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Created January 6, 2013 16:12
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, ScopedTypeVariables, ViewPatterns #-}
module ZipStream where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
import Test.QuickCheck.Function
data ZipStream a = ZipStream {headZ :: a, tailZ :: ZipStream a}
deriving (Functor)
-- Just give a taste...
instance Show a => Show (ZipStream a) where
show (ZipStream a (ZipStream b (ZipStream c _))) =
"(" ++ show a ++ " , " ++ show b ++ " , " ++ show c ++ ")"
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (ZipStream a) where
arbitrary = sequenceA (pure arbitrary)
instance Applicative ZipStream where
pure x = let t = ZipStream x t in t
ZipStream f m <*> ZipStream v k = ZipStream (f v) (m <*> k)
instance Monad ZipStream where
return = pure
m >>= k = joinZ (fmap k m)
instance Foldable ZipStream where
foldMap f (ZipStream a as) = f a <> foldMap f as
instance Traversable ZipStream where
sequenceA (ZipStream m ms) = ZipStream <$> m <*> sequenceA ms
joinZ :: ZipStream (ZipStream a) -> ZipStream a
joinZ (ZipStream a x) = ZipStream (headZ a) (joinZ $ tailZ <$> x)
upFrom :: Integer -> ZipStream Integer
upFrom x = ZipStream x (upFrom (x + 1))
takeZ :: Int -> ZipStream a -> [a]
takeZ n (ZipStream a x) | n > 0 = a : takeZ (n - 1) x
| otherwise = []
(!!!) :: ZipStream a -> Int -> a
ZipStream a _ !!! 0 = a
ZipStream _ x !!! n = x !!! (n - 1)
previewZ :: ZipStream a -> [a]
previewZ = takeZ 20
(=?=) :: Eq a => ZipStream a -> ZipStream a -> Bool
a =?= b = previewZ a == previewZ b
infix 3 =?=
fapply :: ZipStream (Fun a b) -> ZipStream (a -> b)
fapply = fmap apply
prop_Identity v
= pure id <*> v =?= v
prop_Composition (fapply -> u) (fapply -> v) w
= pure (.) <*> u <*> v <*> w =?= u <*> (v <*> w)
prop_Homomorphism (apply -> f) x
= pure f <*> pure x =?= pure (f x)
prop_Interchange (fapply -> u) y
= u <*> pure y =?= pure ($ y) <*> u
prop_Fmap (apply -> f) x
= fmap f x =?= pure f <*> x
prop_Applicative :: forall a b c. (Eq a, Eq b, Eq c,
Show a, Show b, Show c,
Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b, Arbitrary c,
CoArbitrary a, CoArbitrary b, CoArbitrary c,
Function a, Function b) =>
a -> b -> c -> Property
prop_Applicative _ _ _ = (prop_Identity :: ZipStream a -> Bool) .&&.
(prop_Composition :: ZipStream (Fun b c) -> ZipStream (Fun a b) -> ZipStream a -> Bool) .&&.
(prop_Homomorphism :: Fun a b -> a -> Bool) .&&.
(prop_Interchange :: ZipStream (Fun a b) -> a -> Bool) .&&.
(prop_Fmap :: Fun a b -> ZipStream a -> Bool)
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