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Last active January 6, 2019 05:52
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(Python2) properly wrapping a callable whilst retaining all information about the wrappee
import functools,operator,itertools,types,six
class wrap(object):
A lot of magic is in this class which allows one to do a proper wrap
around a single callable.
CO_OPTIMIZED = 0x00001
CO_NEWLOCALS = 0x00002
CO_VARARGS = 0x00004
CO_NESTED = 0x00010
CO_VARGEN = 0x00020
CO_NOFREE = 0x00040
CO_COROUTINE = 0x00080
CO_ITERABLE = 0x00100
import opcode, compiler.consts as consts
def co_assemble(cls, operation, operand=None):
'''Assembles the specified `operation` and `operand` into a code string.'''
opcode = cls.opcode.opmap[operation]
if operand is None:
return six.int2byte(opcode)
# if operand was defined, then encode it
op1 = (operand & 0x00ff) / 0x0001
op2 = (operand & 0xff00) / 0x0100
return reduce(operator.add, map(six.int2byte, (opcode, op1, op2)), bytes())
def co_varargsQ(cls, co):
'''Returns whether the provided code type, `co`, takes variable arguments.'''
return bool(co.co_flags & cls.consts.CO_VARARGS)
def co_varkeywordsQ(cls, co):
'''Returns whether the provided code type, `co`, takes variable keyword arguments.'''
return bool(co.co_flags & cls.consts.CO_VARKEYWORDS)
def cell(cls, *args):
'''Convert `args` into a ``cell`` tuple.'''
return tuple(((lambda item: lambda : item)(arg).func_closure[0]) for arg in args)
def assemble(cls, function, wrapper, bound=False):
"""Assemble a ``types.CodeType`` that will execute `wrapper` with `F` as its first parameter.
If `bound` is ``True``, then assume that the first parameter for `F` represents the instance it's bound to.
F, C, S = map(cls.extract, (function, wrapper, cls.assemble))
Fc, Cc, Sc = map(operator.attrgetter('func_code'), (F, C, S))
## build the namespaces that we'll use
Tc = cls.co_varargsQ(Fc), cls.co_varkeywordsQ(Fc)
# first we'll build the globals that get passed to the wrapper
Sargs = ('F', 'wrapper')
Svals = (f if callable(f) else fo for f, fo in [(function, F), (wrapper, C)])
# rip out the arguments from our target `F`
Fargs = Fc.co_varnames[:Fc.co_argcount]
Fwildargs = Fc.co_varnames[Fc.co_argcount : Fc.co_argcount + sum(Tc)]
# combine them into tuples for looking up variables
co_names, co_varnames = Sargs[:], Fargs[:] + Fwildargs[:]
# free variables (that get passed to `C`)
co_freevars = Sargs[:2]
# constants for code type (which consist of just the self-doc)
co_consts = (F.func_doc,)
## figure out some things for assembling the bytecode
# first we'll grab the call instruction type to use
call_ = {
(False, False) : 'CALL_FUNCTION',
(True, False) : 'CALL_FUNCTION_VAR',
(False, True) : 'CALL_FUNCTION_KW',
(True, True) : 'CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW',
call = call_[Tc]
# now we'll determine the flags to apply
flags_ = {
(False, False) : 0,
(True, False) : cls.CO_VARARGS,
(False, True) : cls.CO_VARKEYWORDS,
(True, True) : cls.CO_VARARGS | cls.CO_VARKEYWORDS
co_flags = cls.CO_NESTED | cls.CO_OPTIMIZED | cls.CO_NEWLOCALS | flags_[Tc]
## assemble the code type that gets turned into a function
code_, co_stacksize = [], 0
asm = code_.append
# first we'll dereference our cellvar for `wrapper`
asm(cls.co_assemble('LOAD_DEREF', co_freevars.index('wrapper')))
co_stacksize += 1
# include the original `F` as the first arg
asm(cls.co_assemble('LOAD_DEREF', co_freevars.index('F')))
co_stacksize += 1
# now we can include all of the original arguments (cropped by +1 if bound)
for n in Fargs[int(bound):]:
asm(cls.co_assemble('LOAD_FAST', co_varnames.index(n)))
co_stacksize += 1
# include any wildcard arguments
for n in Fwildargs:
asm(cls.co_assemble('LOAD_FAST', co_varnames.index(n)))
# call `wrapper` with the correct call type (+1 for `F`, -1 if bound)
asm(cls.co_assemble(call, len(Fargs) + 1 - int(bound)))
# and then return its value
# combine it into a single code string
co_code = bytes().join(code_)
## next we'll construct the code type based on what we have
cargs = len(Fargs), len(co_names) + len(co_varnames) + len(co_freevars), \
co_stacksize, co_flags, co_code, \
co_consts, co_names, co_varnames, \
Fc.co_filename, Fc.co_name, Fc.co_firstlineno, \
bytes(), co_freevars
func_code = types.CodeType(*cargs)
## and then turn it back into a function
res = types.FunctionType(func_code, F.func_globals, F.func_name, F.func_defaults, cls.cell(*Svals))
res.func_name, res.func_doc = F.func_name, F.func_doc
return res
def __new__(cls, callable, wrapper):
'''Return a function similar to `callable` that calls `wrapper` with `callable` as the first argument.'''
