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Created May 22, 2021 04:58
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DirectX Keyboard Scan-codes (standard US keyboard layout)
Hex Dec Label
0x01 1 Escape
0x02 2 1
0x03 3 2
0x04 4 3
0x05 5 4
0x06 6 5
0x07 7 6
0x08 8 7
0x09 9 8
0x0A 10 9
0x0B 11 0
0x0C 12 Dash(Minus) / Underscore
0x0D 13 Equals / Plus
0x0E 14 Backspace
0x0F 15 Tab
0x10 16 Q
0x11 17 W
0x12 18 E
0x13 19 R
0x14 20 T
0x15 21 Y
0x16 22 U
0x17 23 I
0x18 24 O
0x19 25 P
0x1A 26 Left Brace
0x1B 27 Right Brace
0x1C 28 Enter
0x1D 29 Left Ctrl
0x1E 30 A
0x1F 31 S
0x20 32 D
0x21 33 F
0x22 34 G
0x23 35 H
0x24 36 J
0x25 37 K
0x26 38 L
0x27 39 Semicolon / Colon
0x28 40 Apostrophe / Doublequote
0x29 41 Backquote / Tilde
0x2A 42 Left Shift
0x2B 43 Backslash / Pipe
0x2C 44 Z
0x2D 45 X
0x2E 46 C
0x2F 47 V
0x30 48 B
0x31 49 N
0x32 50 M
0x33 51 Comma / Left Bracket
0x34 52 Period / Right Bracket
0x35 53 Slash / Question Mark
0x36 54 Right Shift
0x37 55 Keypad Asterisk
0x38 56 Left Alt
0x39 57 Spacebar
0x3A 58 Caps Lock
0x3B 59 F1
0x3C 60 F2
0x3D 61 F3
0x3E 62 F4
0x3F 63 F5
0x40 64 F6
0x41 65 F7
0x42 66 F8
0x43 67 F9
0x44 68 F10
0x45 69 Num Lock
0x46 70 Scroll Lock
0x47 71 Keypad 7
0x48 72 Keypad 8
0x49 73 Keypad 9
0x4A 74 Keypad Dash(Minus)
0x4B 75 Keypad 4
0x4C 76 Keypad 5
0x4D 77 Keypad 6
0x4E 78 Keypad Plus
0x4F 79 Keypad 1
0x50 80 Keypad 2
0x51 81 Keypad 3
0x52 82 Keypad 0
0x53 83 Keypad Dot(Period)
0x57 87 F11
0x58 88 F12
0x9C 156 Keypad Enter
0x9D 157 Right Control
0xB5 181 Keypad Slash(Divide)
0xB8 184 Right Alt
0xC7 199 Home
0xC8 200 Up Arrow
0xC9 201 PgUp
0xCB 203 Left Arrow
0xCD 205 Right Arrow
0xCF 207 End
0xD0 208 Down Arrow
0xD1 209 PgDown
0xD2 210 Insert
0xD3 211 Delete
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