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How to install Podsync CLI on DigitalOcean for USD 5 per month

using no tools whatsoever

  1. Get access token(s)

Get a YouTube and/or a Vimeo access token by following the instructions linked under the section "Access tokens" in the Podsync README file It's not a fun process but you only have to do it once - so follow the instructions closely. The YouTube guide doesn't mention it explicitly and perhaps it's obvious - but you do need a Google account to have a YouTube access token.

  1. Create a configuration file
def dict_walker(dict_):
def walk(dict_, buf=[]):
for k, v in iter(dict_.items()):
if isinstance(v, str): # a leaf
yield tuple(buf + [v])
elif isinstance(v, dict):
yield from walk(v, buf)
raise TypeError(v)
def dict_walker(dict_):
def walk(dict_, buf=[]):
for k, v in iter(dict_.items()):
if isinstance(v, str): # a leaf
yield tuple(buf + [v])
elif isinstance(v, dict):
for tup in walk(v, buf):
yield tup
arikb /
Created August 17, 2014 09:12
Keybase proof

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am arikb on github.
  • I am arikb ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is D47C C1C5 BC98 BB66 4DFC 858A BC0F A797 2F96 F45D

To claim this, I am signing this object:

arikb /
Created September 15, 2012 16:49
Class constructor
def AutoObject(**obj_params):
class Object(object):
# constructor = call the superclass constructor and set attributes
def __init__(self, **const_kwargs):
super(Object, self).__init__()
# set all the attributes
for key, val in obj_params.items():
# set the attribute either with the constructor keyword args,
# or failing that, with the object defaults provided by the