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Created July 3, 2022 18:06
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train_transducer NeMo
# It contains the default values for training a Conformer-Transducer ASR model, large size (~120M) with Transducer loss and sub-word encoding.
# Architecture and training config:
# Default learning parameters in this config are set for effective batch size of 2K. To train it with smaller effective
# batch sizes, you may need to re-tune the learning parameters or use higher accumulate_grad_batches.
# Here are the recommended configs for different variants of Conformer-Transducer, other parameters are the same as in this config file.
# +-------------+---------+---------+----------+--------------+--------------------------+
# | Model | d_model | n_heads | n_layers | weight_decay | pred_hidden/joint_hidden |
# +=============+=========+========+===========+==============+==========================+
# | Small (14M)| 176 | 4 | 16 | 0.0 | 320 |
# +-------------+---------+--------+-----------+--------------+--------------------------+
# | Medium (32M)| 256 | 4 | 16 | 1e-3 | 640 |
# +-------------+---------+--------+-----------+--------------+--------------------------+
# | Large (120M)| 512 | 8 | 17 | 1e-3 | 640 |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------+
# You may find more info about Conformer-Transducer here:
# Pre-trained models of Conformer-Transducer can be found here:
# The checkpoint of the large model trained on NeMo ASRSET with this recipe can be found here:
name: "Conformer-Transducer-BPE"
sample_rate: &sample_rate 16000
compute_eval_loss: false # eval samples can be very long and exhaust memory. Disable computation of transducer loss during validation/testing with this flag.
log_prediction: true # enables logging sample predictions in the output during training
skip_nan_grad: false
enc_hidden: 256
pred_hidden: 640
joint_hidden: 640
manifest_filepath: "data/train_manifest_en.json"
sample_rate: 16000
batch_size: 2 # you may increase batch_size if your memory allows
shuffle: true
num_workers: 8
pin_memory: true
use_start_end_token: false
trim_silence: false
max_duration: 16.7 # it is set for LibriSpeech, you may need to update it for your dataset
min_duration: 0.1
# tarred datasets
is_tarred: false
tarred_audio_filepaths: null
shuffle_n: 2048
# bucketing params
bucketing_strategy: "synced_randomized"
bucketing_batch_size: null
manifest_filepath: "data/test_manifest_en.json"
sample_rate: 16000
batch_size: 4
shuffle: false
num_workers: 8
pin_memory: true
use_start_end_token: false
manifest_filepath: null
sample_rate: "data/test_manifest_en.json"
batch_size: 4
shuffle: false
num_workers: 8
pin_memory: true
use_start_end_token: false
# You may find more detail on how to train a tokenizer at: /scripts/tokenizers/
dir: data/tokenizers/tokenizer_wpe_v256 # path to directory which contains either tokenizer.model (bpe) or vocab.txt (for wpe)
type: wpe # Can be either bpe (SentencePiece tokenizer) or wpe (WordPiece tokenizer)
_target_: nemo.collections.asr.modules.AudioToMelSpectrogramPreprocessor
sample_rate: *sample_rate
normalize: "per_feature"
window_size: 0.025
window_stride: 0.01
window: "hann"
features: 80
n_fft: 512
frame_splicing: 1
dither: 0.00001
pad_to: 0
_target_: nemo.collections.asr.modules.SpectrogramAugmentation
freq_masks: 2 # set to zero to disable it
time_masks: 10 # set to zero to disable it
freq_width: 27
time_width: 0.05
_target_: nemo.collections.asr.modules.ConformerEncoder
feat_in: 80
feat_out: -1 # you may set it if you need different output size other than the default d_model
n_layers: 16
d_model: 256
# Sub-sampling params
subsampling: striding # vggnet or striding
subsampling_factor: 4 # must be power of 2
subsampling_conv_channels: -1 # set to -1 to make it equal to the d_model
# Feed forward module's params
ff_expansion_factor: 4
# Multi-headed Attention Module's params
self_attention_model: rel_pos # rel_pos or abs_pos
n_heads: 4 # may need to be lower for smaller d_models
# [left, right] specifies the number of steps to be seen from left and right of each step in self-attention
att_context_size: [-1, -1] # -1 means unlimited context
xscaling: true # scales up the input embeddings by sqrt(d_model)
untie_biases: true # unties the biases of the TransformerXL layers
pos_emb_max_len: 5000
# Convolution module's params
conv_kernel_size: 31
conv_norm_type: 'batch_norm' # batch_norm or layer_norm
### regularization
dropout: 0.1 # The dropout used in most of the Conformer Modules
dropout_emb: 0.0 # The dropout used for embeddings
dropout_att: 0.1 # The dropout for multi-headed attention modules
_target_: nemo.collections.asr.modules.RNNTDecoder
normalization_mode: null # Currently only null is supported for export.
random_state_sampling: false # Random state sampling:
blank_as_pad: true # This flag must be set in order to support exporting of RNNT models + efficient inference.
pred_hidden: 640
pred_rnn_layers: 1
t_max: null
dropout: 0.1
_target_: nemo.collections.asr.modules.RNNTJoint
log_softmax: null # 'null' would set it automatically according to CPU/GPU device
preserve_memory: false # dramatically slows down training, but might preserve some memory
# Fuses the computation of prediction net + joint net + loss + WER calculation
# to be run on sub-batches of size `fused_batch_size`.
# When this flag is set to true, consider the `batch_size` of *_ds to be just `encoder` batch size.
# `fused_batch_size` is the actual batch size of the prediction net, joint net and transducer loss.
# Using small values here will preserve a lot of memory during training, but will make training slower as well.
# An optimal ratio of fused_batch_size : *_ds.batch_size is 1:1.
# However, to preserve memory, this ratio can be 1:8 or even 1:16.
# Extreme case of 1:B (i.e. fused_batch_size=1) should be avoided as training speed would be very slow.
fuse_loss_wer: true
fused_batch_size: 16
joint_hidden: 640
activation: "relu"
dropout: 0.1
strategy: "greedy_batch" # can be greedy, greedy_batch, beam, tsd, alsd.
