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Last active March 10, 2022 19:41
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flowchart LR
    subgraph run["Agoric (RUN)"]
        borrow(["Borrow against staked BLD"])
        borrowvault(["Borrow against ATOM in a vault"])
        trade(["Trade USDC for RUN"])
    Alice --> borrow
    Alice --> borrowvault
    Alice --> trade


      ['buyBLD', 80000n],
      ['stakeBLD', 80000n],
      ['lienBLD', 8000n],
      ['borrowRUN', 1000n],
      ['setCollateralizationRatio', [750n, 100n]],
      ['borrowMoreRUN', 500n, false],
      ['checkRUNBalance', 1000n],
      ['checkBLDLiened', 8000n],
      ['checkBLDLiened', 8000n],
      ['checkRUNBalance', 1000n],
      ['payoffRUN', 1000n],
      ['checkRUNDebt', 0n],
      ['checkBLDLiened', 0n],
      ['checkRUNBalance', 0n],
    actor founder as Founder
    actor alice as Alice
    participant validator as Validator
    participant rs as RUNStake Contract
    participant econ as Economic Committee

   rs ->> rs: initial Ratio = 5:1, Price = 1.25

    founder ->> alice: transfer 80000 BLD
    alice ->> validator: delegate 80000 BLD

    alice ->> alice: lien 8000 BLD
    alice ->> rs: Give = Attestation =8000 BLD, Want = 1000 RUN
    Note Right of rs: Atomic & Offer Safe
    rs ->> alice: SUCCESS Borrow 1000 RUN
    econ ->> rs: Ratio = 7.5:1
    alice ->> rs: Give = Attestation =8000 BLD, Want = 500 RUN
    rs ->> alice: FAIL Borrow 500 RUN

    alice ->> rs: Give = 1000 RUN, Want = Attestation =8000 BLD
    rs ->> alice: SUCCESS Attestation = 8000 BLD


    borrowRUN: async n => {
      const attAmt = await E(attPurse).getCurrentAmount();
      const attPmt = await E(attPurse).withdraw(attAmt);
      const proposal = harden({
        give: { Attestation: attAmt },
        want: { RUN: AmountMath.make(runBrand, n * micro.unit) },
      const seat = E(zoe).offer(
        harden({ Attestation: attPmt }),
      const runPmt = await E(seat).getPayout('RUN');
      offerResult = await E(seat).getOfferResult();
participant driver
participant attPurse
participant runPurse
participant pf as getRUN.publicFacet
participant zoe as Zoe
participant oh as getRUN.offerHandler
participant seat as Seat

driver ->> attPurse: getCurrentAmount
attPurse ->> driver: attAmt

driver ->> attPurse: withdraw(attAmt)
attPurse ->> driver: attAmt

driver ->>pf: makeLoanInvitation
pf ->> driver: LoanInvitation
driver ->> zoe: offer(LoanInvitation, proposal {Give: attAmt, Want: n}, attPmt
zoe ->> oh: proposal {Give: attAmt, Want: n}
zoe ->> driver: seat
zoe ->> seat: getPayout('RUN')
seat ->> zoe: runPmt
driver ->> runPurse: deposit(runPmt)
driver ->> seat: getOfferResult
seat ->> driver: offerResult

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