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Created November 18, 2011 16:34
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Conway's Game of Life in Haskell
module GameOfLife where
import Data.Set (Set, (\\))
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.List (intercalate)
unionMap :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> Set b) -> Set a -> Set b
unionMap f = S.fromList . concatMap (S.toList . f) . S.toList
data Coord = Coord { cX :: Int, cY :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Delta = Delta { dX :: Int, dY :: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
(.+.) :: Coord -> Delta -> Coord
Coord x y .+. Delta dx dy = Coord (x + dx) (y + dy)
type World = Set Coord
dNeighborsOrSelf :: Set Delta
dNeighborsOrSelf = S.fromList $ [Delta x y | x <- i, y <- i]
where i = [-1, 0, 1]
dNeighbors :: Set Delta
dNeighbors = S.delete (Delta 0 0) dNeighborsOrSelf
neighborsOf :: Coord -> World
neighborsOf c = S.mapMonotonic (c .+.) dNeighbors
liveNeighbors :: World -> Coord -> World
liveNeighbors w c = neighborsOf c `S.intersection` w
data LiveOrDie = Die | Survive | Respawn deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
respawn :: LiveOrDie -> Bool
respawn = (== Respawn)
survive :: LiveOrDie -> Bool
survive = (/= Die)
liveOrDie :: World -> Coord -> LiveOrDie
liveOrDie w c = case S.size (liveNeighbors w c) of
2 -> Survive
3 -> Respawn
_ -> Die
survivers :: World -> World
survivers world = S.filter (survive . liveOrDie world) world
respawners :: World -> World
respawners world = S.filter (respawn . liveOrDie world) worldNeighbors
where worldNeighbors = unionMap neighborsOf world
nextGeneration :: World -> World
nextGeneration world = survivers world `S.union` respawners world
run :: World -> [World]
run w = go w S.empty
where go w o | w == o = []
| otherwise = w : go (nextGeneration w) w
-- Just for convenience
makeWorld :: [(Int,Int)] -> World
makeWorld = S.fromList . map (\(x, y) -> Coord x y)
printCoord :: Coord -> String
printCoord (Coord x y) = show x ++ "/" ++ show y
printWorld :: World -> String
printWorld = intercalate ", " . map printCoord . S.toList
printGame :: [World] -> IO ()
printGame = mapM_ (putStrLn . printWorld)
test :: [(Int,Int)] -> IO ()
test = printGame . run . makeWorld
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