# greedy strategy config
max_symbols: 30
# beam strategy config
beam_size: 2
return_best_hypothesis: False
score_norm: true
tsd_max_sym_exp: 50 # for Time Synchronous Decoding
alsd_max_target_len: 2.0 # for Alignment-Length Synchronous Decoding
loss_name: "default"
# FastEmit regularization:
# You may enable FastEmit to reduce the latency of the model for streaming
fastemit_lambda: 0.0 # Recommended values to be in range [1e-4, 1e-2], 0.001 is a good start.
clamp: -1.0 # if > 0, applies gradient clamping in range [-clamp, clamp] for the joint tensor only.
# Adds Gaussian noise to the gradients of the decoder to avoid overfitting
start_step: 0
std: 0.0
name: adamw
lr: 5.0
# optimizer arguments
betas: [0.9, 0.98]
weight_decay: 1e-3
# scheduler setup
name: NoamAnnealing
d_model: 256
# scheduler config override
warmup_steps: 20000
warmup_ratio: null
min_lr: 1e-3
devices: -1 # number of GPUs, -1 would use all available GPUs
num_nodes: 1
max_epochs: 500
max_steps: null # computed at runtime if not set
val_check_interval: 1.0 # Set to 0.25 to check 4 times per epoch, or an int for number of iterations
accelerator: auto
strategy: ddp
accumulate_grad_batches: 4
gradient_clip_val: 0.0
precision: 32 # Should be set to 16 for O1 and O2 to enable the AMP.
log_every_n_steps: 10 # Interval of logging.
progress_bar_refresh_rate: 10
resume_from_checkpoint: null # The path to a checkpoint file to continue the training, restores the whole state including the epoch, step, LR schedulers, apex, etc.
num_sanity_val_steps: 0 # number of steps to perform validation steps for sanity check the validation process before starting the training, setting to 0 disables it
check_val_every_n_epoch: 1 # number of evaluations on validation every n epochs
sync_batchnorm: true
enable_checkpointing: False # Provided by exp_manager
logger: false # Provided by exp_manager
benchmark: false # needs to be false for models with variable-length speech input as it slows down training
exp_dir: cnft_bnst
name: v1
create_tensorboard_logger: true
create_checkpoint_callback: true
# in case of multiple validation sets, first one is used
monitor: "val_wer"
mode: "min"
save_top_k: 5
always_save_nemo: True # saves the checkpoints as nemo files instead of PTL checkpoints
resume_if_exists: false
resume_ignore_no_checkpoint: false
create_wandb_logger: false
name: null
project: null
import nemo
import nemo.collections.asr as nemo_asr
import copy
import pytorch_lightning as pl
from nemo.utils import logging, exp_manager
from omegaconf import OmegaConf, open_dict
if __name__ == '__main__':
config_path = 'NeMo/examples/asr/conf/conformer/conformer_transducer_bpe.yaml'
params = OmegaConf.load(config_path)
# params.model.tokenizer.dir = "data/tokenizers/tokenizer_wpe_v512" # note this is a directory, not a path to a vocabulary file
# params.model.tokenizer.type = "wpe"
params.model.train_ds.manifest_filepath = "data/train_manifest_en.json"
params.model.validation_ds.manifest_filepath = "data/test_manifest_en.json"
# restored_model = nemo_asr.models.EncDecCTCModelBPE(cfg=params.model, trainer=None)
restored_model = nemo_asr.models.EncDecRNNTBPEModel.restore_from("./pretrained_models/stt_en_conformer_transducer_medium.nemo")
# restored_model = nemo_asr.models.EncDecRNNTBPEModel.restore_from("./cnft_bnst/v1/2022-06-27_21-00-50/checkpoints/v1.nemo")
# restored_model = nemo_asr.models.EncDecRNNTBPEModel.load_from_checkpoint('/mnt/d/Projects/bnASR/asr_bengali/cnft_bn/version_1/checkpoints/epoch=1-step=92783.ckpt', hparams_file='/mnt/d/Projects/bnASR/asr_bengali/cnft_bn/version_1/hparams.yaml',cfg=params.model, trainer=None)
new_opt = copy.deepcopy(params.model.optim) = 0.1
# # Point to the data we'll use for fine-tuning as the training set
# # Point to the new validation data for fine-tuning
# Freeze the encoder layers (should not be done for finetuning, only done for demo)
# restored_model.encoder.freeze()
trainer = pl.Trainer(gpus=1, max_epochs=30, log_every_n_steps=250, max_steps=350000, val_check_interval=0.2,logger=False,checkpoint_callback=None,enable_checkpointing=False)
# trainer = pl.Trainer(gpus=1, max_epochs=30, log_every_n_steps=10, max_steps=350000, val_check_interval=0.2,logger=False)
config = exp_manager.ExpManagerConfig(
# config = OmegaConf.structured(config)
logdir = exp_manager.exp_manager(trainer, params.exp_manager)
# amp trainer
# trainer = pl.Trainer(gpus=1, max_epochs=20, amp_level='O1', precision=16)
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