cons, f = cls.constructor(callable), cls.extract(callable)
# create a wrapper for the function that'll execute `callable` with the function as its first argument, and the rest with any args
res = cls.assemble(callable, wrapper, bound=isinstance(callable, (classmethod, types.MethodType)))
res.__module__ = getattr(callable, '__module__', getattr(callable, '__module__', '__main__'))
# now we re-construct it and then return it
return cons(res)
def extract(cls, object):
'''Extract a ``types.FunctionType`` from a callable.'''
# `object` is already a function
if isinstance(object, types.FunctionType):
return object
# if it's a method, then extract the function from its propery
elif isinstance(object, types.MethodType):
return object.im_func
# if it's a code type, then walk through all of its referrers finding one that matches it
elif isinstance(object, types.CodeType):
res, = (n for n in gc.get_referrers(c) if n.func_name == c.co_name and isinstance(n, types.FunctionType))
return res
# if it's a property decorator, then they hide the function in an attribute
elif isinstance(object, (staticmethod, classmethod)):
return object.__func__
# okay, no go. we have no idea what this is.
raise internal.exceptions.InvalidTypeOrValueError(object)
def arguments(cls, f):
'''Extract the arguments from a function `f`.'''
c = f.func_code
varnames_count, varnames_iter = c.co_argcount, iter(c.co_varnames)
args = tuple(itertools.islice(varnames_iter, varnames_count))
res = { a : v for v, a in zip(reversed(f.func_defaults or []), reversed(args)) }
starargs = next(varnames_iter, '') if c.co_flags & cls.CO_VARARGS else ''
kwdargs = next(varnames_iter, '') if c.co_flags & cls.CO_VARKEYWORDS else ''
return args, res, (starargs, kwdargs)
def constructor(cls, callable):
'''Return a closure that constructs the original `callable` type from a function.'''
# `callable` is a function type, so just return a closure that returns it
if isinstance(callable, types.FunctionType):
return lambda func: func
# if it's a method type, then we just need to extract the related properties to construct it
elif isinstance(callable, types.MethodType):
return lambda method, self=callable.im_self, cls=callable.im_class: types.MethodType(method, self, cls)
# if it's a property decorator, we just need to pass the function as an argument to the decorator
elif isinstance(callable, (staticmethod, classmethod)):
return lambda method, mt=callable.__class__: mt(method)
# if it's a method instance, then we just need to instantiate it so that it's bound
elif isinstance(callable, types.InstanceType):
return lambda method, mt=callable.__class__: types.InstanceType(mt, dict(method.__dict__))
# otherwise if it's a class or a type, then we just need to create the object with its bases
elif isinstance(n, (types.TypeType, types.ClassType)):
return lambda method, t=callable.__class__, name=callable.__name__, bases=callable.__bases__: t(name, bases, dict(method.__dict__))
# if we get here, then we have no idea what kind of type `callable` is
raise internal.exceptions.InvalidTypeOrValueError(callable.__class__)
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