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Last active June 25, 2018 13:03
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Clojure - Pedestal - Oauth2 - Google sign-in example. inspired by:
(ns oauth-google
[io.pedestal.interceptor :refer [interceptor]]
[io.pedestal.interceptor.chain :refer [terminate]]
[io.pedestal.http :as http]
[io.pedestal.log :as log]
[cheshire.core :as cheshire]
[clj-http.client :as client-clj]
[ring.util.response :as ring-resp]
[ring.util.codec :as codec]))
(def google-red
{:name ::google-red
:enter (fn [{{:keys [session form-params] :as request} :request
response :response
datomic :datomic
config :config
:as context}]
(let [gcreds (->> config :oauth2-creds :google)
red (str ""
"redirect_uri=" (codec/url-encode (->> gcreds :redirect-uri)) "&"
"client_id=" (codec/url-encode (->> gcreds :client-id)) "&"
(assoc context :response (ring-resp/redirect red))))})
(defn google [q-params client-id client-secret redirect-uri]
(let [access-token-response (->> {:form-params {:code (->> q-params :code)
:client_id client-id
:client_secret client-secret
:redirect_uri redirect-uri
:grant_type "authorization_code"}}
(client-clj/post ""))
access-token (get (->> access-token-response :body cheshire/parse-string) "access_token")
user-details (->> access-token
(str "")
(def oauth2-google
{:name ::oauth2-google
:enter (fn [{{:keys [session form-params query-params] :as request} :request
response :response
datomic :datomic
config :config
:as context}]
(let [gcreds (->> config :oauth2-creds :google)]
(clojure.pprint/pprint (google query-params
(->> gcreds :client-id)
(->> gcreds :client-secret)
(->> gcreds :redirect-uri)))))})
"You can't use this directly on repl, notice that client-id, redirect-uri and client-secret taken out from the context's config"
"You need to have a running pedestal service"
"res ex"
{"verified_email" true,
"id" "5264680293438599876546",
"gender" "male",
"email" "",
"given_name" "Arifian",
"name" "Arifian Rahardianda",
"locale" "en",
"link" "",
"family_name" "Rahardianda"})
(def routes
[["/google" :get [google-red] :route-name :google-red]
["/auth_google" :get [oauth2-google] :route-name :oauth2-google]])
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