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Created August 28, 2016 14:14
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State Monad and STRef
* Created by ariwaranosai on 16/8/28.
import ST._
case class World[S]()
case class ST[S, A](f: World[S] => (World[S], A)) {
def apply(s: World[S]): (World[S], A) = f(s)
def flatMap[B](g: A => ST[S, B]): ST[S, B] =
ST(s => {
val nst = f(s)
def map[B](f: A => B): ST[S, B] =
flatMap(x => returnST(f(x)))
object ST {
def empty = World[Unit]()
def returnST[S, A](a: => A): ST[S, A] = ST(s => (s, a))
def newVar[S, A](a: => A) = returnST[S, STRef[S, A]](STRef(a))
type ForallST[A] = Forall[({type lambda[S] = ST[S, A]})#lambda]
def runST[A](forall: Forall[({type lambda[S] = ST[S, A]})#lambda]): A =
trait Forall[P[_]] {
def apply[A]: P[A]
case class STRef[S, A](a: A) { self =>
private var value: A = a
def get: ST[S, A] = returnST(value)
def set(a: A): ST[S, STRef[S, A]] =
ST((s: World[S]) => {
value = a
(s, this)
def modify(f: A => A): ST[S, STRef[S, A]] = for {
a <- get
v <- set(f(a))
} yield v
object Run extends App {
def e1[S]: ST[S, STRef[S, Int]] = for {
r <- ST.newVar[S, Int](12)
_ <- r.modify(_ + 1)
_ <- r.modify(_ + 1)
_ <- r.modify(_ + 1)
} yield r
def e2[A] = e1[A].flatMap(_.get)
val t = ST.runST(new ST.ForallST[Int]{def apply[A] = e2[A]})
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