_RESPONSE"="Please wait...";
/* Alert dialog button title to confirm an action */
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