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Last active December 17, 2015 23:49
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from lxml import etree
import StringIO
tree = etree.parse("")
apiResponse = tree.xpath('/ns1:getPathwayResponse/ns1:pathway/ns2:gpml', namespaces={'ns1': '','ns2': ''})
pathwayXml = StringIO.StringIO(apiResponse[0].text)
pathwayTree = etree.parse(pathwayXml)
species = pathwayTree.xpath('/foo:Pathway/@Organism', namespaces={'foo': ''})
ids = pathwayTree.xpath('/foo:Pathway/foo:DataNode[@Type="Protein" or @Type="GeneProduct"]/foo:Xref/@ID[normalize-space() and not(ancestor::a | ancestor::script | ancestor::style)]', namespaces={'foo': ''})
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