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Created August 18, 2022 18:35
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sequence connector (not fully implemented)
import { sequence } from '0xsequence'
import { mainnetNetworks, testnetNetworks } from '@0xsequence/network'
import type { ConnectOptions, ProviderConfig, Web3Provider } from '@0xsequence/provider'
import { Wallet } from '@0xsequence/provider'
import { Chain } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit'
import { Connector, ConnectorData, ConnectorNotFoundError, UserRejectedRequestError } from 'wagmi'
interface Options {
provider?: Partial<ProviderConfig>
connect?: ConnectOptions
export class SequenceConnector extends Connector<Web3Provider, Options | undefined> {
id = 'sequence'
name = 'Sequence'
// chains = chainConfigList
ready = true
#provider: Web3Provider | null = null
#wallet: Wallet
#connected = false
constructor({ chains, options }: { chains?: Chain[]; options?: Options }) {
super({ chains, options })
this.#wallet = sequence.getWallet()
async connect(): Promise<Required<ConnectorData<Web3Provider>>> {
if (!this.#wallet.isConnected()) {
const e = await this.#wallet.connect(this.options?.connect)
if (e.error) {
throw new UserRejectedRequestError(e.error)
const chainId = await this.getChainId()
const provider = await this.getProvider()
const account = await this.getAccount()
// provider.on("accountsChanged", this.onAccountsChanged);
// provider.on("chainChanged", this.onChainChanged);
provider.on('disconnect', this.onDisconnect)
this.#connected = true
return {
chain: {
id: chainId,
unsupported: this.isChainUnsupported(chainId)
async disconnect() {
getAccount() {
return this.#wallet.getAddress()
getChainId() {
// in mobile, when connecting with sequence Rainbowkit first tried to get ChainID for some reason, but in sequence you can't get ChainID before being connected, so forcing here to connect if you want to get ChainID
if (!this.#wallet.isConnected()) {
return this.connect().then(() => this.#wallet.getChainId())
return this.#wallet.getChainId()
async getProvider() {
if (!this.#provider) {
const provider = this.#wallet.getProvider()
if (!provider) {
throw new ConnectorNotFoundError('Failed to get Sequence Wallet provider.')
this.#provider = provider
return this.#provider
async getSigner() {
return this.#wallet.getSigner()
async isAuthorized() {
try {
const account = await this.getAccount()
return !!account
} catch {
return false
protected onAccountsChanged = (accounts: string[]) => {}
protected onChainChanged = (chain: number | string) => {}
protected onDisconnect = () => {
isChainUnsupported(chainId: number): boolean {
return !(mainnetNetworks.some(c => c.chainId === chainId) || testnetNetworks.some(c => c.chainId === chainId))
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