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Created August 21, 2022 20:57
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package ekko.typing
import ekko.tree.Alt
import ekko.tree.EAbs
import ekko.tree.EApp
import ekko.tree.EGroup
import ekko.tree.ELet
import ekko.tree.ELit
import ekko.tree.EVar
import ekko.tree.Exp
import ekko.tree.LFloat
import ekko.tree.LInt
import ekko.tree.LString
import ekko.tree.LUnit
import ekko.tree.Lit
import ekko.tree.PVar
import ekko.tree.Pat
class Infer {
private var state: Int = 0
fun tiExp(exp: Exp, env: Env = emptyEnv()): Pair<Subst, Typ> {
return when (exp) {
is EGroup -> tiExp(exp.value)
is ELit -> emptySubst() to tiLit(exp.lit)
is EVar -> {
val scheme = env[] ?: throw InferException("unbound variable: ${}")
emptySubst() to inst(scheme)
is EApp -> {
val tv = fresh()
val (s1, t1) = tiExp(exp.lhs, env)
val (s2, t2) = tiExp(exp.rhs, env.apply(s1))
val s3 = mgu(t1, t2 arrow tv)
(s3 compose s2 compose s1) to (tv apply s3)
is EAbs -> {
val (tv, newEnv) = tiPat(exp.param, env)
val (subst, typ) = tiExp(exp.value, newEnv)
subst to ((tv arrow typ) apply subst)
is ELet -> {
var newSubst = emptySubst()
var newEnv = env.toMap()
for (alt in exp.bindings.values) {
val (subst, typ) = tiAlt(alt, newEnv)
newSubst = newSubst compose subst
newEnv = newEnv.extendEnv( to generalize(typ, newEnv))
val (subst, typ) = tiExp(exp.value, newEnv)
(subst compose newSubst) to typ
fun tiAlt(alt: Alt, env: Env): Pair<Subst, Typ> {
val parameters = mutableListOf<Typ>()
val newEnv = env.toMutableMap()
for (pat in alt.patterns) {
val (typ, currentEnv) = tiPat(pat, newEnv)
parameters += typ
newEnv += currentEnv
val (subst, typ) = tiExp(alt.exp, newEnv)
return subst to parameters.fold(typ) { acc, next ->
next arrow acc
fun tiPat(pat: Pat, env: Env): Pair<Typ, Env> {
return when (pat) {
is PVar -> {
val typ = fresh()
typ to env.extendEnv( to Forall(emptySet(), typ))
fun tiLit(lit: Lit): Typ {
return when (lit) {
is LInt -> Typ.Int
is LFloat -> Typ.Float
is LString -> Typ.String
is LUnit -> Typ.Unit
private fun generalize(typ: Typ, env: Env): Forall {
val names = env.ftv()
return Forall(typ.ftv().filter { it !in names }.toSet(), typ)
private fun inst(scheme: Forall): Typ {
val subst = scheme.names.associateWith { fresh() }
return scheme.typ apply subst
private fun mgu(lhs: Typ, rhs: Typ): Subst {
return when {
lhs == rhs -> emptySubst()
lhs is TVar -> lhs bind rhs
rhs is TVar -> rhs bind lhs
lhs is TApp && rhs is TApp -> {
val s1 = mgu(lhs.lhs, rhs.lhs)
val s2 = mgu(lhs.rhs apply s1, rhs.rhs apply s1)
s1 compose s2
else -> throw InferException("can not unify $lhs and $rhs")
private infix fun TVar.bind(other: Typ): Subst = when {
this == other -> emptySubst()
id in other.ftv() -> throw InferException("infinite type $id in $other")
else -> substOf(id to other)
private fun fresh(): Typ = TVar(letters.elementAt(++state))
private val letters: Sequence<String> = sequence {
var prefix = ""
var i = 0
while (true) {
for (c in 'a'..'z') {
if (i > Char.MAX_VALUE.code) i = 0
prefix += "${i.toChar()}"
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